A final slap in the face to the disgraced “Mad Dog” Mattis

Mattis resigned. Why does this bother anyone? People resign from jobs all the time. I dont blame trump nor do I blame Mattis. Not a huge issue here. This is being blown out of context. It should make nobody angry...not even the president. Move on and replace. Resigning is honorable.
Who cares what Hillary said? Get over her.

Mattis did not refuse an order, he resigned because he could not in good conscious follow it. Don’t you think he knows more than Trump? Trump didn’t pull him off the scrap heap, Trump was damn lucky to get him on board.

What a mess Trump is making.

You're not over her, why should we be? All this "resistance" is about her losing a sure thing. Mattis did refuse to sign an order for withdrawal...he finally signed it yesterday. Who the hell does he think he is? Does he know more than Trump? about what? Is he the President? that's an easy answer....NO he isn't. Was he on the scrap pile? yes....he was on the board of some small time think tank. Congress had to give him a waiver for only being off active duty for 3 years instead of the 5 most Generals have to wait. Did he do well in procurement of the $700B Trump gave him? Who knows....most think he did but we won't know until the equipment he bought is in the field.
I am over an election that was two years ago. Time for you all to quit using it as an excuse for the effing mess Trump is making of foreign policy.

You think a unilateral withdrawal with no plan, no strategy, no working strategy is good? Good lord, we are abandoning our allies without question. What are the Turks going to do the Kurds who fought for us? We are conceding everything to Russia, Iran, Turkey and Assad. Do you foresee stability or more failed states and terrorist havens?

What strategy and policies is Trump putting forth, any? What is the long term goal?

"I am over an election that was two years ago. Time for you all to quit using it as an excuse for the effing mess Trump is making of foreign policy."

Foreign policy.....mess????

A reminder:
Barack Obama was ushering in the age of the ‘Iranian Nuclear Bomb’ and fueling Iran’s war machine.

Barack Obama, the #1 funder of radical Islamic fundamentalism and of the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism, in the history of the world.

Under Hussein Obama, the United States was the lead benefactor of Islamic terrorism

He gave his nod to ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons for 7th century barbarians.

Barack Obama, in addition to slowing the rise of the oceans, also made the world a safer place to be by funding the world’s worst state sponsor of terrorism while not restricting their ballistic missile program and, at the same time, supporting Hezbollah.

The best friend the homicidal maniacs in charge of Iran ever had was Barack Hussein Obama.

The big question about Hussein Obama was always was he Sunni or Shia…and with the Iran deal, we got answer.

Trump will replace him in a week, rather than finishing out in February. I hope the “Mad Dog” learned his lesson. Off to exile for that fool.

Trump to Replace Mattis with his Deputy on January 1
I don't remember the outrage when Obama fired him. You're such a hypocrite.
Outrage? I consider him a disgraced fool. Just laughing at his stupidity.

LOL, one of the most respected officers in the U.S. Military and he's a "disgraced fool" because he resigned over irreconcilable differences with Trumps chaotic foreign policy? What happened to you? You change the flavor of politician ass you prefer to lick all of a sudden?

The real irony is a poster that constantly demonstrates itself to be a hyper-partisan, politician worshiping drone calling a highly accomplished, combat veteran a "disgraced fool" for standing up to his erratic boss.

if Trump and his drone collective hate Mattis the man must be top notch - the rest of the country applauds him ..
Who cares what Hillary said? Get over her.

Mattis did not refuse an order, he resigned because he could not in good conscious follow it. Don’t you think he knows more than Trump? Trump didn’t pull him off the scrap heap, Trump was damn lucky to get him on board.

What a mess Trump is making.

You're not over her, why should we be? All this "resistance" is about her losing a sure thing. Mattis did refuse to sign an order for withdrawal...he finally signed it yesterday. Who the hell does he think he is? Does he know more than Trump? about what? Is he the President? that's an easy answer....NO he isn't. Was he on the scrap pile? yes....he was on the board of some small time think tank. Congress had to give him a waiver for only being off active duty for 3 years instead of the 5 most Generals have to wait. Did he do well in procurement of the $700B Trump gave him? Who knows....most think he did but we won't know until the equipment he bought is in the field.
I am over an election that was two years ago. Time for you all to quit using it as an excuse for the effing mess Trump is making of foreign policy.

