Zone1 A fake person of Faith is more insulting to G_d than an Atheist.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Just reading through forums on the internet and those professing to be people of Faith who don't espouse true tenets of Faith are worse than Atheists in the eyes of the L_rd. If it is offensive to humans it must be to the highest power, right? It is akin to a criminal cop.
Just reading through forums on the internet and those professing to be people of Faith who don't espouse true tenets of Faith are worse than Atheists in the eyes of the L_rd. If it is offensive to humans it must be to the highest power, right? It is akin to a criminal cop.

How would you know whether God is insulted??

Do you think God gets insulted by the very creatures he created?
How would you know whether God is insulted??

Do you think God gets insulted by the very creatures he created?
Definitely he does. Have you read the Old Testament (Torah?). I've feared G_d since I was a kid, just by instinct alone. I hope I am right. We can be supported/communicate with the L_rd but must also understand that we are his creation and must aspire to noble actions. Feigning Faith is lecherous.
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Definitely he does. Have you read the Old Testament (Torah?). I've feared G_d since I was a.kid, just by instinct alone. I hope I am right. We can be supported/communicate with the L_rd but.must also understand that we are his creation and must aspire to noble actions.

I doubt it was from instinct. It was probably more from adults telling you to fear. It's a very convenient tool for humanity.

You say he definitely does get insulted, but you didn't prove it.
I doubt it was from instinct. It was probably more from adults telling you to fear. It's a very convenient tool for humanity.

You say he definitely does get insulted, but you didn't prove it.
I can't even prove the existence of G_d so how could I possibly prove he gets insulted? Lol. The belief is in the bible. Imperfect maybe, but, if the witneses are the Israelites as explained in Exodus. Moses, the chosen one at Mount Sinai.
I can't even prove the existence of G_d so how could I possibly prove he gets insulted? Lol. The belief is in the bible. Imperfect maybe, but, if the witneses are the Israelites as explained in Exodus. Moses, the chosen one at Mount Sinai.

So, if you can't prove it, why would you say it is so?

You literally started a threat claiming to know that God is insulted.
Just reading through forums on the internet and those professing to be people of Faith who don't espouse true tenets of Faith are worse than Atheists in the eyes of the L_rd. If it is offensive to humans it must be to the highest power, right? It is akin to a criminal cop.

1. Gets new religion

2. Immediately begins judging everyone else

3. Every. Single. Time.
So, if you can't prove it, why would you say it is so?

You literally started a threat claiming to know that God is insulted.
Yes. Nothing in religion is provable, this is why it is called Faith. Any discussion of religion or the genesis of the universe is theory and opinion My post is thus opinion. When I read religious forums of those claiming to be religious and the replicate little to no premise of forgiveness, being truthful or havinv a love of man, well, there is even a word for it I believe, "pharisaic". It is worse to offend and insult G_d with lies rather than to just say "Im an Atheist". In the first instance you are bearing false witness, sinning, directly to oir Creator, in the second you are at least honest and not pretending. Thus, I conclude in my opinion that it is a worst insult. Would you not agree if you were being objective?
Yes. Nothing in religion is provable, this is why it is called Faith. Any discussion of religion or the genesis of the universe is theory and opinion My post is thus opinion. When I read religious forums of those claiming to be religious and the replicate little to no premise of forgiveness, being truthful or havinv a love of man, well, there is even a word for it I believe, "pharisaic". It is worse to offend and insult G_d with lies rather than to just say "Im an Atheist". In the first instance you are bearing false witness, sinning, directly to oir Creator, in the second you are at least honest and not pretending. Thus, I conclude in my opinion that it is a worst insult. Would you not agree if you were being objective?

So, we shall not pretend that God likes this and hates that then?

You can't speak for God. You can't say "God hates gays", you can't say "God is insulted", because, simply put, you don't even know if there is a God.
Yes. Nothing in religion is provable, this is why it is called Faith. Any discussion of religion or the genesis of the universe is theory and opinion My post is thus opinion. When I read religious forums of those claiming to be religious and the replicate little to no premise of forgiveness, being truthful or havinv a love of man, well, there is even a word for it I believe, "pharisaic". It is worse to offend and insult G_d with lies rather than to just say "Im an Atheist". In the first instance you are bearing false witness, sinning, directly to oir Creator, in the second you are at least honest and not pretending. Thus, I conclude in my opinion that it is a worst insult. Would you not agree if you were being objective?

