A former Trump supporter describes her escape

Just so you know, reporter asked a black guy who he is voting for and he smiled and said Trump!

Just so that you know - my grandfathers longtime childhood friend and later business partner (a German Jew) stated to my Grandfather that he had voted for the NSDAP in 1932 (since Hitler held the best promise to revive a strong Germany and would be capable to defeat the Socialists&Communists) - if he also smiled I wouldn't know.

Before - both my Grandfather and his Jewish friend (had served in the same cavalry squadron in WW1) had voted for the Stahlhlem.
Yep.....she was never a Trump supporter....

Even if you decide to not vote for Trump, you are never going to vote for the democrats......the video is just more democrat party bullshit.
If one is "determined" to prevent a disaster like Trump becoming President again - one can only vote for the Democrats. Since there is no other party around that could prevent this.
If one is "determined" to prevent a disaster like Trump becoming President again - one can only vote for the Democrats. Since there is no other party around that could prevent this.
And that’s why you are like a filthy barnyard hog. Wallowing in the mess you made. Hoping food shows up as they use you…..fatten you up for the slaughter at 800lbs.

Trump got results. $2 Gas all thru, no wars, Blacks going to work, GW hogwash cut off. Now all reversed because of swine like you. Like the fool who gets mad, burns his own house down you ignorant sow.
If one is "determined" to prevent a disaster like Trump becoming President again - one can only vote for the Democrats. Since there is no other party around that could prevent this.
The one disaster of Trump's 4 years
came from Wuhan China.

Would you like to discuss some ongoing disasters happening under Sleepy Joe ?
She escaped a cult and now makes goofy YouTube videos. Her 15 minutes of fame will last for 8.

That is pretty darn funny.
At least you are finally acknowledging the reality that tRumpism is a cult.

Baby steps.
Funny but it is the Democrats in the cult. Which is why they call us a cult.
Wow shit, now you gone an done it!

You guys know the drill!!


Trump got results. $2 Gas all thru, no wars,
Trumps result (of doing nothing - as usual only empty promises and loud-mouthing) was that he had emboldened Putin to attack Ukraine in 2022 - thus creating the basis for international oil-trading share-market profiteers to get their extra profits - though there was never a global shortage of oil, till today.

Senile Biden's commitment towards assisting Ukraine - is entirely based onto up-keeping US global hegemony. (Absolutely vital for the USA's economy). Only a mental flat-liner like you would buy into the "preserve democracy" bull. As such senile Biden is acting fully in the interest of the USA - just as any US President (aside from self-enriching and self-centered Trump) since latest 1898.

That a MAGA Hillbilly like you, has no clue or any comprehension towards global market economics, and its market manipulation - is fully understood.

Neither does your St. Donald - he is even to dumb to understand the basic principle of a companies bookkeeping and its "traceability" - thus getting himself into court, facing tax evasion and business manipulation charges - and the same idiot then is according to mental cretins like you, qualified to rule and control over the USA's economy and its international masterminded economic hegemony. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
The one disaster of Trump's 4 years
came from Wuhan China.
His first disaster was to kick off an ill conducted economic confrontation with China. Resulting into an average cost increase of 20-25% for the US consumer - whilst degrading US exports to China - thus aiding the decline of the US economy and rise of inflation. Off course mental flat-liners like you dig into his bull, that China is paying for those tariffs.

His next disaster was to totally ignore the warnings from China and WHO regarding Covid - but spending time onto propagating conspiracy theories and gulping bleach. His inactivity, ignorance and incompetence caused the death of approx. 1 million Americans. Most of these diseased Americans must be MAGA's - since only they are too dumb to even get the meaning of wearing a mask in public and staying at home.
Would you like to discuss some ongoing disasters happening under Sleepy Joe ?
No, since I am not in support of senile Biden.

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