A Discussion About White Supremacy In The United States

"i was a kid and didn't see it" in not a non sequitur.

It is an opposing observation, just as valid as your second hand observations, if not more so.

There is nothing hypocritical about my complaints about anti-white discrimination or policies.

You, attacking people for racism, while making racial slurs, is hypocritical.

That you don't understand this, makes you look pretty stupid.

Your argument is a complete logical fallacy. And you're bloody stupid to realize it.

I'm sure that when you were a kid, you went into stores and everything was just jim dandy.

But that doesn't mean that in other stores when you weren't around, blacks weren't treated like they were sub-human.

When I was about 12, I started to become political aware.

I read about racism in the papers, and I believed it.

There wasn't any around me. Even though it was a fairly diverse neighborhood and my parents were older than the norm. I just figured that my family and neighbors were exceptional.

When I went to a high school, I wondered if I would see all this racism, I was still reading about, but again, I did not. And again, I just figured that my school and fellow classmates were better than average people. Very progressive.

Then I went college in the near by city, and, well you get it. I was in class with minorities, we socialized together, ect ect ect. And I just figured that my city was one of the better ones.

THEN, I read that racial activists considered my city one of the WORSE ones.

And I realized that it was all bullshit.
If you are raised in a community in which racist behavior is not recognized as such and is just normal behavior, you are not likely to be bothered by it. Generally if there were no conflicts between the races, killings, riots, etc. then everything was fine.

My first year in high school was in the South in the early 50's. Nobody thought of themselves as being racist. Blacks went to a black school, an old wood frame building and Whites went to a White school, a new 3 story brick building. Blacks did jobs blacks did, cut grass, picked up garbage, and general manual labor. Whites did white jobs, worked in offices and stores, and skilled jobs. Whites lived in white neighborhoods in nice houses and black lived in black neighborhoods on the edge of town in shotgun shacks. It was all good. There were no racists. Everybody was happy, of course no one every ask any black people about this.

Are Blacks doing better in areas with presumably low levels of racism like Portland, or Seattle on the West Coast, as opposed to some East Coat cities which are obviously much more racist?

It seems Blacks are nearly the same everywhere, while racist beliefs widely vary by city, county, state, region etc.
If you are raised in a community in which racist behavior is not recognized as such and is just normal behavior, you are not likely to be bothered by it. Generally if there were no conflicts between the races, killings, riots, etc. then everything was fine.

My first year in high school was in the South in the early 50's. Nobody thought of themselves as being racist. Blacks went to a black school, an old wood frame building and Whites went to a White school, a new 3 story brick building. Blacks did jobs blacks did, cut grass, picked up garbage, and general manual labor. Whites did white jobs, worked in offices and stores, and skilled jobs. Whites lived in white neighborhoods in nice houses and black lived in black neighborhoods on the edge of town in shotgun shacks. It was all good. There were no racists. Everybody was happy, of course no one every ask any black people about this.

My first year of high school was in the early 80s, in the Rust Belt.

No one thought of themselves as racist.

Blacks and whites went to the same school.

Blacks and whites did the same jobs and lived in the same neighborhoods.

30 years? Times changed. YOu are living in the past.
Correction, I lived in the past, the distant past which allows me a clear view of how far we have progressed.

So, why are you denying the progress?

WHo do you think got a higher percentage of the white vote? Kerry or Obama?
Blacks made tremendous progress from the late 50s to the 80's acompanied by huge social upheaval. Most schools and public accommodations were integrated. By 1975, 5.5 million additional black voters had be added to the voter rolls. Black turnout in elections hit over 70%. In the Deep South voter registration increased by 400% by 1980 and we began to see elected black candidates.

In the late 20th century, progress slowed. Sociologists say that further improvements in education and jobs will be generational and dependent on social integration and the passage of cultural changes between generations and not reaching equality for 50 to 100 years.

Who do you think got a bigger share of the white vote, Kerry or Obama?

Kerry's race problem is ----not his race------it is his species-----
The right is too stupid to realize that it needs all the allies it can get. There is no reason why the right wouldn’t ally with the alt-right when they have already allied with much of the non-white left who mistakenly call themselves black conservatives(Ben Carson for example).

The left has allied itself with not only the entire left side of the spectrum when it comes to white people, but with the black and brown alt-right(like Asclepias and MarcATL and IM2 and Paul Essen etc).

It is ridiculous and stupid for the mainstream right to shun the alt-right for fear of racism when more the half of the Democratic Party is now comprised of racists.

