"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

That's a billboard making the rounds, allegedly put up by various churches. I can't verify that it isn't a hoax and it may be. But whether or not any churches have actually displayed that billboard, that IS the thinking of many conservative Christians. I've seen it expressed by certain posters here.

In fact, I think we can take it a bit further: traditional Christianity and freedom in general are enemies. Freedom is a value that's antithetical to traditional Christianity. Not to the teachings of Jesus, mind -- but to traditional Christian teaching.

To a traditional Christian, there is a very, very narrow range of thought, feeling, and action that are permissible. To think freely is to be a heretic or an unbeliever. To feel freely is to lust, to desire, almost certainly to be an adulterer or fornicator in one's imagination, and in some cases to be a homosexual; it's to be angry at times, to long for what traditional morality says should not be yours, to envy and resent.

Freedom means nothing if it is not freedom to sin. Traditional Christianity is opposed to sin. Therefore, traditional Christianity is opposed to freedom.

Did I miss where it said a subset of Christians don't think "freely"?
I implied above that Christianity is not necessarily opposed to free thought. Here's a little more elaboration on that concept.

Step 1 in the development of a free-thinking version of Christianity: drop all idea of divine punishment for unbelievers.

Step 2: toss all a priori notions of Biblical infallibility. The Bible may still be used as a guide, but everything in it is open to question.

Step 3: do the same with all church teachings or religious traditions. All become open to question based on the teachings of Jesus from the Gospels, as well as other evidence, such as that of science or social understandings in the real world.

Step 4: be open to consideration of religious ideas regardless of the source.

Anyone who does all of these things, and continues to revere Jesus as primary form of the God and to follow his teachings as they understand them, is a free-thinking Christian.

Nothing here about a "subset" of Christians, either....
Free thinkers, idiots that they are, are included in God's plan.

Though they like to think otherwise, they really aren't screwing with anything. they're following the script they were given, doing exactly what God knew they would do.

They're tools.

I'm guessing you supported the arrest and inquisition of Copernicus and Galileo as well?

They were free thinkers who went against the Church.

So did DaVinci, especially in his pursuit of anatomy. He knew that if he was caught dissecting cadavers, he faced jail or execution. Interestingly enough, it wasn't until the late 1990's that Gray's Anatomy finally caught up with what DaVinci had written many years ago.
Hell is justice for rejecting Christ, who was tortured and died on the cross to make us worthy of the presence of God.

"A little philosophy inclineth a man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion."
Francis Bacon, the father of the scientific method.

Hey Kaiser Twit...........does that mean that the Jews (who don't recognize Christ as the Messiah) are going to hell also?

They knew God better and longer than Christians have.

Instead of insult people why don't you read the NT if you want to know what happens to the Jews who deny him. I guess you missed it that many Jews accepted him.
Yes, those free thinkers are horrible compared to those relgious people who just accept disease as "God's Will". I mean, those free thinkers were actually screwing with God's plan.

Believers are against knowledge to help fight disease :lol:
Hell is justice for rejecting Christ, who was tortured and died on the cross to make us worthy of the presence of God.

"A little philosophy inclineth a man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion."
Francis Bacon, the father of the scientific method.

Hey Kaiser Twit...........does that mean that the Jews (who don't recognize Christ as the Messiah) are going to hell also?

They knew God better and longer than Christians have.

Instead of insult people why don't you read the NT if you want to know what happens to the Jews who deny him. I guess you missed it that many Jews accepted him.

Hey...........You Were Excreted..............got a link to back up your stuff?
Hey Kaiser Twit...........does that mean that the Jews (who don't recognize Christ as the Messiah) are going to hell also?

They knew God better and longer than Christians have.

Instead of insult people why don't you read the NT if you want to know what happens to the Jews who deny him. I guess you missed it that many Jews accepted him.

Hey...........You Were Excreted..............got a link to back up your stuff?

I need a link to back up my claim that many Jews then and now have accepted him ? :lol:

Silence anyone that disagrees with imorality?

Yes i believe in small scale evolution or in other words micro-adaptations,not the grand scale of macro-evolution.

If you want to be enlightened just look at the past threads on evolution and or design. You will see me reduce your beliefs to an Ideology not real science.

I've seen hundreds of your posts about evolution, the only thing you've enlightened me on is that it is humanly possible for someone to consistently say something dumber and dumber hundreds of times in a row.

Tell me again how you came to the conclusion that T-Rex ate cactuses and pine cones. I'd love to see your brilliant scientific mind on display again.
Hey Kaiser Twit...........does that mean that the Jews (who don't recognize Christ as the Messiah) are going to hell also?

They knew God better and longer than Christians have.

Instead of insult people why don't you read the NT if you want to know what happens to the Jews who deny him. I guess you missed it that many Jews accepted him.

Hey...........You Were Excreted..............got a link to back up your stuff?

Once again you show your ignorance of your own scriptures.

Psa 71:6 On You I have rested from the womb; You are He who took me out of my mother's bowels; my praise always shall be of You.

