A Conservative Take on the Disaster that is Trump

Trump's immigration policies are his own, yes

No they're not. They're the GOP's platform, as it has remained unchanged (except for Ukraine policy which changed at the Republican Convention last year, strangely enough). So you're telling me Conservatives haven't been screaming about building a stupid wall, deporting "Mexicans", and opposing resettlement of refugees? Fuck you. Your memory may have been destroyed by all the glue you sniff, but everyone else can remember 2 years ago.

and the regulation cuts ... well hopefully they don't come back to bite us in the ass, along with his cuts to almost all the departments in govt. If that works, fine by me. But these pet commissions are his own little projects, devised outside his campaign promises, that show his personal biases.

Why would cutting government programs suddenly make them "work"? Fucking morons. The problem isn't Trump, the problem is Conservatism is anti-intellectual, anti-education, and anti-social.
I'm on your side. You high?
He is, so you must be too.
Trump has been attacked by Conservatives for well over a year and you're waking up now?
Too few. Time THEY woke up.
Were you suffering from dementia during the campaign?
TOO FEW. Did you hear me that time?

Seriously, you are totally clueless about how the system works and how fucked up it actually is. You know nothing as to how this fiat currency/debt slavery/servitude actually works....you don't know what actual money is or what the meaning of "Intrinsic value"....but yet you act like "da gubermint" can keep borrowing fed notes from a central bank that has no REAL money or reserves and that "da gubermint" owes you a giving. How did you get so old but remain so fucking stupid? You are proof positive of the adage of "With age comes wisdom" is a bunch of bullshit and nothing but a cliche'.
You guys can pile on and pretend I'm senile or WHATEVER but the goddamned fucking Republican Party has a LOT of explainin' to do. What in the name of all that's holy were they thinking when they allowed him to even run in their party? Let him be an Independent if he felt such a need to be a superstar. Don't give me the line that no one supported him. Now we've got him in the WH and about the only GOOD thing that's come out of this is the appointment of Gorsuch, in the seat you stole from the Democrats last year.

The pathetic old bastard is a one trick pony who can't do anything right except campaign speeches. He has to keep going out and doing them (even at the Boy Scout Jamboree) just to feel good.
UGH. He's AWFUL and he's totally inappropriate to be leading the country. Plus not being a conservative on most issues, I think his policies suck.
True conservatives are realists

No. True Conservatives are honest with themselves at being lying, racist, stupid people who prey on fear to advance a narrow, unpopular agenda.

Jeff Flake crying crocodile tears now, even as he votes 100% with Trump and the GOP, rings like hollow fucking bullshit.

It's obvious what is happening; you guys recognize that Trump is a disaster, so you have to spare your own fucking egos and pretend you had nothing to do with this shit. Of course, we all know that's bullshit. So in addition to lying to me, you're lying to yourself. Sooner or later, that shit is gonna catch up with you. Which would explain why Trump's base is offing itself in record numbers. I hope more follow that lead.

....we told you for 50 years your social programs wouldn't work and they haven't.

They sure as shit have worked. They stopped working when you shitheads cut them, beginning with Reagan. Poverty was declining since the great society until Reagan got in office, put through this Conservative bullshit, and it started rising again. So it's a self-fulfilling prophecy on your part that you never want to take responsibility for. The reason we have shitty government is because we elect shitty Conservatives to it. Social programs undeniably work. The reason you don't think they do is the same reason why you assholes voted for Trump; you're gullible and stupid.

You destroyed the black neighborhoods with "urban renewal"

No, YOU destroyed those neighborhoods with your fucking war on drugs. Take some goddamned responsibility for the shit you believe.

you continually cut military spending giving tyrants around the world license to mess with us

No, YOU'RE the ones who did that. When you invaded Iraq, threw the middle east into chaos, then blamed Obama for it. It gets back to what I said earlier, about how you never take responsibility for anything. Because you're children. Ungrateful children.

you turned women into lesbians

LOL! So this is really the heart of everything that you buried in your shit...you think women were turned into lesbians, why? Because they won't sleep with you? They're not gay. You're just a piece of shit. That's why they won't sleep with you. This really explains a lot. It explains why you are so angry and stupid. No one will have sex with you. Can you blame them? Look in the mirror and you try to tell me that the person staring back at you isn't a piece of crap.

spit on the Flag, turned scumbags into heroes with your fake-history movies, and have left us $20T in debt with no end in sight of more debt.

Most of that debt was paying for your tax cuts, your War on Terror, and your unfunded entitlement expansions.