We don't need actual racists to be with us. fuck them.
I am only asking for Republicans to listen to people like myself and to accept the votes of people who are more radical than I am on race without guilt.

That is not too much to ask considering who is now running on the Democratic side.

It is time for Republicans to reward their base for sticking by them for so long instead of simply creating a new party.

In time Republicans will be mostly made up by people who are consciously pro-white regardless. The Walkaway people are. The white millennials and gen Xers and gen Zers who are Republicans are. It is only the boomers who resist this. Boomers need to wake up.

Help we don't need or want. Sorry, by racism is idiotic.

How is racism idiotic?

More like it's idiotic to think the reason why Blacks, and Hispanics are behind in this country due to racism (Prejudices), while Asian Indians, Jews, and East Asians are ahead in this country due to racism (Prejudices)

its CULTURAL-----not race------is "race" the reason that Polacks drink themselves into oblivion?

Northern, Central, and Eastern Europeans in general have big alcohol consumption rates, I'd gather it's in fact largely a racially linked characteristic.
We don't need actual racists to be with us. fuck them.
I am only asking for Republicans to listen to people like myself and to accept the votes of people who are more radical than I am on race without guilt.

That is not too much to ask considering who is now running on the Democratic side.

It is time for Republicans to reward their base for sticking by them for so long instead of simply creating a new party.

In time Republicans will be mostly made up by people who are consciously pro-white regardless. The Walkaway people are. The white millennials and gen Xers and gen Zers who are Republicans are. It is only the boomers who resist this. Boomers need to wake up.

Help we don't need or want. Sorry, by racism is idiotic.

How is racism idiotic?

More like it's idiotic to think the reason why Blacks, and Hispanics are behind in this country due to racism (Prejudices), while Asian Indians, Jews, and East Asians are ahead in this country due to racism (Prejudices)

its CULTURAL-----not race------is "race" the reason that Polacks drink themselves into oblivion?

Northern, Central, and Eastern Europeans in general have big alcohol consumption rates, I'd gather it's in fact largely a racially linked characteristic.

nope----cultural Italians do not. Jews do not ----it's you
polacks Cossacks and vikings
I am only asking for Republicans to listen to people like myself and to accept the votes of people who are more radical than I am on race without guilt.

That is not too much to ask considering who is now running on the Democratic side.

It is time for Republicans to reward their base for sticking by them for so long instead of simply creating a new party.

In time Republicans will be mostly made up by people who are consciously pro-white regardless. The Walkaway people are. The white millennials and gen Xers and gen Zers who are Republicans are. It is only the boomers who resist this. Boomers need to wake up.

Help we don't need or want. Sorry, by racism is idiotic.

How is racism idiotic?

More like it's idiotic to think the reason why Blacks, and Hispanics are behind in this country due to racism (Prejudices), while Asian Indians, Jews, and East Asians are ahead in this country due to racism (Prejudices)

its CULTURAL-----not race------is "race" the reason that Polacks drink themselves into oblivion?

Northern, Central, and Eastern Europeans in general have big alcohol consumption rates, I'd gather it's in fact largely a racially linked characteristic.

nope----cultural Italians do not. Jews do not ----it's you
polacks Cossacks and vikings

Italians, and Jews are mostly Middle-Eastern by DNA.
My first year of high school was in the early 80s, in the Rust Belt.

No one thought of themselves as racist.

Blacks and whites went to the same school.

Blacks and whites did the same jobs and lived in the same neighborhoods.

30 years? Times changed. YOu are living in the past.
Correction, I lived in the past, the distant past which allows me a clear view of how far we have progressed.

So, why are you denying the progress?

WHo do you think got a higher percentage of the white vote? Kerry or Obama?
Blacks made tremendous progress from the late 50s to the 80's acompanied by huge social upheaval. Most schools and public accommodations were integrated. By 1975, 5.5 million additional black voters had be added to the voter rolls. Black turnout in elections hit over 70%. In the Deep South voter registration increased by 400% by 1980 and we began to see elected black candidates.

In the late 20th century, progress slowed. Sociologists say that further improvements in education and jobs will be generational and dependent on social integration and the passage of cultural changes between generations and not reaching equality for 50 to 100 years.

Who do you think got a bigger share of the white vote, Kerry or Obama?

Kerry's race problem is ----not his race------it is his species-----


I hope Flopper answers the question. It is a serious question that will reveal important information about the topic.
I am only asking for Republicans to listen to people like myself and to accept the votes of people who are more radical than I am on race without guilt.

That is not too much to ask considering who is now running on the Democratic side.

It is time for Republicans to reward their base for sticking by them for so long instead of simply creating a new party.

