A former Trump supporter describes her escape

That's debatable but I concede the possibility, despite some considerable evidence to the contrary.
I’m curious to see how he handles the shitshow in Gaza going foreword. That will tell me if he’s up to it.
The US had to reciprocate the aid and support to Israel that they gave us after 9/11 but Israel has squandered that goodwill and must now be pushed to rein in their ire.
Let’s cut the bullshit…So basically she’s another one of those fucked in the head woke white quilt wackos that contracted the mind virus?
I bet she now has purple hair, nose rings and neck tattoos…She probably fucks black dudes to prove her wokeness. FUCK HER!
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Many poor parent's have lost their kids to this stuff... Yes a mind virus could very well describe the transformation perfectly. It's likened to a drug being prescribed by a woke doctor, and the next thing you know they are hooked and going back for more up and too their sad destruction.
Why don’t you tell us about “presidential” as it’s a face-palm moment every time Biden loses his war with a teleprompter.

I think that's a good point. Is vaccination the subject that you're referring to, that he went full kooky on?

I certainly don't agree with all his positions, but I have not seen him go 'full kooky' yet, at least not in events or interviews from 2023 onwards, even when discussing vaccines. To be fair I have not seen much or any of RFK before this year, but I am definitely not a fan of either Biden of Trump, or the two-party system and this extreme polarization.

I think it allows politicians to deliver little more than 'I'm not the other guy', while people just turn on each other. And RFK's whole thing is trying to be above that, and unite people from all sides.
Vaccines for sure he’s full kooky on. He has a history of anti-vax statements predating Covid even.

Debunking some of RFK Jr.’s contradictory statements​

Let me put it this way - there are only two parties in the USA, that essentially promote the same general policy. "screw the small wallets", whilst we "the politicians" and our "elites" enjoy our lives.
In order to distinguish themselves and thus appeal to their respective hardcore supporters as supposedly having a different policy - one went for "social" topics and promises, and the other for nationalism and promises - 45 years of "die Commie die" - nothing else.

The Republicans lost their general support after Communism wasn't around anymore, and the Bush's did their best to dismantle the remaining integrity of the Republicans.

The Democrats (due to 45 years of lefty Liberal manipulation) took their policy to extremes - that a "normal", average American simply doesn't agree to, and the Republicans void of any "inspiring" alternative policy, simply took to nationalism without changing any of these prevailing "extreme" issues.

Then the demagogue Trump came up - (IMO he is far to simplistic and naive to come up on his own) there are clearly people behind him - making use of him addressing the discontent Americans in this typical lowlife Trump manner. Due to the discontent amongst the American population, "they" created this cult themselves - thus enabling the human scumbag to literally shake of his initial masters/masterminds.

He is now running around free and uncontrolled (has no idea as to what governing actually means) and simply bathes every day in the naivety of his cult.

If the Republicans would kick him out (too late IMO) - he will get around 20% in an election with an own party, and the Republicans another 20%, thus ridding themselves out of lucrative jobs and bye, bye Presidency. As such they presently simply put up with him. Since he might indeed give them a chance to participate in the big $ government business ahh... governing via a Republican presidency.

What is simply missing is a US party that factually would represent "the small wallets" and the normal-conservative American mindset, via a "halfway" honest and feasible policy. It might really come into existence after especially Trump or the Democrats messed up the USA for another 4 years.

What do you think, believe or hope for?
This is what democrats stand for.
Love how you ignored my whole post, but replied to it anyway!

Students were allowed to call retruning vets "baby killers," but at the same time, students were allowed to call returning vets "heroes."

Now, only one side is entitled to free speech on tax-funded college campuses.
I ignored it because these kids are no more “Hitler youth”than they were “commies” 55 years ago.

That’s simply not true that only “one side is entitled”. That’s just the topic that was raised in the hearing.
I can only imagine the attacks this will inspire (yawn), but this young lady says some important things here. She describes being raised on talk radio, and ultimately how she made her escape.

And for those who scream "TDS!", we both know: This is isn't about him. It never HAS been. It's about YOU.

