"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

His FAVORITE lie is to lie about what other posters say...and when he's asked to quote it, to claim "you know you said it and there's no point in discussing it further". He's done it in this thread more than once, he's done it in every single thread he's ever participated in. It isn't an accident, it's the way he works.

Imagine how much fun that crap must be to people who have to live with him, if anyone does. Or people who work with him, though I don't think he works.
Of course you know. You're just lying. You've already made it clear that you consider all truth to be "subjective," and that you feel perfectly justified in saying anything to make a point without any respect for honesty whatsoever. The claim that you actually believe I am either young or confused is without credibility, as are you, and therefore the most likely conclusion is that this is NOT what you believe.

And it's not.

:confused: Now I definitely know you're confused. First you tell me I don't know, and then you tell me that of course I know. Make up your mind already. :cuckoo:

When did I 'make it clear' that all truth is subjective?

My claim that you are young and confused is based off of the lack of mauturity in your posts and the fact that you make eroneous comments about what people have said, when they haven't said anything of the sort. If you're not young, then you have my sympathies. ;)

You def. just lied.

When you quoted his "no you dont" he was clearly in that post referring to where you said that you feel he's young and confused, it wasn't about the same thing. Nice try though.

What are talking about?? I said that I had a feeling that he was very young and very confused, and he replied 'no, you don't'. No, I don't what? I don't feel that he's very young and very confused?? Glad someone is on the same wavelengh with him, because I'd say the average rational thinking person certainly wouldn't be.
I get the feeling that Dragon is very young, and very confused.

No, you don't.

What does the 'no you don't' refer too in this post?

"I get the feeling that Dragon is very young, and very confused."

No, you don't get that feeling. When you say that you do, you lie.

EDIT: And the further lie that GT referenced is your pretense that you thought I was saying you DIDN'T KNOW what your feelings were. I very clearly said you were LYING, which of course implies obviously that you DO know -- and are being deliberately untruthful.
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I get the feeling that Dragon is very young, and very confused.

No, you don't.

What does the 'no you don't' refer too in this post?

Here's the two different do's and dont's he was referring to:

he's claiming you DO KNOW what a traditional christian is, and are lying saying you dont know.

he's also claiming you DONT get the feeling he's young and confused, and you're lying about that also.

c'mon, it really wasnt that hard.
Of course you know. You're just lying. You've already made it clear that you consider all truth to be "subjective," and that you feel perfectly justified in saying anything to make a point without any respect for honesty whatsoever. The claim that you actually believe I am either young or confused is without credibility, as are you, and therefore the most likely conclusion is that this is NOT what you believe.

And it's not.

:confused: Now I definitely know you're confused. First you tell me I don't know, and then you tell me that of course I know. Make up your mind already. :cuckoo:

When did I 'make it clear' that all truth is subjective?

My claim that you are young and confused is based off of the lack of mauturity in your posts and the fact that you make eroneous comments about what people have said, when they haven't said anything of the sort. If you're not young, then you have my sympathies. ;)

You def. just lied.

When you quoted his "no you dont" he was clearly in that post referring to where you said that you feel he's young and confused, it wasn't about the same thing. Nice try though.

Since you seem to understand what he's saying, why don't you try to translate for me then?
:confused: Now i definitely know you're confused. First you tell me i don't know, and then you tell me that of course i know. Make up your mind already. :cuckoo:

When did i 'make it clear' that all truth is subjective?

My claim that you are young and confused is based off of the lack of mauturity in your posts and the fact that you make eroneous comments about what people have said, when they haven't said anything of the sort. If you're not young, then you have my sympathies. ;)

you def. Just lied.

When you quoted his "no you dont" he was clearly in that post referring to where you said that you feel he's young and confused, it wasn't about the same thing. Nice try though.

since you seem to understand what he's saying, why don't you try to translate for me then?

:confused: Now I definitely know you're confused. First you tell me I don't know, and then you tell me that of course I know. Make up your mind already. :cuckoo:

When did I 'make it clear' that all truth is subjective?

My claim that you are young and confused is based off of the lack of mauturity in your posts and the fact that you make eroneous comments about what people have said, when they haven't said anything of the sort. If you're not young, then you have my sympathies. ;)

You def. just lied.

When you quoted his "no you dont" he was clearly in that post referring to where you said that you feel he's young and confused, it wasn't about the same thing. Nice try though.