In time Republicans will be mostly made up by people who are consciously pro-white regardless. The Walkaway people are. The white millennials and gen Xers and gen Zers who are Republicans are. It is only the boomers who resist this. Boomers need to wake up.

Help we don't need or want. Sorry, by racism is idiotic.

How is racism idiotic?

More like it's idiotic to think the reason why Blacks, and Hispanics are behind in this country due to racism (Prejudices), while Asian Indians, Jews, and East Asians are ahead in this country due to racism (Prejudices)

its CULTURAL-----not race------is "race" the reason that Polacks drink themselves into oblivion?

Northern, Central, and Eastern Europeans in general have big alcohol consumption rates, I'd gather it's in fact largely a racially linked characteristic.

nope----cultural Italians do not. Jews do not ----it's you
polacks Cossacks and vikings

You don't want to get me started on Jews, and Italians do you?

Having lived in New York, I don't have much good things to say.

If you enjoy unfriendly, rude, materialistic,touchy, fussy, short tempered people then Jews, and Italians are for you.

+Jews are very Liberal, and downright snotty.
+Italians are in your face, and fist-fight too much.
Help we don't need or want. Sorry, by racism is idiotic.

How is racism idiotic?

More like it's idiotic to think the reason why Blacks, and Hispanics are behind in this country due to racism (Prejudices), while Asian Indians, Jews, and East Asians are ahead in this country due to racism (Prejudices)

its CULTURAL-----not race------is "race" the reason that Polacks drink themselves into oblivion?

Northern, Central, and Eastern Europeans in general have big alcohol consumption rates, I'd gather it's in fact largely a racially linked characteristic.

nope----cultural Italians do not. Jews do not ----it's you
polacks Cossacks and vikings

You don't want to get me started on Jews, and Italians do you?

Having lived in New York, I don't have much good things to say.

If you enjoy unfriendly, rude, materialistic,touchy, fussy, short tempered people then Jews, and Italians are for you.

+Jews are very Liberal, and downright snotty.
+Italians are in your face, and fist-fight too much.

Polacks are hospitalized and in DT's. I like Italians
"i was a kid and didn't see it" in not a non sequitur.

It is an opposing observation, just as valid as your second hand observations, if not more so.

There is nothing hypocritical about my complaints about anti-white discrimination or policies.

You, attacking people for racism, while making racial slurs, is hypocritical.

That you don't understand this, makes you look pretty stupid.

Your argument is a complete logical fallacy. And you're bloody stupid to realize it.

I'm sure that when you were a kid, you went into stores and everything was just jim dandy.

But that doesn't mean that in other stores when you weren't around, blacks weren't treated like they were sub-human.

When I was about 12, I started to become political aware.

I read about racism in the papers, and I believed it.

There wasn't any around me. Even though it was a fairly diverse neighborhood and my parents were older than the norm. I just figured that my family and neighbors were exceptional.

When I went to a high school, I wondered if I would see all this racism, I was still reading about, but again, I did not. And again, I just figured that my school and fellow classmates were better than average people. Very progressive.

Then I went college in the near by city, and, well you get it. I was in class with minorities, we socialized together, ect ect ect. And I just figured that my city was one of the better ones.

THEN, I read that racial activists considered my city one of the WORSE ones.

And I realized that it was all bullshit.
If you are raised in a community in which racist behavior is not recognized as such and is just normal behavior, you are not likely to be bothered by it. Generally if there were no conflicts between the races, killings, riots, etc. then everything was fine.

My first year in high school was in the South in the early 50's. Nobody thought of themselves as being racist. Blacks went to a black school, an old wood frame building and Whites went to a White school, a new 3 story brick building. Blacks did jobs blacks did, cut grass, picked up garbage, and general manual labor. Whites did white jobs, worked in offices and stores, and skilled jobs. Whites lived in white neighborhoods in nice houses and black lived in black neighborhoods on the edge of town in shotgun shacks. It was all good. There were no racists. Everybody was happy, of course no one every ask any black people about this.
Those were the good ol days weren’t they?
Yes, if you were a member of the White Citizens Council or the KKK. And I suppose it was a pretty good time for poor Whites, lots blacks saying "Yes Sir Boss", no worry about a black man taking your job, and no matter how bad things might be, you could always take comfort in the fact that you weren't black.
Your another liar
There's no white supremacy in the United States. If you put as much energy into cleaning up your own neighborhoods and rotting subculture as you do whining and finger pointing at others you'd make a lot of progress.

