A conclusion drawn from observing this board when it comes to politics...

Wow; that is quite the condescending post
Could be I guess. I imagine it all depends on how YOU or anyone else perceived it. Did you take it personally or feel attacked or did you se it for what it was, an observation?

Awe who am I kidding, you took it personally....

No, I didn't take it personally but in a general sense it is pretty condescending.

How's the back doing these days?
Pretty good thanks. The round of steroids fixed me up as good as can be expected considering my line of work.

The OP may seem a bit raw but I really do see a lot of the posters here that way. Not all obviously but enough.
Wow; that is quite the condescending post
Could be I guess. I imagine it all depends on how YOU or anyone else perceived it. Did you take it personally or feel attacked or did you se it for what it was, an observation?

Awe who am I kidding, you took it personally....

I don’t take it personally. I consider who said it: One of the most virulently partisan posters on this board.

Yes, I was an office worker who retired 4 years ago. I was married to a production worker. So the idea that those of us who work in offices are insulated from the “real world” is a complete fallacy. We have spouses, parents, sons and daughters - family, friends, neighbours, members of our congregations, that we’re connected to and with. We’re very aware of what’s going on in the rest of the world.

People are far more complicated and connected than what they do for a living.

The larger problem is the rural/urban divide. The more urbanized the US becomes, the more liberal it becomes. Having grown up in a rural area, living most of my adult life in Toronto, and now have returned to a rural community to retire, I can see how and why liberal policies make no sense to people who have never lived in a small city, much less a city of more than 3 million people.

In small towns, the people who are poor are lazy, addicted lowlifes, who hang around street corners. In cities, poor people are low skill workers who work low wage jobs. Often more than one, but rents are high. Some live in geared to income housing, if they’re lucky. Most aren’t. Some are disabled, or have a disabled partner in need of care.

And the kinds of solutions that work in small towns won’t work in the city. Churches don’t have the membership or the resources.
TLDR/ many of the posts I see on here come from people who seem completely detached from the actual realities of everyday life.

In other words , you openly admit your comprehension /attention span is that of a golden retriever , and are growling at the rest of us because of it....


MANY of you post in such a manner that you appear to be isolated and perhaps so old you really are out of touch with what's going on.

For instance in discussions with some of you, you come off as retired office workers who really have no point of reference to today's problems. Isolated for 40 or more years in a cubicle or office and then retired. It appears y'all have little connection to the problems facing today's work force. Ya Harp on and on about minimum wage and then pull obscure stats from the 60's or 70's.
Or you post about the need to move forward with the GREEN NEW DEAL as if you are oblivious to the horrible impact it would have on everyday average Americans who would actually pay for it because unlike you they are not already retired or on a fixed income.
Then there are the tards who constantly talk about CIVIL WAR like it's right around the corner. <------- definitely old Codgers who are so out of touch I'm surprised they can work a smart phone or new computer.

TLDR/ many of the posts I see on here come from people who seem completely detached from the actual realities of everyday life.
I see a lot of ignorance and poor writing on both sides but never in my posts...

That's because you never write more than 6 words.
My take is this place is like a microcosm of the real world.
Our nation is split into 3-4 fragments with no end in sight. No one is critical of their own side, no one is even critiquing their own side... only concerned about how many rocks they can throw over the fence.

And the end result of that was 2016.
Despite less than 20% approval rating, well over 90% of the same assholes in Washington won reelection.
And that is why our government does nothing but grandstand and point at each other - because we are all too fucking stupid to realize we are the ones that keep putting them in there.
I co e here because I am perplexed by the fact that there are people out there that really
Take politics seriously. In the end to me it doesn't really matter much. It's interesting to try to discover why some people care so much when 99 percent of the population votes but after that they find politics as entertaining most of all.
TLDR/ many of the posts I see on here come from people who seem completely detached from the actual realities of everyday life.

In other words , you openly admit your comprehension /attention span is that of a golden retriever , and are growling at the rest of us because of it....



Why would you insult one of the most beautiful animals in the world like that?
Can anyone explain why such a smidgeon of people really in the end care and the masses of working folk don't? Perhaps they know they'll never get very far ahead so what's the point
MANY of you post in such a manner that you appear to be isolated and perhaps so old you really are out of touch with what's going on.

For instance in discussions with some of you, you come off as retired office workers who really have no point of reference to today's problems. Isolated for 40 or more years in a cubicle or office and then retired. It appears y'all have little connection to the problems facing today's work force. Ya Harp on and on about minimum wage and then pull obscure stats from the 60's or 70's.
Or you post about the need to move forward with the GREEN NEW DEAL as if you are oblivious to the horrible impact it would have on everyday average Americans who would actually pay for it because unlike you they are not already retired or on a fixed income.
Then there are the tards who constantly talk about CIVIL WAR like it's right around the corner. <------- definitely old Codgers who are so out of touch I'm surprised they can work a smart phone or new computer.

TLDR/ many of the posts I see on here come from people who seem completely detached from the actual realities of everyday life.
You do all these things.
MANY of you post in such a manner that you appear to be isolated and perhaps so old you really are out of touch with what's going on.

For instance in discussions with some of you, you come off as retired office workers who really have no point of reference to today's problems. Isolated for 40 or more years in a cubicle or office and then retired. It appears y'all have little connection to the problems facing today's work force. Ya Harp on and on about minimum wage and then pull obscure stats from the 60's or 70's.
Or you post about the need to move forward with the GREEN NEW DEAL as if you are oblivious to the horrible impact it would have on everyday average Americans who would actually pay for it because unlike you they are not already retired or on a fixed income.
Then there are the tards who constantly talk about CIVIL WAR like it's right around the corner. <------- definitely old Codgers who are so out of touch I'm surprised they can work a smart phone or new computer.

TLDR/ many of the posts I see on here come from people who seem completely detached from the actual realities of everyday life.
You do all these things.

The ol "I know you are but what am I?" replies...predictable but given your lack of intellect? It's certainly not surprising.

BTW, I just purchased a MAGA hat and want to offer you the opportunity to see if you can "whoop" this white man's ass without being gutted like a fish first. IM me for details and logistics! LMAO!!!!
MANY of you post in such a manner that you appear to be isolated and perhaps so old you really are out of touch with what's going on.

For instance in discussions with some of you, you come off as retired office workers who really have no point of reference to today's problems. Isolated for 40 or more years in a cubicle or office and then retired. It appears y'all have little connection to the problems facing today's work force. Ya Harp on and on about minimum wage and then pull obscure stats from the 60's or 70's.
Or you post about the need to move forward with the GREEN NEW DEAL as if you are oblivious to the horrible impact it would have on everyday average Americans who would actually pay for it because unlike you they are not already retired or on a fixed income.
Then there are the tards who constantly talk about CIVIL WAR like it's right around the corner. <------- definitely old Codgers who are so out of touch I'm surprised they can work a smart phone or new computer.

TLDR/ many of the posts I see on here come from people who seem completely detached from the actual realities of everyday life.


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