You think a unilateral withdrawal with no plan, no strategy, no working strategy is good? Good lord, we are abandoning our allies without question. What are the Turks going to do the Kurds who fought for us? We are conceding everything to Russia, Iran, Turkey and Assad. Do you foresee stability or more failed states and terrorist havens?

What strategy and policies is Trump putting forth, any? What is the long term goal?
You know a whole bunch more about the Middle East than I do, so I ask, why do you think we need a long term goal? It's true no one can defeat ISIS with guns, but we took away its territory and that's as much as we could hope for. Certainly, our plans to defeat radical Islam within our own borders will not stop.

I heard a rumor that Saudi Arabia will be helping out the Kurds. It's quicksand over there. Having long term "goals" about any of those countries is just arrogance. That's how it appears to me, with my limited knowledge.
Mattis resigned. Why does this bother anyone?

It bothers a lot of people because Mattis was one of the last rational adults left in the Trump Administration, now that he's gone there's one fewer left to challenge the inmates running the Asylum.
I am over an election that was two years ago. Time for you all to quit using it as an excuse for the effing mess Trump is making of foreign policy.

You think a unilateral withdrawal with no plan, no strategy, no working strategy is good? Good lord, we are abandoning our allies without question. What are the Turks going to do the Kurds who fought for us? We are conceding everything to Russia, Iran, Turkey and Assad. Do you foresee stability or more failed states and terrorist havens?

What strategy and policies is Trump putting forth, any? What is the long term goal?

Verbatim talking points....word for word .....a DNC bubblegram. Trump is doing fine with foreign policy thank you.....NATO cheapskates ponying up, China about to fold on trade, USMCA which will pay for the Wall, out of Iran and Paris scam deals (how is Macaroni doing in Paris these days?), S,Korea and Japan got their minds right about trade with us, off-shore billion$ being repatriated....EU buying our liquified NG. Compare that to Barry bowing to kings and telling Putin he'd be "flexible".....6 more years.
Mad Dog thinks we should be fighting other people's wars for them.

Trump thinks we need to looking after our own security like on the southerner border.

Trump was elected by the American people to be Commander in Chief. Mattis wasn't.
So you support a CinC who kow tows to the Turkish dictator.....ok.
Mattis resigned. Why does this bother anyone? People resign from jobs all the time. I dont blame trump nor do I blame Mattis. Not a huge issue here. This is being blown out of context. It should make nobody angry...not even the president. Move on and replace. Resigning is honorable.

Indeed. All of this angst over a common occurrence in politics...and bringing home 2,000 troops from Syria who have finished the job. Let the Middle East take care of the Middle East.
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Who cares what Hillary said? Get over her.

Mattis did not refuse an order, he resigned because he could not in good conscious follow it. Don’t you think he knows more than Trump? Trump didn’t pull him off the scrap heap, Trump was damn lucky to get him on board.

What a mess Trump is making.

You're not over her, why should we be? All this "resistance" is about her losing a sure thing. Mattis did refuse to sign an order for withdrawal...he finally signed it yesterday. Who the hell does he think he is? Does he know more than Trump? about what? Is he the President? that's an easy answer....NO he isn't. Was he on the scrap pile? yes....he was on the board of some small time think tank. Congress had to give him a waiver for only being off active duty for 3 years instead of the 5 most Generals have to wait. Did he do well in procurement of the $700B Trump gave him? Who knows....most think he did but we won't know until the equipment he bought is in the field.
I am over an election that was two years ago. Time for you all to quit using it as an excuse for the effing mess Trump is making of foreign policy.

You think a unilateral withdrawal with no plan, no strategy, no working strategy is good? Good lord, we are abandoning our allies without question. What are the Turks going to do the Kurds who fought for us? We are conceding everything to Russia, Iran, Turkey and Assad. Do you foresee stability or more failed states and terrorist havens?

