A crack in the foundation

Trump's latest "spin" is the polls are wrong, because they fail to show the throngs of voters who don't EVER vote, but who will show up for him.

That arguments been made before by others, and has never been correct. But, we'll see.

My guess is that he defined himself, just as most began paying attention in the conventions with, his own convention speech that was pretty dark and pessimistic, his squabbling with his own party during and after his convention, then the Khan debacle, and then with the Obama as "founder" of ISIS. I mean once a gop candidate feuds on the air with Hugh Hewitt ..... he's finished with getting any gop support. So, I don't see how he can win. Even assuming an October surprise, my guess is that would only mean more votes for the three minor candidates.

And I think Trump knows that, which is why he's cozying up to briebart for a post election gig, and his smart kid is lobbying Putin's punch for building permit in Moscow
You government leeches are funny!
Trump wins - Huge.

It's gonna be yuuuuuuuuuge!

Can't wait !

Trump is equal to, or behind Romneys numbers with white voters, and Romney lost, so naturally that means Trump wins, and wins HUGE

got it.

Your repetition belies your confidence.

Trump loses Hispanic voters
Trump loses Women voters
Trump loses Black voters
Trump does worse than Romney with white voters


how am I doing now beliar ?


Hispanics must obviously approve of trespassing.
Black Lives Matter plus Welfare and Food Stamps.
Trump loses Women voters...Ugly women
Trump does worse than Romney with white voters...Neo-Cons for sure
Latimes poll shows Trump with 14 percent black support.....if he gets anywhere near 20....its over for the dimocrats
Latimes poll shows Trump with 14 percent black support.....if he gets anywhere near 20....its over for the dimocrats

look what the cat coughed up ^^^^^^^^

you said polls were crap

show me a credible poll that has Trump @ 14% with blacks ..

never mind toad ....

try 2%

But Trump is polling worse among black voters than almost every single Republican presidential nominee since 1948 in polls taken between the party conventions and Election Day.

Trump is currently in fourth place among black voters. You read that correctly: He’s trailing Hillary Clinton, Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Any one national poll typically has only about 100 African-American respondents — too small a sample to make much of the results. So here’s an average of the four live-interview surveys taken since the conventions, from ABC News/Washington Post, Fox News, Marist, andNBC News/Wall Street Journal:

ABC News/Washington Post 83% 4% 8% 2%
Fox News 85 7 — 1
Marist 89 5 3 2
NBC News/Wall Street Journal 86 0 4 1
Average 86 4 5 2

Trump is in fourth place among black voters
Last edited:
Latimes poll shows Trump with 14 percent black support.....if he gets anywhere near 20....its over for the dimocrats

look what the cat coughed up ^^^^^^^^

you said polls were crap

show me a credible poll that has Trump @ 14% with blacks ..

never mind toad ....

try 2%

But Trump is polling worse among black voters than almost every single Republican presidential nominee since 1948 in polls taken between the party conventions and Election Day.

Trump is currently in fourth place among black voters. You read that correctly: He’s trailing Hillary Clinton, Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party nominee Jill Stein. Any one national poll typically has only about 100 African-American respondents — too small a sample to make much of the results. So here’s an average of the four live-interview surveys taken since the conventions, from ABC News/Washington Post, Fox News, Marist, andNBC News/Wall Street Journal:

ABC News/Washington Post 83% 4% 8% 2%
Fox News 85 7 — 1
Marist 89 5 3 2
NBC News/Wall Street Journal 86 0 4 1
Average 86 4 5 2

Trump is in fourth place among black voters

Not according to this one


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