To be fair there are a few actual White Supremacists out there, but they are easy to find. They are the ones SAYING they are White Supremacists.

That being said they are not part of some coordinated movement, rather they are penny pockets of disgruntled bigoted morons.
Actually, if you listen to the podcast (just the first fifteen minutes) you will hear the truth--that the white supremacists are going under a lot of more "palatable" names these days. Including Alt Right.

Wrong. Actual white power types are proud of what they are, and don't hide behind other names.

Alt right is nothing but a word created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons.
You sound like an idiot without a clue. The term Alt Right was created by a white supremacist by the name of Richard Spencer

He made up the word, the progs decided to use it to link anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney with wanna-be Nazis.
Thats what I said. He made up the word so you must be an idiot. You claimed it was ".created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons." Obviously you dont know what the fuck you are talking about since you just contradicted yourself.
To be fair there are a few actual White Supremacists out there, but they are easy to find. They are the ones SAYING they are White Supremacists.

That being said they are not part of some coordinated movement, rather they are penny pockets of disgruntled bigoted morons.
Actually, if you listen to the podcast (just the first fifteen minutes) you will hear the truth--that the white supremacists are going under a lot of more "palatable" names these days. Including Alt Right.

Wrong. Actual white power types are proud of what they are, and don't hide behind other names.

Alt right is nothing but a word created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons.
You sound like an idiot without a clue. The term Alt Right was created by a white supremacist by the name of Richard Spencer

He made up the word, the progs decided to use it to link anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney with wanna-be Nazis.
Thats what I said. He made up the word so you must be an idiot. You claimed it was ".created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons." Obviously you dont know what the fuck you are talking about since you just contradicted yourself.

Yeah, because other people can't take on a word or phrase and subject it to their own desires and uses.

You ignore the linking concept I tried to explain to your dime store head.
Actually, if you listen to the podcast (just the first fifteen minutes) you will hear the truth--that the white supremacists are going under a lot of more "palatable" names these days. Including Alt Right.

Wrong. Actual white power types are proud of what they are, and don't hide behind other names.

Alt right is nothing but a word created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons.
You sound like an idiot without a clue. The term Alt Right was created by a white supremacist by the name of Richard Spencer

He made up the word, the progs decided to use it to link anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney with wanna-be Nazis.
Thats what I said. He made up the word so you must be an idiot. You claimed it was ".created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons." Obviously you dont know what the fuck you are talking about since you just contradicted yourself.

Yeah, because other people can't take on a word or phrase and subject it to their own desires and uses.

You ignore the linking concept I tried to explain to your dime store head.
I ignored it because you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. The racist made it up yet you claimed it was the invention of someone out to do harm to you.
Wrong. Actual white power types are proud of what they are, and don't hide behind other names.

Alt right is nothing but a word created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons.
You sound like an idiot without a clue. The term Alt Right was created by a white supremacist by the name of Richard Spencer

He made up the word, the progs decided to use it to link anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney with wanna-be Nazis.
Thats what I said. He made up the word so you must be an idiot. You claimed it was ".created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons." Obviously you dont know what the fuck you are talking about since you just contradicted yourself.

Yeah, because other people can't take on a word or phrase and subject it to their own desires and uses.

You ignore the linking concept I tried to explain to your dime store head.
I ignored it because you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. The racist made it up yet you claimed it was the invention of someone out to do harm to you.

Again, words can change in definition and application over time.

Get it?
You sound like an idiot without a clue. The term Alt Right was created by a white supremacist by the name of Richard Spencer

He made up the word, the progs decided to use it to link anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney with wanna-be Nazis.
Thats what I said. He made up the word so you must be an idiot. You claimed it was ".created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons." Obviously you dont know what the fuck you are talking about since you just contradicted yourself.

Yeah, because other people can't take on a word or phrase and subject it to their own desires and uses.

You ignore the linking concept I tried to explain to your dime store head.
I ignored it because you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. The racist made it up yet you claimed it was the invention of someone out to do harm to you.

Again, words can change in definition and application over time.

Get it?
Words cant be claimed to be originated by anyone other than the person that made it up.

Got it?
He made up the word, the progs decided to use it to link anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney with wanna-be Nazis.
Thats what I said. He made up the word so you must be an idiot. You claimed it was ".created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons." Obviously you dont know what the fuck you are talking about since you just contradicted yourself.

Yeah, because other people can't take on a word or phrase and subject it to their own desires and uses.

You ignore the linking concept I tried to explain to your dime store head.
I ignored it because you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. The racist made it up yet you claimed it was the invention of someone out to do harm to you.

