A Conservative's view on waterboarding

Straw, man.

Not in the slightest, you people think waterboarding is done with magical truth serum, if it is, why not use it on all kinds of scum rather than just terrorists?
More straw.
No one thinks that waterboarding makes anyone a genuine hionest person, or that it is a magical truth serum.
Try harder.

but its use supposedly got us all this *actionable intelligence*

so which is it?

try harder
"WHEN US Representative Steve King learned that Osama bin Laden had been killed by US troops in Pakistan, he couldn’t resist a little crowing about the efficacy of torture. “Wonder what President Obama thinks of water boarding now?’’ the Iowa Republican tweeted on May 2.

It was an outrageous remark, but King wasn’t going out on a limb. A parade of others, mostly Republicans, have joined him in claiming that the death of bin Laden had vindicated the use of waterboarding — the most notorious of the “enhanced interrogation techniques’’ the Bush administration employed to extract information from senior Al Qaeda detainees....

...I don’t know whether waterboarding was indispensable to rolling up bin Laden; for every interrogation expert who says it was, another expert argues the opposite. But the case against waterboarding never rested primarily on its usefulness. It rested on its wrongfulness. It is wrong when bad guys do it to good guys. It is just as wrong when good guys do it to Al Qaeda....

The killing of bin Laden was gratifying, but it was no vindication of torture. Republicans rightly argue that much credit is owed to George W. Bush, who launched an effective war on terror and pursued it with fierce resolve. But Bush was wrong to permit waterboarding, and wrong to deny that it was torture. I don’t agree with Obama on much, but when it comes to waterboarding, he is right. America will defeat the global jihad, but not by embracing its most inhuman values."

Ends don’t justify the means - The Boston Globe

Jeff Jacoby (columnist) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Hmm, so we are to believe that waterboarding, which some U.S> recruits undergo as a matter of course, is torture. And we are to believe that using it to gain information to prevent terrorist attacks is cruel and inhuman. I guess blowing up 3,000 people is not cruel and inhuman.
We cannot win the war against terrorism by playing by Marquis of Queensbury rules. The drivel of the left is proof that we have lost moral compass, unable to tell the difference between right and wrong.

We lose ourselves or what we are and stand for when we play by the rules of terrorists.
We become the enemy.

Indeed, I much prefer maintaining our pithy moral superiorority and letting them rape and pillage at will.
Re-read your posts, you're the one who's using the term "tools of islam" rather than terrorist. Anyone who's not a bigot sees the obvious difference.

Tools of Islam yes....Whats wrong Drock did I not use PC language for you did I hurt your sensibilities princess. I'm sorry I really am...... NOT

Your ignorance in no way pains me, just sad your ignorant bigotry is so prevalent in 2011.

I'd be shocked if you'd ever interacted with even a single muslim in your entire life. It's all based on the mainstream media's boogeyman stories.

Ummm umm Ummm Wow a second helping of Stupid good job Drock I didn't think you could manage the first bowl. You know nothing about me kid don't even try to suggest that you do.
Its doesn't really matter as far as I am concerned our government did what it felt was necessary to protect our Nation from the Islamic animals that have no problems killing as many as they can. For that I applaud them for having the backbone to take the steps to hunt down and kill the Islamic Tools

should we round up all the muslims in the us?

Only if they are captured in a war zone or involved in terrorist activities. Anyone taking part in, or assisting, our enemies deserves to die. Simple.

you certainly are.

Not in the slightest, you people think waterboarding is done with magical truth serum, if it is, why not use it on all kinds of scum rather than just terrorists?
More straw.
No one thinks that waterboarding makes anyone a genuine hionest person, or that it is a magical truth serum.
Try harder.

but its use supposedly got us all this *actionable intelligence*

so which is it?

try harder

If you think there's a contradiction in what he wrote you're even dumber than I thought. Not that I considered that possible.
People in training to be police officers are held down and given a figure 8 of pepper spray and forced to react.

If you were held down by someone you viewed as your enemy and they sprayed a figure 8 of pepper spray over your eyes while holding you down, would you view that as torture?

Rarely does that question get an honest answer, but it illustrates what should be a pretty obvious difference between the 2 instances.


Lol yeah, I'm sure you'd be begging for more.

I've been pepper sprayed and it hurts like hell. But it's not torture.
SO the US tortures its own servicemen?
Or does it cease to be torture if people volunteer for it?

yes, it does.

you're not too bright, are you?

So I guess holding people in jail is torture. Asking them questions under lights is torture. Depriving them of sleep is torture.
Is there any method you would allow to obtain information from terrorists?

my previous question still stands
yes, it does.

you're not too bright, are you?