Take some fucking responsibility, you shitgibbon.
Trump has been attacked by Conservatives for well over a year and you're waking up now?
Too few. Time THEY woke up.
Were you suffering from dementia during the campaign?
TOO FEW. Did you hear me that time?

Seriously, you are totally clueless about how the system works and how fucked up it actually is. You know nothing as to how this fiat currency/debt slavery/servitude actually works....you don't know what actual money is or what the meaning of "Intrinsic value"....but yet you act like "da gubermint" can keep borrowing fed notes from a central bank that has no REAL money or reserves and that "da gubermint" owes you a giving. How did you get so old but remain so fucking stupid? You are proof positive of the adage of "With age comes wisdom" is a bunch of bullshit and nothing but a cliche'.
Where did I ever talk about the economy, Dale? I know better than that.
You guys can pile on and pretend I'm senile or WHATEVER but the goddamned fucking Republican Party has a LOT of explainin' to do. What in the name of all that's holy were they thinking when they allowed him to even run in their party? Let him be an Independent if he felt such a need to be a superstar. Don't give me the line that no one supported him. Now we've got him in the WH and about the only GOOD thing that's come out of this is the appointment of Gorsuch, in the seat you stole from the Democrats last year.

The pathetic old bastard is a one trick pony who can't do anything right except campaign speeches. He has to keep going out and doing them (even at the Boy Scout Jamboree) just to feel good.
UGH. He's AWFUL and he's totally inappropriate to be leading the country. Plus not being a conservative on most issues, I think his policies suck.

You mad?
True conservatives are realists

No. True Conservatives are honest with themselves at being lying, racist, stupid people who prey on fear to advance a narrow, unpopular agenda.

Jeff Flake crying crocodile tears now, even as he votes 100% with Trump and the GOP, rings like hollow fucking bullshit.

It's obvious what is happening; you guys recognize that Trump is a disaster, so you have to spare your own fucking egos and pretend you had nothing to do with this shit. Of course, we all know that's bullshit. So in addition to lying to me, you're lying to yourself. Sooner or later, that shit is gonna catch up with you. Which would explain why Trump's base is offing itself in record numbers. I hope more follow that lead.

....we told you for 50 years your social programs wouldn't work and they haven't.

They sure as shit have worked. They stopped working when you shitheads cut them, beginning with Reagan. Poverty was declining since the great society until Reagan got in office, put through this Conservative bullshit, and it started rising again. So it's a self-fulfilling prophecy on your part that you never want to take responsibility for. The reason we have shitty government is because we elect shitty Conservatives to it. Social programs undeniably work. The reason you don't think they do is the same reason why you assholes voted for Trump; you're gullible and stupid.

You destroyed the black neighborhoods with "urban renewal"

No, YOU destroyed those neighborhoods with your fucking war on drugs. Take some goddamned responsibility for the shit you believe.

you continually cut military spending giving tyrants around the world license to mess with us

No, YOU'RE the ones who did that. When you invaded Iraq, threw the middle east into chaos, then blamed Obama for it. It gets back to what I said earlier, about how you never take responsibility for anything. Because you're children. Ungrateful children.

you turned women into lesbians

LOL! So this is really the heart of everything that you buried in your shit...you think women were turned into lesbians, why? Because they won't sleep with you? They're not gay. You're just a piece of shit. That's why they won't sleep with you. This really explains a lot. It explains why you are so angry and stupid. No one will have sex with you. Can you blame them? Look in the mirror and you try to tell me that the person staring back at you isn't a piece of crap.

spit on the Flag, turned scumbags into heroes with your fake-history movies, and have left us $20T in debt with no end in sight of more debt.

Most of that debt was paying for your tax cuts, your War on Terror, and your unfunded entitlement expansions.

Take some fucking responsibility, you shitgibbon.
Wow that looks like a lot of work.....
You guys can pile on and pretend I'm senile or WHATEVER but the goddamned fucking Republican Party has a LOT of explainin' to do. What in the name of all that's holy were they thinking when they allowed him to even run in their party? Let him be an Independent if he felt such a need to be a superstar. Don't give me the line that no one supported him. Now we've got him in the WH and about the only GOOD thing that's come out of this is the appointment of Gorsuch, in the seat you stole from the Democrats last year.

The pathetic old bastard is a one trick pony who can't do anything right except campaign speeches. He has to keep going out and doing them (even at the Boy Scout Jamboree) just to feel good.
UGH. He's AWFUL and he's totally inappropriate to be leading the country. Plus not being a conservative on most issues, I think his policies suck.

