A Former Classmate Of Barack Obama Speaks Out

Idiots like edthesickdick get all agitated when it is claimed that the ObamaCare Act (if not voided by the SCOTUS, that is) will yield another fucking massive number of IRS agents/employees in order to fucking make sure that we vill comply!

But, while it is certainly possible to quibble over the precise numbers, it is NOT honestly possible to deny that the IRS will be needing LOTS more employees and agents to get the fucking "job" done.

-- IRS looking to hire thousands of tax agents to enforce health care laws | The Daily Caller

Now, sure, that ESTIMATE might prove to be "off." IT might be a third that number. -- Will new law mean more IRS agents?: Health Care Fact Check | cleveland.com

But that's still a fucking SHIT LOAD.

And meanwhile assholes like edthesickdick and that chucklehead LonelyLaughable lap it up: it's all "good" to such vermin since it emanates from "The ONE."
So, you can show nothing in the law itself that calls for 15 to 20 thousand IRS agents, just as I said. You can only show the completely fabricated number invented by the GOP and parroted by the GOP hate media echo chamber, again exactly as I said. From experience GOP "estimates" are off by a minimum factor of 10 and usually much more.

But whatever the number, the law states what the purpose of the few hundred agents is, Of course, even after being shown the exact words from the law itself, CON$ just continue to parrot the GOP lies, like good little mindless drones.

Well, you were busy contesting something I DIDN'T say, so take the mote out of your own eye, dipshit.

Your wrath and fury (stamp your widdle footsies some more, bitch) is directed at the Ways and Means Committee.

Need tissue?

Anyway, if their estimates are wrong (and instead of being too high, given the proclivity of the empty suit who is our present President, it is instead likely that they would be "off" by estimating too low), that doesn't change the fact that the fucking mess of a law does call for more fucking IRS agents and employees.

So why are you so upsetty wetty, Betty?

The truth hurts your poor little sandy vag?

In the meanwhile HERE is what the Ways and Means report said:

* * * *
Although it is impossible to know exactly how many new employees the IRS would have to hire
to enforce the individual mandate
and other provisions of the Democrats’ health care bill, the
IRS’s own data, plus reasonable assumptions about costs and program responsibilities as
described below, suggest that the number of additional examiners, agents, and other
employees could reach 16,500.
First, assume that the IRS budget would grow by the $10 billion that CBO indicates could be
necessary.10 While there might be some early-year start-up costs to prepare for the added
workload, most of the costs would accrue in the last six years of CBO’s ten-year budget window,
when the individual mandate and other provisions, which present the bulk of the new
enforcement responsibilities, take effect. Thus, for this analysis, assume that $1 billion total will
be spent by the IRS in the first four years to prepare for the mandate with the spending increasing
to $1.5 billion per year in each of the last six years.11
Second, in the last year for which actual IRS data is available, fiscal year 2009, the IRS
employed the equivalent of 92,577 people, nearly half of whom worked directly in examinations
9 IRC sec. 6055(b)(2), as added by H.R. 3590, sec. 1502(a).
10 Congressional Budget Office, “H.R. 3590, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” p. 5 (March 11, 2010).
11 One of the bills’ many shortcomings is that it does not provide for future IRS appropriations that will be necessary
to implement it. Thus, the estimates to follow could vary, up or down, depending on the actual appropriations
provided to the IRS by future Congresses.​
and collections.12 In total, the IRS had payroll and benefit expenses of $8.371 billion, implying
that costs per worker were $90,427. If the $1.5 billion in annual funds are used for the payroll
and benefits of a similar mix of employees, the IRS could add more than 16,500 additional
agents, auditors, examiners, and administrative support personnel to enforce large portions of the
nation’s health insurance system.
Some might argue that figure over-estimates the number of employees that would be hired,
because it includes only payroll and benefit costs and does not include other costs that would be
incurred, including office overhead. However, note that the IRS total budget in fiscal year 2009
was $11.708 billion, meaning that, when all costs are included, IRS total spending averaged
$126,474 per employee.
Thus, critics of the 16,500 figure might argue that any new employees
should be assumed to cost as much as the average member of the existing workforce and that the
$1.5 billion per year would “only” support hiring slightly more than 11,800 new IRS
employees.13 * * * *
The Wrong Prescription:
Democrats’ Health Overhaul
Dangerously Expands IRS
Committee on Ways and Means Republican Report -- http://www.house.gov/apps/list/press/tx08_brady/irs_power_report.pdf

