A final slap in the face to the disgraced “Mad Dog” Mattis

Obama's isn't president anymore.

Great perceptive revelation, Jackass! It's more than I thought you had in you.

......you ignore it all and focus on a man who isn't even president. Wow..

You can't know where you are going Moron, without knowing where you came from. And considering the train-wreck debacle which Oblamma's 8 years illegal and criminal presidency were, Trump's two years of reformation have been a carnival ride at an amusement park.

Trump will replace him in a week, rather than finishing out in February. I hope the “Mad Dog” learned his lesson. Off to exile for that fool.

Trump to Replace Mattis with his Deputy on January 1
He is not disgraced. He is likely the only well respected on in the administration. A huge loss for the petulant prince.

Thank you! I totally agree! He is not disgraced. I thank him for keeping the lid on a mentally dangerous president.

'The Building Is in Shock.' The Pentagon Braces for Life After Mattis

Morale is low.
Now you have to know that this is total horseshit, right????

Christ.....Obama fired the guy and we didn't hear one story about the Pentagon being in shock.
Two years in and you are still stuck on Obama’s?

Why not? Two years into his presidency, Obama was still stuck on claiming he was just a janitor still trying to clean up after Bush! And blaming everything on him as well!
Wow..unreal. Y’all adored Mattis until Trump had a tantrum.

You mean the way Hillary called David Petraeus, the General who won the Iraq war before Barry fled and gave Iraq to ISIS, "General Betrayus" in a Senate speech and then had Comey go after him for giving his lover, who had a security-clearance, a look at intel having nothing to with national security? Trump has no intention to destroy Mattis the way your side destroyed Petraeus. And I don't recall anybody I know having an opinion on Mattis one way or the other. Trump pulled him off the scrap heap and Mattis took that as a signal he could lecture the President and question his moves, often in public. When he refused a direct order to sign the troop withdrawal, Trump had no alternative. BTW, Mattis didn't sign the order until today...a week after the President ordered it.
Further, Mattis was angry because Trump wouldn't fund his Pentagon study on "global warming", disagreed about ending the disastrous Iran nuke deal, and had no problem with trannies in military barracks. The worst thing Trump ever said about Mattis, even after Mattis once called him an "idiot" in front of others (idiots don't become multi-billionaires and President of the Untited States) was that Mattis was "kind of a democrat". I'm sure "mad dog" will now write a tell-all book the lunatic left will scoop up, and leave the scene a multi-millionaire. But historians won't treat him well, since most of his reputation is built on being able to quote famous warriors throughout history and then ignoring the lessons they taught him.
This pretty much sums it up:

View attachment 236449
So, Rand Paul would have simply accepted the 9/11 hijackings and airplane bombings?
And would have said to Taliban/Osama:
“That was not nice, just don’t do it again”?

Who said anything like that, bub?

He's basically advocating against the U.S. being in a perpetual, futile war to try to change the Middle East. I agree with him.

SENATOR RAND PAUL: That will always be true....That statement will be true in fifteen years. The place is a mess. I mean, they've been fighting each other for a thousand years. Sunni and Shia have been fighting each other since Battle of Karbala in 832 AD.... They're going to fight each other until the end of time. It's all of them. It's-- it's an inter-complicated mess that has to do with Sunni extremism versus Shia extremism, and also some other various battles in between. But if we wait until there's... no potential for anybody fighting each other when we leave, we will be there forever. But here is what we need to do. And here is the real problem, we have so politicized the relationship with Russia that there isn't a Democrat in the land that is for any kind of negotiation with Russian ally because they know it's an anti-Trump position to be heaping on Russia. Russia is a big player. If we don't talk to Russia about Syria, we will never come to a resolution. Iran is a player. We actually have to talk to Iran about... Syria, as well. Assad is a player. We... can't just say Assad is going to go. He won the war. These people have their head in the sand and they just want to send two thousand troops there. They become a trip wire to a possibility of a much-expanded war involving Russia and Iran. And that would be a huge mistake... I don't think the American people want another big war in the Middle East.


But my question is why do American young men and women always have to lay our lives down? To the people of Iraq, are they incapable of doing anything? And here's the thing. Muslims need to ultimately police Muslim lands. When Americans are there and we kill someone who lives there, they see it as a religious affront and they see it as the Pagans have come to take their land and for everyone we kill, we create ten to a one hundred more. So it isn't working. We have-- have supplied them all with money we've given them uniforms we've given them weapons. They need to step up and they need to eradicate these violent people from their midst....

Althouse: "How about you just admit you hate the President, love war and have been wrong for the last twenty years on every part of foreign policy?"
I remember when you rubes worshipped Mattis after Trump picked him. Now you’re reduced to “b-b-b-b-b-but OBAMA!” :lmao:

Who's the "rube", hayseed? Officers aren't to be "worshipped"...they're either respected or they ain't. Mattis avoided Vietnam by enlisting in the Marine RESERVES and never served as a front-line officer.
Wait--I thought generals HAD to have combat experience--isn't that why women insisted on being allowed in combat? So they could be promoted?
Wait--I thought generals HAD to have combat experience--isn't that why women insisted on being allowed in combat? So they could be promoted?

That's how it used to be but neither Mattis or Petraeus were ever IN the shit...few above the rank of Major ever are...they watch through their field glasses, bark orders over the radio and skeedaddle when it's coming toward them.
Wait--I thought generals HAD to have combat experience--isn't that why women insisted on being allowed in combat? So they could be promoted?