You mad?
You betcha.
You guys can pile on and pretend I'm senile or WHATEVER but the goddamned fucking Republican Party has a LOT of explainin' to do. What in the name of all that's holy were they thinking when they allowed him to even run in their party? Let him be an Independent if he felt such a need to be a superstar. Don't give me the line that no one supported him. Now we've got him in the WH and about the only GOOD thing that's come out of this is the appointment of Gorsuch, in the seat you stole from the Democrats last year.

The pathetic old bastard is a one trick pony who can't do anything right except campaign speeches. He has to keep going out and doing them (even at the Boy Scout Jamboree) just to feel good.
UGH. He's AWFUL and he's totally inappropriate to be leading the country. Plus not being a conservative on most issues, I think his policies suck.

You mad?
You betcha.

Perhaps you need a cup of cocoa.
You guys can pile on and pretend I'm senile or WHATEVER but the goddamned fucking Republican Party has a LOT of explainin' to do. What in the name of all that's holy were they thinking when they allowed him to even run in their party? Let him be an Independent if he felt such a need to be a superstar. Don't give me the line that no one supported him. Now we've got him in the WH and about the only GOOD thing that's come out of this is the appointment of Gorsuch, in the seat you stole from the Democrats last year.

The pathetic old bastard is a one trick pony who can't do anything right except campaign speeches. He has to keep going out and doing them (even at the Boy Scout Jamboree) just to feel good.
UGH. He's AWFUL and he's totally inappropriate to be leading the country. Plus not being a conservative on most issues, I think his policies suck.

You mad?
You betcha.

Good now you know we conservatives felt during eight years of the big eared disaster's reign of error
Finally! A conservative Republican who is willing to speak of and take resposibility for the ongoing three ring circus in the White House

My Party Is in Denial About Donald Trump

Who could blame the people who felt abandoned and ignored by the major parties for reaching in despair for a candidate who offered oversimplified answers to infinitely complex questions and managed to entertain them in the process? With hindsight, it is clear that we all but ensured the rise of Donald Trump

Selected excerpts:
I will let the liberals answer for their own sins in this regard. (There are many.) But we conservatives mocked Barack Obama’s failure to deliver on his pledge to change the tone in Washington even as we worked to assist with that failure. It was we conservatives who, upon Obama’s election, stated that our No. 1 priority was not advancing a conservative policy agenda but making Obama a one-term president—the corollary to this binary thinking being that his failure would be our success and the fortunes of the citizenry would presumably be sorted out in the meantime.

It was we conservatives who were largely silent when the most egregious and sustained attacks on Obama’s legitimacy were leveled by marginal figures who would later be embraced and legitimized by far too many of us.

It was we conservatives who rightly and robustly asserted our constitutional prerogatives as a co-equal branch of government when a Democrat was in the White House but who, despite solemn vows to do the same in the event of a Trump presidency, have maintained an unnerving silence as instability has ensued

To carry on in the spring of 2017 as if what was happening was anything approaching normalcy required a determined suspension of critical faculties.
And tremendous powers of denial.

Michael Gerson, a conservative columnist and former senior adviser to President George W. Bush, wrote, four months into the new presidency, The conservative mind, in some very visible cases, has become diseased,” and conservative institutions “with the blessings of a president … have abandoned the normal constraints of reason and compassion.”

Jeff Flake knows that john mccain, the favorite republican member of the democrat party is dying from brain cancer, so flake wants to take his spot as the favorite republican member of the democrat party........he is just another republican who basks in the warm glow of left wing media love, because he attacks republicans.....

Here is a more accurate article on jeff flake...

Jeff Flake is Filling in For John McCain as a Liberal Media Darling

John McCain has relished his "Maverick" label ever since the leftmedia warmed up to him after his failed 2000 presidential run. He began flirting with the Democratsafter that, and the love affair was on. The MSM adores nothing more than a Republican politician who will gleefully attack other Republicans.

McCain is at home in Arizona to begin cancer treatment after once again making the Democrats and their mouthpieces in the MSM swoon for him by delivering his biggest back-stab to his own party yet. The media types who hate Trump and Republicans may have been forlorn about missing their favorite useful idiot, but they've almost been immediately rescued by the junior senator from Arizona, Jeff Flake.


What's galling to many of my conservative friends in my native Arizona is that Flake has been a little too cozy with McCain since he got to Washington. They were hoping for the un-Maverick, and they've basically gotten Maverick Lite. My closest friends there who voted for him are all disappointed.

