A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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Did someone forget to take his valium this morning? Careful! That big vein in your neck could burst and make you even more of an idiot than you've already shown yourself to be. On second thought, fuck it! Go for it! Just one more brain damaged Trumper to deal with.
A lecture on brain damage from a complete imbecile like you is amusing. Thankfully, you’re also completely irrelevant. When we take into account that both of your brain cells are defective, you tend to be forgiven for saying all the empty stupid and dishonest shit you say. In the interim, you remain the proponent and you decline to support your claim — because like all of us see, you realize you can’t support your claim.

You retarded cowardly vermin are all alike. 😂🤣😂🤣
That seems to be par for your intellectual depth and speed.
Sure, sure, it's taken for granted when matched up against heavyweights of the Neo-GOP movement, who equate the ability to lash out with insults towards their opponents with intellect. Good luck with your Dogma.
Sure, sure, it's taken for granted when matched up against heavyweights of the Neo-GOP movement, who equate the ability to lash out with insults towards their opponents with intellect. Good luck with your Dogma.
Nice straw man. Can you outsmart him yet?
A lecture on brain damage from a complete imbecile like you is amusing. Thankfully, you’re also completely irrelevant. When we take into account that both of your brain cells are defective, you tend to be forgiven for saying all the empty stupid and dishonest shit you say. In the interim, you remain the proponent and you decline to support your claim — because like all of us see, you realize you can’t support your claim.

You retarded cowardly vermin are all alike. 😂🤣😂🤣
This from the Lemming that will be in the tip of the spear when it abandons ship. And as the truth becomes clearer to even someone as indoctrinated as you are, there will be fewer and fewer places to swim to. And as Desi Arnaz liked to say, "You'll have some "Splainin' to do!" Now THAT'S what I call Amusing.
This from the Lemming that will be in the tip of the spear when it abandons ship. And as the truth becomes clearer to even someone as indoctrinated as you are, there will be fewer and fewer places to swim to. And as Desi Arnaz liked to say, "You'll have some "Splainin' to do!" Now THAT'S what I call Amusing.
That’s a long-winded and non-responsive way of continuing to refuse to accept your burden. Face it. You are a determined gutless cowardly pussy. Run bitch, run! 🤣😂
That’s a long-winded and non-responsive way of continuing to refuse to accept your burden. Face it. You are a determined gutless cowardly pussy. Run bitch, run! 🤣😂
Just another keyboard warrior who wouldn't say it to my face.
Just another keyboard warrior who wouldn't say it to my face.
Yeah. Good comeback you pussy. 🙄

But you are a cowardly pussy. Run away from your burden. Face it Wicklessdick, you’re a nothing and a nobody. Go over to the corner and cry a bit.
Yeah. Good comeback you pussy. 🙄

But you are a cowardly pussy. Run away from your burden. Face it Wicklessdick, you’re a nothing and a nobody. Go over to the corner and cry a bit.
You just don't listen! It's Mr. Pussy to you! Children! Whatcha gonna do? Can't shoot 'em.
Yes they did. But not for the lack of trying. The plot they hatched was very elaborately thought out. It failed because folks like Pence, Raffenspeger, members of the DoJ who threatened to resign. Hence my reference to an attempted coup.

Dude, you're nuts

Political maneuvering is not an "attempted coup".

If you believe it is, then Hillary is also guilty of an "attempted coup", for her political maneuvering in relation to the fake dossier.

You need to grow a brain and turn off the idiot box
So, five people rob a convelience store but only one does the shooting. The rest were just sightseers? They were just too stupid to realize that robbery is wrong? They thought that there was a just cause to go along with the robbery? Give us sane folks a break!

5 people are guilty of robbing the store. One is guilty of shooting.

This is easy stuff. Why is it so hard for you?
Dude, you're nuts

Political maneuvering is not an "attempted coup".

If you believe it is, then Hillary is also guilty of an "attempted coup", for her political maneuvering in relation to the fake dossier.

You need to grow a brain and turn off the idiot box
Whatabout Whatabout! Show us all the films of Clinton or anyone else forming a mob, and sending them on a mission to destroy democracy. We'll wait.
5 people are guilty of robbing the store. One is guilty of shooting.

This is easy stuff. Why is it so hard for you?
Actually the felony murder rule, makes the results different.
5 people are guilty of robbing the store, and 5 people are guilty of the shooting.

Part of the legal rational behind it, is that the conspirators could escape justice for the murder, by eliminating all witnesses save themselves, thus making it impossible to prove which of them fired the gun. So instead as co-conspirators they share the guilt for the murder, without having to prove which one actually pulled the trigger, or which bullet proved to be the fatal shot.
Right, so we subpoena their texts, emails, and documents. Life would be such easier if all the criminals in the world would just turn themselves in, right?
I would disagree on the level of criminality involved. Then again I don’t believe we’ve had a legitimate federal government since 1860.

I always find it amazing that people commuting a crime would maintain any sort of records to document their illegal acts. I most certainly wouldn’t.
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