A Conservative Take on the Disaster that is Trump

Finally! A conservative Republican who is willing to speak of and take resposibility for the ongoing three ring circus in the White House

My Party Is in Denial About Donald Trump

Who could blame the people who felt abandoned and ignored by the major parties for reaching in despair for a candidate who offered oversimplified answers to infinitely complex questions and managed to entertain them in the process? With hindsight, it is clear that we all but ensured the rise of Donald Trump

Selected excerpts:
I will let the liberals answer for their own sins in this regard. (There are many.) But we conservatives mocked Barack Obama’s failure to deliver on his pledge to change the tone in Washington even as we worked to assist with that failure. It was we conservatives who, upon Obama’s election, stated that our No. 1 priority was not advancing a conservative policy agenda but making Obama a one-term president—the corollary to this binary thinking being that his failure would be our success and the fortunes of the citizenry would presumably be sorted out in the meantime.

It was we conservatives who were largely silent when the most egregious and sustained attacks on Obama’s legitimacy were leveled by marginal figures who would later be embraced and legitimized by far too many of us.

It was we conservatives who rightly and robustly asserted our constitutional prerogatives as a co-equal branch of government when a Democrat was in the White House but who, despite solemn vows to do the same in the event of a Trump presidency, have maintained an unnerving silence as instability has ensued

To carry on in the spring of 2017 as if what was happening was anything approaching normalcy required a determined suspension of critical faculties.
And tremendous powers of denial.

Michael Gerson, a conservative columnist and former senior adviser to President George W. Bush, wrote, four months into the new presidency, The conservative mind, in some very visible cases, has become diseased,” and conservative institutions “with the blessings of a president … have abandoned the normal constraints of reason and compassion.”
Very thoughtful and well written. Is Jeff Flake planning to leave the Senate? Because I don't see this being very popular among the Repubs, let alone the Trumpsters. He is so right, though.

Flakes chanced of being reelected are indistinguishable from zero.

Just like McCain's? He easily beat a Trump sycophant and won easily in Arizona unlike Trump.
Trump has been attacked by Conservatives for well over a year and you're waking up now?

What we are finding out is who the real conservatives are and who the fake conservatives are. The real conservatives have stood by their principles. The fake conservatives make excuses for Trump by pointing to bad behavior by Democrats and using it to justify Trump's behavior.

I am a constitutionalist first and foremost and there is NOTHING that Trump has done thus far to make me not support his agenda. Trump hasn't been in office long enough or been given a chance to piss off anyone but the leftard clown posse that refuses to see the corruption of the DNC that is totally RIFE with it......that stench coming off of the Potamac has the DNC and neocons written all over it.
After Trump won I was convinced that Flake voted for Hillary when he said that the GOP didn't win a mandate with the election of Trump

They didn't win a mandate. Trump got 3,000,000 fewer votes than Hillary.

wrote his office and said he was right, the GOP did not win a mandate Trump did and it would serve him well to not forget that. Well he is a moron, he forgot it.

Trump didn't win a mandate. He lost the popular vote.

Ilegal alien votes and voter fraud does not count....

There was no large scale voter fraud. You are a Trump cracked pot.
After Trump won I was convinced that Flake voted for Hillary when he said that the GOP didn't win a mandate with the election of Trump

They didn't win a mandate. Trump got 3,000,000 fewer votes than Hillary.

wrote his office and said he was right, the GOP did not win a mandate Trump did and it would serve him well to not forget that. Well he is a moron, he forgot it.

Trump didn't win a mandate. He lost the popular vote.

Ilegal alien votes and voter fraud does not count....

There was no large scale voter fraud. You are a Trump cracked pot.

Just a coinkydink that 14 out of the 20 states the Hildebeast won had no voter ID law? Plus we have the admittance of cheating exposed by Project Veritas. Seems that the dead to indeed speak from the grave but hear them with our noses....and wouldn't ya know? They seem to always vote "leftard"....... (snicker)
Trump Says U.S. Is Losing Afghan War
August 2, 2017
President Trump “has become increasingly frustrated with his advisers tasked with crafting a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and recently suggested firing the war’s top military commander during a tense meeting at the White House,” NBC News reports.

