A Challenge For Unbelievers (Impossible Challenge)

2020 was the most honest election in history

Most votes ever
Most recounts in history with no faults found
Most audits with no significant findings
Most lawsuits filed with no errors
Well,.. at least you both have honest answers.

that is all I ever give.

The right leaning Heritage Foundation keeps a running tally of all proven voter/election fraud cases over the past 20 plus year. At the current time there is less than one proven case of fraud for every million votes cast.
And I also said Fraud is committed every election but you claimed I never answered the question.

Because you never said whether or not you believed it was too little to overturn the election. That part wasn't clear to me.
If you believe that the 2020 election wasn't stolen. Prove it. Prove there wasn't any fraud,.. but the answer because they said there wasn't any isn't an answer. I doubt anybody is going to be able to do this let alone listen to me. :rolleyes: (I was inspired by another thread to make this topic.)

Some guy in Texas is giving out $25,000 for each voting fraud conviction.

So far his only given out one prize. Some Republican's wife died and the guy mailed in her ballot as well as his own.

That's the only voter fraud that's been found.

And you'd need millions of these cases for trump to win.
If you believe that the 2020 election wasn't stolen. Prove it. Prove there wasn't any fraud,.. but the answer because they said there wasn't any isn't an answer. I doubt anybody is going to be able to do this let alone listen to me. :rolleyes: (I was inspired by another thread to make this topic.)

Ah, prove a negative.....
The right wing continuously accuses the other side of cheating, stuffing the ballot box etc. but never, ever come up with any proof. This trump character was pleading a Georgia official to give him votes...over and over again, for an hour! You'd think this would be a clue to the clue less that he's the bad guy and the liar but no. They just keep on posting this garbage like they've been programmed.
If you believe that the 2020 election wasn't stolen. Prove it. Prove there wasn't any fraud,.. but the answer because they said there wasn't any isn't an answer. I doubt anybody is going to be able to do this let alone listen to me. :rolleyes: (I was inspired by another thread to make this topic.)
It's not up to us to prove a negative. It's up to you dufuses to prove it did and you're about 0 out of 100 so far.
If you believe that the 2020 election wasn't stolen. Prove it. Prove there wasn't any fraud,.. but the answer because they said there wasn't any isn't an answer. I doubt anybody is going to be able to do this let alone listen to me. :rolleyes: (I was inspired by another thread to make this topic.)

Save your breath. All you will get is the patent Leftwing answer of: "It isn't up to us to prove! YOU made the accusation!" I've already asked the question 150 times. I already have a list of all the fraud deniers here that I'm fully prepared to fully prove wrong. Here they are:

The Banker
Rye Catcher
Ben Thomson
Mr Clean
The Mean One
Smokin’ OP
Colin norris
Aldo Raine

I even once posted notes on 25 different circumstantial cases just for the state of Michigan, complete with links to supporting documentation and details.

(see post #16)

And I even considered doing a comprehensive investigation here, state-by-state, case by case, of every claim, all the evidence here, the whole thing in a Structured Debate, NOT to prove Trump won or lost but to test all the available evidence on everything just to see where all the cards really fell and invite all of the above to supply any proof they had any of it was wrong! But then I realized several things:
  1. The evidence is still coming in. It is constantly evolving, growing and changing.
  2. Doing so would be a HUGE undertaking, weeks likely just to organize and structure it all into a logical, systematic flow that people could see and follow. And months being tied up managing the thread and defending and answering it all
  3. All of the above people are not really interested in having their validity tested! None of these people would ever seriously sit down and go over and establish the agreeable FACTS. At best, they are only interested in toying with you wasting your time, not sticking to the rules, deny everything, telling you how stupid you are then run, duck and disappear if they actually ever get pinned.
  4. This is not the place to do it anyway. We don't have enough committed moderators to police something of that scale and the rules here are so numerous and vague that almost anything can be made to pass or violate a rule somewhere, subject to wide interpretation. To do serious, structured debate, you need simple, cleanly defined rules that anyone can see and follow in a tightly controlled forum, otherwise, it isn't worth the time and effort.
AND BESIDES--- yours is not the question to ask. The real question to ask is after 10,000 times where for 6 months after the election upon EVERY mention of the election and Trump on any of the MSM networks, every time there or here it came up, the networks repeated it EVERY TIME (and repeated here):

That all of Trump's fraud claims and cases were all BASELESS and had all been DEBUNKED.

