"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

Dragon never answered any of my questions, imagine that. :lol:
He doesn't answer questions, and he doesn't provide any substance.

He just yammers, on and on, endlessly. The frustrating thing is he obviously thinks he's making an intelligent show.

My speech teacher would have torn him several new assholes for such idiotic presumption.
Dragon never answered any of my questions, imagine that. :lol:

Dragon works for a living and doesn't live on this board, and hasn't read your damned questions yet. Imagine that, dickweed.

Gimme a couple of minutes to read the fucking things and decide whether they deserve an answer.
Christians are not trying to turn America into a theocrasy

Your sort of Christian is. Christians in general, maybe not.

they could have done so if they wished when they founded the country to begin with.

Your sort of Christian was certainly not in the majority when the Constitution was ratified.

Here's a general reply to all of your posts, Newby. This will cover absolutely everything you've said.

The most revealing comment was your statement that all reason and evidence are "subjective." This implies that there is no such thing as truth, and reason, evidence, and the truth itself may be distorted at will, because truth doesn't really exist anyway -- a highly post-modernist perspective with which I have never agreed.

This belief, though, seems to make you think you are allowed to distort and misrepresent other people's posts, and to argue based on logical fallacies and the twisting of words, rather than actually addressing posts. Everything you have said on this thread falls into that category, from your request for a "link to a list," without ever once denying that the list I presented above (and which you actually quoted) describes the beliefs of traditional Christianity; to your assertion that I want to fuck everything in sight, when anyone reading for comprehension can see that is not even close to anything I said; to your statement just above that I had never answered your questions, when in fact I did -- perhaps not in the way you wanted me too, but that's your problem, not mine.

You might want to give some thought to what it says about your beliefs that you feel a need to lie through your teeth in order to support them. If they cannot be supported in a straightforward and logical manner, that's an indictment of them in itself.
Dragon never answered any of my questions, imagine that. :lol:

Dragon works for a living and doesn't live on this board, and hasn't read your damned questions yet. Imagine that, dickweed.

Gimme a couple of minutes to read the fucking things and decide whether they deserve an answer.


*whether they deserve an answer*

How funny. And one thinks...who on earth is DRAGON to deem things worthy?

And then one remembers...Dragon is a pseudointellectual who thinks his minute understanding and self-taught vocabulary make him stand out, as anything other than the narrow minded and ignorant twit he is...

And he's wrong. He's just another example of what happens when nobody intervenes between a child and a PBS upbringing.

Though maybe it wasn't PBS...I think maybe it was Channel 13...10 hours of pro wrestling at night, but during the day, local yokels talk about things like the next dance recital and broadcast the school board meetings...
Stating your reasoning does not make it reasonable, nor logical.

You are the one who uses subjective logic..you don't use evidence at all. All of your arguments, if they can even be called arguments, are "this makes sense to me so it's logical and true!" That's not an argument. That's just a rant.

And what IS subjective evidence? Is there even such a thing?

Subjective evidence : I saw something which I cannot show to anyone else (either because it is no longer there or perhaps because I have some sort of 'special' vision) and cannot recreate.

Subjective evidence : I felt something which I cannot cause another to feel. To stick with the theme of this thread, I felt the presence of god.

Subjective evidence refers to evidence that one cannot evaluate. One must simply accept what the person says or reject it. Testimony of the parties to a contract is subjective evidence.
Subjective evidence means that testimony from the claimant, corroborated by his/her family and friends, as to whether a specific impairment actually affects the claimant to such an extent as to be disabling. [Hope v. Secretary of Health, Education & Welfare, 347 F. Supp. 1048, 1053 (D. Tex. 1972)]. "

So it's not evidence at all. It's just a statement.

Subjective Evidence Law & Legal Definition

I think it might be a different definition when used legally than in other circumstances.

It's not that it is not evidence; rather, it is evidence that cannot be shown to someone else. To the individual(s) who experience it, it certainly is evidence, but to someone who does not experience it it may not be. Even if someone does not experience it, it may be considered evidence if they believe it to be true.
Well you're entitled to you opinion.

Recently discovered chariots and horse skeletons at the bottom of the red sea say you're wrong, however.