Said Trump: “We aren’t winning. We are losing.”

Trump also “inquired about the United States getting a piece of Afghan’s mineral wealth.” He then “compared the policy review process to the renovation of a famed New York restaurant in the 1980s.”:boobies:

That great military leader Donald Trump who never spent a day in the military has no clue what is going on in Afghanistan. There is solid evidence that Russia is arming the Taliban but I am sure that is okay with Trump supporters.
Trump has been attacked by Conservatives for well over a year and you're waking up now?

What we are finding out is who the real conservatives are and who the fake conservatives are. The real conservatives have stood by their principles. The fake conservatives make excuses for Trump by pointing to bad behavior by Democrats and using it to justify Trump's behavior.
There are few, if any, Proud to be American Conservatives in Congress.
Like the Democrats, almost all are hired hands.
That's why I will vote for Trump again and again.
Finally! A conservative Republican who is willing to speak of and take resposibility for the ongoing three ring circus in the White House

My Party Is in Denial About Donald Trump

Who could blame the people who felt abandoned and ignored by the major parties for reaching in despair for a candidate who offered oversimplified answers to infinitely complex questions and managed to entertain them in the process? With hindsight, it is clear that we all but ensured the rise of Donald Trump

Selected excerpts:
I will let the liberals answer for their own sins in this regard. (There are many.) But we conservatives mocked Barack Obama’s failure to deliver on his pledge to change the tone in Washington even as we worked to assist with that failure. It was we conservatives who, upon Obama’s election, stated that our No. 1 priority was not advancing a conservative policy agenda but making Obama a one-term president—the corollary to this binary thinking being that his failure would be our success and the fortunes of the citizenry would presumably be sorted out in the meantime.

It was we conservatives who were largely silent when the most egregious and sustained attacks on Obama’s legitimacy were leveled by marginal figures who would later be embraced and legitimized by far too many of us.

It was we conservatives who rightly and robustly asserted our constitutional prerogatives as a co-equal branch of government when a Democrat was in the White House but who, despite solemn vows to do the same in the event of a Trump presidency, have maintained an unnerving silence as instability has ensued

To carry on in the spring of 2017 as if what was happening was anything approaching normalcy required a determined suspension of critical faculties.
And tremendous powers of denial.

Michael Gerson, a conservative columnist and former senior adviser to President George W. Bush, wrote, four months into the new presidency, The conservative mind, in some very visible cases, has become diseased,” and conservative institutions “with the blessings of a president … have abandoned the normal constraints of reason and compassion.”

Jeff Flake knows that john mccain, the favorite republican member of the democrat party is dying from brain cancer, so flake wants to take his spot as the favorite republican member of the democrat party........he is just another republican who basks in the warm glow of left wing media love, because he attacks republicans.....

Here is a more accurate article on jeff flake...

Jeff Flake is Filling in For John McCain as a Liberal Media Darling

John McCain has relished his "Maverick" label ever since the leftmedia warmed up to him after his failed 2000 presidential run. He began flirting with the Democratsafter that, and the love affair was on. The MSM adores nothing more than a Republican politician who will gleefully attack other Republicans.

McCain is at home in Arizona to begin cancer treatment after once again making the Democrats and their mouthpieces in the MSM swoon for him by delivering his biggest back-stab to his own party yet. The media types who hate Trump and Republicans may have been forlorn about missing their favorite useful idiot, but they've almost been immediately rescued by the junior senator from Arizona, Jeff Flake.


What's galling to many of my conservative friends in my native Arizona is that Flake has been a little too cozy with McCain since he got to Washington. They were hoping for the un-Maverick, and they've basically gotten Maverick Lite. My closest friends there who voted for him are all disappointed.

What's even more galling to those of us who grew up in Barry Goldwater's Arizona is Flake's none-too-subtle implication that he is somehow picking up Goldwater's mantle of conservatism. He's got an ego that's really out of sync with his accomplishments.

I rated this post as informative. It informed me that your lead statement was literally a copy and paste of that articles headline.

