"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

I get the feeling that Dragon is very young, and very confused.
No, you don't.

Now I don't know what I feel either... too funny... ;)

Of course you know. You're just lying. You've already made it clear that you consider all truth to be "subjective," and that you feel perfectly justified in saying anything to make a point without any respect for honesty whatsoever. The claim that you actually believe I am either young or confused is without credibility, as are you, and therefore the most likely conclusion is that this is NOT what you believe.

And it's not.

This is the exact post GT, want to explain what he meant to me? If he meant his 'of course you know' then he quoted the wrong post? I was supposed to assume this?

Now I don't know what I feel either... too funny... ;)

Of course you know. You're just lying. You've already made it clear that you consider all truth to be "subjective," and that you feel perfectly justified in saying anything to make a point without any respect for honesty whatsoever. The claim that you actually believe I am either young or confused is without credibility, as are you, and therefore the most likely conclusion is that this is NOT what you believe.

And it's not.

This is the exact post GT, want to explain what he meant to me? If he meant his 'of course you know' then he quoted the wrong post? I was supposed to assume this?

He quoted the wrong post, is correct, but in the context of the discussion and the surrounding posts it was very easy to pick up on.
Of course you know. You're just lying. You've already made it clear that you consider all truth to be "subjective," and that you feel perfectly justified in saying anything to make a point without any respect for honesty whatsoever. The claim that you actually believe I am either young or confused is without credibility, as are you, and therefore the most likely conclusion is that this is NOT what you believe.

And it's not.

This is the exact post GT, want to explain what he meant to me? If he meant his 'of course you know' then he quoted the wrong post? I was supposed to assume this?

He quoted the wrong post, is correct, but in the context of the discussion and the surrounding posts it was very easy to pick up on.

Glad it was easy for you to pick up on, but then again, you seem to be on the same wavelength that he is, so kudos to you.
Give me a post number where you stated the differences.

Most directly and succinctly in post #82, repeated in post #88. By implication, also in posts no. 1, 29, 60, 73, 77, 80, 118, 121, 142, 145, 181, 183, 185, and no doubt many others that I didn't list because I stopped going back through the thread from the beginning.

As you have been following along the whole time, and frequently thanked posters I responded to in the above, your claim not to have seen these posts is -- another lie.
"I get the feeling that Dragon is very young, and very confused."

No, you don't get that feeling. When you say that you do, you lie.

EDIT: And the further lie that GT referenced is your pretense that you thought I was saying you DIDN'T KNOW what your feelings were. I very clearly said you were LYING, which of course implies obviously that you DO know -- and are being deliberately untruthful.

As to what's in red: :cuckoo:

And GT, shame on you for encouraging his lunacy, I thought you were a rational person, guess I was wrong. You actually agree with him that I don't feel a certain way, that I'm lying about how I feel? Seriously dude?

I am rational.

I know that #1 --> stating that you "feel" he's young and confused is an attempt to publicly demean him simply because you disagree with him. It's a defense mechanism. You didn't say it out of the goodness of your heart, and I highly highly doubt that you "really" feel that way, same as he said that you're "lying" to embellish the fact that you disagree with him. I don't play little games like that, and they're a lot easier to spot than you thought.

If you deny all of that, than I can't even really take you seriously to begin with. A child in a political discussion forum discussing eternity and philosophy? Get real. His points have been no less valid than yours so to pretend they're childish is the height of arrogance.

Well, here's a clue for you, I don't play games when I post, I say what I mean, and mean what I say. I do think/feel that he's young and confused, I stated it as an observation, not to 'demean' him, how is it demeaning to be young? Everyone is confused about one thing or another throughout their life, so I don't see that as demeaning either, especially if one is young. So, you have completely misread my intensions.

I didn't say he was a 'child', I said he was young, do you know what context I place 'young' in? Do you know me that well? How old am I? What would I think of as 'young'?
Give me a post number where you stated the differences.