And there is the catch. Go to court and tell a judge the claims against you are baseless. Tell him the claims have been debunked. Debunking something is a PROCESS, an EVENT, it is something which happens in TIME. So what you want to ask is WHO debunked Trump's claims? When, where and HOW did he debunk them? You see, telling people that a claim is baseless and debunked is itself an ACCUSATION! A CONCLUSION! IT MUST BE BASED ON SOMETHING! And every news network and Lefty here repeated it over and over--- some as far back as just a couple days after the election where a winner hadn't even yet been decided!

So, if there is any first question to ask, that is it. You would think every fraud denier on the planet would be both anxious and immediate in directing us to where we can see the same proof they know of which convinced them absolutely that Joe won the election! And fair and square. Because they will tell you-- -- -- it isn't just a GUESS, it isn't an OPINION---- they KNOW Trump lost!

Guess what? I'm still waiting for just one of them to tell me where that evidence is. They try to use the same story-- -- that it isn't up to them to prove anything, not even their own accusations! And that is where you have them, because, if the proof were there, they would not only show it to you but they would be DELIGHTED to-- shoving it in your face, just to not only prove you wrong but once and for all put the issue behind the country. And unite it.

It would have spared us all of 1/6.

But STILL they don't show it. Because as you know, I know you know--- --- THAT PROOF JUST ISN'T REALLY OUT THERE.

Then there is the matter of the confession of all the groups in Time Magazine that bragged about stealing it. They saved democracy!!! :smoke:

At least that is what they will tell you.

NO ONE has ever proven Trump wrong. Nothing was debunked. Nothing was baseless. They knew going into last year's election that the Old Man didn't really need to run a campaign or hold rallies, those terrible, exhausting things for an 80 year old man to do, because THE FIX WAS IN for Joe. Time Magazine has said so.
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It's not up to us to prove a negative.

If you can't prove a negative then prove a positive. Tell us who debunked all of the election fraud claims I've been told 10,000X occurred as the BASIS for their knowing Joe really won!
WHO debunked it all? WHEN did they do this? WHERE did they do it, and most importantly: HOW. :desk:

I've been asking nearly a year now and I'd really like to be as sure as the Left and all the MSM are.
How do you prove something didn't happen?

That's exactly my point. You can't.

It's not up to us to prove a negative. It's up to you dufuses to prove it did and you're about 0 out of 100 so far.

I'm going to tell you what I just told Clipper for starters. Take a LONG look at Biden and then another LONG look at Trump. Based solely upon common sense, which one do you think really got eighty million votes?
How do you prove something didn't happen?

It was up to Trump to make his case, but as we know now, apparently there was such a fracas with Rudy and the other attorneys who didn't agree with the angle he was taking that all the good ones left! And as he framed the cases, not much of very many of the case evidence involved ever really got heard in the courtroom. But that is not proof either way that Trump was right or wrong.

SO LET'S FOCUS ON SOMETHING THAT DID HAPPEN. For half a year after the election upon every mention of it, every TV channel, every news outlet, every paper, every article, every lefty poster here said the same thing--- I must have heard it 5-10 times a day some days! They all said the same thing:


That's not a nothing, but a CONCLUSION. And conclusions, especially LEGAL conclusions MUST BE BASED ON SOMETHING. Not a nothing. So I ask again:

Tell us who debunked all of the election fraud claims I've been told 10,000X occurred as the BASIS for everyone knowing Joe really won!

WHO debunked it all? WHEN did they do this? WHERE did they do it, and most importantly: HOW. :desk:

I've been asking for nearly a year now and I'd really like to be as sure as the Left and all the MSM are. Why isn't this published in a BOOK so everyone can READ IT, put the 2020 election behind us, and UNITE THE COUNTRY?
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