A Century of U.S. Intervention Created the Immigration Crisis

This thread is nothing but bullshit from start to finish. A century of US intervention? Really! You have got to de delusional. Who ever fed you that load of crap has no understanding of Latin American, Mexican, or South American history.
It would be advisable to educate yourself before you pull a Biden and stick a boot in your mouth.
What does that have to do with our immigration problem?


You asked a question about 2011 and I gave you an expanded answer. I wasn't aware I'd have to
explain to the linguistics police about going off topic on my own thread.

Is the US responsible for their plight as well?

Your OP is about how the US ruined south American countries, and now we are responsible for them. I simply stated that in 2011 Venezuela was rich, and now its not. My question was, did America cause their plight as well?



It had nothing to do with the complete socializing ALL of their economy. No, that didn't do it. It was all TRUMP, even though that place was a flaming pile of shit long before the 2016 election.

But, you have convinced me. No more World Police.

And, no more Foreign Aid.

I am not arguing that our World Police bullshit was proper. I am saying that all this shit is because people in South America believed in the Marxist lie. They let commie douchbags take power.

Hilarity. So it's their fault improper police intervention took place.

edit...I see the puppy agrees.
If our America, Fuck Yeah World Police interventionism has caused all this destruction, we should immediately stop all forms of intervention....including any and all forms of foreign aid.

And, allowing illegal fuckers and "refugees" to move here is also intervention. So, fuck them.

Happy, OP?
C'mon, you can make a falser dichotomy if you apply yourself.

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