A Conservative Take on the Disaster that is Trump

You don't "think"....that much is obvious. What "conservative lies" from these bought and paid for politicians do you believe I have fallen for?

The idea that if you cut taxes it will somehow, magically create growth. The idea that if you deregulate industry it will somehow, magically create jobs. The idea that if you invade a foreign country you won't have to "fight them here". I mean you name it, and Conservatives were wrong about it.

I don't need anyone to tell me how the cow eats the cabbage. I see exactly what is going on and it's sickening to witness. The country is being washed away in a flood of filth and decadence and leftards like you are riding the waves.

So this is the uneducated, middle-aged, white grievance that I'm talking about. That life didn't turn out for you the way you had hoped and/or were promised so it's someone else's fault. You try to escape culpability for buying into this shit by deluding yourself into thinking that you're a victim. And you're partially right. You are a victim. Only you're a victim of your own ignorance, gullibility, and arrogance. No one else is to blame for that.
I guarantee you that I am infinitely more informed than you are

Well, now I know for sure you definitely aren't. If you have to qualify the shit you're about to say with this posturing garbage, then I know what I'm about to be in store for; a load of horseshit.

Annnnnnnnnnd right on cue:

. You assume many things about me that is total bullshit. I don't listen to AM RW radio. I prefer documentaries and lectures that I can download to my MP3 player. I certainly understand why RW radio is so popular even if they avoid the real reasons for why we are in the shape we are in.

We are in the shape we are in because of the shit RW radio vomits out that that suckers looking for easy answers lap up like kittens with a saucer of milk. A whole generation of aggrieved, uneducated whites have bought into the shit on RW radio, thinking it had validity when the purveyors of that shit had no more credibility than a crazy person screaming at invisible people on the street. They're conmen who suckered you all into thinking that giving the rich and powerful more will magically, inexplicably "trickle down" to you. That's the false bill of goods you were sold. And rather than say to yourself "hey, those people who told me all that shit were just bullshitting me in order to take advantage of me", you blame everyone else. Because admitting you were taken advantage of would mean you're not as intuitive or clever as you think. That's what's driving those voters to drink themselves to death.

.People despise those of your ilk for good reasons. You and your ilk are Fabian socialists and on the verge of being full blown commies. Your kind will stoop to anything and you have no line in the sand that you will not cross in order to attain the goal of a totalitarian communist state per Bill Ayers. I utterly despise what passes for the leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies because they have allowed themselves to be used by the very ones that they claim to oppose and are tooo fucking stupid to realize it.

Oh for fuck's sake...get over yourself. No one on the left wants "Communism". That's just a straw man argument you're using so you don't have to reconcile your belief system is tantamount to a pile of bullshit. You should be embarrassed you wrote that garbage.
Social programs created by stealing from others and what they couldn't steal, they borrowed from a Fed bank with no real money and no real reserves that we pay interest on?

Nope. Completely, 100% wrong. So you're saying Medicare steals from people so they can then use Medicare themselves? Huh? I think you're drunk.

Until the Federal Reserve came along, there was no progressive in come tax. Until the Fed came along and until Woodrow Wilson lifted the tariffs protected American workers from competing with countries that used slave labor, "da gubermint" was funded. It is unconstitutional to steal something of value via taxes from someone that is bartering their labor in one hour increments. Having a central bank is unconstitutional. Having a nanny state creates nothing but more welfare cases. Until you understand the root cause of this debt slavery system, you will remain a clueless leftard and will continue to wallow in it.

If you think taxation is theft, then you're an idiot.[

Consumption taxes, no....income tax is most definitely theft and if you think otherwise? The only idiot here is you.
No, your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity and you can find them on the Dun and Bradstreet website.

You're the ones who keep saying government should be run like a business. So when it actually is, suddenly you all scream that it's a corporate entity and it's not fair and wah wah wah. This government is what you wanted. This is what running government like a business looks like. Where it stomps on your needs in order to satiate the powerful and wealthy. It's dogma you've bought into and enabled as you vote for people who say they will run government like a business. What do you think businesses do????? You're aggrieved about something for which you are to blame. If you don't think you get adequate representation in DC, why do you keep voting for people who are clearly representing business and special interests??? Because that is what the Conservative Movement is.

FDR sold us out to the international bankers with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and made all the American people turn in their REAL money (gold) under penalty of jail time and a 5,000 dollar fine.

