A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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Yea ya are...no he's not
Ashley's diary says Joe is. Prove I'm Qanon.....you can't DUH. Your guy in the WH is a pervert.


Ashley's diary says Joe is. Prove I'm Qanon.....you can't DUH. Your guy in the WH is a pervert.

View attachment 654190

he references

A. In a STOLEN diary...Ms. Biden asks herself why she is so hyper sexual. She references "sex at a young age" with friends and mentions showers with her father , which she very briefly describes as "probably inappropriate".

She doesn't mention her age at the time but guess what?

It's not that unusual for parents to shower with their kids when they are very young and it's NOT an indication of sexual activity.

But hey...calling people pedos is what you QAnon freaks do now
Putting aside your deflection, any comment on the information about the coup attempt?
the 2020 coup was successful. the dems, the media, and the NWO assholes found a way to cheat and put a senile puppet in the whitehouse, in spite of the will of the american voters. Biden did not win the 2020 election. Trump won but the coup also won. Now you morons have to deal with what was shoved up your asses by the people who lied to you about caring about you. You are now slaves to the dem/lib socialists. Wake the fuck up before its too late
A. In a STOLEN diary...Ms. Biden asks herself why she is so hyper sexual. She references "sex at a young age" with friends and mentions showers with her father , which she very briefly describes as "probably inappropriate".

She doesn't mention her age at the time but guess what?

It's not that unusual for parents to shower with their kids when they are very young and it's NOT an indication of sexual activity.

But hey...calling people pedos is what you QAnon freaks do now
1. The diary wasn't "stolen" she left it in a hotel room to be "found"...
"Late last year, we were approached by tipsters claiming they had a copy of Ashley Biden’s diary. We had never met or heard of the tipsters. The tipsters indicated that the diary had been abandoned in a room in which Ms. Biden stayed at the time, and in which the tipsters stayed in temporarily after Ms. Biden departed the room."

2. "Probably inappropriate" says it all, believe her. Dad's don't take showers with toddlers, duh.

3. We aren't calling Joe a "pedo", his daughter Ashley is, and confirmed it in her diary. Dear diary....
A. In a STOLEN diary...Ms. Biden asks herself why she is so hyper sexual. She references "sex at a young age" with friends and mentions showers with her father , which she very briefly describes as "probably inappropriate".

She doesn't mention her age at the time but guess what?

It's not that unusual for parents to shower with their kids when they are very young and it's NOT an indication of sexual activity.

But hey...calling people pedos is what you QAnon freaks do now
yeah and normal men sniff and feel up little girls. Biden is a senile pervert and the worst president in history.
You fuckers are sick cynical assholes
The 4-years of Trump were "the good old days", except for Fau-Chi's "gain of function" caused pandemic.
The Xiden disaster isn't even half over yet. Buckle up...
Supporting that perv in the WH just shows how sick democrats are...
We know from history Trump has often duped underlings in to committing crimes for him. However,

The court filing describes the direct role of Trump himself in developing strategy, detailing “two hand-written notes from former President Trump about information that he thought might be useful for the anticipated litigation.”
Two hand written notes.

Watch this space
(from post #443): "the 2020 coup was successful. the dems, the media, and the NWO assholes..."

"NWO a**holes"???
Am assuming that poster wants to suggest 'New World Order'?

If the poster is....well, I don't mind saying that such is sure indicator of RWNJobbery of the first water.

New World Order, eh?
Well, tell us about it.
How does some fake named avatar posting anonymously know anything about 'world' politics, 'world' developments at supposed upper levels?
Name names. Name people. Name times and events.
Give the forum credible authoritative sourcing that has been vetted.
If the poster cannont at the very least give any believable substantiation to his hissyfitting over this alleged New World Order......then my avatar call his avatar a phony.
But a very real RWNJ.
On steroids.

Biden did not win the 2020 election. Trump won .......
Prove either. Show. Or go.
Please don't offer the forums some Alex Jones/Gateway Pundit/Tucker Carlson fantagasms.
Give us credible authoritative sourcing on your assertion.
Thanx in advance.
Saddle up, Slim.

"Now you morons have to deal with what was shoved up your asses by the people ....... You are now slaves to the dem/lib socialists. Wake the fuck up before its too late."

I included this last quote above as an exhibit supporting my suggestion in the first quote-pull of this post. To wit, the poster's avatar is a RWNJ Q-Quook. On steroids.

Other than that, my avatar finds his avatar is somewhat mildly entertaining. ;)
Cowardly? You're the asshole that snipes and then runs away. And why are you so interested in my dick? Are you one of those peter puffers? That's it, isn't it?
I’m still here, so you’re obviously wrong about running away. And you do a fair amount of sniping too. Hypocritical whining pussy that you are.

And stop lying. Nobody is interested in your dick, dickless. Nobody could be. It’s like being interested in your wings. That’s right. You don’t have wings, either.

As far as I’m concerned you’re just another ignorant libtard. I don’t care about you or your pitiable physical malformations. But rest assured, dickless, just as you’re free to talk smack about me, I’m free to reply to your asshole faggotry. And if you don’t like it, whine some more. 🥱 Your constant whining is pointless, like you.

Meanwhile, you still run away from even attempting to meet your burden. So, I’ll remind you. There was no coup attempt.
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"NWO a**holes"???
Am assuming that poster wants to suggest 'New World Order'?

If the poster is....well, I don't mind saying that such is sure indicator of RWNJobbery of the first water.

New World Order, eh?
Well, tell us about it.
How does some fake named avatar posting anonymously know anything about 'world' politics, 'world' developments at supposed upper levels?
Name names. Name people. Name times and events.
Give the forum credible authoritative sourcing that has been vetted.
If the poster cannont at the very least give any believable substantiation to his hissyfitting over this alleged New World Order......then my avatar call his avatar a phony.
But a very real RWNJ.
On steroids.

Prove either. Show. Or go.
Please don't offer the forums some Alex Jones/Gateway Pundit/Tucker Carlson fantagasms.
Give us credible authoritative sourcing on your assertion.
Thanx in advance.
Saddle up, Slim.


I included this last quote above as an exhibit supporting my suggestion in the first quote-pull of this post. To wit, the poster's avatar is a RWNJ Q-Quook. On steroids.

Other than that, my avatar finds his avatar is somewhat mildly entertaining. ;)
First water?
Joes on video boasting about the Russian bribe but lib loons feel we are “seeing it wrong”
Joes daughter is talking on video about Daddy Showers while lib loons reference golden showers in the non Russian collusion hoax.
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