So I guess holding people in jail is torture. Asking them questions under lights is torture. Depriving them of sleep is torture.
Is there any method you would allow to obtain information from terrorists?

my previous question still stands

So does mine.
I'll add that you are unable to debate this issue because you lack knowledge, intelligence and training in debate. So you mouth off to people in a snarky way to cover for your inabilities.
It is pitiful, really.
I think you need to go on virtual ignore.
I've always wondered why people who think waterboarding is great don't want it done in prisons or in trials.

If waterboarding has a magical way of getting even scumbag terrorists to become genuine, honest people instantly, why not do it to scumbag rapists, murderers etc?

I have to believe your title of Dr. is self assigned.
Straw, man.

Not in the slightest, you people think waterboarding is done with magical truth serum, if it is, why not use it on all kinds of scum rather than just terrorists?
More straw.
No one thinks that waterboarding makes anyone a genuine hionest person, or that it is a magical truth serum.
Try harder.

I see, so it does the same thing other moral versions of interrogation do, but we should do it anyways just to, punish? What is it?
I've always wondered why people who think waterboarding is great don't want it done in prisons or in trials.

If waterboarding has a magical way of getting even scumbag terrorists to become genuine, honest people instantly, why not do it to scumbag rapists, murderers etc?

I have to believe your title of Dr. is self assigned.

I always wonder why people are so scared to answer that question.

If it works on terror suspects, why wouldn't you want it done to rape or murder suspects?

Wouldn't it be good to waterboard someone to find out where they buried a body?

If they raped a kid?

Give me the argument why it's ok against terrorists and not ok with the others.
Not in the slightest, you people think waterboarding is done with magical truth serum, if it is, why not use it on all kinds of scum rather than just terrorists?
More straw.
No one thinks that waterboarding makes anyone a genuine hionest person, or that it is a magical truth serum.
Try harder.
but its use supposedly got us all this *actionable intelligence*
so which is it?
try harder
You present a false dichotomy based on strawmen.

There's an -obvious- difference betwen arguing for the efficacy of waterboarding in gaining actionable information and holding the position that it is a "magical truth serum" and turns terrorists into "genuine honest people."

-No one- has held the latter position, and to argue the former in no way necessiates belief in the latter.

You may give up now.
So Del I'm curious under this Scenario what do you suggest?

If one of these Islamic Tools setup a nuke in a city to explode in 5 hours and you had captured him would you really just ask him harsh questions to find out where its at?
So I guess holding people in jail is torture. Asking them questions under lights is torture. Depriving them of sleep is torture.
Is there any method you would allow to obtain information from terrorists?

my previous question still stands

So does mine.
I'll add that you are unable to debate this issue because you lack knowledge, intelligence and training in debate. So you mouth off to people in a snarky way to cover for your inabilities.
It is pitiful, really.
I think you need to go on virtual ignore.

know thyself


i support any type of questioning or method that doesn't turn us into the kind of animals we are supposedly fighting.

you appear to feel that the end justifies whatever means employed to attain that end.

you may live here and have citizenship, but you're no american as far as i'm concerned.

i bet you look good in brown.
Not in the slightest, you people think waterboarding is done with magical truth serum, if it is, why not use it on all kinds of scum rather than just terrorists?
More straw.
No one thinks that waterboarding makes anyone a genuine hionest person, or that it is a magical truth serum.
Try harder.
I see, so it does the same thing other moral versions of interrogation do, but we should do it anyways just to, punish? What is it?
What is what?
Why don't you ask a question based on a position soemone has actually taken?
my previous question still stands

So does mine.
I'll add that you are unable to debate this issue because you lack knowledge, intelligence and training in debate. So you mouth off to people in a snarky way to cover for your inabilities.
It is pitiful, really.
I think you need to go on virtual ignore.

know thyself


i support any type of questioning or method that doesn't turn us into the kind of animals we are supposedly fighting.

you appear to feel that the end justifies whatever means employed to attain that end.

you may live here and have citizenship, but you're no american as far as i'm concerned.

i bet you look good in brown.

Some Mod should move this thread to the Romper Room
Hmm, so we are to believe that waterboarding, which some U.S> recruits undergo as a matter of course, is torture. And we are to believe that using it to gain information to prevent terrorist attacks is cruel and inhuman. I guess blowing up 3,000 people is not cruel and inhuman.
We cannot win the war against terrorism by playing by Marquis of Queensbury rules. The drivel of the left is proof that we have lost moral compass, unable to tell the difference between right and wrong.

We lose ourselves or what we are and stand for when we play by the rules of terrorists.
We become the enemy.

In a fight for his life, only a moronic fool fights fair.

Just how many of us here in america have been fighting for our lives?
Yes those who were in service and sent overseas. However had they not been sent overseas?

You are letting your fears run your life instead of you controlling your fears.

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