A day in the life of Net Neutrality

I have two.
Comcast which gives me cable internet and the dish which gives me dial up at the best case.

PM me your zip code and I will find you 10 more withing 10 minutes.

The reality is comcast owns this section of the world and thats just the way it is.
Take New york city. Certain buildings have contracts with certain companies to only support certain providers.
And no moving is not an option. Thats the lazy answer.

When i can move, im looking for google fiber, and saying goodbye to these assholes.

Again, you are a leftist and look at things from the perspective of gains for your party - reality is vastly different than the fantasy you live in. Comcast may be the only backbone provider in your area - but there are many ISP's.
No you won't because I've looked. Comcast owns my street...deal with these facts

You can thank your local government for granting them a monopoly.
Shrug....this is how it is all over the usa...this is why being a startup is next to impossible. Unless you are google.
No you won't because I've looked. Comcast owns my street...deal with these facts

You wouldn't know a fact it it bit off your remaining nut.

You're a partisan hack who rarely is even cognizant of the issue being discussed. You can get internet without going through the cable company, Comcast may have cable locked down, but Earthlink is absolutely available. You're just too stupid to investigate.
You wake up early, you pick up your iPhone and check your VZ-Connect page, you got 7 VZ-Likes on the cat video you posted, you would have gotten more, but an FCC censor found it objectionable and removed it. Not for the first time, you find yourself yearning for the days of Facebook. But after Verizon was named the exclusive backbone carrier by the FCC, weeks after President Obama issued the Executive Order making the internet a Title II utility. Facebook held on for awhile, but the FCC revoked their netcasting license after repeated violations of the net neutrality seditious content rules. Verizon quickly replaced Facebook with VZ-Connect, which was monitored by FCC content custodians.

You need to send Aunt Martha a thank you note for the sweater she sent you for your birthday. So you log on to VZ-Banking to check your balance. Aunt Martha is half a country away and the long distance charges for an email to her will be in the hundreds of dollars. Your balance is low, but you keep the message down to just a few words to keep the costs down.

A pile of mail is in the corner and you dread your Verizon bill. Opening it you see the usual $200 base charge, along with TTY charges, Baseline services taxes to provide internet to families on assistance. The netuse tax has gone up again, now $73.42 for a month. The tax is needed to pay the FCC regulators. But what you really dread are the long distance charges, email in the same zip code is still free, but a per mile charge for email outside of the zip code adds up quickly.

You are tempted to log on to VZ-Chatter and post a complaint, but last time you complained about your Verizon bill you got a stern letter from an FCC guardian advising you that such complaints have no place on the internet.

On the bright side, hand written letters through postal mail have made a resurgence.
oh really?

You wake up early, you pick up your iPhone and check your VZ-Connect page, you got 7 VZ-Likes on the cat video you posted, you would have gotten more, but an FCC censor found it objectionable and removed it. Not for the first time, you find yourself yearning for the days of Facebook. But after Verizon was named the exclusive backbone carrier by the FCC, weeks after President Obama issued the Executive Order making the internet a Title II utility. Facebook held on for awhile, but the FCC revoked their netcasting license after repeated violations of the net neutrality seditious content rules. Verizon quickly replaced Facebook with VZ-Connect, which was monitored by FCC content custodians.

You need to send Aunt Martha a thank you note for the sweater she sent you for your birthday. So you log on to VZ-Banking to check your balance. Aunt Martha is half a country away and the long distance charges for an email to her will be in the hundreds of dollars. Your balance is low, but you keep the message down to just a few words to keep the costs down.

A pile of mail is in the corner and you dread your Verizon bill. Opening it you see the usual $200 base charge, along with TTY charges, Baseline services taxes to provide internet to families on assistance. The netuse tax has gone up again, now $73.42 for a month. The tax is needed to pay the FCC regulators. But what you really dread are the long distance charges, email in the same zip code is still free, but a per mile charge for email outside of the zip code adds up quickly.

You are tempted to log on to VZ-Chatter and post a complaint, but last time you complained about your Verizon bill you got a stern letter from an FCC guardian advising you that such complaints have no place on the internet.

On the bright side, hand written letters through postal mail have made a resurgence.
oh really?


Far left Troll!
And it still doesn't say they have been, plan to or are currently blocking or discriminating. Verizon sued because they felt the FCC had no place in using rules that that made up arbitrarily outside the halls of congress. The 2010 deal was...wait for it...wait for it....unconstitutional. Hence the circuit court decision to remove those items form the FCC power plate.

