A Conservative Take on the Disaster that is Trump

I don't like the Bush crime family any more than you do. Back in 2006 the leftard clown posse claimed that if they were given the House and Senate back that they would immediately stop these illegal wars and refuse to fund them....but did they? HELL no, but they did attached pork projects for their districts while passing bills to continue the funding...and "YES", it did double under the Barrypuppet and you can make all the excuses you want but it is what it is.

So, you don't get to take a giant shit on the table and then blame the guy who cleans it up. And they didn't stop the wars overnight, but pressure from them is what forced Bush into signing the 2008 Status of Forces Agreement with Iraq that Obama followed through on, getting our troops out of there by the end of 2012.[/QUOTE}

But that wasn't the deal made back in 2006. Remember the candlelight vigils? Operation Pink, Cindy Sheehan? Hell even Joan Baez broke out her little guitar and started singing anti-war songs.....as soon as the leftards took both houses? The protests stopped but nothing changed....business as usual.
ut that wasn't the deal made back in 2006. Remember the candlelight vigils? Operation Pink, Cindy Sheehan? Hell even Joan Baez broke out her little guitar and started singing anti-war songs.....as soon as the leftards took both houses? The protests stopped but nothing changed....business as usual.

....and the SOFA was put into place, and Obama followed through on it. How do you think we get out of an occupation?
Do you even know the origin of the theory that oil was a "fossil fuel" and who was behind pushing that narrative in the late 1800s? It was the Rockefeller family, the biggest oil barons in America.

Oil is finite and is the fossilized remains of microscopic organisms that roamed our great oceans millions of years before dinosaurs and mammals.

That is what you have been programmed to believe but that is not the case at all. Remember back in 2008 and how we were lied to that we had reached "Peak Oil" time???? We were all suckered into paying 4 and 5 bucks a gallon at the pump. Again, you will not even address the suppression of technology that would not only quadruple the miles per gallon but would eliminate any emissions whatsoever. They are not willing to part with those patents but they are willing to tax you for using that same fuel in order to get around. How you can't see that simply tells me that you are not as educated as you would have others to believe.
ut that wasn't the deal made back in 2006. Remember the candlelight vigils? Operation Pink, Cindy Sheehan? Hell even Joan Baez broke out her little guitar and started singing anti-war songs.....as soon as the leftards took both houses? The protests stopped but nothing changed....business as usual.

....and the SOFA was put into place, and Obama followed through on it. How do you think we get out of an occupation?

AGAIN, that wasn't the deal that the leftard clown posse made in 2006 with the American people. They didn't say "We will stop the war in 5 years!" They said that once they controlled the purse strings that it would no longer be funded....don't get pissed at me.....get pissed at the ones that lied to you.
That is what you have been programmed to believe

Programmed? Ummm...science is science dude. I haven't been programmed to know from where oil comes, I have been educated to know that. Do you think oil is God's sweat or something? Wow.

Remember back in 2008 and how we were lied to that we had reached "Peak Oil" time???? We were all suckered into paying 4 and 5 bucks a gallon at the pump. Again, you will not even address the suppression of technology that would not only quadruple the miles per gallon but would eliminate any emissions whatsoever. They are not willing to part with those patents but they are willing to tax you for using that same fuel in order to get around. How you can't see that simply tells me that you are not as educated as you would have others to believe.

Le sigh...Peak Oil is an inevitability.
AGAIN, that wasn't the deal that the leftard clown posse made in 2006 with the American people. They didn't say "We will stop the war in 5 years!" They said that once they controlled the purse strings that it would no longer be funded....don't get pissed at me.....get pissed at the ones that lied to you.

SMH. And the Democrats threatening this is how we got the SOFA.
I am merely speaking the truth...

So, let me stop you right there. Your opinion isn't truth.

you are the quintessential generic leftard poster. You can throw a rock in any direction here in cyberville and hit one. Educated people? I am one of them. I like being around people that are intelligent.....those that are indoctrinated and so staid in their beliefs that they can't look at any other point of view? Not so much. My life has been grand....no complaints here at all.

There are no opposing viewpoints when it comes to facts. There is either acceptance or denial. Like, you either accept or deny the science that shows carbon is causing climate change

And what "facts" are those???? You are claiming that one type of poison is preferable over another because the death is slower. You are claiming that dems are better because they steal more of the people's labor and redistribute it (after taking their cut) than the Repubs that would rather spend a few billion dollars on a new fighter jet than invest in infrastructure but the bottom line is that these thieving bastards have been feeding at the trough since the Federal Reserve Act. Those that are not corrupt have been compromised and until people realize this? We will simply keep getting what we are getting.
I am calling bullshit on that because it is pushing the narrative that oil is a "fossil fuel" thus a finite resource when it is the second most prevelent fluid on earth. Old oil wells that were thought to be tapped out are refilling.

