A Conservative Take on the Disaster that is Trump

Oh dry up, you're no conservative either....that and you talk outa your ass

You're goddamned right I'm no Conservative. I'm not a stupid, racist bigot whose life didn't turn out the way I had hoped and instead of blaming myself for buying into Conservative bullshit, I blame everyone else. That's all you guys.
Because Democrats are different and care about you...

Democrats care for their corporate sponsors and special interests. But we're not talking about them, we're talking about Conservatives who think re-branding themselves every few years will magically erase the stains on their record. That's why you guys move the goalposts on what a "Conservative" is. And those goalpost movements always happen after the fact, too. Like you're retroactively revising things so you don't have to be held accountable for their failures. That's pretty shitty.
Ilegal alien votes and voter fraud does not count....

Completely unproven and only claimed by Conservatives who feel insecure because Trump didn't win the popular vote and he feels impotent because of that.
You morons still believe that?

No, I accept it. Because a fact isn't something you believe, a fact is something you accept.
The popular vote wins you nothing so how can that be a mandate?

I know plenty. More than you. That's what I do; I toke and I know things. A mandate would be something like what Obama had in 2008 where he won not only the Electoral vote, but the popular vote by the widest margin in about 20 years. Trump didn't. These are facts that you either accept or don't. And if you don't, then that means you're in denial.

You libs need to wake up, Trump won a massive area of our nation.

Massive "area"? You mean square mileage? So you're saying he won in areas where the population density is low. So how's that a mandate, again?

He won districts in every state in the union.

So did Clinton. She won all the urban centers.
Finally! A conservative Republican who is willing to speak of and take resposibility for the ongoing three ring circus in the White House

My Party Is in Denial About Donald Trump

Who could blame the people who felt abandoned and ignored by the major parties for reaching in despair for a candidate who offered oversimplified answers to infinitely complex questions and managed to entertain them in the process? With hindsight, it is clear that we all but ensured the rise of Donald Trump

Selected excerpts:
I will let the liberals answer for their own sins in this regard. (There are many.) But we conservatives mocked Barack Obama’s failure to deliver on his pledge to change the tone in Washington even as we worked to assist with that failure. It was we conservatives who, upon Obama’s election, stated that our No. 1 priority was not advancing a conservative policy agenda but making Obama a one-term president—the corollary to this binary thinking being that his failure would be our success and the fortunes of the citizenry would presumably be sorted out in the meantime.

It was we conservatives who were largely silent when the most egregious and sustained attacks on Obama’s legitimacy were leveled by marginal figures who would later be embraced and legitimized by far too many of us.

It was we conservatives who rightly and robustly asserted our constitutional prerogatives as a co-equal branch of government when a Democrat was in the White House but who, despite solemn vows to do the same in the event of a Trump presidency, have maintained an unnerving silence as instability has ensued

To carry on in the spring of 2017 as if what was happening was anything approaching normalcy required a determined suspension of critical faculties.
And tremendous powers of denial.

Michael Gerson, a conservative columnist and former senior adviser to President George W. Bush, wrote, four months into the new presidency, The conservative mind, in some very visible cases, has become diseased,” and conservative institutions “with the blessings of a president … have abandoned the normal constraints of reason and compassion.”

That was no better then listening to Hillary cry. You political types just don't get it, an old boot would have beat anyone who ran in 2016. Trump was a "fuck you" to both republicans and democrats. None of them got it. None will either. I expect to see a blood bath in 2018. Can't say which side gets a majority, but I do think you will see a few "safe" seats go to unexpected folks.
Snowflakes are no different than Communists.

Snowflakes? You mean you guys? After all, you're the ones so snowflakey that you literally kill yourselves out of despair because life didn't turn out the way you had hoped or were promised. I love this article. I think it's hilarious. Conservatives who call others snowflakes are literally killing themselves out of despair because they're underachievers whose minds were filled with grandiose delusion that they're infallible, when we all know they're just human stains.

The Forces Driving Middle-Aged White People's 'Deaths Of Despair'
In 2015, when researchers Anne Case and Angus Deaton discovered that death rates had been rising dramatically since 1999 among middle-aged white Americans, they weren't sure why people were dying younger, reversing decades of longer life expectancy.

who are no different than ISIS members who are no different than NAMBLA members who are no different than BLM members who are no different than convicted felons.

You guys have more in common with ISIS than liberals do. You want to subjugate women, you adhere to radical religious beliefs, and you don't know shit about shit. The problem is that you can't make a connection between all those groups, but I sure as shit can make a connection between yours, because you guys redefine yourselves more often than Madonna.
Trump has been attacked by Conservatives for well over a year and you're waking up now?

What we are finding out is who the real conservatives are and who the fake conservatives are. The real conservatives have stood by their principles. The fake conservatives make excuses for Trump by pointing to bad behavior by Democrats and using it to justify Trump's behavior.

I am a constitutionalist first and foremost and there is NOTHING that Trump has done thus far to make me not support his agenda. Trump hasn't been in office long enough or been given a chance to piss off anyone but the leftard clown posse that refuses to see the corruption of the DNC that is totally RIFE with it......that stench coming off of the Potamac has the DNC and neocons written all over it.
Horseshit! He pisses someone off every day. and not only those of us on the left. Don't even try to defect away from that fact by making it about the DNC. Now, Republican law makers are finally waking up to the fact that Trump is a dangerous whacko , It's not only Flake who is pushing back:

The Republican rebellion against Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com

What do you think drain the swamp means?
The elitists in both parties are not going to give up their power easily without a fight.
If nothing else voters are seeing which ones to vote out over the next few years.
They are being exposed for what they are ,progressives who have always been the minority of the nation.
The minority was never meant to rule over the majority.
That is starting to be corrected and they who are in power are having temper tantrums. :)
Oh dry up, you're no conservative either....that and you talk outa your ass

You're goddamned right I'm no Conservative. I'm not a stupid, racist bigot whose life didn't turn out the way I had hoped and instead of blaming myself for buying into Conservative bullshit, I blame everyone else. That's all you guys.

