A Conservative Take on the Disaster that is Trump

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Poverty was declining until Reagan????? How fucking ignorant are you?.

Not at all, but you're fucking ignorant. That's for sure:


See how the number in poverty always seems to spike right when a Conservative becomes President?

The middle class reached it's apex in 1970 and it has been a slow downhill decline ever since. You are another ignorant ass that has no clue as to how this system actually works...so many stupid people, so little time to educate them.....SMH.

So the middle class is not poverty. Everyone notice what this shitstain did here? He tried to make the decline of the middle class (which was caused by Reagan, not the Great Society) the same thing as poverty. That's because he's probably one of those drunk Trump supporters who will kill himself soon because life didn't turn out the way he expected.
Strike three derp...everything in your post is 100% wrong.lmao

No, you're wrong. Obama's 2008 win was by a greater popular vote and electoral vote margin than Trump's in 2016. You refuse to accept that because of your fucking ego, and nothing more.
Seriously? Who has been attacking him with any conviction. ? The whole part, until recently has been a bunch of cowering candy asses or , as some would say, snowflakes.

They posture now that they don't support him, but we all remember them bending the knee this time last year.
There was no large scale voter fraud. You are a Trump cracked pot.
Wrong in California we had the usual tricks and unregistered folks voting but Trump scared many of them across the rest of the nation when he brought up illegal voter fraud in the campaign. He frightened them into staying home and not voting.

where is the Russian story?
What a load of total b.s.

Nonsense. There is most definitely a rise in suicide rates among Trump's base. And why are they drinking themselves to death? Because the poor snowflakes were sold a false bill of goods by Conservatives, and simply cannot reconcile the fact that they're not going to achieve what they thought they would in life. What a bunch of coddled babies. Conservatives are such whiners. I'm glad many of them are doing society a solid and drinking themselves to death. At least we won't have to pay for these shitgibbons' Medicare and Social Security.

The only good thing you people have ever done is to drink yourselves to death.

Any time you want to go "toe to toe" with me debating and discussing what is really going on? Please, by all means, let me know. The globalist garbage has used the Sal Alinsky-ites/ Fabian Socialists like a crack whore. The very elites you claim to be against haven't had a better stooge to do their bidding. It is to laugh......

Fuck off you gullible fool. The fact is you've been sold a false bill of goods by Conservatives. You think you're clever and smart by tossing in random references to people you've never heard about until Glenn Beck vomited their names up on the radio. Hey, guess what you goon? Beck has since admitted that he was full of shit. So now we're just waiting for you to admit it. Frankly, I find it more likely you off yourself than ever admit you were played for a fool. That's how fragile your ego is.

LMAO! I am a constitutionalist first and foremost and I have no allegiance to either bought and paid for political party that work in lockstep with each other at the very top. Leftwing, rightwing, body in the middle controls them both and that would be the central bank known as the Fed and more specifically the IMF that took USA.INC into receivership in 1950 when it once again declared bankruptcy and defaulted on it's debt. What you believe to be your beloved "gubermint" is nothing more than a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution that replaced the organic Constitution with the Act of 1871. You don't have the slightest clue. You are simply a pissed off leftard that suffers from arrested development that turns a blind eye to the utter corruption of your beloved political party that has been exposed in the last year.

The fact that leftards can even show up here after all that has been revealed is a testament to the fact that leftards have no shame at all.
No, you're wrong. Obama's 2008 win was by a greater popular vote and electoral vote margin than Trump's in 2016. You refuse to accept that because of your fucking ego, and nothing more
You're the one that brought up Obama, I never mentioned that treasonous prick. All I said was Trump's win was a win for Trump not the GOP so to your point...you are barking up the wrong tree. Trump had a mandate over the GOP.
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Poverty was declining until Reagan????? How fucking ignorant are you?.

Not at all, but you're fucking ignorant. That's for sure:


See how the number in poverty always seems to spike right when a Conservative becomes President?

The middle class reached it's apex in 1970 and it has been a slow downhill decline ever since. You are another ignorant ass that has no clue as to how this system actually works...so many stupid people, so little time to educate them.....SMH.

So the middle class is not poverty. Everyone notice what this shitstain did here? He tried to make the decline of the middle class (which was caused by Reagan, not the Great Society) the same thing as poverty. That's because he's probably one of those drunk Trump supporters who will kill himself soon because life didn't turn out the way he expected.

The middle class has been declining starting in 1970. How many trillions have been spent on this "war on poverty"? LBJ is no fucking saint and he knew damn well that JFK was going to be killed that day in Dallas. LBJ rescinded an executive order that created silver backed certificates in order to bypass the parasitic Federal Reserve and since you know absolutely NOTHING about the Fed, my post will fly right over that pointy head of yours.
As if the party ever supported Trump both wings of the same bird, the establishment wants Trump out. The fact that he is still in there is surprising. Shows a lot of resolve.