What strategy and policies is Trump putting forth, any? What is the long term goal?
You know a whole bunch more about the Middle East than I do, so I ask, why do you think we need a long term goal? It's true no one can defeat ISIS with guns, but we took away its territory and that's as much as we could hope for. Certainly, our plans to defeat radical Islam within our own borders will not stop.

I heard a rumor that Saudi Arabia will be helping out the Kurds. It's quicksand over there. Having long term "goals" about any of those countries is just arrogance. That's how it appears to me, with my limited knowledge.
Honestly, I don’t think I know more than you do, So don’t think that.

I think our actions should be in line with policy objectives and those objectives should be clearly defined, I am not seeing that. Those policy objectives should be determined with the advice of the military experts and diplomatic experts. I am not seeing that. A unilateral withdrawal with no plan...no orderly phased withdrawal plan strikes as dangerous to our long term interests because ISIS is not defeated and Turkey is willing to cross into Syria to go after the Kurds. What is going to happen to those who helped us? We are not taking in refugees any more. Usually there are diplomatic and political solutions in progress along with military ones...I am not seeing that either, are you? Trumps contempt for diplomacy is obvious by the gutting of the State Department and the many unfilled ambassador positions.

How will a complete, unilateral, impromptu withdrawal serve our long term interests?
Trump will replace him in a week, rather than finishing out in February. I hope the “Mad Dog” learned his lesson. Off to exile for that fool.

Trump to Replace Mattis with his Deputy on January 1
I don't remember the outrage when Obama fired him. You're such a hypocrite.

Progressives are intellectually dishonest. They're weak minded and therefore easily led.

Their elite and media are on a mission to lead people into believing that everything Trump says and does proves he's a failure. This gives progressives a sense of accomplishment. It doesn't matter that from an objective viewpoint, Trump is the most successful POTUS we've had in decades.
Obama didn't even give him the courtesy of using Twitter...he fired Mattis by sending an email to his aide which was handed to Mattis....this is what happens when you don't know shit from shinola, boy.
I remember when you rubes worshipped Mattis after Trump picked him. Now you’re reduced to “b-b-b-b-b-but OBAMA!” :lmao:

No shit there it is hysterical watching tRumpbots call all over themselves for dear leader no matter what he fuck up next!
What did he fuck up, Fuck Up?....Saudi Arabia is taking our place with their military, and we get our men home again without dying for a Muslim war....You ABNORMALS march against the Vietnam war, but its OK for us to die for a Muslim war... you people are hypocrites, deranged, and a threat to America!

Everything he touches sweetums!
Maybe the next Muslim you date will give you more than AIDS!

Lol, a moooslum would be a huge step up from white trash like ewe!
Does he know more than Trump? about what?
Strategy, tactics, logistics, diplomacy, international relations, history, and probably quite a few other fields

Here's what Mattis thinks of you.....

Ok, he thinks when I returned from deployment I should have shook a war protestor’s hand and flirted with his girlfriend. I should have thought of that. When I was at the Pentagon, I was tempted to go up to the protestors, in uniform, and say “Wow, your little sign just convinced me war is wrong. I should quit right now.” Although war protestors probably wouldn’t get sarcasm.
Mad Dog thinks we should be fighting other people's wars for them.

Trump thinks we need to looking after our own security like on the southerner border.

Trump was elected by the American people to be Commander in Chief. Mattis wasn't.
So you support a CinC who kow tows to the Turkish dictator.....ok.

I support non interventionism. Trump haz it.
Who cares what Hillary said? Get over her.

Mattis did not refuse an order, he resigned because he could not in good conscious follow it. Don’t you think he knows more than Trump? Trump didn’t pull him off the scrap heap, Trump was damn lucky to get him on board.

What a mess Trump is making.