Christ...gold is not real money. Gold has no intrinsic value other than the fact that it's shiny and looks pretty. We are a technologically advanced society, so we don't need shiny pieces of metal to prove value or worth. Nevermind the fact that the value of gold isn't even set by the "free market", it's set by governments. As much as you'd like it, we aren't going to revert back to days of pan-sifting through dirt to find specs of gold. Grow the fuck up. It's not gold that expanded our economy over the last 80 years, and it will never be the thing to expand the economy. You scream about the Fed, but the Fed is the reason why our economy went through a massive expansion post-WWII. Lending done by the Fed to banks is what results in lending to consumers and businesses. It's immature to think we don't need a centralized bank when we have a centralized economy.

As far as people dying? We are ALL being poisoned every day via water, the food, the geo-engineering that pollutes the air. No one is being spared lest you believe otherwise. I have nothing to admit being wrong about. You should be careful if you ever get that communist utopia that you crave because it's not the heaven on earth you believe it would be which will make you the most dangerous to the state. You have no idea how communism works and you better hope that you never see it put into practice.

So naturally, if people are getting poisoned by the water and air, you think removing protections will make them less poisonous? Think about what you're saying. As far as Communism, I nor anyone on this thread has advocated for that. So it's a straw man designed to make you feel better about your own shitty beliefs. That by ascribing a belief system to me, that I don't even have, somehow diminishes the awfulness that is your belief system. You say I don't know how communism works, and you do?????? Surely you understand my skepticism.
You don't "think"....that much is obvious. What "conservative lies" from these bought and paid for politicians do you believe I have fallen for?

The idea that if you cut taxes it will somehow, magically create growth. The idea that if you deregulate industry it will somehow, magically create jobs. The idea that if you invade a foreign country you won't have to "fight them here". I mean you name it, and Conservatives were wrong about it.

I don't need anyone to tell me how the cow eats the cabbage. I see exactly what is going on and it's sickening to witness. The country is being washed away in a flood of filth and decadence and leftards like you are riding the waves.

So this is the uneducated, middle-aged, white grievance that I'm talking about. That life didn't turn out for you the way you had hoped and/or were promised so it's someone else's fault. You try to escape culpability for buying into this shit by deluding yourself into thinking that you're a victim. And you're partially right. You are a victim. Only you're a victim of your own ignorance, gullibility, and arrogance. No one else is to blame for that.

I have a college degree, asswipe. You see, commie fucks like you can never get enough of the earnings of others. Without an honest monetary system based on something with an intrinsic value to back it? This corporate entity will always be indebted even if you stole every dime of every person with a job.
Finally! A conservative Republican who is willing to speak of and take resposibility for the ongoing three ring circus in the White House

My Party Is in Denial About Donald Trump

Who could blame the people who felt abandoned and ignored by the major parties for reaching in despair for a candidate who offered oversimplified answers to infinitely complex questions and managed to entertain them in the process? With hindsight, it is clear that we all but ensured the rise of Donald Trump

Selected excerpts:
I will let the liberals answer for their own sins in this regard. (There are many.) But we conservatives mocked Barack Obama’s failure to deliver on his pledge to change the tone in Washington even as we worked to assist with that failure. It was we conservatives who, upon Obama’s election, stated that our No. 1 priority was not advancing a conservative policy agenda but making Obama a one-term president—the corollary to this binary thinking being that his failure would be our success and the fortunes of the citizenry would presumably be sorted out in the meantime.

It was we conservatives who were largely silent when the most egregious and sustained attacks on Obama’s legitimacy were leveled by marginal figures who would later be embraced and legitimized by far too many of us.

It was we conservatives who rightly and robustly asserted our constitutional prerogatives as a co-equal branch of government when a Democrat was in the White House but who, despite solemn vows to do the same in the event of a Trump presidency, have maintained an unnerving silence as instability has ensued

To carry on in the spring of 2017 as if what was happening was anything approaching normalcy required a determined suspension of critical faculties.
And tremendous powers of denial.

Michael Gerson, a conservative columnist and former senior adviser to President George W. Bush, wrote, four months into the new presidency, The conservative mind, in some very visible cases, has become diseased,” and conservative institutions “with the blessings of a president … have abandoned the normal constraints of reason and compassion.”