Isa 44:2 So says Jehovah who made you, and formed you from the womb, who will help you; Fear not, O Jacob My servant, and you, Jeshurun, whom I have chosen.

But not surprising.
Silence anyone that disagrees with imorality?

Yes i believe in small scale evolution or in other words micro-adaptations,not the grand scale of macro-evolution.

If you want to be enlightened just look at the past threads on evolution and or design. You will see me reduce your beliefs to an Ideology not real science.

I've seen hundreds of your posts about evolution, the only thing you've enlightened me on is that it is humanly possible for someone to consistently say something dumber and dumber hundreds of times in a row.

Tell me again how you came to the conclusion that T-Rex ate cactuses and pine cones. I'd love to see your brilliant scientific mind on display again.

I never said that,but i do believe until man fell from grace dinosaurs were vegetarian.

Let's see if you are any smarter then the others.

What came first the chicken or the egg ?
Yes i believe in small scale evolution or in other words micro-adaptations,not the grand scale of macro-evolution.

If you want to be enlightened just look at the past threads on evolution and or design. You will see me reduce your beliefs to an Ideology not real science.

I've seen hundreds of your posts about evolution, the only thing you've enlightened me on is that it is humanly possible for someone to consistently say something dumber and dumber hundreds of times in a row.

Tell me again how you came to the conclusion that T-Rex ate cactuses and pine cones. I'd love to see your brilliant scientific mind on display again.

I never said that,but i do believe until man fell from grace dinosaurs were vegetarian.

Let's see if you are any smarter then the others.

What came first the chicken or the egg ?

I was being a little sarcastic bc I know you call T-Rex's vegetarians, despite the evidence showing the exact opposite. I'll give you credit for even saying T-Rex existed, some fundies take the other route and say Satan is just tricking us with his magic bone burying.

The egg came first, again as the scientific evidence already shows. Chickens evolved from another species of bird.
I've seen hundreds of your posts about evolution, the only thing you've enlightened me on is that it is humanly possible for someone to consistently say something dumber and dumber hundreds of times in a row.

Tell me again how you came to the conclusion that T-Rex ate cactuses and pine cones. I'd love to see your brilliant scientific mind on display again.

I never said that,but i do believe until man fell from grace dinosaurs were vegetarian.

Let's see if you are any smarter then the others.

What came first the chicken or the egg ?

I was being a little sarcastic bc I know you call T-Rex's vegetarians, despite the evidence showing the exact opposite. I'll give you credit for even saying T-Rex existed, some fundies take the other route and say Satan is just tricking us with his magic bone burying.

The egg came first, again as the scientific evidence already shows. Chickens evolved from another species of bird.

There is absolutely zero evidence that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

So are you suggesting the chicken was hatched from the egg of a dinosaur ? That is a major fast change don't you think ?

To have an egg the chicken had to exist first one more problem comes from that,there had to be both sexes in existence for that egg to be fertilized.

Sounds like the hen and rooster came before the egg and that supports creation.
I never said that,but i do believe until man fell from grace dinosaurs were vegetarian.

Let's see if you are any smarter then the others.

What came first the chicken or the egg ?

I was being a little sarcastic bc I know you call T-Rex's vegetarians, despite the evidence showing the exact opposite. I'll give you credit for even saying T-Rex existed, some fundies take the other route and say Satan is just tricking us with his magic bone burying.

The egg came first, again as the scientific evidence already shows. Chickens evolved from another species of bird.

There is absolutely zero evidence that birds evolved from dinosaurs.

So are you suggesting the chicken was hatched from the egg of a dinosaur ? That is a major fast change don't you think ?

To have an egg the chicken had to exist first one more problem comes from that,there had to be both sexes in existence for that egg to be fertilized.

Sounds like the hen and rooster came before the egg and that supports creation.

Per usual, educated scholars disagree with you, as does every basic form of science.

Dinobuzz: Dinosaur-Bird Relationships

No, I'm not suggesting anything. I'm saying chickens evolved from another species of bird.

When you respond with a link to a bible blog, keep in mind I'm not going to click on the link to the bible blog. Just a heads up and trying to be polite to keep you from wasting your time. If you take that as a personal victory, by all means grab a sheet of paper from your printer, tear it up and throw the confetti in the air. I just want to remind you that I only take scientists and science departments views on science seriously.
Yes i believe in small scale evolution or in other words micro-adaptations,not the grand scale of macro-evolution.

If you want to be enlightened just look at the past threads on evolution and or design. You will see me reduce your beliefs to an Ideology not real science.

I've seen hundreds of your posts about evolution, the only thing you've enlightened me on is that it is humanly possible for someone to consistently say something dumber and dumber hundreds of times in a row.

Tell me again how you came to the conclusion that T-Rex ate cactuses and pine cones. I'd love to see your brilliant scientific mind on display again.

I never said that,but i do believe until man fell from grace dinosaurs were vegetarian.

Let's see if you are any smarter then the others.

What came first the chicken or the egg ?

You must love that Creation Museum in northern Kentucky.

I think that dinos were long gone before man showed up.

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