A Collusion Tale:China and The Bidens

Whats up with the inside washington swamp rats at National Review?

they were not worried about china when trump was leading the fight
National Review is hoping that trump republicans, aka the base, have short memories

but we dont
fuck beijing xiden---fucking treasonist should be shot....
China is absolutely thrilled to have the American “never-Trumpers” on their side. They can’t wait to get back to the trade deals that favor them and of course a weaker US military. All it takes is a little money to pay off the right folks in Washington. I think the Bidens have worn out the Hunter angle. That would be even more obvious than it already is, but they will find other ways to give China what they want and pad their pockets at the same time. Sad that so many Americans are so ignorant.
Don't know whether His Excellency President Biden is in bed with China.

But hear tell that His Excellency President Franklin D. Roosevelt did everything possible to get the United States to help England before Pearl Harbor gave him the excuse he was looking for.
The filthy pigs who stole America's election with the help of Liberal scum vermin

The news comes as Kovrig and Spavor marked their second anniversary in Chinese prison on what Canada and its Western allies say are unfounded espionage charges that followed Canada’s arrest of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou on a U.S. extradition warrant in December 2018.

“Our government always stands up for Canadians at home and abroad and this includes our relationship with China. But let me be very clear, we do not train with Chinese military,” said Minister Sajjan, adding that this initiative was originally put in place by the Conservative government under Stephen Harper.

“It was the previous government that actually signed a co-operation plan initiative in 2013 under Rob Nicholson, when he was the Minister of National Defence … because of the agreement they had signed, this is one of the reasons why we actually changed our approach because of the concerns the member outlined,” Sajjan said.
Canadian military not training with Chinese army, defence minister says | CTV News

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