It also informed me that by using the word "galling" you felt offended by what the author claims that "all my frienda regret voting for him". Awwwww! And he drops subtle implications of Goldwater but can't say how and ends with the cherry on top of 14 year old girl bullshit by saying he has a big ego. Lmao!

It also informed me that you are a dickhead for constantly wishing death on McCain. He's a human being, troll.
Trump Says U.S. Is Losing Afghan War
August 2, 2017
President Trump “has become increasingly frustrated with his advisers tasked with crafting a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and recently suggested firing the war’s top military commander during a tense meeting at the White House,” NBC News reports.

Said Trump: “We aren’t winning. We are losing.”

Trump also “inquired about the United States getting a piece of Afghan’s mineral wealth.” He then “compared the policy review process to the renovation of a famed New York restaurant in the 1980s.”:boobies:

That great military leader Donald Trump who never spent a day in the military has no clue what is going on in Afghanistan. There is solid evidence that Russia is arming the Taliban but I am sure that is okay with Trump supporters.

ISIS was a creation of the Barrypuppet and the Hildebeast...an offshoot of the CIA created al qaeda. How is Russia arming the Taliban, exactly? The only reason that troops are still there is to insure the opium crop comes in and to keep an eye on the trillion dollars worth of lithium Afghanistan has. BTW, how many days did the Barrypuppet serve in the military exactly? The Hildebeast????
Trump Says U.S. Is Losing Afghan War
August 2, 2017
President Trump “has become increasingly frustrated with his advisers tasked with crafting a new U.S. strategy in Afghanistan and recently suggested firing the war’s top military commander during a tense meeting at the White House,” NBC News reports.

Said Trump: “We aren’t winning. We are losing.”

Trump also “inquired about the United States getting a piece of Afghan’s mineral wealth.” He then “compared the policy review process to the renovation of a famed New York restaurant in the 1980s.”:boobies:

That great military leader Donald Trump who never spent a day in the military has no clue what is going on in Afghanistan. There is solid evidence that Russia is arming the Taliban but I am sure that is okay with Trump supporters.
Like Bill "Blow Job" Clinton?
I want a leader who lets his generals do what they have to do.
Trump has been attacked by Conservatives for well over a year and you're waking up now?

What we are finding out is who the real conservatives are and who the fake conservatives are. The real conservatives have stood by their principles. The fake conservatives make excuses for Trump by pointing to bad behavior by Democrats and using it to justify Trump's behavior.

I am a constitutionalist first and foremost and there is NOTHING that Trump has done thus far to make me not support his agenda. Trump hasn't been in office long enough or been given a chance to piss off anyone but the leftard clown posse that refuses to see the corruption of the DNC that is totally RIFE with it......that stench coming off of the Potamac has the DNC and neocons written all over it.
Horseshit! He pisses someone off every day. and not only those of us on the left. Don't even try to defect away from that fact by making it about the DNC. Now, Republican law makers are finally waking up to the fact that Trump is a dangerous whacko , It's not only Flake who is pushing back:

The Republican rebellion against Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com
Trump has been attacked by Conservatives for well over a year and you're waking up now?

What we are finding out is who the real conservatives are and who the fake conservatives are. The real conservatives have stood by their principles. The fake conservatives make excuses for Trump by pointing to bad behavior by Democrats and using it to justify Trump's behavior.

I am a constitutionalist first and foremost and there is NOTHING that Trump has done thus far to make me not support his agenda. Trump hasn't been in office long enough or been given a chance to piss off anyone but the leftard clown posse that refuses to see the corruption of the DNC that is totally RIFE with it......that stench coming off of the Potamac has the DNC and neocons written all over it.
Horseshit! He pisses someone off every day. and not only those of us on the left. Don't even try to defect away from that fact by making it about the DNC. Now, Republican law makers are finally waking up to the fact that Trump is a dangerous whacko , It's not only Flake who is pushing back:

The Republican rebellion against Donald Trump - CNNPolitics.com
That's why we voted for Trump.
Of course we have already said that but your brain can't process that fact.
You guys can pile on and pretend I'm senile or WHATEVER but the goddamned fucking Republican Party has a LOT of explainin' to do. What in the name of all that's holy were they thinking when they allowed him to even run in their party? Let him be an Independent if he felt such a need to be a superstar. Don't give me the line that no one supported him. Now we've got him in the WH and about the only GOOD thing that's come out of this is the appointment of Gorsuch, in the seat you stole from the Democrats last year.