Josephus, a reputable non-Christian historian who worked around the time of Christ's life and death, also confirms miracles....

But whatever. If you want to call the Creator a fool, that's your business, and at some point, you'll have to come to terms with your stupidity.

Not now, though. Carry on.

Links? When and where exactly did they discover those things, and who discovered them? Were photos taken? I'd really like to see the evidence you tout.

But, as usual Halal Twit, you're never gonna provide any proof.

BTW...............Josephus was known to exaggerate the truth.

No, Josephus wasn't.

And I can always back up my statements. If I can't, I don't say it:

snopes.com: Chariot Wheels Found at the Bottom of the Red Sea

Yes, they've found chariots and horses in the Red Sea that appear to be from the right time period and are certainly in the right place to be concurrent with Moses' lifetime.


How the fuck is that "proof"? Yeah.....you believe God exists, so you say that because you believe something that is unconfirmed, it's true?

Way to prove your ignorance.

BTW................I actually DO believe in God, I just don't like to see Him shoehorned into a narrow belief system such as the current one you tout.

I see Him in Judaic theology, SOME Christianity, a great deal in Taoist philosophy as well as in what Buddha taught and Hindu theology.

Try opening your mind sometime, you may like what you see.
Dragon never answered any of my questions, imagine that. :lol:

Dragon works for a living and doesn't live on this board, and hasn't read your damned questions yet. Imagine that, dickweed.

Gimme a couple of minutes to read the fucking things and decide whether they deserve an answer.


*whether they deserve an answer*

How funny. And one thinks...who on earth is DRAGON to deem things worthy?

And then one remembers...Dragon is a pseudointellectual who thinks his minute understanding and self-taught vocabulary make him stand out, as anything other than the narrow minded and ignorant twit he is...

And he's wrong. He's just another example of what happens when nobody intervenes between a child and a PBS upbringing.

Though maybe it wasn't PBS...I think maybe it was Channel 13...10 hours of pro wrestling at night, but during the day, local yokels talk about things like the next dance recital and broadcast the school board meetings...

Yo.......twatlips........YOU also decide if a post deserves an answer or not, because otherwise you'd reply to every fucking post on the thread.

Try again Halal Twit.
Links? When and where exactly did they discover those things, and who discovered them? Were photos taken? I'd really like to see the evidence you tout.

But, as usual Halal Twit, you're never gonna provide any proof.

BTW...............Josephus was known to exaggerate the truth.

No, Josephus wasn't.

And I can always back up my statements. If I can't, I don't say it:

snopes.com: Chariot Wheels Found at the Bottom of the Red Sea

Yes, they've found chariots and horses in the Red Sea that appear to be from the right time period and are certainly in the right place to be concurrent with Moses' lifetime.


How the fuck is that "proof"? Yeah.....you believe God exists, so you say that because you believe something that is unconfirmed, it's true?

Way to prove your ignorance.

BTW................I actually DO believe in God, I just don't like to see Him shoehorned into a narrow belief system such as the current one you tout.

I see Him in Judaic theology, SOME Christianity, a great deal in Taoist philosophy as well as in what Buddha taught and Hindu theology.

Try opening your mind sometime, you may like what you see.

It's proof that a shitload of horses drowned and chariots were laid at the bottom of the red sea at the time that Moses is said to have parted it, and lead the Pharoah's army into it, where the sea closed over them.

Someone said there's no evidence. I said there were chariots and horses at the bottom of the Red Sea...there is evidence. That was my point. The rest is just you having a stroke.
No, Josephus wasn't.

And I can always back up my statements. If I can't, I don't say it:

snopes.com: Chariot Wheels Found at the Bottom of the Red Sea

Yes, they've found chariots and horses in the Red Sea that appear to be from the right time period and are certainly in the right place to be concurrent with Moses' lifetime.


How the fuck is that "proof"? Yeah.....you believe God exists, so you say that because you believe something that is unconfirmed, it's true?

Way to prove your ignorance.

BTW................I actually DO believe in God, I just don't like to see Him shoehorned into a narrow belief system such as the current one you tout.

I see Him in Judaic theology, SOME Christianity, a great deal in Taoist philosophy as well as in what Buddha taught and Hindu theology.