Oil is a fossil fuel (literally the fossils of dead microscopic organisms that lived hundreds of millions of years ago) and it is a finite resource.

You're an ignoramus.

Do you even know the origin of the theory that oil was a "fossil fuel" and who was behind pushing that narrative in the late 1800s? It was the Rockefeller family, the biggest oil barons in America.


Petroleum - Wikipedia
AGAIN, that wasn't the deal that the leftard clown posse made in 2006 with the American people. They didn't say "We will stop the war in 5 years!" They said that once they controlled the purse strings that it would no longer be funded....don't get pissed at me.....get pissed at the ones that lied to you.

SMH. And the Democrats threatening this is how we got the SOFA.

Wow! I wonder if the American voter would have bought the "We will threaten to cut funding if the war in Iraq doesn't end in 6 years!".......yeah, you betcha.
And what "facts" are those????

Any of them! We can start with the surplus you said wasn't there, but was. Here are the figures, in black and white, showing there was a surplus erased by the Bush Tax Cuts and Conservatives.

You are claiming that one type of poison is preferable over another because the death is slower.

What? What the fuck are you talking about?

You are claiming that dems are better because they steal more of the people's labor and redistribute it (after taking their cut) than the Repubs that would rather spend a few billion dollars on a new fighter jet than invest in infrastructure but the bottom line is that these thieving bastards have been feeding at the trough since the Federal Reserve Act. Those that are not corrupt have been compromised and until people realize this? We will simply keep getting what we are getting.

So your perception of government is tragically flawed because you think taxation is theft. You're partially right...taxes are theft. But where you're wrong is who is stealing from whom. The theft isn't from the wealthy to the poor, but the poor to the wealthy by way of wage stagnation and tax cuts.

That's the theft that is actually happening.

Taxation with representation isn't theft.
Wow! I wonder if the American voter would have bought the "We will threaten to cut funding if the war in Iraq doesn't end in 6 years!".......yeah, you betcha.

Because the Democrats won in 2006, Bush was forced into signing the SOFA. It was a whole thing that you were apparently not paying attention to.
I am calling bullshit on that because it is pushing the narrative that oil is a "fossil fuel" thus a finite resource when it is the second most prevelent fluid on earth. Old oil wells that were thought to be tapped out are refilling.

Oil is a fossil fuel (literally the fossils of dead microscopic organisms that lived hundreds of millions of years ago) and it is a finite resource.

You're an ignoramus.

Do you even know the origin of the theory that oil was a "fossil fuel" and who was behind pushing that narrative in the late 1800s? It was the Rockefeller family, the biggest oil barons in America.


Petroleum - Wikipedia

Seriously what???? You do know that Wikipedia isn't the "end all, be all" and can be edited by anyone. Russian and Ukrainian scientists figured out that oil was a byproduct created by shifting plates in the earth's crust.
Seriously what???? You do know that Wikipedia isn't the "end all, be all" and can be edited by anyone. Russian and Ukrainian scientists figured out that oil was a byproduct created by shifting plates in the earth's crust.

Shifting plates that did what? Condense and then release the fossils of micro-organisms. Do you...do you think oil just appears out of thin air?
Wow! I wonder if the American voter would have bought the "We will threaten to cut funding if the war in Iraq doesn't end in 6 years!".......yeah, you betcha.

Because the Democrats won in 2006, Bush was forced into signing the SOFA. It was a whole thing that you were apparently not paying attention to.

For six years down the road????? LOL! How little expectations leftards have of their leaders!!!! The murdering of innocent Iraqis could continue another 6 years!!!! Nicely done, leftards....way to put your foot down!! Then to add insult to injury? They added pork barrel spending on top of the war spending bills! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Unless leftist faggot OP suddenly turned straight hetero Republican, this thread is done.

FYI, He's a leftist homo.

The End.
For six years down the road?????

It takes as long as it takes. Moving billions of dollars of soldiers and equipment out of Iraq takes time and money. Thing is, they shouldn't have even been there in the first place.
Seriously what???? You do know that Wikipedia isn't the "end all, be all" and can be edited by anyone. Russian and Ukrainian scientists figured out that oil was a byproduct created by shifting plates in the earth's crust.

Shifting plates that did what? Condense and then release the fossils of micro-organisms. Do you...do you think oil just appears out of thin air?

Lots of documentation and articles out there concerning the research of Russian and Ukrainian scientists that have deep drilling techniques down to the proverbial "T". Why not invest a little time and energy into reading instead of shooting off that big "Knows nothing" mouth of yours??? Learn, grow, evolve......... (snicker)
Lots of documentation and articles out there concerning the research of Russian and Ukrainian scientists that have deep drilling techniques down to the proverbial "T". Why not invest a little time and energy into reading instead of shooting off that big "Knows nothing" mouth of yours??? Learn, grow, evolve......... (snicker)

WTF? So all you're doing is pretending that new ways of extracting oil from the ground changes from where oil actually comes from.

What a moron.

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