The pathetic old bastard is a one trick pony who can't do anything right except campaign speeches. He has to keep going out and doing them (even at the Boy Scout Jamboree) just to feel good.
UGH. He's AWFUL and he's totally inappropriate to be leading the country. Plus not being a conservative on most issues, I think his policies suck.

You mad?
You betcha.

Good now you know we conservatives felt during eight years of the big eared disaster's reign of error
Actually, we conservatives feel the same way about Trump as we did about Obama.

You pseudocons, on the other hand, don't mind being hoaxed as long as the huckster tacks on the right letter after his name. You will even drink a New York limousine liberal's piss if he changes his D to an R!


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?

"Actually, we conservatives feel the same way about Trump as we did about Obama."

No we don't.

Only the blind Never-Trumpers do.

Only a fool would review this and make the claim that you did:

... he has nominated the most conservative cabinet in modern history!!!

Trump ran on confronting and combating the debt
"Boeing is building a brand new 747 Air Force One for future presidents, but costs are out of control, more than $4 billion. Cancel order!" Trump slams Boeing deal for new Air Force One

"If President-elect Donald Trump's economic growth plan -- slashing business and personal marginal tax rates and rolling back costly business regulations -- is achieved next year, the economy could break out with growth between 4% and 5%."Fast Action on U.S. Debt Could Reap Trillions In Savings Over Long Term - The New York Sun

"President-elect Trump selected South Carolina Rep. Mick Mulvaney to be his first budget director Saturday morning, a nomination which would put a staunch fiscal conservative in charge of managing the federal budget and the logistics of government affairs. " Fiscal conservative Mulvaney picked as Trump's budget director

Consider what Bill's wife would have brought: "Hillary Clinton took pains to establish herself as the Democratic candidate who would most faithfullycontinue the legacy of President Barack Obama ..."
How Each Democratic Candidate Is Trying To Leverage President Obama

A $40 trillion debt!!!!!!

Trump ran on destroying Obama's Bolshevik eponymous healthcare insurance plan....

....Obamacare, remove penalties, expand waivers, allow non compliant plans, instruct IRS no penalties, turn it over to states to write plans, alter abortion rights for religious,...
"Trump nominates Rep. Tom Price for HHS secretary" Trump nominates Rep. Tom Price for HHS secretary

"Georgia Rep. Tom Price has been one of the fiercest opponents of the Affordable Care Act and his nomination signals Trump intends to make major changes to Obama's signature legislative accomplishment." Donald Trump's Cabinet Picks So Far

Trump ran to wrest American Children from the clutches of the Liberal indoctrination industry...
"School choice: Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary" Trump picks billionaire Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate, as education secretary

Trump picks represent the most conservative cabinet in modern history.

"President-elect Donald Trump's pick to lead the U.S. Treasury, Steven Mnuchin, said on Wednesday the administration would make tax reform and trade pact overhauls top priorities as they seek a sustained pace of 3 percent to 4 percent economic growth.

Mnuchin also signaled a desire to remove U.S. mortgage-finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac from government ownership, a move that could have wide-ranging ramifications for how Americans pay for their homes.

The one-time Goldman Sachs banker, together with Wilbur Ross, Trump's nominee for commerce secretary, outlined Trump's economic agenda, including what Mnuchin called the largest tax overhaul since the Ronald Reagan administration, in an interview on CNBC." Trump's Treasury pick targets taxes, trade reforms: media

"Wilbur Ross The 79-year-old billionaire made his fortune by buying up and restructuring companies in industries like steel and coal, the kinds of jobs that Trump has pledged to bring back. He also has been an outspoken critic of free trade agreements, which was a hallmark of Trump's campaign. " Donald Trump's Cabinet Picks So Far

Yet "Never Trumpers" were prepared to turn over the nation to Obama's third term.