The less than objective "FactCheck" folks then disputed and quibbled:

FactCheck.org : IRS Expansion
And if by "quibbled" you mean totally annihilated the GOP's phony made up number, then you would be correct. So when you back out all the overhead, support personal, raises, etc., you get at most 1,000 new "agents" using the $10 billion CBO guess and 500 using the $5 billion CBO Guess, not all of whom will be involved in the ACA.

From your link:

So where does the claim of 16,500 new agents come from?
Starting with a Soft Figure
This figure originated with a report put out by Republicans on the House Ways and Means Committee on March 18. It said:
GOP Analysis, March 18: IRS may need to hire as many as 16,500 additional auditors, agents and other employees.
Notice the words "may" and "as many as." This is the highest figure the GOP analysts thought they could support. Notice also the phrase "other employees," which covers everyone down to file clerks and support staff.
The analysts based their 16,500 figure on an assumption that the IRS budget "could" require an additional $10 billion over the next 10 years as a result of the law, a figure they attribute to the Congressional Budget Office. But what CBO Director Douglas W. Elmendorf actually said in a March 11 letter to congressional leaders is this (with emphasis added):
CBO Director Elmendorf, March 11: CBO has not completed an estimate of all of the discretionary costs that would be associated with H.R. 3590. … uch costs would probably include an estimated $5 billion to $10 billion over 10 years for administrative costs of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Note the words "probably" and "could." And the figure — based on preliminary analysis — could as easily be $5 billion as the $10 billion number the GOP analysts used.​
False Assumptions
The GOP analysts then inflated their estimate by making a couple of false assumptions.
No desks? First, they assume that all the new "administrative" spending projected by CBO would go for payroll and benefits — without any allowance for desks, computers, office rent, utilities, travel or other overhead costs necessary to run any government enterprise. The partisan analysts simply divided the spending (which they figured could be $1.5 billion per year once the law is fully effective) by the current average payroll cost for the entire IRS workforce.
To their credit, the GOP analysts admitted this shortcoming, saying their figure "does not include other costs that would be incurred, including office overhead." In fact, they said: "There would be some additional overhead costs for the new employees, such as computers and telephone services." Adjusting for that, they said, the number of new workers implied by the CBO guesstimate would be 11,800.
No pay raises? The second false assumption is that there will be no inflation or pay raises over the next decade. They apply fiscal 2009 cost figures to budgets for 2014 through 2019. In fact, CBO currently projects that the Employment Cost Index will rise 1.4 percent next year and reach 3 percent per year in 2015 and thereafter. Even if the partisan analysis is valid, that would further reduce the maximum number that could be hired by another 1,000 in 2014, and by about 2,800 in 2019, by our calculations.
The GOP analysts assume that the $10 billion would not be spread evenly over the decade, but would reach $1.5 billion annually in later years. That’s reasonable, given that major provisions of the new law don’t take effect until 2014. But even accepting that, the peak figure could just as easily be $750 million a year, if the CBO’s lower guess proves to be correct. So the number of new IRS workers implied by the GOP’s own logic could be closer to 5,000 than to 16,500, after adjusting for overhead costs and inflation.
And the fact is, whatever the number of new employees turns out to be, relatively few would be "agents" or otherwise working in enforcement.
Employees vs. "Agents"
The GOP staff analysis projected only the number of new "employees," but some Republican lawmakers immediately misrepresented the findings by claiming that all the new workers would be "agents." GOP Rep. Dave Camp of Michigan stated in a press release that "Up to 16,500 New IRS Agents" would be required. And he’s not the only one making such a claim. Republican Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin said on "Fox News Sunday" on March 21 that the IRS would get "16,000 agents to police this new mandate." In a March 25 speech on the Senate floor, Republican Sen. John Ensign of Nevada said: "And 16,500 new IRS agents are going to be required to be hired because of the health care reform bill. Do we want IRS agents showing up at people’s houses, not only to audit them because of their taxes but because now they are not paying an individual mandate fine?"
But there’s a huge difference between an IRS revenue agent — who calls on taxpayers and conducts face-to-face audits — and the workers who make up the bulk of IRS employees. Those who work at the IRS include clerks, accountants, computer programmers, telephone help line workers and other support staff. In fact, IRS revenue agents make up only 15 percent of the IRS workforce, according to the official IRS personnel summary. It shows that of the 93,337 employees the IRS had on board as of the end of the last fiscal year (September 31, 2009) only 14,264 were actually working as revenue agents. Even adding in "revenue officers" (who collect money owed) and "special agents" (who handle criminal cases and are law-enforcement officers) the total working in the enforcement area comes to less than 25 percent of all IRS workers.
Rep. Camp should know that — he’s the senior Republican member of the tax-writing House Ways and Means Committee, which oversees the IRS. This misrepresentation of the inflated "employee" figure has since been picked up and repeated by countless conservative blogs and news sites. But however often it is repeated, it is still false.
I will not support commie healthcare.
libs support a total lack of personal responsibility,and that even comes down to personal health.
Again we see an exaggeration by a factor of over 7, and again we are talking about "STAFFERS" not "agents."