What's even more galling to those of us who grew up in Barry Goldwater's Arizona is Flake's none-too-subtle implication that he is somehow picking up Goldwater's mantle of conservatism. He's got an ego that's really out of sync with his accomplishments.
I never heard of the guy before, but after reading the attached link, it seems to me that he was talking about principles and living by simple truths of right and wrong. The people in the Senate and a lot in the House are not stupid. They are pretty intelligent people. They are ignoring what a mess the government has become with Trump's chaos and lack of focus. What has Trump created?
- a Commission to "investigate" voter fraud (to prove he won the popular vote, too)
- a Commission in the EPA to question climate science
- a Commission to look into discrimination against whites re: university admission policies.

In the past few weeks he has given cops the wink and nod to "not be so nice" to people in their custody and is threatening to take 7 billion from insurance companies that will end up sending people's insurance premiums sky high.
How anyone can continue to support this man. Only at extremists can, at this point.

You forgot appointing an Constitutional justice to the Supreme Court.

You forgot the stock market breaking 22,000.

You forgot illegal immigration at an all time low.

You forgot the reduction of wasteful and abusive federal regulations.

You forgot all the good things Trump has actually done......

May I add these, from today:
Trump for new immigration policy!!!!

"...legislation would move the United States to a "merit-based" immigration system and away from the current model, which is largely based on family ties.

“Instead of today's low-skilled system — which is a terrible system where anyone comes in, people who have never worked, people that are criminals, anyone comes in — we want a merit-based system,” he said. “One that protects our workers, protects our taxpayers, and one that protects our economy.”
Trump, GOP senators unveil measure to cut legal immigration

"Trump endorses new immigration bill to cut green-card limits, favor English speakers"
Donald Trump endorses new immigration bill to cut green card limits, favor English speakers

"NYT: Trump administration prepares to investigate 'race-based discrimination'
Washington (CNN)The Trump administration is readying resources in the Justice Department's civil rights division for the purpose of investigating and litigating "race-based discrimination" in US higher education, potentially with the aim of protecting white applicants from discrimination through affirmative action, The New York Times reported Tuesday."
NYT: Trump administration prepares to investigate 'race-based discrimination' - CNNPolitics.com

Can I get an 'amen'!!!!!
Trump has been attacked by Conservatives for well over a year and you're waking up now?
Too few. Time THEY woke up.
Were you suffering from dementia during the campaign?
TOO FEW. Did you hear me that time?

Seriously, you are totally clueless about how the system works and how fucked up it actually is. You know nothing as to how this fiat currency/debt slavery/servitude actually works....you don't know what actual money is or what the meaning of "Intrinsic value"....but yet you act like "da gubermint" can keep borrowing fed notes from a central bank that has no REAL money or reserves and that "da gubermint" owes you a giving. How did you get so old but remain so fucking stupid? You are proof positive of the adage of "With age comes wisdom" is a bunch of bullshit and nothing but a cliche'.
Where did I ever talk about the economy, Dale? I know better than that.

But YOU were saying that Trump was going to take away BILLIONS of dollars away from people for "healthcare" when he wants to revamp the entire system. You only look at the false narrative spewed by the lamestream media instead of the big picture. You have NO idea of how up to our necks in shit we are due to 113 years of having a central bank owned by foreign entities that pay off just enough politicians to keep this parasitic entity around. You act like they can just keep printing and creating federal reserve notes into infinity.
You guys can pile on and pretend I'm senile or WHATEVER but the goddamned fucking Republican Party has a LOT of explainin' to do. What in the name of all that's holy were they thinking when they allowed him to even run in their party? Let him be an Independent if he felt such a need to be a superstar. Don't give me the line that no one supported him. Now we've got him in the WH and about the only GOOD thing that's come out of this is the appointment of Gorsuch, in the seat you stole from the Democrats last year.

The pathetic old bastard is a one trick pony who can't do anything right except campaign speeches. He has to keep going out and doing them (even at the Boy Scout Jamboree) just to feel good.
UGH. He's AWFUL and he's totally inappropriate to be leading the country. Plus not being a conservative on most issues, I think his policies suck.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! The dems gave us the choice of two commies....Sanders and the Hildebeast. The repubs gave us a bunch of neocons, Rand Paul and Trump. People are waking up to the establishment that has put in place this surveillance police state while leaving the borders totally open and sucking the cock of the U.N while our sovereignty has been watered down to the point that anyone that isn't FOR illegal immigration is a racist......how fucked up is that? I don't think you are senile....just incredibly ignorant and naive.
You guys can pile on and pretend I'm senile or WHATEVER but the goddamned fucking Republican Party has a LOT of explainin' to do. What in the name of all that's holy were they thinking when they allowed him to even run in their party? Let him be an Independent if he felt such a need to be a superstar. Don't give me the line that no one supported him. Now we've got him in the WH and about the only GOOD thing that's come out of this is the appointment of Gorsuch, in the seat you stole from the Democrats last year.