Most directly and succinctly in post #82, repeated in post #88. By implication, also in posts no. 1, 29, 60, 73, 77, 80, 118, 121, 142, 145, 181, 183, 185, and no doubt many others that I didn't list because I stopped going back through the thread from the beginning.

As you have been following along the whole time, and frequently thanked posters I responded to in the above, your claim not to have seen these posts is -- another lie.

I will go back and read them, but I remember seeing no posts that defined the difference as I am asking.
Your accusations of lying are what's habitual.

I make those accusations only towards liars, and on this thread, only towards you.

You're the liar, dragon, you've been shown as a liar repeatedly in this thread and others so often people won't even talk to you anymore. It's a waste of time and energy.

I do it because it's easy to reduce you to sputtering incoherency and I find that amusing. Plus you always play to the same script..no matter what thread you're in, you do the same things over and over. I enjoy being able to accurately predict exactly what a particularly rabid and ignorant bigot will do. It's easy gratification. Particularly when the poster I set up and knock down over and over and over never learns and never varies in his stupidity, and doesn't seem to register how incredibly stupid he looks.

It's fun.
Give me a post number where you stated the differences.

Most directly and succinctly in post #82, repeated in post #88. By implication, also in posts no. 1, 29, 60, 73, 77, 80, 118, 121, 142, 145, 181, 183, 185, and no doubt many others that I didn't list because I stopped going back through the thread from the beginning.

As you have been following along the whole time, and frequently thanked posters I responded to in the above, your claim not to have seen these posts is -- another lie.

I will go back and read them, but I remember seeing no posts that defined the difference as I am asking.

He doesn't quote or link them for a reason.

He counts on people not bothering to look. Every time I've been able to twist a reference from him, and I check it, it turns out he's lying about what it contains. Every single time. This is why so many people have him on ignore.
Sorry kg, but you don't get to have it both ways, either. I'd like to see a quote of Dragon saying liberty cannot exist without punishment.

She actually said I said that liberty can't exist WITH punishment, not without.

Of course, I didn't say that. I said something much more specific: that when a governing authority (whether it be an actual government, or a church or religious tradition) threatens people with punishment for not believing certain things, that is antithetical to liberty.

Dragon said liberty cannot exist in a Christian world because we believe in Hell.

I never said he said liberty can't exist without punishment. Liberty can't exist without punishment. Montrovant is mistaken.

Yeah, I edited my post when I saw Dragon's reply to it. I meant to just put with but for some reason put without. Oops! :)
Hell is justice for rejecting Christ, who was tortured and died on the cross to make us worthy of the presence of God.

"A little philosophy inclineth a man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion."
Francis Bacon, the father of the scientific method.

Hey Kaiser Twit...........does that mean that the Jews (who don't recognize Christ as the Messiah) are going to hell also?

They knew God better and longer than Christians have.
Free thinkers, idiots that they are, are included in God's plan.

Though they like to think otherwise, they really aren't screwing with anything. they're following the script they were given, doing exactly what God knew they would do.

They're tools.
koshergrl said:
Why would those who laugh at Christ on the cross, who spit on God, enjoy his company in the hereafter?

You reject him here, he rejects you there.

But I do not reject God. I reject traditional Christianity, and I reject what traditional Christians SAY about God. There is a difference, and when traditional Christians confuse the two, they are exhibiting an insufferable degree of arrogance.

Ask people what is in the Declaration of Independence. Get back to me on how accurate they are. They will tell you according to their understanding. A few will come close to what was really written. Now expand that by thousands of years and an invisible Creator (think about how people argue over the founding fathers of this nation, and what they were really like, AND THEY WERE JUST MEN).

Unless the "Word" is being read to you, each person will add their own spin. They are not trying to tell you what the Lord is like, they are trying to tell you 'as they understand the "Word"'.

You cannot clearly criticize organized religion in a logical, reasonable manner. Your opinions are full of personal spin and attitude, why do you expect 'Christians' to do better than you do?

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