A fascinating new detail about the attempted coup is revealed.

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Why would I watch something produced by a proven criminal & lie teller.
To be informed about current events and comment upon them from a position of personal knowledge instead of relying on what others have told you.
Btw, questions end in question marks.
The sad reality is we will never trust our elections again. And I sure don't have all the answers. One thing I do know to be true and well documented is that when running against Hillary Trump did say, that if he lost the election it was because it was rigged. When he won all his talk of rigged elections ended. Not to be brought up again until he lost the next election. This wide range mass hysteria over the integrity of our elections will cost us all a high price.
The sad reality is we will never trust our elections again. And I sure don't have all the answers. One thing I do know to be true and well documented is that when running against Hillary Trump did say, that if he lost the election it was because it was rigged. When he won all his talk of rigged elections ended. Not to be brought up again until he lost the next election. This wide range mass hysteria over the integrity of our elections will cost us all a high price.
As far as I'm concerned, the only way to save this Titanic is by changing our electoral system. Changing the rules under which the partisans have to operate.

So for the first time in my life, I'm contributing money and effort to that. It ain't for me, it's for my kids. I don't want to leave them this fucking self-inflicted disaster.

1. What madman? Destroy what? What hatred? I call those all LIES unless you can prove them.
2. What crimes did he get away with? More LIES.
3. Indoctrination is what democrats are all about, from kindergarten thru college, teaching leftist doctrine.

You post talking points without any proof. That's not how to debate on a forum. This should be a battle of facts and ideas, not lies.

Here is Joe Biden's record of failure. These are all FACTS that I can prove.

Everything Xiden, aka “poopy pants” touches turns to shit, here's a partial list:
How about showering with his daughter Ashley? How fucked-up is that?
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT for abandoning AFG
The French pulled their ambassador for abandoning AFG
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed.
Xiden sold us out by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military and invade Ukraine, and his “war on energy” keeps fuel costs high. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
Open borders is a catastrophe. Trump had it SOLVED. Now its infected migrants & fentanyl sent all over
Runaway inflation would get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs, he wants Russia to pump more oil?? WTF?
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hypersonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
After promising we would have more than enough Covid testing kits, Joe LIED and FAILED.
Xiden killed Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline to sell gas to the EU, Putin’s whore strikes again.
Xiden killed the development of ANWR, but he’s begging Putin to pump more oil???
Xiden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
Xiden is letting RUSSIA negotiate the new IRAN agreement???? WTF!!!!!!
Xiden is giving baby formula to migrants when American babies can’t get formula????
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe

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Let's set the record straight. If Biden is guilty of what he's being accused of doing then he should be in jail. If ANY politician is committing crimes, he/she should be in jail. I have no love for any of these slimeballs. I think it's a shame that this is the best we can come up with to choose as leaders. So, then it comes down to the lesser of evils. And only one leader has orchestrated and triggered an insurrection. Only one has set a course to destroy democracy. Only one has Putin's best interests at heart. Only one has been named as an un-indicted co-conspirator in election fraud. Only one has been seen on television taking the side of Putin against the intell agencies. Only one was caught trying to persuade the Attorney Gen of GA to commit voter fraud. And, only one sat for 3 plus hours in front of his TV in the White House and reveled in the sights and sounds of an attack on America with a gang of white nationals and indoctrinated fools screaming for the heads of the congress people and the Vice President. An attack that he could have defused with just a few words to those criminals.
1. What madman? Destroy what? What hatred? I call those all LIES unless you can prove them.
2. What crimes did he get away with? More LIES.
3. Indoctrination is what democrats are all about, from kindergarten thru college, teaching leftist doctrine.

You post talking points without any proof. That's not how to debate on a forum. This should be a battle of facts and ideas, not lies.

Here is Joe Biden's record of failure. These are all FACTS that I can prove.

Everything Xiden, aka “poopy pants” touches turns to shit, here's a partial list:
How about showering with his daughter Ashley? How fucked-up is that?
The Brits hold him in CONTEMPT for abandoning AFG
The French pulled their ambassador for abandoning AFG
He pissed off the Canadians by killing the KeystoneXL pipeline, that’s 500,000 bbls a day he killed.
Xiden sold us out by approving the Nord Stream 2 pipeline giving Putin cash to modernize his military and invade Ukraine, and his “war on energy” keeps fuel costs high. That's why Xiden is "Putin's Whore".
Hope he enjoys the $3,500,000 the Moscow Mayor's wife sent Hunter
Hope he enjoys the $1,500,000,000 that China gave Hunter to "invest"
Open borders is a catastrophe. Trump had it SOLVED. Now its infected migrants & fentanyl sent all over
Runaway inflation would get worse if the dems pass their "BBB" bill. That will be Solyndra on steroids, not to mention the $200,000,000 for Nancy’s park in San Francisco.
Xiden is ruining the US energy sector with his stupid EOs, he wants Russia to pump more oil?? WTF?
Xiden is so dumb he can't even do fake press conferences to answer "ice cream" questions.
Xiden is a gaffe machine, his brain is defective, and he has the nuclear football, WTF???
Xiden surrendered AFG leaving Americans, $billions of equipment, and interpreters to be slaughtered
Xiden’s DOJ sent the FBI after parents (aka domestic terrorists) who dare to ask questions at school board meetings.
China just passed the US out with their new hypersonic missile.
Stupid Joe wants to pay MIGRANTS $450,000 for breaking US immigration LAWS??????
After promising we would have more than enough Covid testing kits, Joe LIED and FAILED.
Xiden killed Israel’s EastMed gas pipeline to sell gas to the EU, Putin’s whore strikes again.
Xiden killed the development of ANWR, but he’s begging Putin to pump more oil???
Xiden’s “war on energy” is pushing gas and diesel to unaffordable levels, causing “runaway inflation”.
Xiden is letting RUSSIA negotiate the new IRAN agreement???? WTF!!!!!!
Xiden is giving baby formula to migrants when American babies can’t get formula????
I could go on and on, but you see Trump was at least 1,000,000x better as president than stupid Joe

