A former Trump supporter describes her escape

So, you found one liberal woman who was influenced to support Trump by her own family against her leftist nature hoping to turn her around but finally, her progressivism broke through guiding her back to redounding leftism, and from this you want us to take that it represents and applies to everyone and everything in the Trump support movement.

How unsurprisingly typical of the Macadoodle. Even better, you punctuate your saying predictably stupid things by first predicting people will SEE them as stupid as you know we will as your defense against your never-ending predictable stupidity trying to turn your stupidity around against those with enough brains to see through it! :lmao:
How spectacularly ignorant of you.

People from across the political spectrum say the same things about him. For years. Exactly the same things. Precisely the same things.

Including MANY of those who have worked for him, something you can't say about ANY other President. Somehow you've blocked that out.

Your world is so small and weak. That's why this thread is about helpless rubes like you.
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And that’s why you are like a filthy barnyard hog. Wallowing in the mess you made. Hoping food shows up as they use you…..fatten you up for the slaughter at 800lbs.

Trump got results. $2 Gas all thru, no wars, Blacks going to work, GW hogwash cut off. Now all reversed because of swine like you. Like the fool who gets mad, burns his own house down you ignorant sow.
You mean the "poor" going to work (not just blacks), otherwise Trump was for getting all idled citizen's off of the couch, and yes that was a super noble thing to do. There are examples of areas that what you said actually was a result of Trump's policies that were designed to get people back to work... One example happened at a chicken processing plant, otherwise where illegals were working by the hundreds in this plant. Well they went back to where they came from, and in that case the "blacks" were the majority recipients of their job's.

How do we know this ? Because during morning plant hours there was a walk bridge that crosses a public road going into the plant entrance, and all employees crossed this walk bridge from the parking lot that is across from the plant. We were seeing nothing but foreign workers (illegal because the plant got busted for it), crossing the road going into the plant. After Trump was elected, this changed dramatically to a majority of black Americans crossing that bridge going into the plant, and the foreigners (illegals), were no where to be found anymore.

In that case "black's" yes went to work replacing the foreign worker's who the plant had hired for cheap labor.

Now Biden and company has reversed so much, that those foreigners could be back again, and those black Americans might not be working at the plant any longer. Not sure because we don't go that way anymore when going to work ourselves. It's just an example of what was witnessed in that case. Probably was multiplied during Trump's stay, because he wanted all Americans to go back to work if possible, and that was a good thing... It worked in that case, and was probably working everywhere until the Dim knuckleheads got in charge. Democrat's are just screw ups from hell. Sorry, but that's what appears to be evident in a lot of what they do or what they cause as a result of
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Inflation doesn't kick in within a year - but shows it's impact in general upon a 2-3 year period.
Aka Trumps - irrational and disastrous economic decisions and especially his Covid related total inactivity - reflect from April 2021 onward - as the below statistic clearly demonstrates.

As such it is clearly senile Biden's accomplishment to bring down the Trump resulting - disastrous inflation., in view that senile Biden was the one to enact the American Rescue Plan. Whilst TRUMP had done absolutely NOTHING to counter the Covid economic impacts.

Furthermore strictly adhering towards the US global hegemony policy of 1898 - senile Biden did NOT infringe onto Trumps China tariffs - but even strengthened them, via further introducing high-tech barriers towards China. again essentially whacking the USA's own high-tech industry. After-all it is both the lefty Democrats and the right-wing Republicans aka MAGA's that start to shit in their pants and get frantic the moment the name China comes up.

Criticism of Biden generally refers to passage of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan.
The March 2021 Democratic bill included $1,400 payments to about 85% of Americans, $360 billion for state and local governments, and $242 billion in expanded unemployment benefits, among other things.

Did you thank senile Biden for your check?


Did you thank Sloppy Joe for the fraud and waste the Dems / Socialists allowed as part of the Steal From the Government Plan?

Surprising no one, the Steal From the Government Plan included tons of cash for failing Dem / Socialist run city governments and tons of fun-money for scammers.

Help Wanted signs are plastered in store fronts all over America because the so-called Rescue Plan spent $400 billion to pay workers to stay at home. And now the law has pushed the country into a recession.

Adding insult to all of that injury, is the rampant waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars that has occurred and continues to occur under the American Rescue Plan. In the rush to pass the bill last year, common sense measures offered by Republicans to put safeguards in place to avoid such waste and abuse were rejected.

Instead, Congressional Democrats and President Biden spent $500 billion on state and local bailouts that left behind a massive trail of waste and abuse. At the Budget Committee, we have been documenting this waste for 65 straight weeks. $140 million for a luxury hotel in Florida, $7 million for horse racing in Arizona, $5 million for a moonshine walking trail in North Carolina, $4 million to build beach bathrooms and a parking lot in South Carolina, and the list goes on.
As they should be. The simple fact is that young people say and do dumb things very passionately. Anyone who was old enough to notice during Vietnam should not be surprised by this. It’s not indicative of anything more than justice minded kids who don’t yet have the full picture.

These college presidents are no longer kids, at least physiologically. Maybe that’s the problem with liberals. They never really grow up.
What are you talking about? It was us liberals who created the middle class you enjoy belonging to. Without us, where would you be? Then in the late 70's the corporations fought back and got Reagan elected and that was the beginning of the end. Then Bush in the 2000's really fucked us.

Don't make me quote Trump saying how great Clinton was and anyone who didn't like him was just jealous. Don't make me quote Trump saying Pelosi should have impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq.

So if you Republicans now admit all the people you supported back before Trump were all deep state globalist rinos, perhaps you are wrong now too. You were wrong then, you're wrong now. Trump is just your new Messiah.

