A Conservative Take on the Disaster that is Trump

Gold is largely "ornamental"????? Dude, you haven't the faintest clue

It is largely ornamental. There are tons of other metals that have the same uses as gold. From where does gold's value come? From its aesthetics. We like the way it looks. Beyond that, it doesn't have many uses that can't be satisfied with other metals.

There never was a "surplus".

Yes, there was. Open this link and scroll down to 1998 and you'll see that there were four consecutive budget surpluses that vanished as Bush the Dumber and Conservatives cut taxes. There was a $256B budget surplus in 2000 that was turned into a record deficit of $377B by 2003. That's entirely, 100% because of the Bush Tax Cuts. Bush would then set three more deficit records in 2004 ($412B), 2008 ($456B) and 2009 ($1.4T). Had Conservatives done nothing, we could have paid the debt off by 2010. But Conservatives couldn't even do nothing right.

When Clinton left office the debt was at 5.5 trillion dollars but Clinton and the repub controlled house and senate of that era added 1.36 trillion of that but far from being in "surplus" territory.

So, OK, it's clear you don't know what a surplus is. Fine. Let me educate you. A surplus is when the government collects more in revenues than it spends in outlays. From 1998-2001, we ran four consecutive surpluses. You don't know the differences between a surplus, a deficit, and debt. So we can't have a discussion about this until you accept the facts.

Bush the lesser doubled it and the Barrypuppet then doubled it. "Da gubermint" which is owned by the IMF collects the taxes and any increase would go to them and the fact that you believe that they would pass on the raping and pillaging of others to benefit you is ludicrous because you have no clue as to how the system actually works. I do. Why do most countries operate under a debt load? Because they have a central bank that creates money out of thin air and then charges interest for it. Every FRN is a debt note and a "Promise to pay".

Obama didn't double it. He grew it by 80% but that was largely because he paid for the wars, Medicare Part-D, and the Bush Tax Cuts, which you guys didn't do. So Bush doubled the debt in 8 years, while you all said nothing. But suddenly Obama comes in, stops the account trickery that Conservatives are famous for, and you blame him for the debt? Fuck you.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Keep teling yourself that....you have done nothing but show your ignorance here.....gold has no intrinsic value??? LMAO!!!!!!!

Gold's only value is in its aethetics. Beyond that, it serves no exclusive function. We like the way it looks. That's where its value comes from...unchanged since the middle ages. Just like your thinking.
I am calling bullshit on that because it is pushing the narrative that oil is a "fossil fuel" thus a finite resource when it is the second most prevelent fluid on earth. Old oil wells that were thought to be tapped out are refilling.

Oil is a fossil fuel (literally the fossils of dead microscopic organisms that lived hundreds of millions of years ago) and it is a finite resource.

You're an ignoramus.
hmmm, I don't think it was a conscious decision to have a depression, but it did prove the gold standard with soverign nations controlling their own gold supplies did not work.

You should do some research into the financial escapades of George Soros.

Seems he's done some very nasty manipulations with money that affected entire countries.....and hurt many people. But...he got richer.
There are some very selfish very wealthy people (many Democrats). Some have no problem manipulating economies for their personal gain.
You have no critical thinking skills

So your style is to just copy what I wrote and turn it back on me? LOL. The "I'm-rubber-you're-glue" argument. My 4 year old niece does the same thing. So congrats on having the emotional intelligence of a four year old.

but you have definitely been indoctrinated and programmed if you did indeed go to college. You were not taught how to think but what to think....merely a product of your environment.

Conservatives whine about how educated people make them feel stupid, then drink themselves to death because they cannot bear to reconcile that life didn't turn out the way they had hoped or were promised, and I'm the one programmed and indoctrinated. LOL!
Gold only has value because it's "pretty...kinda like diamonds"?

Yup. In fact, the link one of you fucking idiots posted had ornamental uses take up 1/3 of the 9 slides. The only uses you guys could come up with were fillings for teeth (and people don't get gold fillings anymore and haven't for a while), 3,000-year-old Chinese holistic medicine (which Conservatives would normally scoff at), and electricity conduction (which most other metals also do)

Credibility lost permanently........sorry....there is no recovery from this

No, you're just trying to gaslight me so you don't have to reconcile the fact that you're not as smart, intuitive, or clever as you think you are.
You should do some research into the financial escapades of George Soros.

