A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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The FBI didn't look in to it, just like they didn't really investigate the Kavanough accusations....they did not interview the president, nor anyone in his administration nor Trumper senators or congress critters involved, nor any of the trump lawyers involved in the attempted coup nor the VP.....

SO WHO IN THE HELL KNOWS, how the FBI so rapidly came to that conclusion????
I can't help you have no reading comprehension.

The FBI is a democrat political organization, in case you forgot.
(Operations Razor and Crossfire-Hurricane, as well as Durham's findings)
If there was anything there, it would have been broadcast.

Gosh, you guys are frighteningly brainwashed.
And there you have it. From the mouth of the most brainwashed Polly Parrot on the board......they don't even realize their minds have been destroyed.
And there you have it. From the mouth of the most brainwashed Polly Parrot on the board......they don't even realize their minds have been destroyed.
There is a direct through line between the Orange Messiah's attacks on the FBI (to discredit their findings about him) and Repub's attitude towards it.

The aggressive Republican attacks on the FBI are the latest sign — if one were needed — that President Donald Trump has upended the longstanding norms of Washington, as he and his allies in Congress seek to undermine the one institution of government that conservatives have typically seen as a bastion of integrity and law-and-order.
On the contrary, you have a mistaken impression of what can constitute a coup.

You sound like a delusional fool every time you suggest that silly protest was a serious attempt to overthrow the US government, son. Stop being brainwashed by the MSM, open you eyes, and see the truth.
There is a direct through line between the Orange Messiah's attacks on the FBI (to discredit their findings about him) and Repub's attitude towards it.

The aggressive Republican attacks on the FBI are the latest sign — if one were needed — that President Donald Trump has upended the longstanding norms of Washington, as he and his allies in Congress seek to undermine the one institution of government that conservatives have typically seen as a bastion of integrity and law-and-order.
You are waaaay far gone Dimmer.....way past normal nutbag all the way to pure Looneybin.
There is a direct through line between the Orange Messiah's attacks on the FBI (to discredit their findings about him) and Repub's attitude towards it.

The aggressive Republican attacks on the FBI are the latest sign — if one were needed — that President Donald Trump has upended the longstanding norms of Washington, as he and his allies in Congress seek to undermine the one institution of government that conservatives have typically seen as a bastion of integrity and law-and-order.
Attacks on the FBI are warranted and should be of interest to all US citizens. Just because the FBI lines up with Dimmers most of the time doesn't mean they always will, they are a dangerous powerful bunch.
You sound like a delusional fool every time you suggest that silly protest was a serious attempt to overthrow the US government, son. Stop being brainwashed by the MSM, open you eyes, and see the truth.
You sound like someone in denial of the facts when you narrowly focus on the 1/6 riot while ignoring the other elements of the coup plot.

It doesn't. That you believe it does serves to prove you accept Trump's propaganda without critical thought. Something you are clearly incapable of.
Oh come on, now you are totally off this planet. Reams and reams of proof going back to Hildabeast's private e-mail server showing the FBI and their power corruption. Come on Forrest, think!
Gosh, you guys are frighteningly brainwashed.
Your link didn't disprove anything, it was just whiny drivel.

Look at the FACTS:
1. FBI Director Comey setup General Flynn with a perjury trap, he bragged about it.
2. Operation Crossfire-Hurricane
3. Operation Razor
4. Durham's findings that the FBI was complicit in the Russia Collusion hoax.
5. The FBI lied and falsified evidence to get FISA warrants (Kevin Clinesmith)

The FACTS show that the FBI are political hacks working for the democrats.
Oh come on, now you are totally off this planet. Reams and reams of proof going back to Hildabeast's private e-mail server showing the FBI and their power corruption. Come on Forrest, think!
You have nothing but fatuous right wing media talking points yet you say you want me to think for myself! You don't hold a single position that can be factually substantiated.

McCarthy and others are mistaken. The issue of mens rea, or intent, is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and intent is the correct standard. Comey was right not to recommend filing charges and to base his decision on the absence of evidence that Clinton had the necessary intent.

Section 793(f) makes it a felony for any person “entrusted with… information relating to the national defense” to allow that information to be “removed from its proper place of custody” through “gross negligence.” On its face, the law does not appear to require intent, but it turns out the key phrase in 793(f) is not “gross negligence.” The key phrase is “related to the national defense.”

Section 793(f) is a subsection of the Espionage Act, a controversial statute enacted during World War I in order to combat efforts by German agents to undermine the American war effort. The Act has been amended and renumbered many times, but its core provisions have not substantively changed. The Espionage Act has only sparingly been used to file criminal charges, but when it has been used it is often in high-profile cases. Eugene Debs was jailed under the Espionage Act for anti-war activities during World War I. The Rosenbergs were charged under the Espionage Act when they sold nuclear secrets to the Soviet Union. More recently, both Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden were charged under the Espionage Act for providing classified material to WikiLeaks.

You sound like someone in denial of the facts when you narrowly focus on the 1/6 riot while ignoring the other elements of the coup plot.

Oh, do you mean the Selfie Stick Coup where a thousand congress critters were murdered with the deadly weapons? THAT coup?
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