Some salient moments, exactly the same opinions and behaviors we see here:
  • "Sometimes I think Republicans develop develop conspiracy theories to deal with things they just can't accept. They're in total denial, and they'd rather live in a fake reality than the real one".
  • "I believed that Democrats were totally evil and that Republicans were the good guys".
  • "I fell right in line. When you think the other side is evil, you can't imagine voting for anyone other than your own guy".
  • "I voted for Trump. I thought I had some unconvential wisdom that other women didn't."
  • On her escape: "It was a process of realizing what I already knew deep down: That he (Trump) was unprincipled and unpresidential."
  • "He should be absolutely nowhere near the Oval Office".
  • "Once that I came to the realization that he has a mental illness, everything started to make sense. That's when I got angry".
  • "It showed me the truth: That everything the party said they believed in was a lie. Every value was a lie. Because if you can stand by a man like Donald Trump, you didn't have values. You didn't have principles. Period. To me, it lifted the curtain on everything".


I am supporting Desantis this election, but I would never vote for a democrat....anyone who says they voted for Trump, but are now voting for the democrats is lying...

The democrats are evil......they have been evil since the party was created by two slave owners and they haven't changed since........
Well isn't that special. I just love highly produced pieces of commie propaganda. If that were true all she would have done is a personally produce video with out all the fancy camera movement and other bullshit clips.


Yep.....she was never a Trump supporter....

Even if you decide to not vote for Trump, you are never going to vote for the democrats......the video is just more democrat party bullshit.
Yep.....she was never a Trump supporter....

Even if you decide to not vote for Trump, you are never going to vote for the democrats......the video is just more democrat party bullshit.

I voted Trump in 2016. I didn’t vote in 2020. I did vote for some Democrats in 2022. Of course I’ve explained all those votes many times.
Yep.....she was never a Trump supporter....

Even if you decide to not vote for Trump, you are never going to vote for the democrats......the video is just more democrat party bullshit.

Yep, you can change your candidate, but if you really have values, they don't change with the wind.

I would like to try to feel some sympathy for Gen z and millennial's but when they vote to destroy their own race and country, I realize that you cannot fix Stupid. Keep slamming Trump and worshiping the Deep State Democrats and lets see where it goes.

The American Dream is for New Migrants, not Americans.
Many poor parent's have lost their kids to this stuff... Yes a mind virus could very well describe the transformation perfectly. It's likened to a drug being prescribed by a woke doctor, and the next thing you know they are hooked and going back for more up and too their sad destruction.
The wife and I have friends who lost their daughters to leftism during the 2020 BLM movement…they went from legitimate human beings to absolute filthy degenerates overnight…They got off Rush Limbaugh, Hannity and Mark Levin and onto MTV, YouTube ‘influencers’ and Stephen Colbert. They are now worthless, disgusting pukes…our friends are ashamed of their daughters. A sad but true story.
$33T debt looming. I am not certain how many more Deep State supporter Success stories America can withstand. $2T more by OCT 2024.
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She Wants you to think she went from evil to good due to Trump.
I left the Democratic party due to President Carter and his regime. I believe he has done much good with his home building venture. But as president he screwed many Americans.
She says she listened to Alex Jones I think his name is. She was not smart. She got a steady dose of Limbaugh. She was not smart. She should have studied history of the presidents. She would have understood the narcissism is also in the Democrats. Adam Schiff for instance. Jamie Raskin also. Chuck Schumer shouting at the Justices he was coming after the Supreme Court was approved by too many Democrats and the Media. She lost part of her family. Her family knows her very well. Not up to me to convert her.
Trump brags. Everybody on this planet knows that. And he exaggerates. I only care if he signed good stuff or vetoed stuff. Despite his narcissism and bragging all the damned time, he beats the demented Biden all to hell.

You went from Carter to Reagan and tell us that Carter screwed Americans. LOL!
$33T debt looming. I am not certain how many more Deep State supporter stories America can withstand. $2T more by OCT 2024.
  • National debt during Joe Biden’s presidency has increased by $2.5 trillion since he took office, an increase of 8.79% as of September 2022.
  • During Donald Trump’s whole presidency, the U.S. national debt increased by $8.18 trillion, a percentage increase of 40.43%.
That is not true. Trump never TOLD us to do a thing. He asked advice from some doctors at the conference. Trump is the most lied about president in my lifetime. The media specialized in lying about him.

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