"A free thinker is Satan's slave"

I'm making the comparison, so it's humanly possible, as I'm a human.

And it's true. Christian communities are the breeding ground of liberty, scholarship, and justice.

Atheist communities aren't.

Because they oppress those things.
Majority-Christian communities have pulled ahead in these ways only in modern times (which happens also to coincide with the weakening of the power of the Church). In the Middle Ages, the same test would have favored Islam as the best religion.
No, it wouldn't have. Islam only gained a reputation of *enlightenment* because they conquered Christian communities and assumed the community store of knowledge as their own.

It only took them a few years to shut all that progress down, though.
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I'm making the comparison, so it's humanly possible, as I'm a human.

And it's true. Christian communities are the breeding ground of liberty, scholarship, and justice.

Atheist communities aren't.

Because they oppress those things.

Well I'm sad, but not surprised to see your bigotry is still alive and well. But yes you can make as many false comparisons as you like.

Any community can be oppressive, and every version of religion and non-religion has had oppressive communities throughout history.
I believe there is evidence that you're wrong.

Not humanly possible. You have to have 2 communities with equal resources to be able to compare, that's impossible.

But if you have to believe a christian community is superior to every other type of community, have at it :).

No, there's evidence and it's conclusive. Christian society is more likely to support education, liberty, and justice.

More so than a Buddhist society? More than a Hindu society? More than a Jewish society?

What makes Christians so much better than Buddhists, Hindus or Jews?
I'm making the comparison, so it's humanly possible, as I'm a human.

And it's true. Christian communities are the breeding ground of liberty, scholarship, and justice.

Atheist communities aren't.

Because they oppress those things.

Well I'm sad, but not surprised to see your bigotry is still alive and well. But yes you can make as many false comparisons as you like.

Any community can be oppressive, and every version of religion and non-religion has had oppressive communities throughout history.

Anti-intellectual oppressive types always attach negative names to facts they don't like.

You don't like the fact that Christian communities historically foster scholarship, liberty, and freedom, so you label that observation as "bigotry".

It's just another example of progressives using propaganda to shut down intellectual discussion.
Not humanly possible. You have to have 2 communities with equal resources to be able to compare, that's impossible.

But if you have to believe a christian community is superior to every other type of community, have at it :).

No, there's evidence and it's conclusive. Christian society is more likely to support education, liberty, and justice.

More so than a Buddhist society? More than a Hindu society? More than a Jewish society?

What makes Christians so much better than Buddhists, Hindus or Jews?

I didn't know they were. Since you seem to think so, why don't you tell us why you think they're better?
No, there's evidence and it's conclusive. Christian society is more likely to support education, liberty, and justice.

More so than a Buddhist society? More than a Hindu society? More than a Jewish society?

What makes Christians so much better than Buddhists, Hindus or Jews?

I didn't know they were. Since you seem to think so, why don't you tell us why you think they're better?

You're the one that made the assertion that Christian society is more likely to support education liberty and justice.

What makes a Christian society more likely to promote those values over Buddhists, Hindus or Jews? Or, are those societies just as likely to promote liberty education and justice as well as Christian society?
As I pointed out above, during the Middle Ages Muslim societies were more likely to promote education, liberty and justice than Christian ones. In modern times, Christian societies have pulled ahead of Muslim ones in these areas, as they have become LESS Christian, while Muslim societies, which have remained more devout, have fallen behind.

There's a lesson there for those willing to heed it.
As I pointed out, you are wrong. They promoted education, liberty and justice only after they conquered Christian societies that valued those things.

And then they went about dismantling those things. The golden age only lasted as long as it took Islamic oppression to squash it.
This entire post is most interesting. I sympathize with dragon, i used to feel the same way. It all changed for me though when I began to focus specifically to the red letters of the bible. Christianity should be based upon Jesus, not the actions of so-called christians or corrupted churches. I couldn't be a christian until i looked past the hypocrisies of the church and began to focus on the words of Jesus.

I see so-called christians get it wrong all the time. Instead of banging non-believers over the head and swearing at them, remember the words of Jesus on the cross, "forgive them father for they know not what they do". All this contempt for non-believers by so-called christians is a poison against the words and teachings of Jesus.
Not humanly possible. You have to have 2 communities with equal resources to be able to compare, that's impossible.

But if you have to believe a christian community is superior to every other type of community, have at it :).

No, there's evidence and it's conclusive. Christian society is more likely to support education, liberty, and justice.

More so than a Buddhist society? More than a Hindu society? More than a Jewish society?

What makes Christians so much better than Buddhists, Hindus or Jews?

Because who they worship.
You tell people "God loves you...we are all imperfect, but we can all be saved in spite of our imperfections and attain heaven.." but they hear "We are better than you".

That's the devil at work, pure and simple.


If god loves all, then you guys would leave us alone.
If we wanted to become religious, we would. But we don't and want to be left alone.

I don't see how it's "devil's work" when we have no intention to get involved or disrupt.