That's how it used to be but neither Mattis or Petraeus were ever IN the shit...few above the rank of Major ever are...they watch through their field glasses, bark orders over the radio and skeedaddle when it's coming toward them.
If they're close enough to watch through field glasses, they're close enough for it to count. If they went up and got their asses shot, who'd give the orders? Generals are the thinkers.
You made it sound as if they never were in combat situations. That's not really very honest.
If they're close enough to watch through field glasses, they're close enough for it to count. If they went up and got their asses shot, who'd give the orders? Generals are the thinkers.
You made it sound as if they never were in combat situations. That's not really very honest.

Since I'm a combat Vet and you're not maybe you should defer to my experience. First Shirts run most combat scenarios......they're the ones who know the whats and whens.
Trump will replace him in a week, rather than finishing out in February. I hope the “Mad Dog” learned his lesson. Off to exile for that fool.

Trump to Replace Mattis with his Deputy on January 1
He is not disgraced. He is likely the only well respected on in the administration. A huge loss for the petulant prince.

Thank you! I totally agree! He is not disgraced. I thank him for keeping the lid on a mentally dangerous president.

'The Building Is in Shock.' The Pentagon Braces for Life After Mattis

Morale is low.
Now you have to know that this is total horseshit, right????

Christ.....Obama fired the guy and we didn't hear one story about the Pentagon being in shock.
He wasn’t fired.
Wow..unreal. Y’all adored Mattis until Trump had a tantrum.

You mean the way Hillary called David Petraeus, the General who won the Iraq war before Barry fled and gave Iraq to ISIS, "General Betrayus" in a Senate speech and then had Comey go after him for giving his lover, who had a security-clearance, a look at intel having nothing to with national security? Trump has no intention to destroy Mattis the way your side destroyed Petraeus. And I don't recall anybody I know having an opinion on Mattis one way or the other. Trump pulled him off the scrap heap and Mattis took that as a signal he could lecture the President and question his moves, often in public. When he refused a direct order to sign the troop withdrawal, Trump had no alternative. BTW, Mattis didn't sign the order until today...a week after the President ordered it.
Who cares what Hillary said? Get over her.

Mattis did not refuse an order, he resigned because he could not in good conscious follow it. Don’t you think he knows more than Trump? Trump didn’t pull him off the scrap heap, Trump was damn lucky to get him on board.

What a mess Trump is making.
If they're close enough to watch through field glasses, they're close enough for it to count. If they went up and got their asses shot, who'd give the orders? Generals are the thinkers.
You made it sound as if they never were in combat situations. That's not really very honest.

Since I'm a combat Vet and you're not maybe you should defer to my experience. First Shirts run most combat scenarios......they're the ones who know the whats and whens.
Far be it for me to question a Vet.
Who cares what Hillary said? Get over her.

Mattis did not refuse an order, he resigned because he could not in good conscious follow it. Don’t you think he knows more than Trump? Trump didn’t pull him off the scrap heap, Trump was damn lucky to get him on board.

What a mess Trump is making.

You're not over her, why should we be? All this "resistance" is about her losing a sure thing. Mattis did refuse to sign an order for withdrawal...he finally signed it yesterday. Who the hell does he think he is? Does he know more than Trump? about what? Is he the President? that's an easy answer....NO he isn't. Was he on the scrap pile? yes....he was on the board of some small time think tank. Congress had to give him a waiver for only being off active duty for 3 years instead of the 5 most Generals have to wait. Did he do well in procurement of the $700B Trump gave him? Who knows....most think he did but we won't know until the equipment he bought is in the field.
Who cares what Hillary said? Get over her.

Mattis did not refuse an order, he resigned because he could not in good conscious follow it. Don’t you think he knows more than Trump? Trump didn’t pull him off the scrap heap, Trump was damn lucky to get him on board.

What a mess Trump is making.

You're not over her, why should we be? All this "resistance" is about her losing a sure thing. Mattis did refuse to sign an order for withdrawal...he finally signed it yesterday. Who the hell does he think he is? Does he know more than Trump? about what? Is he the President? that's an easy answer....NO he isn't. Was he on the scrap pile? yes....he was on the board of some small time think tank. Congress had to give him a waiver for only being off active duty for 3 years instead of the 5 most Generals have to wait. Did he do well in procurement of the $700B Trump gave him? Who knows....most think he did but we won't know until the equipment he bought is in the field.
I am over an election that was two years ago. Time for you all to quit using it as an excuse for the effing mess Trump is making of foreign policy.

You think a unilateral withdrawal with no plan, no strategy, no working strategy is good? Good lord, we are abandoning our allies without question. What are the Turks going to do the Kurds who fought for us? We are conceding everything to Russia, Iran, Turkey and Assad. Do you foresee stability or more failed states and terrorist havens?

What strategy and policies is Trump putting forth, any? What is the long term goal?
Trump will replace him in a week, rather than finishing out in February. I hope the “Mad Dog” learned his lesson. Off to exile for that fool.

Trump to Replace Mattis with his Deputy on January 1
I don't remember the outrage when Obama fired him. You're such a hypocrite.
Outrage? I consider him a disgraced fool. Just laughing at his stupidity.

LOL, one of the most respected officers in the U.S. Military and he's a "disgraced fool" because he resigned over irreconcilable differences with Trumps chaotic foreign policy? What happened to you? You change the flavor of politician ass you prefer to lick all of a sudden?

The real irony is a poster that constantly demonstrates itself to be a hyper-partisan, politician worshiping drone calling a highly accomplished, combat veteran a "disgraced fool" for standing up to his erratic boss.

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