Again, words can change in definition and application over time.

Get it?
Words cant be claimed to be originated by anyone other than the person that made it up.

Got it?

Wow, you can't make your point so you go snarky, and look like a moron.

It's current use if what I stated it to be. That you can't or won't deny that and stick to a pathetic gotcha attempt shows you are retarded.
Thats what I said. He made up the word so you must be an idiot. You claimed it was ".created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons." Obviously you dont know what the fuck you are talking about since you just contradicted yourself.

Yeah, because other people can't take on a word or phrase and subject it to their own desires and uses.

You ignore the linking concept I tried to explain to your dime store head.
I ignored it because you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. The racist made it up yet you claimed it was the invention of someone out to do harm to you.

Again, words can change in definition and application over time.

Get it?
Words cant be claimed to be originated by anyone other than the person that made it up.

Got it?

Wow, you can't make your point so you go snarky, and look like a moron.

It's current use if what I stated it to be. That you can't or won't deny that and stick to a pathetic gotcha attempt shows you are retarded.
My point has always been you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. Nothing has changed.

Your claim that it was made up by someone else other than Richard Spencer flags you as an idiot.
Yeah, because other people can't take on a word or phrase and subject it to their own desires and uses.

You ignore the linking concept I tried to explain to your dime store head.
I ignored it because you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. The racist made it up yet you claimed it was the invention of someone out to do harm to you.

Again, words can change in definition and application over time.

Get it?
Words cant be claimed to be originated by anyone other than the person that made it up.

Got it?

Wow, you can't make your point so you go snarky, and look like a moron.

It's current use if what I stated it to be. That you can't or won't deny that and stick to a pathetic gotcha attempt shows you are retarded.
My point has always been you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. Nothing has changed.

Your claim that it was made up by someone else other than Richard Spencer flags you as an idiot.

My claim is the current use is beyond what the original users intended.

My claim is that anyone to the right of Mitt Romney is called "alt-right" by morons like you in an attempt to link them to white power assholes.
I ignored it because you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. The racist made it up yet you claimed it was the invention of someone out to do harm to you.

Again, words can change in definition and application over time.

Get it?
Words cant be claimed to be originated by anyone other than the person that made it up.

Got it?

Wow, you can't make your point so you go snarky, and look like a moron.

It's current use if what I stated it to be. That you can't or won't deny that and stick to a pathetic gotcha attempt shows you are retarded.
My point has always been you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. Nothing has changed.

Your claim that it was made up by someone else other than Richard Spencer flags you as an idiot.

My claim is the current use is beyond what the original users intended.

My claim is that anyone to the right of Mitt Romney is called "alt-right" by morons like you in an attempt to link them to white power assholes.
Nope this is your claim....and I quote.

"Alt right is nothing but a word created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons."

That claim is a lie or you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about.
Again, words can change in definition and application over time.

Get it?
Words cant be claimed to be originated by anyone other than the person that made it up.

Got it?

Wow, you can't make your point so you go snarky, and look like a moron.

It's current use if what I stated it to be. That you can't or won't deny that and stick to a pathetic gotcha attempt shows you are retarded.
My point has always been you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. Nothing has changed.

Your claim that it was made up by someone else other than Richard Spencer flags you as an idiot.

My claim is the current use is beyond what the original users intended.

My claim is that anyone to the right of Mitt Romney is called "alt-right" by morons like you in an attempt to link them to white power assholes.
Nope this is your claim....and I quote.

"Alt right is nothing but a word created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons."

That claim is a lie or you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about.

Fine. I'll change "created" to "modified for their own use"

Happy now you little shit?
Words cant be claimed to be originated by anyone other than the person that made it up.

Got it?

Wow, you can't make your point so you go snarky, and look like a moron.

It's current use if what I stated it to be. That you can't or won't deny that and stick to a pathetic gotcha attempt shows you are retarded.
My point has always been you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about. Nothing has changed.

Your claim that it was made up by someone else other than Richard Spencer flags you as an idiot.

My claim is the current use is beyond what the original users intended.

My claim is that anyone to the right of Mitt Romney is called "alt-right" by morons like you in an attempt to link them to white power assholes.
Nope this is your claim....and I quote.

"Alt right is nothing but a word created to link mainstream conservatives and libertarians with fringe white power morons."

That claim is a lie or you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about.

Fine. I'll change "created" to "modified for their own use"

Happy now you little shit?
Good boy.

I was never sad. I was just wondering why you kept talking even though it was obvious you didnt know what the fuck you were talking about.

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