Time for the Republicans to wake up to the FACT that what they were selling is NOT what the people wanted. Sure it is what the establishment wanted but not the people who elected Trump. And it had to be a good share of democrats who helped.
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I am a constitutionalist first and foremost and I have no allegiance to either bought and paid for political party

I am not talking about political parties. I'm talking about political ideology. You say you're a "constitutionalist", but I think you just say that because you think it makes you sound smart. I don't think you actually know what that term means because you're one of those ignorant morons who bought into the Conservative lies and are not starting to realize that bill of goods you bought into was bullshit. But rather than act like an adult and accept responsibility for being duped, you try to redefine yourself in order to avoid culpability. That's shitty.

What you believe to be your beloved "gubermint" is nothing more than a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution that replaced the organic Constitution with the Act of 1871. You don't have the slightest clue. You are simply a pissed off leftard that suffers from arrested development that turns a blind eye to the utter corruption of your beloved political party that has been exposed in the last year.

So this stream-of-consciousness (or diarrhea of the mind, if you prefer) that bounces from one false grievance to the next really encapsulates everything about Conservatives today; they posture and preen that they know things, when their knowledge of things is barely skin deep, having gleaned it off other right-wing posters or were spoon-fed it by AM Hate Radio. Government is us. It's a reflection of us. So if we have shitty government, it's because we're shitty. Now who are those most shitty? The people who lied to the dying white underclass, selling them a false bill of goods, who take that disappointment and turn it into weaponized hate against (insert any minority group here), all in service of the egos of people who are killing themselves off anyway. So your little temper tantrum there doesn't convince me that you're different from the next Conservative shitgibbon on these boards, and that you're really just posturing because your ego simply won't let you admit you're wrong.
You're the one that brought up Obama, I never mentioned that treasonous prick. All I said was Trump's win was a win for Trump not the GOP

Trump is the GOP. He is the head of the party. The disease isn't Trump, the disease is Conservatism. It doesn't matter who you put at the head of the party, the party is already diseased.
The middle class has been declining starting in 1970.

OK, but that's got nothing to do with Social Programs. You seem to be saying Social Programs caused the decline of the middle class and that's a bullshit claim. Social Programs helped the middle class, particularly Medicare and Medicaid, so when people got old and sick, they didn't die in poverty. And as the graphs I posted show, it was working until sometime around 1980-1. Gee, what major thing happened then? Oh right, Reagan and his anti-social programs that you morons bought into because you didn't know any better, and they knew that. SO they took advantage of your unbridled ignorance, sold you a false bill of goods about trickle down and greed, and then skated away with all the wealth while your wages stagnated, your costs increased, and your prospects dimmed.

That's why those people are all drinking themselves to death today.

How many trillions have been spent on this "war on poverty"?

Not enough. And the graphs clearly show anti-poverty programs were reducing poverty...until Reagan and COnservatives got in power. Then the poverty rate started growing. Now, why?

LBJ is no fucking saint and he knew damn well that JFK was going to be killed that day in Dallas. LBJ rescinded an executive order that created silver backed certificates in order to bypass the parasitic Federal Reserve and since you know absolutely NOTHING about the Fed, my post will fly right over that pointy head of yours.

You're a fucking moron.
You're the one that brought up Obama, I never mentioned that treasonous prick. All I said was Trump's win was a win for Trump not the GOP

Trump is the GOP. He is the head of the party. The disease isn't Trump, the disease is Conservatism. It doesn't matter who you put at the head of the party, the party is already diseased.
It really bothers me to agree with you. LOL Flake's not a conservative either. Or at least his objections to Trump are on civility and personal behavior rather than policy. But then Trump has no core beliefs as to conservatism ... probably because he's a lifetime democrat. LOL
Thing seems to be a catch 22 now, areas in the country where YES illegals are taking jobs from working class people, but we aren't talking about why.
Coming out of the White House a new plan, lets get rid of the illegals that are taking jobs from poorer working people, & lets bring in English speaking educated people who will work for less money & can take jobs from working middle class people. so many poor people can get the grape picking jobs? and the middle class can what? be reduced to getting the better jobs at wall mart stores?
I am a constitutionalist first and foremost and I have no allegiance to either bought and paid for political party

I am not talking about political parties. I'm talking about political ideology. You say you're a "constitutionalist", but I think you just say that because you think it makes you sound smart. I don't think you actually know what that term means because you're one of those ignorant morons who bought into the Conservative lies and are not starting to realize that bill of goods you bought into was bullshit. But rather than act like an adult and accept responsibility for being duped, you try to redefine yourself in order to avoid culpability. That's shitty.