Did someone change from being a leftist homo to being a straight male conservative?

Last edited:
Finally! A conservative Republican who is willing to speak of and take resposibility for the ongoing three ring circus in the White House

My Party Is in Denial About Donald Trump

Who could blame the people who felt abandoned and ignored by the major parties for reaching in despair for a candidate who offered oversimplified answers to infinitely complex questions and managed to entertain them in the process? With hindsight, it is clear that we all but ensured the rise of Donald Trump

Selected excerpts:
I will let the liberals answer for their own sins in this regard. (There are many.) But we conservatives mocked Barack Obama’s failure to deliver on his pledge to change the tone in Washington even as we worked to assist with that failure. It was we conservatives who, upon Obama’s election, stated that our No. 1 priority was not advancing a conservative policy agenda but making Obama a one-term president—the corollary to this binary thinking being that his failure would be our success and the fortunes of the citizenry would presumably be sorted out in the meantime.

It was we conservatives who were largely silent when the most egregious and sustained attacks on Obama’s legitimacy were leveled by marginal figures who would later be embraced and legitimized by far too many of us.

It was we conservatives who rightly and robustly asserted our constitutional prerogatives as a co-equal branch of government when a Democrat was in the White House but who, despite solemn vows to do the same in the event of a Trump presidency, have maintained an unnerving silence as instability has ensued

To carry on in the spring of 2017 as if what was happening was anything approaching normalcy required a determined suspension of critical faculties.
And tremendous powers of denial.

Michael Gerson, a conservative columnist and former senior adviser to President George W. Bush, wrote, four months into the new presidency, The conservative mind, in some very visible cases, has become diseased,” and conservative institutions “with the blessings of a president … have abandoned the normal constraints of reason and compassion.”


Consumption taxes, no....income tax is most definitely theft and if you think otherwise? The only idiot here is you.

I actually think we shouldn't have income tax at all. Instead, we should have a Carbon tax. Income is a good thing, waste and pollution aren't. So we should be taxing bad things to influence social behaviors. Taxing waste instead of income is a means to do that.

Betcha didn't think I'd respond with that, did ya?
I guarantee you that I am infinitely more informed than you are

Well, now I know for sure you definitely aren't. If you have to qualify the shit you're about to say with this posturing garbage, then I know what I'm about to be in store for; a load of horseshit.

Annnnnnnnnnd right on cue:

. You assume many things about me that is total bullshit. I don't listen to AM RW radio. I prefer documentaries and lectures that I can download to my MP3 player. I certainly understand why RW radio is so popular even if they avoid the real reasons for why we are in the shape we are in.

We are in the shape we are in because of the shit RW radio vomits out that that suckers looking for easy answers lap up like kittens with a saucer of milk. A whole generation of aggrieved, uneducated whites have bought into the shit on RW radio, thinking it had validity when the purveyors of that shit had no more credibility than a crazy person screaming at invisible people on the street. They're conmen who suckered you all into thinking that giving the rich and powerful more will magically, inexplicably "trickle down" to you. That's the false bill of goods you were sold. And rather than say to yourself "hey, those people who told me all that shit were just bullshitting me in order to take advantage of me", you blame everyone else. Because admitting you were taken advantage of would mean you're not as intuitive or clever as you think. That's what's driving those voters to drink themselves to death.

.People despise those of your ilk for good reasons. You and your ilk are Fabian socialists and on the verge of being full blown commies. Your kind will stoop to anything and you have no line in the sand that you will not cross in order to attain the goal of a totalitarian communist state per Bill Ayers. I utterly despise what passes for the leftard clown posse of sniveling pussies because they have allowed themselves to be used by the very ones that they claim to oppose and are tooo fucking stupid to realize it.

Oh for fuck's sake...get over yourself. No one on the left wants "Communism". That's just a straw man argument you're using so you don't have to reconcile your belief system is tantamount to a pile of bullshit. You should be embarrassed you wrote that garbage.

