A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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It wasn't a matter of keeping the plan a secret. Obviously, executing the plan would immediately make it public knowledge. The goal wasn't secrecy, the goal was to figure out a way to allow Don to remain president
Yet they failed at every single turn and there’s still nobody who has come out and openly admitted to the conspiracy. I don’t believe they could fail as magnificently at every single phase of this plan you suggest they were smart enough to put together and there is no “smoking gun” to prove the conspiracy. I just don’t beltour political organizations are that capable or that lucky.
Yet they failed at every single turn and there’s still nobody who has come out and openly admitted to the conspiracy.
Right, so we subpoena their texts, emails, and documents. Life would be such easier if all the criminals in the world would just turn themselves in, right?
Yet they failed at every single turn
Yes they did. But not for the lack of trying. The plot they hatched was very elaborately thought out. It failed because folks like Pence, Raffenspeger, members of the DoJ who threatened to resign. Hence my reference to an attempted coup.

There is plenty of evidence, and more is being uncovered all the time.
Will it overturn the election? No.
Much like if proof were to come out that Obama was actually born in Kenya.
You can't change the past, but you can learn from it to avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Regardless, karma is a bitch and you've got a boatload of it in the White House right now.
Enjoy the upcoming shellacking, I know I will.
Nothing but plenty of allegations.

MAGANUTZ have a strong hold on the Neo-GOP but we'll see in Nov.
Put up the FBI findings...nothing there, period.
August 20, 2021
The officials also said that the FBI has "so far found no evidence" that former President Donald Trump or "people directly around him were involved in organizing the violence," Reuters reported.

READ: Trump lawyer's memo on six-step plan for Pence to overturn the election

Updated 8:20 AM ET, Tue September 21, 2021


READ: Trump lawyer's memo on six-step plan for Pence to overturn the election | CNN Politics



Nothing but plenty of allegations.
MAGANUTZ have a strong hold on the Neo-GOP but we'll see in Nov.
I’ll take Maganuts over the useful idiot brigade on the left any day. Best of luck in the midterms. Biden’s popularity should take the day…
I’ll take Maganuts over the useful idiot brigade on the left any day. Best of luck in the midterms. Biden’s popularity should take the day…
Why do you bother posting since the childish nonsense you write adds anything of value to the discussion?
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I’ll take Maganuts over the useful idiot brigade on the left any day. Best of luck in the midterms. Biden’s popularity should take the day…
Of course you will. That's the deplorable support group. You guys got tired of feeling stupid and being laughed at for your intellectual and ethical deviance. Thus, Trump.
In what sense was it not an insurrection? There was a coordinated attempt to stop Biden's certification by the mob while Trump, Eastman, and others drew up a plan to substitute fake slates of electors. All in order to throw the vote in contested states back to Repub controlled legislatures so Trump could be named the winner of the election against the will of the people.

Perhaps, if you are a consumer of right wing media, you've never heard about the plot.

The fact that 98% of the ones who went inside the capital didn't do so for violent intentions. Most of those didn't even steal or destroy anything.
Wrong Mademoiselle Asseater. I denied a claim. By obvious definition, that doesn’t make me the proponent you sub-imbecile.

Yes. I denied. Someone makes a claim. That’s the proponent. Others may deny the claim. They aren’t the proponent of a claim they deny. Following along yet, you filthy used enema nozzle?

Soak that in, you raggedy twat.
Did someone forget to take his valium this morning? Careful! That big vein in your neck could burst and make you even more of an idiot than you've already shown yourself to be. On second thought, fuck it! Go for it! Just one more brain damaged Trumper to deal with.
The fact that 98% of the ones who went inside the capital didn't do so for violent intentions. Most of those didn't even steal or destroy anything.
So, five people rob a convelience store but only one does the shooting. The rest were just sightseers? They were just too stupid to realize that robbery is wrong? They thought that there was a just cause to go along with the robbery? Give us sane folks a break!
I’ll take Maganuts over the useful idiot brigade on the left any day. Best of luck in the midterms. Biden’s popularity should take the day…
I donno, do you vote for the unpopular geek or the popular bully who is proud of trying to burn the school down?
Of course you will. That's the deplorable support group. You guys got tired of feeling stupid and being laughed at for your intellectual and ethical deviance. Thus, Trump.
And you got tired of being laughed at for your lack of education, racism, and love of dictatorships. Thus, Biden.
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