What you believe to be your beloved "gubermint" is nothing more than a corporate entity that provides the 19 enumerated services per their corporate charter constitution that replaced the organic Constitution with the Act of 1871. You don't have the slightest clue. You are simply a pissed off leftard that suffers from arrested development that turns a blind eye to the utter corruption of your beloved political party that has been exposed in the last year.

So this stream-of-consciousness (or diarrhea of the mind, if you prefer) that bounces from one false grievance to the next really encapsulates everything about Conservatives today; they posture and preen that they know things, when their knowledge of things is barely skin deep, having gleaned it off other right-wing posters or were spoon-fed it by AM Hate Radio. Government is us. It's a reflection of us. So if we have shitty government, it's because we're shitty. Now who are those most shitty? The people who lied to the dying white underclass, selling them a false bill of goods, who take that disappointment and turn it into weaponized hate against (insert any minority group here), all in service of the egos of people who are killing themselves off anyway. So your little temper tantrum there doesn't convince me that you're different from the next Conservative shitgibbon on these boards, and that you're really just posturing because your ego simply won't let you admit you're wrong.

"I am not talking about political parties. I'm talking about political ideology. You say you're a "constitutionalist", but I think you just say that because you think it makes you sound smart. I don't think you actually know what that term means because you're one of those ignorant morons who bought into the Conservative lies and are not starting to realize that bill of goods you bought into was bullshit. But rather than act like an adult and accept responsibility for being duped, you try to redefine yourself in order to avoid culpability. That's shitty."

You don't "think"....that much is obvious. What "conservative lies" from these bought and paid for politicians do you believe I have fallen for? I don't need anyone to tell me how the cow eats the cabbage. I see exactly what is going on and it's sickening to witness. The country is being washed away in a flood of filth and decadence and leftards like you are riding the waves.

"So this stream-of-consciousness (or diarrhea of the mind, if you prefer) that bounces from one false grievance to the next really encapsulates everything about Conservatives today; they posture and preen that they know things, when their knowledge of things is barely skin deep", having gleaned it off other right-wing posters or were spoon-fed it by AM Hate Radio"

I guarantee you that I am infinitely more informed than you are . You assume many things about me that is total bullshit. I don't listen to AM RW radio. I prefer documentaries and lectures that I can download to my MP3 player. I certainly understand why RW radio is so popular even if they avoid the real reasons for why we are in the shape we are in. People despise those of your ilk for good reasons. You and your ilk are Fabian socialists and on the verge of being full blown commies. Your kind will stoop to anything and you have no line in the sand that you will not cross in order to attain the goal of a totalitarian communist state per Bill Ayers. I utterly despise what passes for the leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies because they have allowed themselves to be used by the very ones that they claim to oppose and are tooo fucking stupid to realize it.

"Government is us. It's a reflection of us. So if we have shitty government, it's because we're shitty. Now who are those most shitty? The people who lied to the dying white underclass, selling them a false bill of goods, who take that disappointment and turn it into weaponized hate against (insert any minority group here), all in service of the egos of people who are killing themselves off anyway. So your little temper tantrum there doesn't convince me that you're different from the next Conservative shitgibbon on these boards, and that you're really just posturing because your ego simply won't let you admit you're wrong"

No, your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity and you can find them on the Dun and Bradstreet website. Hell, even the Supreme Court is incorporated, every state, county, town and city is incorporated. Why does that matter? Because when you incorporate something, you take it from under the jurisdiction of the land and put it under the Uniform Commercial Code/ Statutory law/ Admiralty because this corporate entity has been in perpetual bankruptcy since 1933 and the passing of HJR 192 .FDR sold us out to the international bankers with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and made all the American people turn in their REAL money (gold) under penalty of jail time and a 5,000 dollar fine. They had to turn in their gold for "Federal Reserve Notes" which were nothing but debt notes and then pledged us as surety against the debt by putting up our labor as collateral. . Senate Document #43 Senate Resolution No.62 Page Nine, Paragraph 2 April 17th, 1933....."The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership"is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State." That is when Americans lost allodial rights to their property and now they have Fee Simple Deeds. As far as people dying? We are ALL being poisoned every day via water, the food, the geo-engineering that pollutes the air. No one is being spared lest you believe otherwise. I have nothing to admit being wrong about. You should be careful if you ever get that communist utopia that you crave because it's not the heaven on earth you believe it would be which will make you the most dangerous to the state. You have no idea how communism works and you better hope that you never see it put into practice.