You blabber much and say little, actually you're just annoying
Snowflakes are no different than Communists.

Snowflakes? You mean you guys? After all, you're the ones so snowflakey that you literally kill yourselves out of despair because life didn't turn out the way you had hoped or were promised. I love this article. I think it's hilarious. Conservatives who call others snowflakes are literally killing themselves out of despair because they're underachievers whose minds were filled with grandiose delusion that they're infallible, when we all know they're just human stains.

The Forces Driving Middle-Aged White People's 'Deaths Of Despair'
In 2015, when researchers Anne Case and Angus Deaton discovered that death rates had been rising dramatically since 1999 among middle-aged white Americans, they weren't sure why people were dying younger, reversing decades of longer life expectancy.

who are no different than ISIS members who are no different than NAMBLA members who are no different than BLM members who are no different than convicted felons.

You guys have more in common with ISIS than liberals do. You want to subjugate women, you adhere to radical religious beliefs, and you don't know shit about shit. The problem is that you can't make a connection between all those groups, but I sure as shit can make a connection between yours, because you guys redefine yourselves more often than Madonna.

What a load of total b.s. Any time you want to go "toe to toe" with me debating and discussing what is really going on? Please, by all means, let me know. The globalist garbage has used the Sal Alinsky-ites/ Fabian Socialists like a crack whore. The very elites you claim to be against haven't had a better stooge to do their bidding. It is to laugh......
What do you think drain the swamp means?

Anyone is delusional if they think Trump is "draining the swap". For fuck's sake, his Transportation Secretary was Bush the Dumber's and is the wife of McConnell.
Oh dry up, you're no conservative either....that and you talk outa your ass

You're goddamned right I'm no Conservative. I'm not a stupid, racist bigot whose life didn't turn out the way I had hoped and instead of blaming myself for buying into Conservative bullshit, I blame everyone else. That's all you guys.

You blabber much and say little, actually you're just annoying

This alleged "newbie" is cranking out close to a thousand posts a month. I wonder if the DNC assigned him to this particular message board? LOL!
What a load of total b.s.

Nonsense. There is most definitely a rise in suicide rates among Trump's base. And why are they drinking themselves to death? Because the poor snowflakes were sold a false bill of goods by Conservatives, and simply cannot reconcile the fact that they're not going to achieve what they thought they would in life. What a bunch of coddled babies. Conservatives are such whiners. I'm glad many of them are doing society a solid and drinking themselves to death. At least we won't have to pay for these shitgibbons' Medicare and Social Security.

The only good thing you people have ever done is to drink yourselves to death.

Any time you want to go "toe to toe" with me debating and discussing what is really going on? Please, by all means, let me know. The globalist garbage has used the Sal Alinsky-ites/ Fabian Socialists like a crack whore. The very elites you claim to be against haven't had a better stooge to do their bidding. It is to laugh......

Fuck off you gullible fool. The fact is you've been sold a false bill of goods by Conservatives. You think you're clever and smart by tossing in random references to people you've never heard about until Glenn Beck vomited their names up on the radio. Hey, guess what you goon? Beck has since admitted that he was full of shit. So now we're just waiting for you to admit it. Frankly, I find it more likely you off yourself than ever admit you were played for a fool. That's how fragile your ego is.
Oh dry up, you're no conservative either....that and you talk outa your ass

You're goddamned right I'm no Conservative. I'm not a stupid, racist bigot whose life didn't turn out the way I had hoped and instead of blaming myself for buying into Conservative bullshit, I blame everyone else. That's all you guys.

You blabber much and say little, actually you're just annoying

This alleged "newbie" is cranking out close to a thousand posts a month. I wonder if the DNC assigned him to this particular message board? LOL!

Meh, I stopped reading his gibberish. That's a leftist, they all get the same BS talking points from the same sources so if you've read one you've read them all
his alleged "newbie" is cranking out close to a thousand posts a month. I wonder if the DNC assigned him to this particular message board? LOL!

Unlike you guys, I don't have to get paid to believe something.
Meh, I stopped reading his gibberish. That's a leftist, they all get the same BS talking points from the same sources so if you've read one you've read them all

What better way to prove you're not an ignoramus than by proudly proclaiming you are ignoring people? SMH.

Fucking idiots.
The popular vote wins you nothing so how can that be a mandate?

I know plenty. More than you. That's what I do; I toke and I know things. A mandate would be something like what Obama had in 2008 where he won not only the Electoral vote, but the popular vote by the widest margin in about 20 years. Trump didn't. These are facts that you either accept or don't. And if you don't, then that means you're in denial.

You libs need to wake up, Trump won a massive area of our nation.

Massive "area"? You mean square mileage? So you're saying he won in areas where the population density is low. So how's that a mandate, again?

He won districts in every state in the union.

So did Clinton. She won all the urban centers.
Strike three derp...everything in your post is 100% wrong.lmao

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