Fuck you and fuck George Soros, a guy you had never heard of until Glenn Beck started screaming bullshit about him. BTW - Glenn Beck has since admitted he was full of shit that whole time you were loyally listening to him. So way to be taken for a ride like the true dupe you are.

Seems he's done some very nasty manipulations with money that affected entire countries.....and hurt many people. But...he got richer.
There are some very selfish very wealthy people (many Democrats). Some have no problem manipulating economies for their personal gain.

Oh really, is that what it "seems like" to you? Of course, things are far more complex than that...but we can't expect Conservatives to understand complexity.
Somewhat Off topic, but it's amusing to you tube Milton Friedman's take on the gold standard and the cause/effect of the great depression

The Great Depression was artificially manufactured by the very same robber barons that sold the sheeple on the Federal Reserve Act that was suppose to keep this very thing from happening.
hmmm, I don't think it was a conscious decision to have a depression, but it did prove the gold standard with soverign nations controlling their own gold supplies did not work.

The condition of being able to buy 100 dollars of stock for ten dollars down came with the stipulation that the loan could be called in at anytime. So, when the market was at it's apex, the Rothschild agents pulled out with their massive profits and then did a margin call causing a run on the banks that caused the market to crash enabling them to swoop in and buy up corporations that they coveted and banks not affiliated with the Federal Reserve. It's akin as to how Nathan Rothschild took over England's banking system when he had a courier make it back 24 hours before the others to let him know that France had been defeated. He started selling of his England war bonds and others (believing that Rothschild had insider knowledge did the same until the price continued to fall...then he had his agents came in behind them and buy the bonds up.

“The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation. From now on depressions will be scientifically created.” (Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, after the passage of the Federal Reserve act 1913.
Gold only has value because it's "pretty...kinda like diamonds"?

Yup. In fact, the link one of you fucking idiots posted had ornamental uses take up 1/3 of the 9 slides. The only uses you guys could come up with were fillings for teeth (and people don't get gold fillings anymore and haven't for a while), 3,000-year-old Chinese holistic medicine (which Conservatives would normally scoff at), and electricity conduction (which most other metals also do)

Credibility lost permanently........sorry....there is no recovery from this

No, you're just trying to gaslight me so you don't have to reconcile the fact that you're not as smart, intuitive, or clever as you think you are.

Dude, you are the one that believed that gold had no other uses but just being shiny and pretty........you kinda did it to yourself.
If the loony left would come re-hinged, you would see a lot more criticism of president Tannen from the right wing, expecially the libertarian leaning right wing. But TDS and laughing at those who have it kinda puts a damper on legit criticisms of president biff
I am calling bullshit on that because it is pushing the narrative that oil is a "fossil fuel" thus a finite resource when it is the second most prevelent fluid on earth. Old oil wells that were thought to be tapped out are refilling.

Oil is a fossil fuel (literally the fossils of dead microscopic organisms that lived hundreds of millions of years ago) and it is a finite resource.

You're an ignoramus.

Do you even know the origin of the theory that oil was a "fossil fuel" and who was behind pushing that narrative in the late 1800s? It was the Rockefeller family, the biggest oil barons in America.
You have no critical thinking skills

So your style is to just copy what I wrote and turn it back on me? LOL. The "I'm-rubber-you're-glue" argument. My 4 year old niece does the same thing. So congrats on having the emotional intelligence of a four year old.

but you have definitely been indoctrinated and programmed if you did indeed go to college. You were not taught how to think but what to think....merely a product of your environment.

Conservatives whine about how educated people make them feel stupid, then drink themselves to death because they cannot bear to reconcile that life didn't turn out the way they had hoped or were promised, and I'm the one programmed and indoctrinated. LOL!

I am merely speaking the truth...you are the quintessential generic leftard poster. You can throw a rock in any direction here in cyberville and hit one. Educated people? I am one of them. I like being around people that are intelligent.....those that are indoctrinated and so staid in their beliefs that they can't look at any other point of view? Not so much. My life has been grand....no complaints here at all.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Keep teling yourself that....you have done nothing but show your ignorance here.....gold has no intrinsic value??? LMAO!!!!!!!

Gold's only value is in its aethetics. Beyond that, it serves no exclusive function. We like the way it looks. That's where its value comes from...unchanged since the middle ages. Just like your thinking.