Any other questions, asswipe?
Thing seems to be a catch 22 now, areas in the country where YES illegals are taking jobs from working class people, but we aren't talking about why.
Coming out of the White House a new plan, lets get rid of the illegals that are taking jobs from poorer working people, & lets bring in English speaking educated people who will work for less money & can take jobs from working middle class people. so many poor people can get the grape picking jobs? and the middle class can what? be reduced to getting the better jobs at wall mart stores?
You may be hijacking the thread, but imo that's not a bad idea. The problem with Trump's immigration proposal is that it's based on economic and social data that is demonstrably false, and instead is driving by an alt-R version of facts selected to prove an outcome of aggrieved and disposed whites.

Will the immigration bill boost economic growth?

People without HS diplomas are seeing income losses.
The middle class has been declining starting in 1970.

OK, but that's got nothing to do with Social Programs. You seem to be saying Social Programs caused the decline of the middle class and that's a bullshit claim. Social Programs helped the middle class, particularly Medicare and Medicaid, so when people got old and sick, they didn't die in poverty. And as the graphs I posted show, it was working until sometime around 1980-1. Gee, what major thing happened then? Oh right, Reagan and his anti-social programs that you morons bought into because you didn't know any better, and they knew that. SO they took advantage of your unbridled ignorance, sold you a false bill of goods about trickle down and greed, and then skated away with all the wealth while your wages stagnated, your costs increased, and your prospects dimmed.

That's why those people are all drinking themselves to death today.

How many trillions have been spent on this "war on poverty"?

Not enough. And the graphs clearly show anti-poverty programs were reducing poverty...until Reagan and COnservatives got in power. Then the poverty rate started growing. Now, why?

LBJ is no fucking saint and he knew damn well that JFK was going to be killed that day in Dallas. LBJ rescinded an executive order that created silver backed certificates in order to bypass the parasitic Federal Reserve and since you know absolutely NOTHING about the Fed, my post will fly right over that pointy head of yours.

You're a fucking moron.

Social programs created by stealing from others and what they couldn't steal, they borrowed from a Fed bank with no real money and no real reserves that we pay interest on? Until the Federal Reserve came along, there was no progressive in come tax. Until the Fed came along and until Woodrow Wilson lifted the tariffs protected American workers from competing with countries that used slave labor, "da gubermint" was funded. It is unconstitutional to steal something of value via taxes from someone that is bartering their labor in one hour increments. Having a central bank is unconstitutional. Having a nanny state creates nothing but more welfare cases. Until you understand the root cause of this debt slavery system, you will remain a clueless leftard and will continue to wallow in it.
Thing seems to be a catch 22 now, areas in the country where YES illegals are taking jobs from working class people, but we aren't talking about why.
Coming out of the White House a new plan, lets get rid of the illegals that are taking jobs from poorer working people, & lets bring in English speaking educated people who will work for less money & can take jobs from working middle class people. so many poor people can get the grape picking jobs? and the middle class can what? be reduced to getting the better jobs at wall mart stores?
You may be hijacking the thread, but imo that's not a bad idea. The problem with Trump's immigration proposal is that it's based on economic and social data that is demonstrably false, and instead is driving by an alt-R version of facts selected to prove an outcome of aggrieved and disposed whites.

Will the immigration bill boost economic growth?

People without HS diplomas are seeing income losses.

The educational system has let the last two generations down and this was intentional and it has worked brilliantly. Go to Charlotte Iserbyte's website "The Intentional Dumbing Down Of America". Lots of source documents for you to peruse. Also check out the Reece Committee hearings on tax free foundations that were pushing a particular curriculum and the findings of Norman Dodd.
Social programs created by stealing from others and what they couldn't steal, they borrowed from a Fed bank with no real money and no real reserves that we pay interest on?

Nope. Completely, 100% wrong. So you're saying Medicare steals from people so they can then use Medicare themselves? Huh? I think you're drunk.

Until the Federal Reserve came along, there was no progressive in come tax. Until the Fed came along and until Woodrow Wilson lifted the tariffs protected American workers from competing with countries that used slave labor, "da gubermint" was funded. It is unconstitutional to steal something of value via taxes from someone that is bartering their labor in one hour increments. Having a central bank is unconstitutional. Having a nanny state creates nothing but more welfare cases. Until you understand the root cause of this debt slavery system, you will remain a clueless leftard and will continue to wallow in it.

If you think taxation is theft, then you're an idiot.[
The educational system has let the last two generations down and this was intentional and it has worked brilliantly. Go to Charlotte Iserbyte's website "The Intentional Dumbing Down Of America". Lots of source documents for you to peruse. Also check out the Reece Committee hearings on tax free foundations that were pushing a particular curriculum and the findings of Norman Dodd.

It's no coincidence that the rise in private, religious schools has corresponded with the decline of educational outcomes overall.

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