This is what I love about CON$erviNutzis, no matter how many times you expose their sources as the lying scum they are, the CON$ STILL swallow their bullshit whole.

Only a small number of those "staffers" have anything to do with the ACA, and the IRS budget your link cites gives this tidbit of info:

Implement Affordable Care Act (ACA) 150 FTE $51,307,000
FTE means Full Time Employees!!!!

And here is how that $51.3 million is broken down:

Implement Taxpayer Service Programs for New Tax Law Provisions
(+$51.3 million / +150 FTE)
• Assisting Taxpayers in Understanding New Provisions
(+$22.2 million / +150 FTE)
This request further incorporates additional resources to help taxpayers
understand new ACA provisions.
Proactive outreach, education, and educational
tools will be critical to ensuring that individuals and employers understand the
changes to the tax law that come into effect starting in 2014. In addition, various
provisions in the law already are effective (e.g., small employer tax credits and
the excise tax on tanning services) which require IRS taxpayer service resources.
IRS requests resources to develop and deliver new publications and informational
tools to help taxpayers understand their obligations. In addition, to meet
immediate customer service needs, the IRS requests additional customer service
staffing for its toll-free service operation to help maintain LOS at 80 percent.
• Call Center Changes (+$15.3 million)
The IRS operates one of the largest and most complex phone support operations
in the world. In order to prepare for a number of ACA provisions coming into
effect in 2014 for individuals and employers, a number of changes must be made
to the existing IRS call center systems. The IRS must update its call center
applications and make enhancements to notices, collections, and case
management systems to address and resolve taxpayer issues promptly and
• Infrastructure Costs to Support Recently-Enacted Law Service Inquiries
(+$13.8 million)

Existing call sites are operating at capacity. In order to absorb the requested
additional staffing needed to deliver an acceptable level of service to taxpayers,
the IRS needs infrastructure resources to ensure adequate space and technology
to support ACA-related service inquires.
Last edited:
My uncle went to school with Bo Derek. Guess that makes him an expert on a famous person.

How stupid is this shit.
I will not support commie healthcare.
libs support a total lack of personal responsibility,and that even comes down to personal health.

I see you still don't know how to put a space after a comma. How'd you make it in a city council without those skills?
I think Obama spent more time reading Saul Alinsky and Cloward-Piven in college than any other subject. Everything, from his rise in politics, his campaign slogan, his soviet style image on everything and his policies are straight from the radical playbooks. They are smart enough to know that you can't introduce socialism to people and have them accept it. You take little steps and argue that all the policies are for the greater good. Government starts taking away one right here, one liberty there and if you object, expect to be called names like racist, uncaring, selfish or crazy. Anyone daring to point out the little man behind the curtain is quickly ridiculed or vilified.

Even though there are hundreds of programs to help the poor and include everything from food stamps to Medicaid, they still claim people have no food or medical care. They are always trying to convince people that they need government help and more and more find it easier to accept that help. Saving a little money seems good, though they don't realize the price they are paying in the long run.

