A Fitting Epitaph


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Not severe enough...but it will do for now...

“The whole second term has been a string of disasters, with the toxic brew of his Obamacare lies, middling economic growth and violent global breakdown casting doubt on the president’s stewardship. Six years into his tenure, nothing is going as promised.

(the public) “ no longer trust him and don’t think he’s a good leader.”

“His worldview, his politics, his prejudices, his habits — they’ve been a mismatch for the country and its needs. He has been a dud even in the one area where he seemed a lock to make things better, racial relations. Only 10 percent believe race relations have improved under him, while 35 percent said they are worse, according to a New York Times survey. “

Complete article:

Obama s ship is sinking New York Post

That's nothing more than wishful thinking on the right combined with the usual crappy polls of all second presidents.

Two more years and you can bitch about Hillary.
Ten percent feel race relations have improved?

Holy crap.

The PC Police still has some work to do, I see.

Ten percent more to go.


That's nothing more than wishful thinking on the right combined with the usual crappy polls of all second presidents.

Two more years and you can bitch about Hillary.
Piffle? Is that the sound yo haid make when yo pull it out yo ass?

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