Nitroz, we see you struggling. We see you miserable. We see you making the exact same mistakes that we have made. We suggest that you try something that worked for us. If you want to be left alone, stop asking us to support those that live in sin. If you agree with them, you support them. If you want us to leave you alone, don't try chasing us down for our "blessings" (resources), use your own.

Funny how you guys that despise Christianity want to be "left alone", but feel it is perfectly acceptable to mock and harrass the very people that you are claiming are "forcing" you to see their point of view. It is a falsehood. Go, be at peace, I will not chase you into your home. If you want a conversation, or you want to whine about how miserable your life is, I will explain what worked to help my life. I will not "force" you to follow my advice. I will not "force" you to pay for my decisions. I will wish for you the very best that you can be. Let your light shine, baby!
It's precisely the early Church's loss of authority to speak on behalf of God that required a Restoration of said authority. Which authority is exercised without the use of force.

It was precisely the loss of the ability to use force that caused the loss of that authority. May it NEVER be restored!

I don't usually say stuff like this: you, sir, are an idiot. People do not have authority to force people to do things. A few, blessed by the Lord, and supported by the Holy Spirit have the authority to speak, heal, bless, and yes curse, given to them by the Lord. They are very rare, and usually you feel their presence before you notice them (they tend to be humble). When they do speak, it is with "power" of truth.
The rest of us trying Christians do not have the Lord's "authority", and very few of us would want it, if truth be told (I am convinced that I could not even control the weather as well as the Lord, and that must be minor compared to the control of "souls"). The "authority" of the Lord is His, and He uses it for His Glory. He doesn't need to impress us, or force us. He welcomes us to His table, His generosity is beyond compare. All He asks is that we are properly mannered, as His guests. Apparently, that is just too much to ask for many people. They would rather stumble, and know hunger than behave and join a feast. They pretend the people at the table think they are better than them, but truth be known, the people at the table, pity them and wish they would join in the celebration. That is just how "it is".
Look we get it, you think christians are superior to every other type of human solely because of their religious beliefs.

You don't have to repeat your bigotry over and over for people to get it. You've already made it blatantly obvious.

How exactly is it bigotry to propose an experiment? And how is he or anyone else saying that a certain person is superior to anyone else?

The scriptures invite us to experiment on the Word. That is the only way we can know for ourselves whether the Word is good and leads to life or not.

You learn whether prayer is a correct principle by praying. You learn whether being kind is a correct principle by being kind. You learn whether tithing is a correct principle by paying tithes and offerings. You learn whether the scriptures are true through studying and applying their principles.

I can guarantee that anyone who has the faith to experiment on the Word will find out by the power of the Spirit, whether Life is in the Word or not.

Quite obviously, he's implying christians live more wholesome lives than everyone else solely because of their religion. He's implying you're more likely to be a criminal if you aren't a christian, you're less likely to be prosperous and the community is less likely to have nice stuff in it.

There was already a thread made about less religious countries and how happy the people in the countries are, what could be more important than people being happy?

Logical4u is a loud, proud and outspoken bigot and has shown it in multiple posts on this thread. If I said a christian community was going to have a higher crime rate because it was christian (which i'd never stoop to), you'd call me a bigot and appropriately so.

Another coward on the experiment? What's the matter, don't think your "groups" can pull it off?
Not humanly possible. You have to have 2 communities with equal resources to be able to compare, that's impossible.

But if you have to believe a christian community is superior to every other type of community, have at it :).

No, there's evidence and it's conclusive. Christian society is more likely to support education, liberty, and justice.

Again, there is no even comparison. Not humanly possible to make one. You're comparing communities with different aspects to them to other communities.

Money and resources are the most important factors imo. You make anyone desperate enough and they'll kill and steal to feed their family.

This is my point: the "atheists", the "homosexuals" (or any other group that regularly slams Christians) will not start a community of their own. Why do you think that is? There are places where towns are for sale. There are large tracts of land where a group could start their own community (gated or otherwise). Why don't they? Why do they choose to live in family oriented communities (usually largely Christian)? Why do they then feel insulted when a neighbor invites them to "fellowship"? They chose to live in a place where the beliefs of the majority of the people are Christian?

How many of those same people would choose to live in a "muslim community" and then mock and ridicule the muslim faith?
Majority-Christian communities have pulled ahead in these ways only in modern times (which happens also to coincide with the weakening of the power of the Church). In the Middle Ages, the same test would have favored Islam as the best religion.

The same world was available to both religions. Ask yourself why one was used to improve the world, and the other seeks to destroy the world.
I'm making the comparison, so it's humanly possible, as I'm a human.

And it's true. Christian communities are the breeding ground of liberty, scholarship, and justice.

Atheist communities aren't.

Because they oppress those things.

Well I'm sad, but not surprised to see your bigotry is still alive and well. But yes you can make as many false comparisons as you like.

Any community can be oppressive, and every version of religion and non-religion has had oppressive communities throughout history.

So you are a bigot if you point out the truth? Please list the places that benefited the world in the last two hundred years that were not Christian. List the accomplishments of muslim countries, African tribes, oriental countries, communist countries. According to your words, those countries should dwarf the USA, because so many bigoted Christians that don't believe in science live here. Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story...

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