The pathetic old bastard is a one trick pony who can't do anything right except campaign speeches. He has to keep going out and doing them (even at the Boy Scout Jamboree) just to feel good.
UGH. He's AWFUL and he's totally inappropriate to be leading the country. Plus not being a conservative on most issues, I think his policies suck.

You mad?
You betcha.

Good now you know we conservatives felt during eight years of the big eared disaster's reign of error
Actually, we conservatives feel the same way about Trump as we did about Obama.

You pseudocons, on the other hand, don't mind being hoaxed as long as the huckster tacks on the right letter after his name. You will even drink a New York limousine liberal's piss if he changes his D to an R!


Hey, where do I register as a Republican?
True conservatives are realists

No. True Conservatives are honest with themselves at being lying, racist, stupid people who prey on fear to advance a narrow, unpopular agenda.

Jeff Flake crying crocodile tears now, even as he votes 100% with Trump and the GOP, rings like hollow fucking bullshit.

It's obvious what is happening; you guys recognize that Trump is a disaster, so you have to spare your own fucking egos and pretend you had nothing to do with this shit. Of course, we all know that's bullshit. So in addition to lying to me, you're lying to yourself. Sooner or later, that shit is gonna catch up with you. Which would explain why Trump's base is offing itself in record numbers. I hope more follow that lead.

....we told you for 50 years your social programs wouldn't work and they haven't.

They sure as shit have worked. They stopped working when you shitheads cut them, beginning with Reagan. Poverty was declining since the great society until Reagan got in office, put through this Conservative bullshit, and it started rising again. So it's a self-fulfilling prophecy on your part that you never want to take responsibility for. The reason we have shitty government is because we elect shitty Conservatives to it. Social programs undeniably work. The reason you don't think they do is the same reason why you assholes voted for Trump; you're gullible and stupid.

You destroyed the black neighborhoods with "urban renewal"

No, YOU destroyed those neighborhoods with your fucking war on drugs. Take some goddamned responsibility for the shit you believe.

you continually cut military spending giving tyrants around the world license to mess with us

No, YOU'RE the ones who did that. When you invaded Iraq, threw the middle east into chaos, then blamed Obama for it. It gets back to what I said earlier, about how you never take responsibility for anything. Because you're children. Ungrateful children.

you turned women into lesbians

LOL! So this is really the heart of everything that you buried in your shit...you think women were turned into lesbians, why? Because they won't sleep with you? They're not gay. You're just a piece of shit. That's why they won't sleep with you. This really explains a lot. It explains why you are so angry and stupid. No one will have sex with you. Can you blame them? Look in the mirror and you try to tell me that the person staring back at you isn't a piece of crap.

spit on the Flag, turned scumbags into heroes with your fake-history movies, and have left us $20T in debt with no end in sight of more debt.

Most of that debt was paying for your tax cuts, your War on Terror, and your unfunded entitlement expansions.

Take some fucking responsibility, you shitgibbon.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Poverty was declining until Reagan????? How fucking ignorant are you? The middle class reached it's apex in 1970 and it has been a slow downhill decline ever since. You are another ignorant ass that has no clue as to how this system actually works...so many stupid people, so little time to educate them.....SMH.
You guys can pile on and pretend I'm senile or WHATEVER but the goddamned fucking Republican Party has a LOT of explainin' to do. What in the name of all that's holy were they thinking when they allowed him to even run in their party? Let him be an Independent if he felt such a need to be a superstar. Don't give me the line that no one supported him. Now we've got him in the WH and about the only GOOD thing that's come out of this is the appointment of Gorsuch, in the seat you stole from the Democrats last year.

The pathetic old bastard is a one trick pony who can't do anything right except campaign speeches. He has to keep going out and doing them (even at the Boy Scout Jamboree) just to feel good.
UGH. He's AWFUL and he's totally inappropriate to be leading the country. Plus not being a conservative on most issues, I think his policies suck.

You mad?
You betcha.

Perhaps you need a cup of cocoa.
Thank you, dear.

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