Try opening your mind sometime, you may like what you see.

It's proof that a shitload of horses drowned and chariots were laid at the bottom of the red sea at the time that Moses is said to have parted it, and lead the Pharoah's army into it, where the sea closed over them.

Someone said there's no evidence. I said there were chariots and horses at the bottom of the Red Sea...there is evidence. That was my point. The rest is just you having a stroke.

What part of "unconfirmed" do you keep missing, bitch?
PS..you moron, the only part that is *unconfirmed* is whether or not they belonged to the Pharoah, or died as a result of Moses' parting of the sea.

Their existence, however, is not *unconfirmed*, you loon.

Which is all I said. That they were existed. As they do. So wipe the spittle off the screen and go back to whacking off in the corner.
The above exchange between ABK and KG illustrates the main point of this thread: that traditional Christians have enslaved minds. KG accepts dubious evidence of dubious claims, because she MUST believe as she does. If her mind strays into forbidden territory, Hell's jaws open.

There is no way to think rationally under a threat like that. Hence the utter stupidity of creationist arguments, the desperate defensiveness against challenges (as they see it) from other religions, the anger and hostility towards unbelievers. It's anger born of fear, fear for their own souls, fear of the contagion of freedom.
The above exchange between ABK and KG illustrates the main point of this thread: that traditional Christians have enslaved minds. KG accepts dubious evidence of dubious claims, because she MUST believe as she does. If her mind strays into forbidden territory, Hell's jaws open.

There is no way to think rationally under a threat like that. Hence the utter stupidity of creationist arguments, the desperate defensiveness against challenges (as they see it) from other religions, the anger and hostility towards unbelievers. It's anger born of fear, fear for their own souls, fear of the contagion of freedom.
Speaking about being enslaved to a dogma... A secular example is displayed. :rolleyes:
The above exchange between ABK and KG illustrates the main point of this thread: that traditional Christians have enslaved minds. KG accepts dubious evidence of dubious claims, because she MUST believe as she does. If her mind strays into forbidden territory, Hell's jaws open.

There is no way to think rationally under a threat like that. Hence the utter stupidity of creationist arguments, the desperate defensiveness against challenges (as they see it) from other religions, the anger and hostility towards unbelievers. It's anger born of fear, fear for their own souls, fear of the contagion of freedom.

Fiddlesticks. ABS is one of the craziest certified loons this board has. I never said the Red Sea crossing had been verified beyond a shadow of a doubt. I simply stated there was evidence of biblical events, and named the discovery of horse bones and chariot wheels at the bottom of it, right where the crossing is said to have taken place.

There IS evidence that biblical events took place, there are corroborating non-Christian accounts of events. That's all I was saying.

But in typical anti-Christian fashion, those who for whatever reason think they need to challenge the faith of people, are speaking to a point I never made. In other words, lying to make a point. I haven't shown any anger or hostility. I've reacted a little to the fact that gay biker obviously is over the top freaking out angry (undoubtedly fueled by a mind altering substance) over the fact that I dared to bring up physical evidence..or something, who knows where his anger comes from...but I haven't shown anger or even anywhere near the same degree of out-of-control vitriol.
But carry on with the lies. That's what freethinkers do. They work for evil, and they do it by lying.
Dragon never answered any of my questions, imagine that. :lol:

Dragon works for a living and doesn't live on this board, and hasn't read your damned questions yet. Imagine that, dickweed.

Gimme a couple of minutes to read the fucking things and decide whether they deserve an answer.

You had already posted remarks to posts I had made after the posts I'm referring too. So, I know you had no intension of answering. Is it your paganism that makes you so vile, or do you take credit for that all on your own?
You had already posted remarks to posts I had made after the posts I'm referring too.

Then you knew that I had already answered you, and were being disingenuous. Refusing to play your game is not refusing to respond to your arguments. It's just refusing to play your game.

Is it your paganism that makes you so vile, or do you take credit for that all on your own?

It's being free. Slaves like yourself, taking the viewpoint of your masters, always think that free people are evil. But whether denying the master's will is evil (unlike reasoning and evidence) really does depend on perspective.
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