Is it pharisaic to claim you're in league with Job?
So, we shall not pretend that God likes this and hates that then?

You can't speak for God. You can't say "God hates gays", you can't say "God is insulted", because, simply put, you don't even know if there is a God.
I know there is a G_d, I just can't prove it. :)
Just reading through forums on the internet and those professing to be people of Faith who don't espouse true tenets of Faith are worse than Atheists in the eyes of the L_rd. If it is offensive to humans it must be to the highest power, right? It is akin to a criminal cop.


Mike Pentz
Lindsay Graham
all the "Christian Preachers" on TV
"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain"

This has nothing to do with saying, "G-d damn you!" It refers to speaking falsely in the name of G-d. False prophets, and so forth.
Just reading through forums on the internet and those professing to be people of Faith who don't espouse true tenets of Faith are worse than Atheists in the eyes of the L_rd. If it is offensive to humans it must be to the highest power, right? It is akin to a criminal cop.
That's the beauty of religion. You get to believe whatever the hell you want, and tell everyone else they're evil for not believing what you've chosen to believe.
That's the beauty of religion. You get to believe whatever the hell you want, and tell everyone else they're evil for not believing what you've chosen to believe.
Worse than belief. Action. I didn't write the bible. If their actions and intentions don't back up the assertion of the religion they profess to be a member. Well, my opinion has been stated.
Just reading through forums on the internet and those professing to be people of Faith who don't espouse true tenets of Faith are worse than Atheists in the eyes of the L_rd. If it is offensive to humans it must be to the highest power, right? It is akin to a criminal cop.
I agree with Howard Stern. He said, "even 5% of me has to believe in heaven" Even us atheists want to believe there's something else after this. Even though we know there isn't. We're almost sure. But even if the odds are 99.999999% chance there is no god and heaven, we be like "so you're saying there's a chance".
I agree with Howard Stern. He said, "even 5% of me has to believe in heaven" Even us atheists want to believe there's something else after this. Even though we know there isn't. We're almost sure. But even if the odds are 99.999999% chance there is no god and heaven, we be like "so you're saying there's a chance".
As I've said, why isn't the univierse just a massive, large white blank canvass without sound? Why is there anything? It is a real mind bender. So, therefore, the fsct there is ANYTHING let a!one sdvanced life with a powerful brain tells me that the ords of there being more is higher thsn people calculate.
As I've said, why isn't the univierse just a massive, large white blank canvass without sound? Why is there anything? It is a real mind bender. So, therefore, the fsct there is ANYTHING let a!one sdvanced life with a powerful brain tells me that the ords of there being more is higher thsn people calculate.

I am humbled by it all. Sure does look like there must be something right?

But then I realize that everything that happens in the universe happens naturally and if we had the ability, we could explain everything scientifically. The things we can't, are unknown. You don't get to just say "must be god" when the real answer is we don't know yet.

I think this universe is just one of many universes in an almost infinite amount of empty black dark deep cold space. So a big bang happens here and expands. About 2 or 3 universe size dark matter spaces to the left or right might actually be another universe. Some older than ours some younger. Some expanding like us and some crunching back in towards the next big bang. Universes only last about 40 billion years. We are at 14 b right now?

Some scientists look off towards the edge of our universe and see signs that look like we may have merged with another universe.

Where is the big bang? Is it out towards the Milky Way? Andromeda? Can you point to the star that is closest to where the big bang started?
Just reading through forums on the internet and those professing to be people of Faith who don't espouse true tenets of Faith are worse than Atheists in the eyes of the L_rd. If it is offensive to humans it must be to the highest power, right? It is akin to a criminal cop.
without any examples, one cannot respond
without any examples, one cannot respond
And what is a fake person of faith. If this person is a catholic, born agains would say they are fake. And jews don't believe the Jesus stories. So they think Christianity is fake. Do Jews believe it's better to not believe than to believe a myth like Christianity?

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