Dude they SUED for the right to discriminate. Its right in your link. As far as if it ever happened.


This shows that it has. So here are 2 facts for you.

1. Verizon sued to discriminate and
2. Comcast purposefully slowed down the speed of one site and not the others (just like you said they couldnt do).

You can play dumb but you cannot refute facts

And the courts agreed. They didn't sue for that right. You're making that claim. They made the claim the FCC didn't have the authority it planned to wield. The court agreed.

No the quote from your link made that claim.

Frankly, I dont see an issue with using cap and throttling to a degree.

Here is what I said 2 pages back

Now that you know its done purposefully here is where you say both mistakenly and on purpose is totally cool.

I get the feeling that you would say "I dont stink" then when I post a link from Verizon saying you do you'd change your mind on that too

How did I predict your action pages before you did it? Because you're predictable. So at first you didnt believe throttling COULD EVEN HAPPEN. Then I showed you and you wanted an explanation. Then you got an explanation and the thing you said is not happening you now "understand"

Net Neutrality only means there will be one backbone just like in the telecom of the 60s. This problem will not be solved by government. it was created by them.

Once again you are saying things that is not in your link or any link you can provide UNLESS its the musings of someone predicting some bullshit. So far you've moved those goal posts from "not happening" to "ok it is but here is why its ok"
And it still doesn't say they have been, plan to or are currently blocking or discriminating. Verizon sued because they felt the FCC had no place in using rules that that made up arbitrarily outside the halls of congress. The 2010 deal was...wait for it...wait for it....unconstitutional. Hence the circuit court decision to remove those items form the FCC power plate.

Dude they SUED for the right to discriminate. Its right in your link. As far as if it ever happened.


This shows that it has. So here are 2 facts for you.

1. Verizon sued to discriminate and
2. Comcast purposefully slowed down the speed of one site and not the others (just like you said they couldnt do).

You can play dumb but you cannot refute facts

And the courts agreed. They didn't sue for that right. You're making that claim. They made the claim the FCC didn't have the authority it planned to wield. The court agreed.

No the quote from your link made that claim.

Frankly, I dont see an issue with using cap and throttling to a degree.

Here is what I said 2 pages back

Now that you know its done purposefully here is where you say both mistakenly and on purpose is totally cool.

I get the feeling that you would say "I dont stink" then when I post a link from Verizon saying you do you'd change your mind on that too

How did I predict your action pages before you did it? Because you're predictable. So at first you didnt believe throttling COULD EVEN HAPPEN. Then I showed you and you wanted an explanation. Then you got an explanation and the thing you said is not happening you now "understand"

Net Neutrality only means there will be one backbone just like in the telecom of the 60s. This problem will not be solved by government. it was created by them.

Once again you are saying things that is not in your link or any link you can provide UNLESS its the musings of someone predicting some bullshit. So far you've moved those goal posts from "not happening" to "ok it is but here is why its ok"

I knew it was purposefully done in the first place. It's been going on in one form or another for..wait for it..the invention of the internet.
My point was to show you that. You simply do not even understand what you're saying, or why other than an emotional response to comcast fucking up your netflix nightly watch of...whatever nonsense you like to peruse.

The bottom line is that, like VERY similar actions in the past by the FCC, the results will definitely NOT reflect either the intentions, or the soundbite given to the FCC going Title II on the ISPs.
Again you reveal you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about concerning this issue. As much as would you like to think that this issue is political I can assure it is not. This fear mongering is at least comical.

He's spot on accurate. Net Neutrality gives the FCC the power to regulate new products and services on the internet. This means that starting anything new will be prohibitively expensive, and the Big Tech Crony Oligarch will have regulatory capture of the FCC.
And this is a lie

No, it's the truth, which you are incapable of Grokking because you are a Stupid American Voter.
You wake up early, you pick up your iPhone and check your VZ-Connect page, you got 7 VZ-Likes on the cat video you posted, you would have gotten more, but an FCC censor found it objectionable and removed it. Not for the first time, you find yourself yearning for the days of Facebook. But after Verizon was named the exclusive backbone carrier by the FCC, weeks after President Obama issued the Executive Order making the internet a Title II utility. Facebook held on for awhile, but the FCC revoked their netcasting license after repeated violations of the net neutrality seditious content rules. Verizon quickly replaced Facebook with VZ-Connect, which was monitored by FCC content custodians.