"We are in the shape we are in because of the shit RW radio vomits out that that suckers looking for easy answers lap up like kittens with a saucer of milk. A whole generation of aggrieved, uneducated whites have bought into the shit on RW radio, thinking it had validity when the purveyors of that shit had no more credibility than a crazy person screaming at invisible people on the street. They're conmen who suckered you all into thinking that giving the rich and powerful more will magically, inexplicably "trickle down" to you. That's the false bill of goods you were sold. And rather than say to yourself "hey, those people who told me all that shit were just bullshitting me in order to take advantage of me", you blame everyone else. Because admitting you were taken advantage of would mean you're not as intuitive or clever as you think. That's what's driving those voters to drink themselves to death"

Easy answers for leftards like you is to steal from others in order to curry favor with your ne'er -do-well voting base.

"Oh for fuck's sake...get over yourself. No one on the left wants "Communism". That's just a straw man argument you're using so you don't have to reconcile your belief system is tantamount to a pile of bullshit. You should be embarrassed you wrote that garbage"

70 plus leftard senators and congressmen have ties to commie front groups and Bernie Sanders is one of them and he is an unabashed socialist. You can't win this argument because you have nothing to offer in the way of debate. You are simply venting your frustration with a barrage of postings where you swing your little cyber purse...but hey, rock on wid yo' bad self. LMAO!
Consumption taxes, no....income tax is most definitely theft and if you think otherwise? The only idiot here is you.

I actually think we shouldn't have income tax at all. Instead, we should have a Carbon tax. Income is a good thing, waste and pollution aren't. So we should be taxing bad things to influence social behaviors. Taxing waste instead of income is a means to do that.

Betcha didn't think I'd respond with that, did ya?

Carbon tax? You think oil is a fossil fuel??????? Seriously?
I have a college degree, asswipe.

So you say...but I don't believe it.

You see, commie fucks like you can never get enough of the earnings of others. Without an honest monetary system based on something with an intrinsic value to back it? This corporate entity will always be indebted even if you stole every dime of every person with a job.

All straw-man horseshit, of course. And all confirms exactly what I've been saying; that you've been sold a false bill of goods that giving the wealthy more will somehow, magically trickle down to you. They don't care what your tax rate is, so why do you care what theirs is? Unless you consider yourself a "temporarily embarrassed millionaire" whose fortune is right around the corner...
Carbon tax? You think oil is a fossil fuel??????? Seriously?

Ummm...oil most certainly is a fossil fuel. It's also a major source of the increased amount of carbon in our atmosphere. And it's going to dry up, eventually.
No, your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity and you can find them on the Dun and Bradstreet website.

You're the ones who keep saying government should be run like a business. So when it actually is, suddenly you all scream that it's a corporate entity and it's not fair and wah wah wah. This government is what you wanted. This is what running government like a business looks like. Where it stomps on your needs in order to satiate the powerful and wealthy. It's dogma you've bought into and enabled as you vote for people who say they will run government like a business. What do you think businesses do????? You're aggrieved about something for which you are to blame. If you don't think you get adequate representation in DC, why do you keep voting for people who are clearly representing business and special interests??? Because that is what the Conservative Movement is.

FDR sold us out to the international bankers with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and made all the American people turn in their REAL money (gold) under penalty of jail time and a 5,000 dollar fine.

Christ...gold is not real money. Gold has no intrinsic value other than the fact that it's shiny and looks pretty. We are a technologically advanced society, so we don't need shiny pieces of metal to prove value or worth. Nevermind the fact that the value of gold isn't even set by the "free market", it's set by governments. As much as you'd like it, we aren't going to revert back to days of pan-sifting through dirt to find specs of gold. Grow the fuck up. It's not gold that expanded our economy over the last 80 years, and it will never be the thing to expand the economy. You scream about the Fed, but the Fed is the reason why our economy went through a massive expansion post-WWII. Lending done by the Fed to banks is what results in lending to consumers and businesses. It's immature to think we don't need a centralized bank when we have a centralized economy.

As far as people dying? We are ALL being poisoned every day via water, the food, the geo-engineering that pollutes the air. No one is being spared lest you believe otherwise. I have nothing to admit being wrong about. You should be careful if you ever get that communist utopia that you crave because it's not the heaven on earth you believe it would be which will make you the most dangerous to the state. You have no idea how communism works and you better hope that you never see it put into practice.

So naturally, if people are getting poisoned by the water and air, you think removing protections will make them less poisonous? Think about what you're saying. As far as Communism, I nor anyone on this thread has advocated for that. So it's a straw man designed to make you feel better about your own shitty beliefs. That by ascribing a belief system to me, that I don't even have, somehow diminishes the awfulness that is your belief system. You say I don't know how communism works, and you do?????? Surely you understand my skepticism.