You're not over her, why should we be? All this "resistance" is about her losing a sure thing. Mattis did refuse to sign an order for withdrawal...he finally signed it yesterday. Who the hell does he think he is? Does he know more than Trump? about what? Is he the President? that's an easy answer....NO he isn't. Was he on the scrap pile? yes....he was on the board of some small time think tank. Congress had to give him a waiver for only being off active duty for 3 years instead of the 5 most Generals have to wait. Did he do well in procurement of the $700B Trump gave him? Who knows....most think he did but we won't know until the equipment he bought is in the field.
I am over an election that was two years ago. Time for you all to quit using it as an excuse for the effing mess Trump is making of foreign policy.

You think a unilateral withdrawal with no plan, no strategy, no working strategy is good? Good lord, we are abandoning our allies without question. What are the Turks going to do the Kurds who fought for us? We are conceding everything to Russia, Iran, Turkey and Assad. Do you foresee stability or more failed states and terrorist havens?

What strategy and policies is Trump putting forth, any? What is the long term goal?
You know a whole bunch more about the Middle East than I do, so I ask, why do you think we need a long term goal? It's true no one can defeat ISIS with guns, but we took away its territory and that's as much as we could hope for. Certainly, our plans to defeat radical Islam within our own borders will not stop.

I heard a rumor that Saudi Arabia will be helping out the Kurds. It's quicksand over there. Having long term "goals" about any of those countries is just arrogance. That's how it appears to me, with my limited knowledge.
Honestly, I don’t think I know more than you do, So don’t think that.

I think our actions should be in line with policy objectives and those objectives should be clearly defined, I am not seeing that. Those policy objectives should be determined with the advice of the military experts and diplomatic experts. I am not seeing that. A unilateral withdrawal with no plan...no orderly phased withdrawal plan strikes as dangerous to our long term interests because ISIS is not defeated and Turkey is willing to cross into Syria to go after the Kurds. What is going to happen to those who helped us? We are not taking in refugees any more. Usually there are diplomatic and political solutions in progress along with military ones...I am not seeing that either, are you? Trumps contempt for diplomacy is obvious by the gutting of the State Department and the many unfilled ambassador positions.

How will a complete, unilateral, impromptu withdrawal serve our long term interests?
Our criminal government’s objective should be to stop foreign interventions all over the F-ing world.

Is it okay to dream on Christmas Eve?
Trump will replace him in a week, rather than finishing out in February. I hope the “Mad Dog” learned his lesson. Off to exile for that fool.

Trump to Replace Mattis with his Deputy on January 1

The guy Obama fired?
Fake claim, Trump style!
Obama did not fire Mattis; was demoted.
Do any of you “Make America Great” voters know how to read?

BTW, getting relieved in the military is what we call being fired. It's not a promotion....it's not being reassigned.....it's getting fired.
Two years in and you are still stuck on Obama’s?

Why not? Two years into his presidency, Obama was still stuck on claiming he was just a janitor still trying to clean up after Bush! And blaming everything on him as well!

Well, I guess that explains a lot. You can't even remember back to things said ten-eight years ago? Every time Bush got up during his first term, he made it a point almost every time that the mess he was wading in was not of his creation but left behind by his predecessor. Even the democratically-created SNL-meltdown. To Obama's way of thinking, nothing was ever his fault or doing but someone else's---- unless it turned out positive, like killing Bin Laden, then he took ALL the credit, as if he flew in there and shot the guy himself.


What Bush mess is Obama cleaning up?

How erudite this comment from the second link:

It's interesting how some fail to see it was government meddling in the financial market (mortgages) that led to the melt down in the first place. Mr. Obama, himself, led an ACORN suit against a lending institution in Chicago that wanted to use sound lending practices. Ninja loans (no assets, no job, no income) were the spawn of the Democratic party which now has to clean up its own mess. He and his party haven't shut down Gitmo (his promised first priority), he has reserved the right to use "harsh" interrogation techniques if he feels it appropriate (after being adamantly against them), and North Korea loves us so much they're testing nuclear weapons (which he did nothing about). What's next? Give controlling interest in GM to the entity that helped destroy it with artificially high labor costs and massive legacy liability? Oh, wait, he already did that. We only need one president this awful.

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