"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

I think that dinos were long gone before man showed up.

Yep. Unless you count birds as dinos, dinosaurs went extinct about 65 million years ago, while H. sapiens emerged less than one million years ago. Humans and non-avian dinosaurs never shared a planet.

EDIT: Actually, though, youwerecreated's views on evolution are a perfect example of the conflict between Biblical inerrancy and freedom of thought. Because YWC believes the Bible is inerrant, and because he believes that evolution means certain parts of the Bible are wrong, therefore he MUST believe that evolution is not true. He is simply not PERMITTED to entertain the possibility that it is accurate, or to evaluate the evidence with any intellectual integrity. To do so would mean to entertain the possibility that the Bible is not inerrant, which would entertain the possibility that Christianity as he understands it is wrong, which would risk Hell.

Anyone who believes in these things has a gun pointed at his head and shackles of fear on his mind. The fact that I personally believe the gun isn't real makes no difference. Between a real gun and a fake one, or between a loaded gun and an unloaded gun, the difference remains unimportant until the trigger is pulled, and if the threat works to shape behavior that never happens.
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Silence anyone that disagrees with imorality?

Atheists are immoral just cuz they're atheist.

What a good little bigot you are, I'm e-patting you on the head right now.

Please explain to me what is moral about: Abortion, Homosexual marriage, Against 10 commandments visible in public places, Obscene art.
Silence anyone that disagrees with imorality?

Atheists are immoral just cuz they're atheist.

What a good little bigot you are, I'm e-patting you on the head right now.

Please explain to me what is moral about: Abortion, Homosexual marriage, Against 10 commandments visible in public places, Obscene art.

The cartoon says put god in public places. There's nothing moral about wanting gov't forced religion.

I'm not surprised you're in favor of gov't forcing your religious views on others. The last thing I'd want is gov't promoting my lack of belief in a god, I don't want gov't teaching ANY religious views, I prefer people have the freedom to do that themselves.
Having God in public places isn't *force*.

So you fail. Again. Fail must be comfortable like an old pair of sweat pants by now.
Having God in public places isn't *force*.

So you fail. Again. Fail must be comfortable like an old pair of sweat pants by now.

Exactly and again I'm sure you aren't hypocritical on this view.

If our gov't buildings had "there is no god" on them, your view would be exactly the same and you'd be on here voicing approval of it and saying it isn't forcing atheists views on christians.

For that I'm certain!

Now proceed on with your , "we're a christian nation" rant.
That's right, when you can't make an argument, just make shit up about what I WOULD do if things were different.

That's a really effective way to make your point.

I propose that if you ever return to school, you write your papers that way. That way you can be assured of a straight F run...
That's right, when you can't make an argument, just make shit up about what I WOULD do if things were different.

That's a really effective way to make your point.

I propose that if you ever return to school, you write your papers that way. That way you can be assured of a straight F run...

By all means tell me I'm wrong, I'd love to be wrong.

Tell me your view isn't hypocritical and you'd be saying the same things if gov't buildings and schools had "there is no god" carved into walls.

I can't wait :D
I'm not going to argue with you about what you say I would do in an imaginary situation in the future. That's idiotic.
I'm not going to argue with you about what you say I would do in an imaginary situation in the future. That's idiotic.

Being afraid to answer a hypothetical scenario on an anonymous message board, sad.

Best thing to do is insult the question, then resort to childish name-calling, looks like you're already ahead of me :).

Have a great weekend!
I'm not afraid. I just don't do hypotheticals. They are always used, and this instance is no difference, to divert attention away from the fact that someone cannot intelligently discuss a current topic.

You don't want to talk about the real topic, so you introduce fantasy.

That's the way ignorant 14 year olds who think they're REALLY smart based on one high test score back in grade school argue.

In other words, it's lazy. And dishonest. And without any value.
I'm not afraid. I just don't do hypotheticals. They are always used, and this instance is no difference, to divert attention away from the fact that someone cannot intelligently discuss a current topic.

You don't want to talk about the real topic, so you introduce fantasy.

That's the way ignorant 14 year olds who think they're REALLY smart based on one high test score back in grade school argue.

In other words, it's lazy. And dishonest. And without any value.

You've gotten a lot better at hiding your hypocrises. In the past under your other profile names, you weren't so diligent.

