A Challenge For Unbelievers (Impossible Challenge)

I agree. Doesn't matter if there is proof or not as Bidung is in the WH and sure won't be removed.

Kinda funny that hundred if not thousands took the time to fill out affidavits. Some of those were Dems and one said he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

Also kinda funny they kicked the Rep watchers out and put up paper so no one could see what was being done. Also funny that watchers had to use binoculars to see what the counters were doing. Oh and lets not forget the boxes of ballots that were delivered in the dead of night and counted long after the counters had gone home. Ballots found under desks and in the trunks of cars. Kinda funny that. No proof my ass.
Honey...affidavits without proof to support them are meaningless

Give that up

Time after time the Trumpy Campaign made legitimate sounding but wild accusations in the public sphere like on Faux News or OAN, but when it came time to put up or shut up in front of a real judge, the lawyers for the Trumpybear were mostly silent.

If you believe that the 2020 election wasn't stolen. Prove it. Prove there wasn't any fraud,.. but the answer because they said there wasn't any isn't an answer. I doubt anybody is going to be able to do this let alone listen to me. :rolleyes: (I was inspired by another thread to make this topic.)
Have you ever heard the phrase "you can't prove a negative"? Maybe not, huh?

What I can prove is that you folks were unable to prove anything to the following people:

Trump's Justice Department, Trump's IHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, several Republican lawmakers, Republican election officials and state Supreme Courts.

The ball is in your court, not ours.
I disagree. Trump was on of the best Presidents this country has ever had.

Bidung is one of the worst. You keep lying to yourself. You voted for a walking, talking disaster and that's the truth.
I disagree. Trump was on of the best Presidents this country has ever had.

Bidung is one of the worst. You keep lying to yourself. You voted for a walking, talking disaster and that's the truth.
That was meant to be funny right?
I disagree. Trump was on of the best Presidents this country has ever had.

Bidung is one of the worst. You keep lying to yourself. You voted for a walking, talking disaster and that's the truth.

Let me ask you a question, can you give an honest answer?

If it turns out the election was not stolen and it was just a wild conspiracy concocted by Donald Trump

Would you still support him?
Yup because he was a good POTUS. Was he an asshole?? Yes at times but that doesn't negate the fact that he was great for America and Americans.

I liked gas at 1.70 a gallon.

I liked jobs all across the country.

I liked a great economy.

I liked UE the lowest it had been in 50 years.

I liked what Trump did for America. He was all for America and Americans.

If you were honest you would admit that you voted for a walking talking disaster who hasn't done one thing for America or Americans.

As for the stolen election?? It won't matter if it was stolen or not. Bidung is POTUS and will be POTUS for another three year. The election wouldn't be overturned even if they believed the proof that's out there. its a moot point now.
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Seems you don't like anything good for America which is why you voted for a walking, talking disaster.

Perhaps you can enlighten us all and let us know what Bidung has done for America. We'll wait.
Sure they did. If you believe that that walking talking disaster got 80 million votes just shows that you will believe anything.

What is truly unbelievable is that the twice impeached, walking, talking disaster who killed 700,000 Americans, crashed the economy, tore up all of your trade agreements, and pardoned all of his criminal associates, and who has never actually WON any election he's participated in, got 74 million votes, with his 40% approval rating.

Anyone who voted for 4 more years of that American carnage, is out of their minds, and yet you would have us believe that 74 million people voted in favor of 4 more years of chaos, corruption, and authoritarianism.

Maybe the real reason that Trump believes the election was stolen was because he cheated like a motherfucker to get those 74 million votes, thinking it would be enough, and he figures Biden had to have cheated more. The bald truth is that the American people would have voted for ANYONE or ANYTHING rather than 4 more years of Trump.

The surprise here isn't that 80 million voters turned out to make sure Donald Trump would never get re-elected, but that 74 million people were gullible enough to vote for a second term of fascist, anti-democratic authoritarianism, and the destruction of the Constitutional Republic.
No they were not. They were thrown out to stop evidence from being presented. Come back when you know how the court works.

More lies. There was no evidence being presented. That's why the lawyers have all been disbarred. They had no evidence, and yet they lied to the public and to the courts, and said there was fraud. Jenna Ellis wasn't disbarred because she didn't put her name on any of the court filings. She only lied to the public.

Stop deluding yourself with Republican lies. There is no evidence of fraud, because the election was not stolen.
Nah. The walking talking disaster is Bidung. The man you adore. But then you're a Canadian and a socialist so Bidung turns your crank.

Who know. Maybe he will sniff your hair.
Yup because he was a good POTUS. Was he an asshole?? Yes at times but that doesn't negate the fact that he was great for America and Americans.

I liked gas at 1.70 a gallon.

I liked jobs all across the country.

I liked a great economy.

I liked UE the lowest it had been in 50 years.

I liked what Trump did for America. He was all for America and Americans.

If you were honest you would admit that you voted for a walking talking disaster who hasn't done one thing for America or Americans.

As for the stolen election?? It won't matter if it was stolen or not. Bidung is POTUS and will be POTUS for another three year. The election wouldn't be overturned even if they believed the proof that's out there. its a moot point now.
Just what I expected

Even if Trump treats you like a fool, you come back for more
Nope. Just because I believe the election was stolen doesn't mean I'm a fool.

You voted for a walking talking disaster so I'd say YOU are the fool.
If you were honest you would admit that you voted for a walking talking disaster who hasn't done one thing for America or Americans.
Yet Biden has created more jobs in nine months than Trump did in four years, His stock market is better than Trumps, his GDP is higher
Biden is working to restore the global relations destroyed by Trump, repairing the environmental disaster. After 20 years, he has g us out of Afghanistan
He will get his infrastructure bill passed creating millions of good paying jobs
More lies. There was no evidence being presented. That's why the lawyers have all been disbarred. They had no evidence, and yet they lied to the public and to the courts, and said there was fraud. Jenna Ellis wasn't disbarred because she didn't put her name on any of the court filings. She only lied to the public.

Stop deluding yourself with Republican lies. There is no evidence of fraud, because the election was not stolen.
That has nothing to do with evidence. That is just a biased judges opinion, pinhead.

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