A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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No, you divorced Jesus for your gay marriage to your new orange God.
Your separation from God will be more intense than you can ever imagine once you face Judgment Day. Eternal regret is all you will have, and you will get what you want, No God, as He completely abandons everyone in Hell and turns them over to the Demons and Fallen Angles it was designed to imprison.

My words will play over and over again in your tormented mind throughout eternity. You will cry out for a drop of water but no one will hear you, and God will have forgotten you entirely.
Your separation from God will be more intense than you can ever imagine once you face Judgment Day. Eternal regret is all you will have, and you will get what you want, No God, as He completely abandons everyone in Hell and turns them over to the Demons and Fallen Angles it was designed to imprison.

My words will play over and over again in your tormented mind throughout eternity. You will cry out for a drop of water but no one will hear you, and God will have forgotten you entirely.
Your magical incantations hold no power here, shaman.
You don't. That didn't happen. When batches of votes are reported, it doesn't mean they just showed up all at once 4 seconds ago.

The stupidity that underlines and saturates all of your fantasies is astounding. And absolutely required.
The lengths a habitual liar and God hater will go to to justify their own delusions is amazing.
Congratulations on your promotion to the looney bin.
Your magical incantations hold no power here, shaman.
There are no magical incantations, only your rejection and hatred of God who loved you so much that He paid the price for your sins to justify you to The Father through The Son so that you may have a chance at eternal happiness in paradise.

But you would rather waste your short life shaking your fist at God for a slim chance that you could hold on to your sinful wicked life, rather than be reunited with your Creator.

There are no magical incantations, only your rejection and hatred of God who loved you so much that He paid the price for your sins to justify you to The Father through The Son so that you may have a chance at eternal happiness in paradise.

But you would rather waste your short life shaking your fist at God for a slim chance that you could hold on to your sinful wicked life, rather than be reunited with your Creator.

Your god has abandoned you. He sees your new idol worship.

And he is laughing at your conspiracy theories.
Remember when the right wingers were shouting, "Let me know when someone gets charged with sedition or insurrection". Remember that ^^^^^.

Oh yea, things take time.

You are killing each other. You are killing your children. Look in front of you.
Hmm, no. The truth of death camps would have come out, even if the Nazis won. For example.

History will record the facts, as laid out on live television and in the cult leaders' memos, emails, and texts. No getting around it. The idiots wrote down their plan. The congress now has it.
Remember when the right wingers were shouting, "Let me know when someone gets charged with sedition or insurrection". Remember that ^^^^^.

Oh yea, things take time.

"The Left" (i.e., educated people not duped by a pathological liar and lifetime con artist) have never forgotten, and never will.

"The Left" Duped into thinking that Jan 6th was an actual insurrection. Duped into thinking that 1/6th was as bad as 9/11. Duped into think that the 2020 election was the more fairest election of all time, when we haven't actually had a fair election for over 100 years.

Look. LOOK at this woman creating all that chaos. Hang her. HANG her, I say. LMAO
How do you dump 4 million votes in to a system like that in an instant to change the vote totals and completely flip flop a lead after shutting down the vote counting and laughably try to argue it wasn't fraud?

Never has a graph like this appeared in history in any election unless it was a fraudulent election stolen from the rightful winner.
Wisconsin law prevents counting absentee ballots prior to election day.
The consequence is that they count those votes overnight (at voting day) at a central location, so you see these jumps in the vote counts.

Other states arent like this. Each state makes its own election laws, so you'll see these differences.
"The Left" Duped into thinking that Jan 6th was an actual insurrection. Duped into thinking that 1/6th was as bad as 9/11. Duped into think that the 2020 election was the more fairest election of all time, when we haven't actually had a fair election for over 100 years.

Look. LOOK at this woman creating all that chaos. Hang her. HANG her, I say. LMAO
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Now show the picture of the violent hillbillies assaulting a police line.
"The Left" Duped into thinking that Jan 6th was an actual insurrection.
In what sense was it not an insurrection? There was a coordinated attempt to stop Biden's certification by the mob while Trump, Eastman, and others drew up a plan to substitute fake slates of electors. All in order to throw the vote in contested states back to Repub controlled legislatures so Trump could be named the winner of the election against the will of the people.

Perhaps, if you are a consumer of right wing media, you've never heard about the plot.
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