So kudos at keeping this particular hypocritical stance of yours, that we all know you have, under wraps. I think I've helped you learned the error in your ways, you're welcome!
Actually Dr. Drock raised a good point with that hypothetical. If it really is innocuous and all for government buildings to display Christian thoughts, then it should be equally fine for them to display:

1) There is no God.
2) There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Messenger.
3) We all come from the Goddess, and to Her we shall return.

Those willing to endorse all three of these being presented to the public as Official Government Endorsements will gain some measure of credibility (although in fact all of them would violate the First Amendment, so they'd still be on shaky legal ground).
I'm not afraid. I just don't do hypotheticals. They are always used, and this instance is no difference, to divert attention away from the fact that someone cannot intelligently discuss a current topic.

You don't want to talk about the real topic, so you introduce fantasy.

That's the way ignorant 14 year olds who think they're REALLY smart based on one high test score back in grade school argue.

In other words, it's lazy. And dishonest. And without any value.

You've gotten a lot better at hiding your hypocrises. In the past under your other profile names, you weren't so diligent.

So kudos at keeping this particular hypocritical stance of yours, that we all know you have, under wraps. I think I've helped you learned the error in your ways, you're welcome!

You go right ahead and think that, lol.
Actually Dr. Drock raised a good point with that hypothetical. If it really is innocuous and all for government buildings to display Christian thoughts, then it should be equally fine for them to display:

1) There is no God.
2) There is no God but Allah and Mohammed is His Messenger.
3) We all come from the Goddess, and to Her we shall return.

Those willing to endorse all three of these being presented to the public as Official Government Endorsements will gain some measure of credibility (although in fact all of them would violate the First Amendment, so they'd still be on shaky legal ground).

Hopefully you have better luck at getting honest responses out of that than I did lol.
The answer is the same as it has been every single time (at least once a day) this idiotic hypothetical comes up...

Neither I, nor any other, Christian or conservative would care if those things were displayed on government buildings provided they reflect the community in which they reside.

I don't care if I go to a Muslim community, say a tiny little town that they've established a training camp in, and I go to the courthouse and there's a quotation from the Koran somewhere on the building.

I could care less if I go to a town in the sticks where there's a cell of pagans and there's something about the Mother (or whatever) on City Hall.

Makes no nevermind to me. So long as I have the same freedom in my community.
The answer is the same as it has been every single time (at least once a day) this idiotic hypothetical comes up...

Neither I, nor any other, Christian or conservative would care if those things were displayed on government buildings provided they reflect the community in which they reside.

I don't care if I go to a Muslim community, say a tiny little town that they've established a training camp in, and I go to the courthouse and there's a quotation from the Koran somewhere on the building.

I could care less if I go to a town in the sticks where there's a cell of pagans and there's something about the Mother (or whatever) on City Hall.

Makes no nevermind to me. So long as I have the same freedom in my community.

If fairness to you we shouldn't ask that question, because I didn't expect an honest answer out of you.
There are very few, if any, communities in this country where 100% of the residents follow a single religion. The fact that so much concern is raised by conservatives (however unrealistic it is) about Sharia law shows that when the shoe is on the other foot, they're able to understand the concept. The First Amendment prohibition against establishment of religion is intended to protect the rights of minorities within a community. The government MAY NOT, in any way, endorse any religion -- that includes the one that is followed by the majority of its citizens -- because such endorsement implicitly and inevitably puts other faiths not so endorsed into a second-class status.

If a town with a majority-Muslim population were to conform its laws to Sharia, or even to display quotations from the Quran on public buildings in a manner seeming to provide official endorsement of Islam, Christians and other non-Muslims would have grounds to complain. The only way to guarantee freedom of religion in any society is to keep church and state completely separate.
The answer is the same as it has been every single time (at least once a day) this idiotic hypothetical comes up...

Neither I, nor any other, Christian or conservative would care if those things were displayed on government buildings provided they reflect the community in which they reside.

I don't care if I go to a Muslim community, say a tiny little town that they've established a training camp in, and I go to the courthouse and there's a quotation from the Koran somewhere on the building.

I could care less if I go to a town in the sticks where there's a cell of pagans and there's something about the Mother (or whatever) on City Hall.

Makes no nevermind to me. So long as I have the same freedom in my community.

If fairness to you we shouldn't ask that question, because I didn't expect an honest answer out of you.

Which is why hypotheticals are a waste of time, dumbfuck. It's all pretend.

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