You need to send Aunt Martha a thank you note for the sweater she sent you for your birthday. So you log on to VZ-Banking to check your balance. Aunt Martha is half a country away and the long distance charges for an email to her will be in the hundreds of dollars. Your balance is low, but you keep the message down to just a few words to keep the costs down.

A pile of mail is in the corner and you dread your Verizon bill. Opening it you see the usual $200 base charge, along with TTY charges, Baseline services taxes to provide internet to families on assistance. The netuse tax has gone up again, now $73.42 for a month. The tax is needed to pay the FCC regulators. But what you really dread are the long distance charges, email in the same zip code is still free, but a per mile charge for email outside of the zip code adds up quickly.

You are tempted to log on to VZ-Chatter and post a complaint, but last time you complained about your Verizon bill you got a stern letter from an FCC guardian advising you that such complaints have no place on the internet.

On the bright side, hand written letters through postal mail have made a resurgence.
The government initiated and funded the creation of the internet. Government authorities allow for the internet backbone to exist and much of its distribution network just like other utilities or roads. Telecoms have made giant profits from their investments and the governments largess.

Would we allow other utilities to use extortion as a revenue stream?

Can you pay to :

1 lower water pressure to a competing car wash?
2 Dim the lights of a competing retail outlet?
3 Close a bridge to a competing restaurant?


Please explain why people who normally speak of the greatness of free markets want to let giant corporation stifle competition by manipulating a pseudo-government entity (the internet) that was designed to be common carrier.
I never said throttling couldn't happen. I asked you to explain it to me. You couldn't.

Throttling absolutely happens. The question is "so what?" Welfare for NetFlix just isn't high on my priority list. They can pay for more bandwidth and raise their prices a few pennies to recoup the costs.

NetFlix transitioned from a disk based to a streaming service, they saved on DVD costs, redirecting those costs to purchase expanded bandwidth is a legitimate business expense.
The government initiated and funded the creation of the internet.

Yes and no.

Ethernet was created by Bob Metcalf independent of government, but Cerf and Kahn probably would have never developed TCP/IP outside of government.

DARPANET is widely recognized as the basis of the internet, but IRC and DOORS was around as a competing technology in the private sector.

Government authorities allow for the internet backbone to exist and much of its distribution network just like other utilities or roads. Telecoms have made giant profits from their investments and the governments largess.

Got it. we should give praise to big brother for allowing us to live.

Would we allow other utilities to use extortion as a revenue stream?

So you have no desire to be taken seriously.

I understand.

Can you pay to :

1 lower water pressure to a competing car wash?

In California, water districts have done exactly that, in response to the drought.

2 Dim the lights of a competing retail outlet?

You realize that restaurant actually pay for the electricity they use, right? The is no "electric neutrality" that gives everyone as much as they want.

3 Close a bridge to a competing restaurant?


Please explain why people who normally speak of the greatness of free markets want to let giant corporation stifle competition by manipulating a pseudo-government entity (the internet) that was designed to be common carrier.

What is it in your fevered little brain that you think is happening?

Verizon put a cap on the data that NetFlix sent over their backbone, then demanded that NetFlix pay for usage above that.

Think back to the electricity example, does a manufacturing plant pay the same price for electricity as a residential home?

Why do you think this is?
Again you reveal you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about concerning this issue. As much as would you like to think that this issue is political I can assure it is not. This fear mongering is at least comical.

He's spot on accurate. Net Neutrality gives the FCC the power to regulate new products and services on the internet. This means that starting anything new will be prohibitively expensive, and the Big Tech Crony Oligarch will have regulatory capture of the FCC.
And this is a lie

No, it's the truth, which you are incapable of Grokking because you are a Stupid American Voter.
Well no. NN keeps the internet exactly how it is and doesn't let companies do what they did to Netflix and throttle your bandwidth.

What's grokking?

This has been explained to you people numerous times as to what this is about...sadly via ignorance you still don't get such a simple concept.
Well no. NN keeps the internet exactly how it is and doesn't let companies do what they did to Netflix and throttle your bandwidth.

It keeps it the same, by radically changing it.

War is peace, freedom is slavery. You Bolsheviks and your wacky doublethink new speak.

What's grokking?

If you were literate, you would know.

This has been explained to you people numerous times as to what this is about...sadly via ignorance you still don't get such a simple concept.

You have recited talking points assigned to you by the party. Talking points that you have no hope of ever grasping, much less are you able to defend.

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