A Challenge For Unbelievers (Impossible Challenge)

It is a logical impossibility to prove a negative.

Also, nobody has ever said there was no fraud, just not the amount needed to swing an election. We have already had a couple people arrested for voter/election fraud.
Ironically, the ones caught were republicans.
I agree. Doesn't matter if there is proof or not as Bidung is in the WH and sure won't be removed.

Kinda funny that hundred if not thousands took the time to fill out affidavits. Some of those were Dems and one said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Also kinda funny they kicked the Rep watchers out and put up paper so no one could see what was being done. Also funny that watchers had to use binoculars to see what the counters were doing. Oh and lets not forget the boxes of ballots that were delivered in the dead of night and counted long after the counters had gone home. Ballots found under desks and in the trunks of cars. Kinda funny that. No proof my ass.
That's exactly my point. You can't.

I'm going to tell you what I just told Clipper for starters. Take a LONG look at Biden and then another LONG look at Trump. Based solely upon common sense, which one do you think really got eighty million votes?
Maybe you should take a looooooong look at Trump & based solely on common sense ask yourself why Trump got the votes he did & why he was even elected in 2016, based on his behaviour during that campaign.

Out of all the candidates that ran in 2016 you guys decided to elect the worst human being ever elected to a high office in the history of this Country. You guys elected Trump who's nothing but a corrupt conman to the most powerful office on the planet.
I agree. Doesn't matter if there is proof or not as Bidung is in the WH and sure won't be removed.

Kinda funny that hundred if not thousands took the time to fill out affidavits. Some of those were Dems and one said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Also kinda funny they kicked the Rep watchers out and put up paper so no one could see what was being done. Also funny that watchers had to use binoculars to see what the counters were doing. Oh and lets not forget the boxes of ballots that were delivered in the dead of night and counted long after the counters had gone home. Ballots found under desks and in the trunks of cars. Kinda funny that. No proof my ass.
Kinda like those ballots from China, Hugo Chavez & Italian lasers, right Ace?

How'd that little bamboo thingy work out?
If you believe that the 2020 election wasn't stolen. Prove it. Prove there wasn't any fraud,..
Losers can pretend that every presidential election since the nation's founding was fraudulent, of course.

Until the Losers can identify and offer credible evidence concerning actual suspects masterminding, coordinating, and perpetrating a conspiracy of such monumental proportions, normal folks trust in the administrations of all the states, Republican as well as Democratic, that counted, re-counted, audited, and certified their states' votes, as well as the dozens of judges, Republicans as well as Democratics, that rejected Loser challenges regarding the election as frivolous and without merit.

Cry Baby Losers can rage against the reality, but that's the way it is.
If you believe that the 2020 election wasn't stolen. Prove it. Prove there wasn't any fraud,.. but the answer because they said there wasn't any isn't an answer. I doubt anybody is going to be able to do this let alone listen to me. :rolleyes: (I was inspired by another thread to make this topic.)

Prove to us that you're not a lying piece of shit. Give us the evidence that you're a decent honest person. You've certainly proven you're an idiot.

It's not up to the rest of us to prove the election wasn't stolen. It's up to YOU to prove that it was.
Look it up. Italy on the day of the US presidential election. Very interesting reading.
Yea, ok. Italian lasers were used to change ballots on voting machines. And they only were used to change ballots in Biden's favor & not a single Republican candidate other then Trump was subjected to your delusions of fraud. Got it.

But go ahead. Keep swallowing the lies that Trump & his goons direct at gullible people like you if it makes you feel better.
84 million Americans told Trump to get the hell out
The cult is shocked, shocked!, that Americans would actually express the same sentiment at their first opportunity to formally register it as they had expressed, consistently and relentlessly, in numerous independent surveys, throughout four years.

Screen Shot 2021-11-02 at 9.58.14 AM.png

Such consistency and foreseeable results clearly demand the intrusion of occult forces!
The election was not stolen which is proven by the certification of the election officials in all 50 elections. There was proven fraud, so why do I need to prove that there wasn't?

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