Since you seem to understand what he's saying, why don't you try to translate for me then?

Since I already did, and since the meaning was actually clear from the get-go, you're lying again in pretending not to understand.

It seems to be habitual.
No, you don't.

What does the 'no you don't' refer too in this post?

Here's the two different do's and dont's he was referring to:

he's claiming you DO KNOW what a traditional christian is, and are lying saying you dont know.

he's also claiming you DONT get the feeling he's young and confused, and you're lying about that also.

c'mon, it really wasnt that hard.

I know what my definition of a 'traditional' christian is, I DON'T know what his is. I asked him earlier in the thread and never got an answer.

Exactly, and I responded that now he knows what I feel and don't feel to which he made some other stupid response saying that I do know. The guy is fairly close to a whackjob.
So now it's only a certain 'subset' of Christians that can't think freely?

No, FROM THE BEGINNING that's what I said. Nothing has changed, except the lies you happen to be using at the moment.

Can you tell us what differentiates the christians who can think freely from those who can't?

I already did, repeatedly. I'd repeat myself again, except that I know you're only pretending not to understand.

Give me a post number where you stated the differences.
I know what my definition of a 'traditional' christian is, I DON'T know what his is. I asked him earlier in the thread and never got an answer.

Changing the subject with a non-sequitur is another form of lie.
What does the 'no you don't' refer too in this post?

Here's the two different do's and dont's he was referring to:

he's claiming you DO KNOW what a traditional christian is, and are lying saying you dont know.

he's also claiming you DONT get the feeling he's young and confused, and you're lying about that also.

c'mon, it really wasnt that hard.

I know what my definition of a 'traditional' christian is, I DON'T know what his is. I asked him earlier in the thread and never got an answer.

Exactly, and I responded that now he knows what I feel and don't feel to which he made some other stupid response saying that I do know. The guy is fairly close to a whackjob.

You used his "you do know you dont know" statements to make him look like he was contradicting himself, when he was using them referring to two different things. You're either ignorant of the fact that you did that, or lying.
No, you don't.

What does the 'no you don't' refer too in this post?

"I get the feeling that Dragon is very young, and very confused."

No, you don't get that feeling. When you say that you do, you lie.

EDIT: And the further lie that GT referenced is your pretense that you thought I was saying you DIDN'T KNOW what your feelings were. I very clearly said you were LYING, which of course implies obviously that you DO know -- and are being deliberately untruthful.

As to what's in red: :cuckoo:

And GT, shame on you for encouraging his lunacy, I thought you were a rational person, guess I was wrong. You actually agree with him that I don't feel a certain way, that I'm lying about how I feel? Seriously dude?
You def. just lied.

When you quoted his "no you dont" he was clearly in that post referring to where you said that you feel he's young and confused, it wasn't about the same thing. Nice try though.

Since you seem to understand what he's saying, why don't you try to translate for me then?

Since I already did, and since the meaning was actually clear from the get-go, you're lying again in pretending not to understand.

It seems to be habitual.

Your accusations of lying are what's habitual. You would think it would be easier to just answer my question. :cuckoo:
What does the 'no you don't' refer too in this post?

"I get the feeling that Dragon is very young, and very confused."

No, you don't get that feeling. When you say that you do, you lie.

EDIT: And the further lie that GT referenced is your pretense that you thought I was saying you DIDN'T KNOW what your feelings were. I very clearly said you were LYING, which of course implies obviously that you DO know -- and are being deliberately untruthful.

As to what's in red: :cuckoo:

And GT, shame on you for encouraging his lunacy, I thought you were a rational person, guess I was wrong. You actually agree with him that I don't feel a certain way, that I'm lying about how I feel? Seriously dude?

I am rational.

I know that #1 --> stating that you "feel" he's young and confused is an attempt to publicly demean him simply because you disagree with him. It's a defense mechanism. You didn't say it out of the goodness of your heart, and I highly highly doubt that you "really" feel that way, same as he said that you're "lying" to embellish the fact that you disagree with him. I don't play little games like that, and they're a lot easier to spot than you thought.

If you deny all of that, than I can't even really take you seriously to begin with. A child in a political discussion forum discussing eternity and philosophy? Get real. His points have been no less valid than yours so to pretend they're childish is the height of arrogance.

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