Confronting the bogus Climate Change scam, Trump reinstitutes the federalism, the rights of the states, of the Founders!
That's Conservatism 101!

"Trump names Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma attorney general suing EPA on climate change, to head the EPA" Trump names Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma attorney general suing EPA on climate change, to head the EPA

Reexamining regulation
"President-elect Donald Trump has chosen fast-food restaurant CEO Andy Puzder as his Secretary of Labor, according to multiple news outlets..... a clash between business and labor groups, as he's been an outspoken critic of raising the minimum wage, the Affordable Care Act and "Nanny State" regulations he believes have slowed growth in the industry — things like proposed soda bans and restrictions."Trump Picks Fast-Food Executive Andrew Puzder As Labor Secretary

“The business of America is business”
Calvin Coolidge

And, on energy exploration and production,
"Trump Expected to Pick Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers to Run Interior
If confirmed by the Senate, she would lead administration’s efforts to open up federal lands and waters to fossil-fuel development" Trump Expected to Pick Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers to Run Interior

Trump's conservative cabinet....end the Liberal "War on Success!"

And those of us....conservatives....demanding that American sovereignty be restored via stronger borders.......there as Trump with that view at the center of his candidacy.

And here is the reason that millions of illegal aliens voted, inflating Bill's wife's totals.....
....illegal immigration, border control.

"President-elect Donald Trump has chosen retired Marine Gen. John F. Kelly to run the Department of Homeland Security, turning to a blunt-spoken border security hawk who clashed with the Obama administration over women in combat and plans to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay, according to people familiar with the decision. ...would inherit a massive and often troubled department responsible for overseeing ...Trump’s agenda: his proposed crackdown on illegal immigration. DHS is the third-largest Cabinet department, with more than 240,000 employees who do everything from fight terrorism to protect the president and enforce immigration laws."
Retired Marine Gen. John F. Kelly picked to head Department of Homeland Security

And....ending the open arms policy toward invaders.....sanctuary cities:

"Sen. Jeff Sessions is on record saying so-called “sanctuary cities” that protect illegal immigrants should be prosecuted.
He himself may get that chance next year.
Mr. Sessions is president-elect Donald Trump’s pick to be the next attorney general, and if he’s confirmed, he will mark a 180-degree turn from the Obama administration on a host of issues, but nowhere more so than on immigration, where he’s been the Senate’s leading crackdown proponent." Jeff Sessions may prosecute ‘sanctuary cities’ if confirmed as attorney general

What more could a conservative ask for???
....retired Marine Gen. John F. Kelly
....Sen. Jeff Sessions
I believe I have the vapors!!!!!

the Iran Nuclear Deal, strict sanctions, no business with Iran or no business here....pretty conservative positions.

Meet Jim "Mad Dog" Mattis, Trump's Iran hawk choice for secretary of defense
Meet Jim "Mad Dog" Mattis, Trump’s Iran hawk choice for secretary of defense

David Friedman: "Donald Trump's ambassador to supports settlements and opposes two-state solution" Donald Trump's ambassador to Israel supports settlements and opposes two-state solution

Foreign policy Rex Tillerson, Chairman and CEO of ExxonMobil, to be Secretary of State. a stunningly successful corporate executive with mythic business success on a global scale, or to use the President-elect's words a world-class player.
Can Tillerson succeed as secretary of state? - CNN.com

'....the interests he will pursue will be U.S. interests. This is an Eagle Scout kind of guy. He was president of the Boy Scouts,” he said. “He is a straight arrow. If that’s his mission, that’s what he’ll do.”
Critics Ask if Tillerson Can Turn From Corporate to National Interest | Fortune.com

Those of us who worked to have Trump elected saw any vote not cast for Trump as support for the most corrupt, dishonest candidate, and a vote for socialism, communism, Liberalism.....and against the Buckley axiom:

.... the Buckley Rule.