Since the founding of this country, warnings have come from some of the most brilliant minds in the world. They cautioned not to allow a controlling government to transfer power from the people to themselves. The founders knew that if people realized that they could vote for a transfer of wealth to themselves, it was the beginning of the end.

Obama has encouraged people to go on welfare, claiming that not enough people were aware of the government programs. About half the population accept some form of welfare. Obama has allowed an estimated 20 million illegal aliens to remain here and they will accept welfare for millions of children and likely vote for those who enable them to ignore our immigration laws and be rewarded for doing so.

Unemployment remains stubbornly high, much higher than the media or government will admit. Government limits the number of loans banks can make for small businesses and have created so many regulations that it's nearly impossible to start a new business. Those small businesses are the ones who employ most people, so the government has seen to it that no new businesses will be created and the existing ones will be taken down with the health care bill and higher taxes. Employees will be a heavy burden if Obamacare isn't repealed.

Everything Obama has done has hurt the economy and the job market. He seems to have convinced his supporters that things are fine, likely because welfare has been increased. Those who solely rely on government aren't aware of how tough it is to find a job or how much grocery prices have risen. They are comfy in their government housing with their free cell phones, food stamps, utilities paid and they seem to think that Obama is only making the mean old rich people pay for it. They like that. They don't see that it hurts all of us because they aren't contributors who feel the same pain. When things are handed to you, it's easy to remain ignorant of the real world.

Obama is buying votes and ensuring his power using our hard earned money. We are literally footing the bill, against our will, for our own destruction.

Our SOCIALIST Founding Fathers

PolitiFact | Perry calls Obama socialist, sets Truth-O-Meter aflame
I think Obama spent more time reading Saul Alinsky and Cloward-Piven in college than any other subject. Everything, from his rise in politics, his campaign slogan, his soviet style image on everything and his policies are straight from the radical playbooks. They are smart enough to know that you can't introduce socialism to people and have them accept it. You take little steps and argue that all the policies are for the greater good. Government starts taking away one right here, one liberty there and if you object, expect to be called names like racist, uncaring, selfish or crazy. Anyone daring to point out the little man behind the curtain is quickly ridiculed or vilified.

Even though there are hundreds of programs to help the poor and include everything from food stamps to Medicaid, they still claim people have no food or medical care. They are always trying to convince people that they need government help and more and more find it easier to accept that help. Saving a little money seems good, though they don't realize the price they are paying in the long run.

Since the founding of this country, warnings have come from some of the most brilliant minds in the world. They cautioned not to allow a controlling government to transfer power from the people to themselves. The founders knew that if people realized that they could vote for a transfer of wealth to themselves, it was the beginning of the end.

Obama has encouraged people to go on welfare, claiming that not enough people were aware of the government programs. About half the population accept some form of welfare. Obama has allowed an estimated 20 million illegal aliens to remain here and they will accept welfare for millions of children and likely vote for those who enable them to ignore our immigration laws and be rewarded for doing so.

Unemployment remains stubbornly high, much higher than the media or government will admit. Government limits the number of loans banks can make for small businesses and have created so many regulations that it's nearly impossible to start a new business. Those small businesses are the ones who employ most people, so the government has seen to it that no new businesses will be created and the existing ones will be taken down with the health care bill and higher taxes. Employees will be a heavy burden if Obamacare isn't repealed.

Everything Obama has done has hurt the economy and the job market. He seems to have convinced his supporters that things are fine, likely because welfare has been increased. Those who solely rely on government aren't aware of how tough it is to find a job or how much grocery prices have risen. They are comfy in their government housing with their free cell phones, food stamps, utilities paid and they seem to think that Obama is only making the mean old rich people pay for it. They like that. They don't see that it hurts all of us because they aren't contributors who feel the same pain. When things are handed to you, it's easy to remain ignorant of the real world.

Obama is buying votes and ensuring his power using our hard earned money. We are literally footing the bill, against our will, for our own destruction.

Good post and I heartily agree.

Once the people learn they can draw from the public largess then the Republic is doomed.

We now have 49% of the population that pay no Fed taxes at all. These folks could care less who foots the bills for them as long as they make out.

Barry is a left wing ideologue and social justice, no matter who foots the bill, is all he's concerned with. That and his green bs that has already cost the taxpayers billions.