View attachment 654187
And you morons post right wing memes and silly graphics with silly little smiley faces as if they were somehow definitive of anything. I'm sure you could find evidence that little green men voted for Biden. But one thing you'll never find is evidence that Trump was a scholar or that he's a great businessman, or that he is honest. On the campaign trail in 2016 he vowed to his audience of suckers that "One thing I can promise you is that I will always tell you the truth!" And fools like you believed every word. He was going to solved every puzzle and fix every problem and it would be so fast and so easy that it will "Make you head spin!!" And once again, fools believed him. I wonder at what age will these clowns understand that there is no Santa Claus or Easter bunny or politician who will ignore the money and "do the right thing." Especially one who has lied for his entire life. You bought it all. You like evidence? That's evidence that you Trumpers are naive idiots and remain so today.
Let's set the record straight. If Biden is guilty of what he's being accused of doing then he should be in jail. If ANY politician is committing crimes, he/she should be in jail. I have no love for any of these slimeballs. I think it's a shame that this is the best we can come up with to choose as leaders. So, then it comes down to the lesser of evils. And only one leader has orchestrated and triggered an insurrection. Only one has set a course to destroy democracy. Only one has Putin's best interests at heart. Only one has been named as an un-indicted co-conspirator in election fraud. Only one has been seen on television taking the side of Putin against the intell agencies. Only one was caught trying to persuade the Attorney Gen of GA to commit voter fraud. And, only one sat for 3 plus hours in front of his TV in the White House and reveled in the sights and sounds of an attack on America with a gang of white nationals and indoctrinated fools screaming for the heads of the congress people and the Vice President. An attack that he could have defused with just a few words to those criminals.
1. We agree that criminals need to go to jail no matter the party.
2. The FBI said that there was no insurrection, and Trump did not instigate the attack on the capitol. If there was an insurrection there would have been guns, lots and lots of guns, picture the French Revolution.
3. Democrats' "open border" policy to flood the US with new democrats is an attempt at "destroying democracy"....stay tuned.
4. Biden is "Putin's Whore" and has Putin's best interest at heart:
a. Biden killed the EastMed Pipeline that would sell gas to the EU instead of Russian gas.
b. Biden killed the KeystoneXL pipeline that would have added 500,000 bpd of oil, that raises the price of oil giving Putin more cash.
c. Biden took $3,500,000 from the Moscow mayor's wife. google it
d. Biden's "war on energy" is giving Putin $billions, Biden is Putin's whore.

Trump had oil very low, taking money from Putin giving it to US producers, saving us $billions, Biden is giving Putin $billions, see the difference? Trump is for us, Biden is Putin's whore.

5. Got any crimes/indictments against Trump? No? Thanks for playing.
Small riot, led and encouraged by the Capitol police at Nancy's direction.

BTW, challenging an election is NEVER A "COUP" YOU IDIOT
How the fuck would you know? When's the last time someone attacked the Capitol? What a naive fool.
1. We agree that criminals need to go to jail no matter the party.
2. The FBI said that there was no insurrection, and Trump did not instigate the attack on the capitol. If there was an insurrection there would have been guns, lots and lots of guns, picture the French Revolution.
3. Democrats' "open border" policy to flood the US with new democrats is an attempt at "destroying democracy"....stay tuned.
4. Biden is "Putin's Whore" and has Putin's best interest at heart:
a. Biden killed the EastMed Pipeline that would sell gas to the EU instead of Russian gas.
b. Biden killed the KeystoneXL pipeline that would have added 500,000 bpd of oil, that raises the price of oil giving Putin more cash.
c. Biden took $3,500,000 from the Moscow mayor's wife. google it
d. Biden's "war on energy" is giving Putin $billions, Biden is Putin's whore.

Trump had oil very low, taking money from Putin giving it to US producers, saving us $billions, Biden is giving Putin $billions, see the difference? Trump is for us, Biden is Putin's whore.

5. Got any crimes/indictments against Trump? No? Thanks for playing.
Criminals of either party who commit crimes need to go to jail? Or is it only the ones that you admit are crimes? The ones you ignore become misdeeds? Very interesting. LOL
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