Derp, you can't hit rock bottom until you are done digging a hole......

Uses of Gold in Industry, Medicine, Computers, Electronics, Jewelry
Gold is largely "ornamental"????? Dude, you haven't the faintest clue

It is largely ornamental. There are tons of other metals that have the same uses as gold. From where does gold's value come? From its aesthetics. We like the way it looks. Beyond that, it doesn't have many uses that can't be satisfied with other metals.

There never was a "surplus".

Yes, there was. Open this link and scroll down to 1998 and you'll see that there were four consecutive budget surpluses that vanished as Bush the Dumber and Conservatives cut taxes. There was a $256B budget surplus in 2000 that was turned into a record deficit of $377B by 2003. That's entirely, 100% because of the Bush Tax Cuts. Bush would then set three more deficit records in 2004 ($412B), 2008 ($456B) and 2009 ($1.4T). Had Conservatives done nothing, we could have paid the debt off by 2010. But Conservatives couldn't even do nothing right.

When Clinton left office the debt was at 5.5 trillion dollars but Clinton and the repub controlled house and senate of that era added 1.36 trillion of that but far from being in "surplus" territory.

So, OK, it's clear you don't know what a surplus is. Fine. Let me educate you. A surplus is when the government collects more in revenues than it spends in outlays. From 1998-2001, we ran four consecutive surpluses. You don't know the differences between a surplus, a deficit, and debt. So we can't have a discussion about this until you accept the facts.

Bush the lesser doubled it and the Barrypuppet then doubled it. "Da gubermint" which is owned by the IMF collects the taxes and any increase would go to them and the fact that you believe that they would pass on the raping and pillaging of others to benefit you is ludicrous because you have no clue as to how the system actually works. I do. Why do most countries operate under a debt load? Because they have a central bank that creates money out of thin air and then charges interest for it. Every FRN is a debt note and a "Promise to pay".

Obama didn't double it. He grew it by 80% but that was largely because he paid for the wars, Medicare Part-D, and the Bush Tax Cuts, which you guys didn't do. So Bush doubled the debt in 8 years, while you all said nothing. But suddenly Obama comes in, stops the account trickery that Conservatives are famous for, and you blame him for the debt? Fuck you.

I don't like the Bush crime family any more than you do. Back in 2006 the leftard clown posse claimed that if they were given the House and Senate back that they would immediately stop these illegal wars and refuse to fund them....but did they? HELL no, but they did attached pork projects for their districts while passing bills to continue the funding...and "YES", it did double under the Barrypuppet and you can make all the excuses you want but it is what it is.
I don't like the Bush crime family any more than you do. Back in 2006 the leftard clown posse claimed that if they were given the House and Senate back that they would immediately stop these illegal wars and refuse to fund them....but did they? HELL no, but they did attached pork projects for their districts while passing bills to continue the funding...and "YES", it did double under the Barrypuppet and you can make all the excuses you want but it is what it is.

So, you don't get to take a giant shit on the table and then blame the guy who cleans it up. And they didn't stop the wars overnight, but pressure from them is what forced Bush into signing the 2008 Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq that Obama followed through on, getting our troops out of there by the end of 2012.
I am merely speaking the truth...

So, let me stop you right there. Your opinion isn't truth.

you are the quintessential generic leftard poster. You can throw a rock in any direction here in cyberville and hit one. Educated people? I am one of them. I like being around people that are intelligent.....those that are indoctrinated and so staid in their beliefs that they can't look at any other point of view? Not so much. My life has been grand....no complaints here at all.

There are no opposing viewpoints when it comes to facts. There is either acceptance or denial. Like, you either accept or deny the science that shows carbon is causing climate change
Do you even know the origin of the theory that oil was a "fossil fuel" and who was behind pushing that narrative in the late 1800s? It was the Rockefeller family, the biggest oil barons in America.

Oil is finite and is the fossilized remains of microscopic organisms that roamed our great oceans millions of years before dinosaurs and mammals.
If the loony left would come re-hinged, you would see a lot more criticism of president Tannen from the right wing, expecially the libertarian leaning right wing. But TDS and laughing at those who have it kinda puts a damper on legit criticisms of president biff

"President Biff"...I fuckin' love that. I'm stealing that one.

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