A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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You certainly have a lot more faith and belief in the planning, coordination, and secrecy capabilities of the Republican/MAGA crowd than I do. There’s no way they could have even come up with, never mind carried out such an elaborate plan. They definitely couldn’t have kept it from leaking out by now.

That’s why I don’t believe most Government conspiracy theories… nobody in that sector of our society can actually keep a secret.
It wasn't a matter of keeping the plan a secret. Obviously, executing the plan would immediately make it public knowledge. The goal wasn't secrecy, the goal was to figure out a way to allow Don to remain president.
Please try to stay within the realm of reality. There is no evidence the election was rigged.
There is tons......plenty of pictures of faked leftyvirus mailins compared to the real signatures for one. Are you stupid or something Forrest??
It wasn't a matter of keeping the plan a secret. Obviously, executing the plan would immediately make it public knowledge. The goal wasn't secrecy, the goal was to figure out a way to allow Don to remain president.
No, the goal was to whip people up into an uncontrolled frenzy, but Piglosi forgot these were conservatives and not her murdering Dim ilk. Didn't work.
There is tons......plenty of pictures of faked leftyvirus mailins compared to the real signatures for one. Are you stupid or something Forrest??
Get back to me after you've read the document I provided yesterday. The one you lied about when you said it was fake.

The House select committee investigating the 2021 US Capitol insurrection has obtained a December 2020 proposal from a lawyer to Rudy Giuliani and others that sketched out an early, rough plan to halt Joe Biden becoming president by throwing the certification of the election into the hands of the Senate pro tempore at the time, Republican Chuck Grassley of Iowa.

The December 13 email, written by a New York lawyer named Kenneth Chesebro, is significant because it’s the only document so far that the House has obtained solely because of a judge’s finding that it could become evidence of a crime. The email came to light as part of a court fight over right-wing attorney John Eastman’s email account.

There was no attempted coup.

Dressing up like a shaman and stealing Nancy's alcohol are not the actions of those engaging in a coup, even if the media HAS hoodwinked the mindless into thinking it so.
You are ignoring all the evidence of the plot absent the Capital riot. Eastman's memo, the e-mail chain mentioned in this thread, the plans to submit a fake slate of electors, the plan to have the vote in contested states wiped out and have Repub controlled legislatures cast the deciding votes. It was about far more than the rioters trying to stop Biden's certification. The only salient question that remains is how involved Trump was in the plot.

Get back to me after you've read the document I provided yesterday. The one you lied about when you said it was fake.

The House select committee investigating the 2021 US Capitol insurrection has obtained a December 2020 proposal from a lawyer to Rudy Giuliani and others that sketched out an early, rough plan to halt Joe Biden becoming president by throwing the certification of the election into the hands of the Senate pro tempore at the time, Republican Chuck Grassley of Iowa.

The December 13 email, written by a New York lawyer named Kenneth Chesebro, is significant because it’s the only document so far that the House has obtained solely because of a judge’s finding that it could become evidence of a crime. The email came to light as part of a court fight over right-wing attorney John Eastman’s email account.

Your fake document starts out "once upon a time".....and you lemmings all suck it up as gospel when its the farthest thing from the truth.
You are ignoring all the evidence of the plot absent the Capital riot. Eastman's memo, the e-mail chain mentioned in this thread, the plans to submit a fake slate of electors, the plan to have the vote in contested states wiped out and have Repub controlled legislatures cast the deciding votes. It was about far more than the rioters trying to stop Biden's certification. The only salient question that remains is how involved Trump was in the plot.

Gullible, gullible, gullible there Gomer.....
Get back to me after you've read the document I provided yesterday. The one you lied about when you said it was fake.

The House select committee investigating the 2021 US Capitol insurrection has obtained a December 2020 proposal from a lawyer to Rudy Giuliani and others that sketched out an early, rough plan to halt Joe Biden becoming president by throwing the certification of the election into the hands of the Senate pro tempore at the time, Republican Chuck Grassley of Iowa.

The December 13 email, written by a New York lawyer named Kenneth Chesebro, is significant because it’s the only document so far that the House has obtained solely because of a judge’s finding that it could become evidence of a crime. The email came to light as part of a court fight over right-wing attorney John Eastman’s email account.

Your sources are fake Looneytunes.

What MAGA Had Planned For Pence On Jan. 6

Per the plan, swing states that Biden won were supposed to submit pro-Trump electors — a key part of a broader plan to subvert the election results by presenting Pence on Jan. 6 with a supposed choice between competing interpretations of who swing states selected for president.

By submitting those alternate slates of electors, Chesebro wrote, states would give whoever was in charge of the process the authority not only to “open” and “count” the electoral votes, but to “mak[e] judgments about what to do if there are conflicting votes.”

From there, key Senate Republicans were supposed to hold high-profile hearings from Jan. 3 to Jan. 5 about allegations of “widespread violations of law” in the election. Chesebro referenced one hearing scheduled by Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) during that week.

On Jan. 6 itself, Pence was to immediately announce that, as a candidate running for office, he had a “conflict of interest” and thereby recuse himself from counting the votes. The responsibility for counting the votes would then fall to the president pro tempore of the Senate — at that time, Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA).

So the plan called for Pence to recuse himself from the vote counting and allow Chuckles Grassley to take over. Then....

“He then opens the two envelopes from Arizona, and announced that he cannot and will not, at least as of that date, count any electoral votes from Arizona because there are two slates of votes, and it is clear that the Arizona courts did not give a full and fair opportunity for review of election irregularities, in violation of due process.”

One hopes the level of knowledge and participation in the plan by Individual 1 will be revealed during the public hearings coming soon to a TV near you. Then we can get a clearer picture of.......

And absolutely none of that is unconstitutional....so what?
Put up the FBI findings...nothing there, period.
The FBI didn't look in to it, just like they didn't really investigate the Kavanough accusations....they did not interview the president, nor anyone in his administration nor Trumper senators or congress critters involved, nor any of the trump lawyers involved in the attempted coup nor the VP.....

SO WHO IN THE HELL KNOWS, how the FBI so rapidly came to that conclusion????
The FBI didn't look in to it, just like they didn't really investigate the Kavanough accusations....they did not interview the president, nor anyone in his administration nor Trumper senators or congress critters involved, nor any of the trump lawyers involved in the attempted coup nor the VP.....

SO WHO IN THE HELL KNOWS, how the FBI so rapidly came to that conclusion????
Why are you complaining, you Dims pay them for more favorable decisions than the Republicans get,
Nice try but you are the one who made a claim. You claimed that Jan6 was in no way a coup and I disagreed. So using your own illogic the onus is indeed on you, the claimant. I know, it's hard for idiots like you to sort things out and see truth among all the lies but if you'll just see a professional, he or she might be able to explain it all to you. And all you have to do is shut your fuckin' yapper long enough to let it soak in. And from this point forward, you will address me as Mr. Shitstain.
Wrong Mademoiselle Asseater. I denied a claim. By obvious definition, that doesn’t make me the proponent you sub-imbecile.

Yes. I denied. Someone makes a claim. That’s the proponent. Others may deny the claim. They aren’t the proponent of a claim they deny. Following along yet, you filthy used enema nozzle?

Soak that in, you raggedy twat.
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