A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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Operation Crossfire-Hurricane
If Crossfire Hurricane was a Dem inspired investigation to "get" Trump as you claim, why didn't the members conducting it leak its existence to the media to sabotage Trump's campaign?
It's sad that you treat this board as nothing more than an opportunity to post juvenile remarks rather than engage in substantive debate. But then that's all you have so...................
Tribunal for what? Got an indictment for anything?
Didn't think so, thanks for playing.
Remember when the right wingers were shouting, "Let me know when someone gets charged with sedition or insurrection". Remember that ^^^^^.

Oh yea, things take time.

It's sad that you treat this board as nothing more than an opportunity to post juvenile remarks rather than engage in substantive debate. But then that's all you have so...................
Sorry, but when I'm dealing with delusional useful idiots who actually think there was an attempt to overthrow the US government, mockery is the most appropriate response. I don't believe men can be women, either. Same response to that delusional behavior.
Sorry, but when I'm dealing with delusional useful idiots who actually think there was an attempt to overthrow the US government, mockery is the most appropriate response. I don't believe men can be women, either. Same response to that delusional behavior.
Apologizing to trolls is not necessary.
You have nothing but fatuous right wing media talking points yet you say you want me to think for myself! You don't hold a single position that can be factually substantiated.

McCarthy and others are mistaken. The issue of mens rea, or intent, is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and intent is the correct standard. Comey was right not to recommend filing charges and to base his decision on the absence of evidence that Clinton had the necessary intent.

Section 793(f) makes it a felony for any person “entrusted with… information relating to the national defense” to allow that information to be “removed from its proper place of custody” through “gross negligence.” On its face, the law does not appear to require intent, but it turns out the key phrase in 793(f) is not “gross negligence.” The key phrase is “related to the national defense.”

Section 793(f) is a subsection of the Espionage Act, a controversial statute enacted during World War I in order to combat efforts by German agents to undermine the American war effort. The Act has been amended and renumbered many times, but its core provisions have not substantively changed. The Espionage Act has only sparingly been used to file criminal charges, but when it has been used it is often in high-profile cases. Eugene Debs was jailed under the Espionage Act for anti-war activities during World War I. The Rosenbergs were charged under the Espionage Act when they sold nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. More recently, both Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden were charged under the Espionage Act for providing classified material to WikiLeaks.

Nothing you have linked is fact, just a bunch of Dimmerbabble. Your mind is all askew with your overthrow whining....with flags no less!
You have nothing but fatuous right wing media talking points yet you say you want me to think for myself! You don't hold a single position that can be factually substantiated.

McCarthy and others are mistaken. The issue of mens rea, or intent, is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and intent is the correct standard. Comey was right not to recommend filing charges and to base his decision on the absence of evidence that Clinton had the necessary intent.

Section 793(f) makes it a felony for any person “entrusted with… information relating to the national defense” to allow that information to be “removed from its proper place of custody” through “gross negligence.” On its face, the law does not appear to require intent, but it turns out the key phrase in 793(f) is not “gross negligence.” The key phrase is “related to the national defense.”

Section 793(f) is a subsection of the Espionage Act, a controversial statute enacted during World War I in order to combat efforts by German agents to undermine the American war effort. The Act has been amended and renumbered many times, but its core provisions have not substantively changed. The Espionage Act has only sparingly been used to file criminal charges, but when it has been used it is often in high-profile cases. Eugene Debs was jailed under the Espionage Act for anti-war activities during World War I. The Rosenbergs were charged under the Espionage Act when they sold nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. More recently, both Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden were charged under the Espionage Act for providing classified material to WikiLeaks.

Anyone in the military who did what the Hildabeast did would be serving life in Leavenworth no questions asked.
Interesting concept that "history" is capable of "recording" something considering it is only who control the past who do so
Hmm, no. The truth of death camps would have come out, even if the Nazis won. For example.

History will record the facts, as laid out on live television and in the cult leaders' memos, emails, and texts. No getting around it. The idiots wrote down their plan. The congress now has it.
You mean the accomplished coup of the election stolen by Biden?

Michigan Election Officials' Request to Recant 2020 Certifications Made Under Duress, Threats to Daughters of Dead, Naked Women​

Woman accused of threatening Wayne County Board of Canvassers chairwoman

"Palmer voted against certifying the county’s results, which showed Democrat Joe Biden with a decisive win over President Donald Trump in Wayne County.

"Schneider said Jones began sending text messages to Palmer’s phone early the following morning. Jones allegedly called Palmer a racist and a terrorist while using “graphic and profane language,” he said.

The text messages also included images of a bloody, naked and mutilated woman’s body lying on the ground -- immediately followed by a photo of Palmer’s young daughter and a message reading, “I’d just like you to imagine that’s…your beautiful daughter,” according to Schneider.
Another message allegedly from Jones read, “You should be afraid, your daughter should be afraid, and so should” your husband, using his name."

GOP canvassers try to rescind votes to certify Wayne County election

"Two Republican Wayne County canvassers have signed affidavits saying they regret their votes Tuesday to certify the Nov. 3 election, arguing that "intense bullying and coercion" plus bad legal advice forced them to agree to certify the election after they had voted no."

View attachment 652849
How do you dump 4 million votes in to a system like that in an instant to change the vote totals and completely flip flop a lead after shutting down the vote counting and laughably try to argue it wasn't fraud?

Never has a graph like this appeared in history in any election unless it was a fraudulent election stolen from the rightful winner.
How do you dump 4 million votes in to a system like that in an instant to change the vote totals and completely flip flop a lead after shutting down the vote counting and laughably try to argue it wasn't fraud?

Never has a graph like this appeared in history in any election unless it was a fraudulent election stolen from the rightful winner.
You don't. That didn't happen. When batches of votes are reported, it doesn't mean they just showed up all at once 4 seconds ago.

The stupidity that underlines and saturates all of your fantasies is astounding. And absolutely required.
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