What are you talking about? It was us liberals who created the middle class you enjoy belonging to. Without us, where would you be? Then in the late 70's the corporations fought back and got Reagan elected and that was the beginning of the end. Then Bush in the 2000's really fucked us.

Don't make me quote Trump saying how great Clinton was and anyone who didn't like him was just jealous. Don't make me quote Trump saying Pelosi should have impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq.

So if you Republicans now admit all the people you supported back before Trump were all deep state globalist rinos, perhaps you are wrong now too. You were wrong then, you're wrong now. Trump is just your new Messiah.

There is literally no group of people that is more anti middle class than the Democrat Party.
Democrats support The Credentialed Class and the poverty class.
And that’s why you are like a filthy barnyard hog. Wallowing in the mess you made. Hoping food shows up as they use you…..fatten you up for the slaughter at 800lbs.

Trump got results. $2 Gas all thru, no wars, Blacks going to work, GW hogwash cut off. Now all reversed because of swine like you. Like the fool who gets mad, burns his own house down you ignorant sow.
You mean the "poor" going to work (not just blacks), otherwise Trump was for getting all idled citizen's off of the couch, and yes that was a super noble thing to do. There are examples of areas that what you said actually was a result of Trump's policies that were designed to get people back to work... One example happened at a chicken processing plant, otherwise where illegals were working by the hundreds in this plant. Well they went back to where they came from, and in that case the "blacks" were the majority recipients of their job's.

How do we know this ? Because during morning plant hours there was a walk bridge that crosses a public road going into the plant entrance, and all employees crossed this walk bridge from the parking lot that is across from the plant. We were seeing nothing but foreign workers (illegal because the plant got busted for it), crossing the road going into the plant. After Trump was elected, this changed dramatically to a majority of black Americans crossing that bridge going into the plant, and the foreigners (illegals), were no where to be found anymore.

In that case "black's" yes went to work replacing the foreign worker's who the plant had hired for cheap labor.

Now Biden and company has reversed so much, that those foreigners could be back again, and those black Americans might not be working at the plant any longer. Not sure because we don't go that way anymore when going to work ourselves. It's just an example of what was witnessed in that case. Probably was a multiplied during Trump's stay, because he wanted all Americans to go back to work if possible, and that was a good thing... It worked in that case, and was probably working everywhere until the knuckleheads got in charge. Democrat's are just screw ups from hell. Sorry, but that's what appears to be evident in a lot of what they do or what thry cause as a result of
Did you thank Sloppy Joe for the fraud and waste the Dems / Socialists allowed as part of the Steal From the Government Plan?

Surprising no one, the Steal From the Government Plan included tons of cash for failing Dem / Socialist run city governments and tons of fun-money for scammers.

Help Wanted signs are plastered in store fronts all over America because the so-called Rescue Plan spent $400 billion to pay workers to stay at home. And now the law has pushed the country into a recession.

Adding insult to all of that injury, is the rampant waste and abuse of taxpayer dollars that has occurred and continues to occur under the American Rescue Plan. In the rush to pass the bill last year, common sense measures offered by Republicans to put safeguards in place to avoid such waste and abuse were rejected.

Instead, Congressional Democrats and President Biden spent $500 billion on state and local bailouts that left behind a massive trail of waste and abuse. At the Budget Committee, we have been documenting this waste for 65 straight weeks. $140 million for a luxury hotel in Florida, $7 million for horse racing in Arizona, $5 million for a moonshine walking trail in North Carolina, $4 million to build beach bathrooms and a parking lot in South Carolina, and the list goes on.
I figured that most of the rescue plan consisted of "buying votes" by way of it, otherwise steadily feeding specific voters cash and benefits to ensure their loyalty as Democrat voters. It's a classic don't bite the hand that feeds scenario.

I'm shocked that the Republicans didn't put in stop checks during their administrations, otherwise in order to assure the hard working tax payers that such things would not remain legal to happen.

The Republicans might be just as compromised as the Democrat's, and that's why the Democrat's are getting away with destroying this country right now today.
There is literally no group of people that is more anti middle class than the Democrat Party.
Democrats support The Credentialed Class and the poverty class.
Bullshit. We want to raise min wage. We support unions. We want to go after employers who knowingly hire illegals. We aren't the ones who defend the growing gap between rich and poor.

In the years you took our seat at the table away from us by destroying unions and sending all those jobs overseas, from Reagan to now, you guys defend the CEO's pay going up 1322% and ours only 18%. You defend the CEO. So fuck off. Liar. Spinmieister.
His first disaster was to kick off an ill conducted economic confrontation with China. Resulting into an average cost increase of 20-25% for the US consumer - whilst degrading US exports to China - thus aiding the decline of the US economy and rise of inflation.

Trump had almost erased the trade deficit with China . I was watching it for three years ......when he took office the trade deficit with China was spiraling up - nearing $1 trillion.

Before the planneDemic......the deficit had shrunken to $200 billion and going down.
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Bullshit. We want to raise min wage. We support unions. We want to go after employers who knowingly hire illegals. We aren't the ones who defend the growing gap between rich and poor.

In the years you took our seat at the table away from us by destroying unions and sending all those jobs overseas, from Reagan to now, you guys defend the CEO's pay going up 1322% and ours only 18%. You defend the CEO. So fuck off. Liar. Spinmieister.

You rage at others for you being a failure.
I get it.
And a certain number of tRumplings did just that, because their messiah told them to.
Maybe some are like Democrats, and therefore they interpret things in such ways, but they'll never catch up with the Democrat's on being staunch cultists.

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