A former Trump supporter describes her escape

You went from Carter to Reagan and tell us that Carter screwed Americans. LOL!
I can defend this all day long. What do you recall about American olympians being banned from the Olympics by Carter?
You do not believe in the power of the press from things you say. The Press were constantly against Trump. Each move Trump made pissed the press off. Biden is demented and for some odd reason you do not mind at all.

Trump got far more votes after his first term than prior to him being president.
I still believe that all it took for Trump to be beat was manipulating a small number of votes in 6 states and getting help that wanted Trump to lose in the counting rooms.

Yep.......and Trump hasn't done one thing to counter those mistakes....
I ignored it because these kids are no more “Hitler youth”than they were “commies” 55 years ago.
They share in their desire to wipe out the Jews. But they are international socialists more so than National Socialists, like the Hitler Youth.
That’s simply not true that only “one side is entitled”. That’s just the topic that was raised in the hearing.
It was raised for this exact reason: After years of punishing free speech by conservatives, including punishing students for "misgendering" students or professors by using the pronouns appropriate to their biological sex, now these tax-funded universities claim some love of free speech as the reason for letting anti-Semites call for the eradication of Jews.
You need to better understand how to string words into coherent thoughts we call “sentences”. Sentences are a collection of connected thoughts and ideas that convey a supportable position.
And so we move on to projection.

you kids are extremely predictable.
Let me explain. When she quotes you, if you are confused, you confuse her as to what you really are saying.
So as usual with you kids, it's somebody else's fault.

Let’s cut the bullshit…So basically she’s another one of those fucked in the head woke white quilt wackos that contracted the mind virus?
I bet she now has purple hair, nose rings and neck tattoos…She probably fucks black dudes to prove her wokeness. FUCK HER!
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She escaped the cult, leaving the "mind virus" called tRump behind.
The wife and I have friends who lost their daughters to leftism during the 2020 BLM movement…they went from legitimate human beings to absolute filthy degenerates overnight…They got off Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and Mark Levin and onto MTV, YouTube ‘influencers’ and Stephen Colbert. They are now worthless, disgusting pukes…our friends are ashamed of their daughters. A sad but true story.
People act as if this stuff doesn't happen, but it's in their face everywhere, but they want to play the denial game.
I think that's a part of it. Watch interviews with them, and they usually have the same weird, condescending "I know something you don't know" smile on their face, as they say things that are simply ridiculous.

Yes, that's a key feature of Christian fundamentalism. Abject stupidity is redefined as being the secret uber wisdom of God that mere mortals simply can't understand.
Yes, that's a key feature of Christian fundamentalism. Abject stupidity is redefined as being the secret uber wisdom of God that mere mortals simply can't understand.
Yeah no doubt…Christianity sucks for Lefties …it’s not easy to live a righteous moral life…it’s not easy to live responsibly, to be accountable, to fight indecent immoral urges….If I were a filthy disgusting leftist I’d certainly self-manipulate and believe Christians were crazy to believe in a “sky daddy”.
I can only imagine the attacks this will inspire (yawn)

So, you found one liberal woman who was influenced to support Trump by her own family against her leftist nature hoping to turn her around but finally, her progressivism broke through guiding her back to redounding leftism, and from this you want us to take that it represents and applies to everyone and everything in the Trump support movement.

How unsurprisingly typical of the Macadoodle. Even better, you punctuate your saying predictably stupid things by first predicting people will SEE them as stupid as you know we will as your defense against your never-ending predictable stupidity trying to turn your stupidity around against those with enough brains to see through it! :lmao:

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