These alleged protections are not working now. Monsanto is in the back pockets of leftards and especially the Hildebeast and you can throw in some neocons as well. The geo-engineering program is a D.O.D operation with little to no oversight. Like I have stated and OBVIOUSLY you are not listening....until you understand the root cause of why this system has enslaved every nation with a central bank? You can't grasp what it is you are fighting. I noticed that you were awfully quiet about HJR-192, the loss of allodial rights to property....why is that???
Carbon tax? You think oil is a fossil fuel??????? Seriously?

Ummm...oil most certainly is a fossil fuel. It's also a major source of the increased amount of carbon in our atmosphere. And it's going to dry up, eventually.

Then tell me why they have struck oil by drilling down as much as two miles and hit oil? If petroleum is so bad? How come the patents to build carburetors that would use 100 percent of the fuel instead of 20 percent? The technology to be totally free of petroleum based fuels has been around since the days of Tesla. Ever heard of the Iron Mountain Report? The Formation of the Club of Rome and sustainable development? Maurice Strong?
Easy answers for leftards like you is to steal from others in order to curry favor with your ne'er -do-well voting base.

Again with the straw men. The only way you can hang in this debate is to make these kinds of shitty argument because you are desperate to avoid culpability for your own gullible nature. Taxation with representation is what they were saying when they revolted against the crown. Now, you seem to be thinking the antithesis of that. The wealthy don't give a shit what your tax rate is, so why do you give a shit what theirs is? Do you fancy yourself a "temporarily embarrassed millionaire"? Because that's the only explanation for why you oppose taxing the wealthy to help everyone else. You're not going to be a millionaire. Give up that pipe dream and stop being delusional. If it hasn't happened for you by now, it's not going to ever happen.

70 plus leftard senators and congressmen have ties to commie front groups

LOL! So you acknowledge that RW radio is a problem, then go right ahead and regurgitate that which comes from RW radio. The problem isn't anyone on the left. No one on the left is the reason why you didn't achieve what you thought you would. The people to blame are those on the right who lied to you in order to get you to go along with their counter-intuitive ideas for you. That's where the problem lies. It's been 40 years, when is the trickle-down supposed to start?

and Bernie Sanders is one of them and he is an unabashed socialist. You can't win this argument because you have nothing to offer in the way of debate. You are simply venting your frustration with a barrage of postings where you swing your little cyber purse...but hey, rock on wid yo' bad self. LMAO!

Bernie is a democratic socialist, which means he completely believes in the free market, but that it has to be tightly regulated because business' interests do not align with the interests of the citizenry. What's good for Wall Street is not what's good for Main Street. So you say you oppose the corporate government, yet that is precisely what you are arguing for. Do you even realize you're doing it? Maybe I have you pegged wrong...maybe you're not a malicious person. Maybe you're just ignorant. I can work with ignorant. I can't work with malice.
No, your beloved "gubermint" is a corporate entity and you can find them on the Dun and Bradstreet website.

You're the ones who keep saying government should be run like a business. So when it actually is, suddenly you all scream that it's a corporate entity and it's not fair and wah wah wah. This government is what you wanted. This is what running government like a business looks like. Where it stomps on your needs in order to satiate the powerful and wealthy. It's dogma you've bought into and enabled as you vote for people who say they will run government like a business. What do you think businesses do????? You're aggrieved about something for which you are to blame. If you don't think you get adequate representation in DC, why do you keep voting for people who are clearly representing business and special interests??? Because that is what the Conservative Movement is.

FDR sold us out to the international bankers with the Chapter 11 Bankruptcy of 1933 and made all the American people turn in their REAL money (gold) under penalty of jail time and a 5,000 dollar fine.

Christ...gold is not real money. Gold has no intrinsic value other than the fact that it's shiny and looks pretty. We are a technologically advanced society, so we don't need shiny pieces of metal to prove value or worth. Nevermind the fact that the value of gold isn't even set by the "free market", it's set by governments. As much as you'd like it, we aren't going to revert back to days of pan-sifting through dirt to find specs of gold. Grow the fuck up. It's not gold that expanded our economy over the last 80 years, and it will never be the thing to expand the economy. You scream about the Fed, but the Fed is the reason why our economy went through a massive expansion post-WWII. Lending done by the Fed to banks is what results in lending to consumers and businesses. It's immature to think we don't need a centralized bank when we have a centralized economy.

