"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

It's precisely the early Church's loss of authority to speak on behalf of God that required a Restoration of said authority. Which authority is exercised without the use of force.

It was precisely the loss of the ability to use force that caused the loss of that authority. May it NEVER be restored!
Experiment! Do all four communities: athiest/Christian (Judeo)/muslim(we know how those turn out)/goddess. Give them some time and check to see how they are doing.
How is the crime rate, comparatively speaking?
How prosperous is the community?
How many visitors return?
How many improvements are made on the community (parks, museums, etc)?

Just do it, quit telling Christians to stop being Christians and form your own communities, see how that works out for you.

Look we get it, you think christians are superior to every other type of human solely because of their religious beliefs.

You don't have to repeat your bigotry over and over for people to get it. You've already made it blatantly obvious.

How exactly is it bigotry to propose an experiment? And how is he or anyone else saying that a certain person is superior to anyone else?

The scriptures invite us to experiment on the Word. That is the only way we can know for ourselves whether the Word is good and leads to life or not.

You learn whether prayer is a correct principle by praying. You learn whether being kind is a correct principle by being kind. You learn whether tithing is a correct principle by paying tithes and offerings. You learn whether the scriptures are true through studying and applying their principles.

I can guarantee that anyone who has the faith to experiment on the Word will find out by the power of the Spirit, whether Life is in the Word or not.

Quite obviously, he's implying christians live more wholesome lives than everyone else solely because of their religion. He's implying you're more likely to be a criminal if you aren't a christian, you're less likely to be prosperous and the community is less likely to have nice stuff in it.

There was already a thread made about less religious countries and how happy the people in the countries are, what could be more important than people being happy?

Logical4u is a loud, proud and outspoken bigot and has shown it in multiple posts on this thread. If I said a christian community was going to have a higher crime rate because it was christian (which i'd never stoop to), you'd call me a bigot and appropriately so.
It's precisely the early Church's loss of authority to speak on behalf of God that required a Restoration of said authority. Which authority is exercised without the use of force.

It was precisely the loss of the ability to use force that caused the loss of that authority. May it NEVER be restored!

You're incorrect. God's authority doesn't compel people. They have a choice. They are invited. They are enticed. Without the freedom to choose we cannot recieve the blessings.

There is a reason Christ taught to turn the other cheek. Because true power is obtained without force. That's why we are taught to use persuasion, long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, by love unfeigned, by kindness and pure knowledge, etc

Unfortunately, few people truly understand this, even among Christians:

"We have learned by sad experience that it is the nature and disposition of almost all men, as soon as they get a little authority, as they suppose, they will immediately begin to exercise unrighteous dominion. Hence many are called, but few are chosen." (D&C 121:39-40)
Quite obviously, he's implying christians live more wholesome lives than everyone else solely because of their religion. He's implying you're more likely to be a criminal if you aren't a christian, you're less likely to be prosperous and the community is less likely to have nice stuff in it.

There was already a thread made about less religious countries and how happy the people in the countries are, what could be more important than people being happy?

Logical4u is a loud, proud and outspoken bigot and has shown it in multiple posts on this thread. If I said a christian community was going to have a higher crime rate because it was christian (which i'd never stoop to), you'd call me a bigot and appropriately so.

Considering he realizes that no one is perfect, I doubt he is implying that at all. I would say that if A Christian lived his faith, He would be living a more wholesome life than a Christian who didn't or a non-Christian who rejected those same principles. But if you dont live the principles, whether Christian or not, how can they possibly benefit your life? What's the point?

You don't have to be Christian to live the principles of the Gospel and thus benefit from the wholesome nature of them. You can be honest without being Christian. You can seek to better yourself. You can love your neighbor as yourself.

But living the principles or not, we are still all flawed human beings.

If you compare someone who lives the Gospel to someone who believes in say, regular human sacrifice, wouldn't one belief make, if lived, make them more wholesome then the other? I am not sure how you can ignore the fact that holding certain believes can make a person better than someone who doesnt hold those beliefs. If you believe in educating yourself whenever possible and learning and studying and someone things learning is stupid and a waste of time, isn't there a clear contrast between the two? Isnt one better in some regards than the other?
Quite obviously, he's implying christians live more wholesome lives than everyone else solely because of their religion. He's implying you're more likely to be a criminal if you aren't a christian, you're less likely to be prosperous and the community is less likely to have nice stuff in it.

There was already a thread made about less religious countries and how happy the people in the countries are, what could be more important than people being happy?

Logical4u is a loud, proud and outspoken bigot and has shown it in multiple posts on this thread. If I said a christian community was going to have a higher crime rate because it was christian (which i'd never stoop to), you'd call me a bigot and appropriately so.

Considering he realizes that no one is perfect, I doubt he is implying that at all. I would say that if A Christian lived his faith, He would be living a more wholesome life than a Christian who didn't or a non-Christian who rejected those same principles. But if you dont live the principles, whether Christian or not, how can they possibly benefit your life? What's the point?

You don't have to be Christian to live the principles of the Gospel and thus benefit from the wholesome nature of them. You can be honest without being Christian. You can seek to better yourself. You can love your neighbor as yourself.

But living the principles or not, we are still all flawed human beings.

If you compare someone who lives the Gospel to someone who believes in say, regular human sacrifice, wouldn't one belief make, if lived, make them more wholesome then the other? I am not sure how you can ignore the fact that holding certain believes can make a person better than someone who doesnt hold those beliefs. If you believe in educating yourself whenever possible and learning and studying and someone things learning is stupid and a waste of time, isn't there a clear contrast between the two? Isnt one better in some regards than the other?

That'd be fine if he was being specific, like comparing christianity to some cannibalistic cult, but he was comparing christianity to groups which total billions of non-believers and implying how much better a christian community would be.
So are you saying atheist communities are better?

What's the diff?

Other than the fact that if you said that you'd be lying?
So are you saying atheist communities are better?

What's the diff?

Other than the fact that if you said that you'd be lying?

No I'm not saying that, not sure how you came to that conclusion.

It's impossible to judge which community would be better. The only way to compare it is if you put together 2 communities of equal numbers with equal level of health, equal level of resources, same constitution or kind of gov't, etc etc. Obviously that's impossible, so we'll never know which belief or lack of belief system is best for a community.

My guess is they'd turn out the same. In the end we're still humans.
I believe there is evidence that you're wrong.

Not humanly possible. You have to have 2 communities with equal resources to be able to compare, that's impossible.

But if you have to believe a christian community is superior to every other type of community, have at it :).
I believe there is evidence that you're wrong.

Not humanly possible. You have to have 2 communities with equal resources to be able to compare, that's impossible.

But if you have to believe a christian community is superior to every other type of community, have at it :).

I suppose that depends on the Christian community and the other wouldnt it?
I believe there is evidence that you're wrong.

Not humanly possible. You have to have 2 communities with equal resources to be able to compare, that's impossible.

But if you have to believe a christian community is superior to every other type of community, have at it :).

No, there's evidence and it's conclusive. Christian society is more likely to support education, liberty, and justice.
I believe there is evidence that you're wrong.

Not humanly possible. You have to have 2 communities with equal resources to be able to compare, that's impossible.

But if you have to believe a christian community is superior to every other type of community, have at it :).

No, there's evidence and it's conclusive. Christian society is more likely to support education, liberty, and justice.

Again, there is no even comparison. Not humanly possible to make one. You're comparing communities with different aspects to them to other communities.

Money and resources are the most important factors imo. You make anyone desperate enough and they'll kill and steal to feed their family.

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