Hope and Change indeed.
"Add it up and you've got the perfect Marxist scheme -- all devised by my Columbia University college classmate Barack Obama."

Posted: Jun. 6, 2010 | 12:00 a.m

Amazing how some things never change??? But who can argue the points Wayne Allyn Root, makes about the guy in office, who was never vetted. Can anyone here at USMB? ***Athena

"Obama is no fool. He is not incompetent. To the contrary, he is brilliant. He knows exactly what he's doing. He is purposely overwhelming the U.S. economy to create systemic failure, economic crisis and social chaos -- thereby destroying capitalism and our country from within.Â

"Barack Obama is my college classmate (Columbia University, class of '83). As Glenn Beck correctly predicted from day one, Obama is following the plan of Cloward & Piven, two professors at Columbia University. They outlined a plan to socialize America by overwhelming the system with government spending and entitlement demands. Add up the clues below. Taken individually they're alarming. Taken as a whole, it is a brilliant, Machiavellian game plan to turn the United States into a socialist/Marxist state with a permanent majority that desperately needs government for survival ... and can be counted on to always vote for bigger government. Why not? They have no responsibility to pay for it.

Below is a link to the six methods Obama is pushing to accomplish his goals, in the mind of his classmate, Wayne Allyn Root, from Columbia University and it starts with Universal health care and why Obama really wants it.

Obama's agenda: Overwhelm the system - Opinion - ReviewJournal.com

I've been saying that since day one - even before he was president...

If from Chicago and I have met the guy and heard him speak when he was a "community organizer" and realized the guy was a economic terrorist and blatant socialist. All that asshole talked about was "social justice" and he did it like a totalitarian dictator. Obama believes hes a gift from God to humanity, he acted like he was then and he does now.

I told people back in 2008 they were voting for the next Hitler or Stalin.....

Most people called me a racist or they would say "give the guy a chance."

I told them what I'm telling everyone now - the guy is a economic terrorist who wants to destroy capitalism and appoint himself dictator of the United States and he knows exactly how to do it...

The guy is no idiot - he knows exactly what he's doing.

I mean he is only collapsing the non-union private sector and bailing out the public sector (unions and government)..

All that bailout money went to unions, the GM bailout went into UAW's pockets...

He wont let unions fail but he will let the non-union private sector fail - hell you folks are paying for all this shit....

Funny how the jobless are paying for those who have lucrative public sector jobs... Its funny how the guy making 30k a year is paying for the asshole who has 120k government job but is doing the same thing you are...

Then they cry about it when this Ponzi Scheme is questioned...

Then you have Obamacare which pretty much allows the government to dictate lives by using the ruse "if we say its bad for your health we will ban it or tax it into oblivion" which gives government control over ALL industries, hence allowing them to dictate businesses hence the economy...

We're totally fucked with this guy in office...

You give him 4 more years and it will be "game over."

Socialists do not believe in private property rights for one, retard.

What a moron you are.

Hence "social-ism"

Hence "commun(community)-ism"

It's not yours its ours.

You money is my money and my money is your money....

^^ I suppose that concept works well for the guy who has 2 cents to his name but works out bad for the successful individual that has 2 million to his name.

Socialists do not believe in private property rights for one, retard.

What a moron you are.
socialists do not believe in private property rights? uhm, yes they do. :lol: maybe you're still stuck on stupid with purist ideals and idiocies? eh?


either you're a fool or being disingenuous...either way you're the moron here

the post you criticize is actually about the redistribution of wealth arguments, not private property
"Add it up and you've got the perfect Marxist scheme -- all devised by my Columbia University college classmate Barack Obama."...

I've been saying that since day one - even before he was president...

If from Chicago and I have met the guy and heard him speak...

two peas in a pod

Are you trying to assert that I'm like Obama or that batshit crazy socialist dictators come from Chicago?

Socialists do not believe in private property rights for one, retard.

What a moron you are.

Hence "social-ism"

Hence "commun(community)-ism"

It's not yours its ours.

You money is my money and my money is your money....

^^ I suppose that concept works well for the guy who has 2 cents to his name but works out bad for the successful individual that has 2 million to his name.

most every so-called socialist in America worth mentioning believes in private property rights.


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