As far as people dying? We are ALL being poisoned every day via water, the food, the geo-engineering that pollutes the air. No one is being spared lest you believe otherwise. I have nothing to admit being wrong about. You should be careful if you ever get that communist utopia that you crave because it's not the heaven on earth you believe it would be which will make you the most dangerous to the state. You have no idea how communism works and you better hope that you never see it put into practice.

So naturally, if people are getting poisoned by the water and air, you think removing protections will make them less poisonous? Think about what you're saying. As far as Communism, I nor anyone on this thread has advocated for that. So it's a straw man designed to make you feel better about your own shitty beliefs. That by ascribing a belief system to me, that I don't even have, somehow diminishes the awfulness that is your belief system. You say I don't know how communism works, and you do?????? Surely you understand my skepticism.

Gold has no intrinsic value? Holy shit!!!!!!! You claim to be college educated?????

The Many Uses of Gold - U.S. Global Investors
Then tell me why they have struck oil by drilling down as much as two miles and hit oil?

Ummm...what? Because that's where it is. They also dig down two miles and find dinosaur fossils.

If petroleum is so bad? How come the patents to build carburetors that would use 100 percent of the fuel instead of 20 percent? The technology to be totally free of petroleum based fuels has been around since the days of Tesla. Ever heard of the Iron Mountain Report? The Formation of the Club of Rome and sustainable development? Maurice Strong?

What does this have to do with a carbon tax?
Easy answers for leftards like you is to steal from others in order to curry favor with your ne'er -do-well voting base.

Again with the straw men. The only way you can hang in this debate is to make these kinds of shitty argument because you are desperate to avoid culpability for your own gullible nature. Taxation with representation is what they were saying when they revolted against the crown. Now, you seem to be thinking the antithesis of that. The wealthy don't give a shit what your tax rate is, so why do you give a shit what theirs is? Do you fancy yourself a "temporarily embarrassed millionaire"? Because that's the only explanation for why you oppose taxing the wealthy to help everyone else. You're not going to be a millionaire. Give up that pipe dream and stop being delusional. If it hasn't happened for you by now, it's not going to ever happen.

70 plus leftard senators and congressmen have ties to commie front groups

LOL! So you acknowledge that RW radio is a problem, then go right ahead and regurgitate that which comes from RW radio. The problem isn't anyone on the left. No one on the left is the reason why you didn't achieve what you thought you would. The people to blame are those on the right who lied to you in order to get you to go along with their counter-intuitive ideas for you. That's where the problem lies. It's been 40 years, when is the trickle-down supposed to start?

and Bernie Sanders is one of them and he is an unabashed socialist. You can't win this argument because you have nothing to offer in the way of debate. You are simply venting your frustration with a barrage of postings where you swing your little cyber purse...but hey, rock on wid yo' bad self. LMAO!

Bernie is a democratic socialist, which means he completely believes in the free market, but that it has to be tightly regulated because business' interests do not align with the interests of the citizenry. What's good for Wall Street is not what's good for Main Street. So you say you oppose the corporate government, yet that is precisely what you are arguing for. Do you even realize you're doing it? Maybe I have you pegged wrong...maybe you're not a malicious person. Maybe you're just ignorant. I can work with ignorant. I can't work with malice.

Sanders and his ties to commie front groups doesn't give you pause for thought? Seriously? I oppose a corporate government that is in a for profit venture that is owned by international bankers.
Then tell me why they have struck oil by drilling down as much as two miles and hit oil?

Ummm...what? Because that's where it is. They also dig down two miles and find dinosaur fossils.

If petroleum is so bad? How come the patents to build carburetors that would use 100 percent of the fuel instead of 20 percent? The technology to be totally free of petroleum based fuels has been around since the days of Tesla. Ever heard of the Iron Mountain Report? The Formation of the Club of Rome and sustainable development? Maurice Strong?

What does this have to do with a carbon tax?

Really? They have dug down and found dinosaur bones two miles deep? You got a link for that? Oil is an abiotic fluid naturally produced by the earth's crust? What does my comment have to do with a carbon tax? Because the same robber barons that own the oil and keep this petroleum based economy in place are the same ones that will be collecting the carbon tax...DUH??

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