"Conservative author and commentator William F. Buckley (1925-2008) was asked, in 1967, whom he would support in 1968 for U.S. president. Buckley responded with what would late be called the ‘Buckley Rule” for primary voting: “The wisest choice would be the one who would win. No sense running Mona Lisa in a beauty contest. I’d be for the most right, viable candidate who could win."

Let's see you defend your post the way I just did mine.
Boring Thread. The left and right establishment con men who rob us blind are threatened by President Trump.

No surprise here.
Finally! A conservative Republican who is willing to speak of and take resposibility for the ongoing three ring circus in the White House

My Party Is in Denial About Donald Trump

Who could blame the people who felt abandoned and ignored by the major parties for reaching in despair for a candidate who offered oversimplified answers to infinitely complex questions and managed to entertain them in the process? With hindsight, it is clear that we all but ensured the rise of Donald Trump

Selected excerpts:
I will let the liberals answer for their own sins in this regard. (There are many.) But we conservatives mocked Barack Obama’s failure to deliver on his pledge to change the tone in Washington even as we worked to assist with that failure. It was we conservatives who, upon Obama’s election, stated that our No. 1 priority was not advancing a conservative policy agenda but making Obama a one-term president—the corollary to this binary thinking being that his failure would be our success and the fortunes of the citizenry would presumably be sorted out in the meantime.

It was we conservatives who were largely silent when the most egregious and sustained attacks on Obama’s legitimacy were leveled by marginal figures who would later be embraced and legitimized by far too many of us.

It was we conservatives who rightly and robustly asserted our constitutional prerogatives as a co-equal branch of government when a Democrat was in the White House but who, despite solemn vows to do the same in the event of a Trump presidency, have maintained an unnerving silence as instability has ensued

To carry on in the spring of 2017 as if what was happening was anything approaching normalcy required a determined suspension of critical faculties.
And tremendous powers of denial.

Michael Gerson, a conservative columnist and former senior adviser to President George W. Bush, wrote, four months into the new presidency, The conservative mind, in some very visible cases, has become diseased,” and conservative institutions “with the blessings of a president … have abandoned the normal constraints of reason and compassion.”
/----/ There are plenty of never Trumpers on the right. Nothing new. Move along
Trying to make mentally ill people seem normal isn't "social progress"....it's suicidal.

I found this particularly hilarious. Stupid, ugly, fat, uneducated, middle-aged, white people are killing themselves because "WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Life didn't turn out the way they had hoped and were promised by Conservatives! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" So don't let Conservatives fool you...the true suicidal folks are the snowflake Conservatives whose lives ended up being disappointments.

From NPR, March 23rd, 2017:

The Forces Driving Middle-Aged White People's 'Deaths Of Despair'
In 2015, when researchers Anne Case and Angus Deaton discovered that death rates had been rising dramatically since 1999 among middle-aged white Americans, they weren't sure why people were dying younger, reversing decades of longer life expectancy.
Now the husband-and-wife economists say they have a better understanding of what's causing these "deaths of despair" by suicide, drugs and alcohol.
Unlike you I was watching the show from day one.

It's amazing now that Trump is turning into the disaster we all knew he'd be, his most ardent ideological compatriots are suddenly pretending as if they had nothing to do with his rise. Who buys this shit anymore? The problem isn't Trump, the problem is that Conservatives think they can use people. It doesn't matter if it's Trump, Bush, Palin, Cruz or any of the other shitheads out there, the fundamental problem is with the belief system, not the people messaging it.

So tell me, did you ever watch one complete interview with Trump? Hillary? Sanders?

Of course I did. You say Conservatives didn't and don't support Trump yet Conservatives universally voted for all of Trump's nominees, and with the exception of the latest attempt to repeal Obamacare, have voted exactly as Trump has wanted them to vote. So please don't try and pretend as if you fucking assholes aren't cynically using Trump to advance your fucking asshole agenda. We're not as stupid as you, so don't patronize me with this shit. It's not gonna work.
Politicians vote as instructed by their major contributors.

Exactly, so maybe we do away with donations to political campaigns and have fully publicly-funded campaigns and elections? Because that's the only way to address the issue you raise.

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