A Green Beret get's it right about Kaepernick

I'm not afraid of discussing the issue that Kaerpernick raised. I've done so often here, and will do so many times in the future.

This is about what they and libs in general, have revealed about themselves with their support of the idea that disrespecting the flag, and the nation it stands for, is a valid method of expression.
That's exactly what I was talking about. This is not about the flag, this is not about the military, this is not about the anthem.

I can't get through to you on this. So I'll just watch.

Oh but it is about the flag...and all sane people know this. There is another 23 hours and 55 minutes on Sunday...protests do not need to be held during the five minutes of a display of patriotism. ALL good Americans understand this in total clarity...If you canā€™t, you might be half American.
Smart protesters hoping to be effective should always consider the ā€œtime and placeā€ of a protest. The problem is; in this case the protest was spearheaded by ignorant, low iQ filth who forgot to consider the details.
Consider this....
What if good Americans were to protest welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo ONLY. Would the TIMING be in poor taste? How well received and effective would said protest be amongst some ā€˜groupsā€™?
Iā€™ve noticed this question terrifies the shit out of Lefties...maybe with you being 3/4 Lefty youā€™ll be willing to tackle it?
They'd bitch and moan, just like you guys are.

The two ends are very similar in their behaviors.

Easiest question I'll get all day, thanks.

Theyā€™d ā€œbitch and moanā€ youā€™re exactly right..and quess what; youā€™d be right there telling us how wrong we are for choosing to hold said protest on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo. Right?
Well, no, unlike you wingers, I believe in freedom of expression for all. Further, if I don't like it, that's just tough shit for me. Freedom of expression is about words you don't like. So I would make no effort to stop them or punish them or shout them down.

I realize how those of us who think for ourselves leave people like you completely flummoxed, but I'm afraid there's not much I can do about that.

Why do you say "you wingers?"

Who is it that shuts down conservatives on college campuses?
Who screams in the faces of anyone who disagrees with them in their Soros-funded demonstrations?
Who is it who attacks anyone who disagrees with them?

I sure don't see that at right-wing gatherings?
That's exactly what I was talking about. This is not about the flag, this is not about the military, this is not about the anthem.

I can't get through to you on this. So I'll just watch.

Oh but it is about the flag...and all sane people know this. There is another 23 hours and 55 minutes on Sunday...protests do not need to be held during the five minutes of a display of patriotism. ALL good Americans understand this in total clarity...If you canā€™t, you might be half American.
Smart protesters hoping to be effective should always consider the ā€œtime and placeā€ of a protest. The problem is; in this case the protest was spearheaded by ignorant, low iQ filth who forgot to consider the details.
Consider this....
What if good Americans were to protest welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo ONLY. Would the TIMING be in poor taste? How well received and effective would said protest be amongst some ā€˜groupsā€™?
Iā€™ve noticed this question terrifies the shit out of Lefties...maybe with you being 3/4 Lefty youā€™ll be willing to tackle it?
They'd bitch and moan, just like you guys are.

The two ends are very similar in their behaviors.

Easiest question I'll get all day, thanks.

Theyā€™d ā€œbitch and moanā€ youā€™re exactly right..and quess what; youā€™d be right there telling us how wrong we are for choosing to hold said protest on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo. Right?
Well, no, unlike you wingers, I believe in freedom of expression for all. Further, if I don't like it, that's just tough shit for me. Freedom of expression is about words you don't like. So I would make no effort to stop them or punish them or shout them down.

I realize how those of us who think for ourselves leave people like you completely flummoxed, but I'm afraid there's not much I can do about that.

Why do you say "you wingers?"

Who is it that shuts down conservatives on college campuses?
Who screams in the faces of anyone who disagrees with them in their Soros-funded demonstrations?
Who is it who attacks anyone who disagrees with them?

I sure don't see that at right-wing gatherings?
Those would be left wingers.

Right wingers bitch and moan about every offense. They attack those who don't agree with them.

I said "wingers". Both ends. They are comically similar in their behaviors.
Oh but it is about the flag...and all sane people know this. There is another 23 hours and 55 minutes on Sunday...protests do not need to be held during the five minutes of a display of patriotism. ALL good Americans understand this in total clarity...If you canā€™t, you might be half American.
Smart protesters hoping to be effective should always consider the ā€œtime and placeā€ of a protest. The problem is; in this case the protest was spearheaded by ignorant, low iQ filth who forgot to consider the details.
Consider this....
What if good Americans were to protest welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo ONLY. Would the TIMING be in poor taste? How well received and effective would said protest be amongst some ā€˜groupsā€™?
Iā€™ve noticed this question terrifies the shit out of Lefties...maybe with you being 3/4 Lefty youā€™ll be willing to tackle it?
They'd bitch and moan, just like you guys are.

The two ends are very similar in their behaviors.

Easiest question I'll get all day, thanks.

Theyā€™d ā€œbitch and moanā€ youā€™re exactly right..and quess what; youā€™d be right there telling us how wrong we are for choosing to hold said protest on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo. Right?
Well, no, unlike you wingers, I believe in freedom of expression for all. Further, if I don't like it, that's just tough shit for me. Freedom of expression is about words you don't like. So I would make no effort to stop them or punish them or shout them down.

I realize how those of us who think for ourselves leave people like you completely flummoxed, but I'm afraid there's not much I can do about that.

Why do you say "you wingers?"

Who is it that shuts down conservatives on college campuses?
Who screams in the faces of anyone who disagrees with them in their Soros-funded demonstrations?
Who is it who attacks anyone who disagrees with them?

I sure don't see that at right-wing gatherings?
Those would be left wingers.

Right wingers bitch and moan about every offense. They attack those who don't agree with them.

I said "wingers". Both ends. They are comically similar in their behaviors.

Cite some examples with links please.
They'd bitch and moan, just like you guys are.

The two ends are very similar in their behaviors.

Easiest question I'll get all day, thanks.

Theyā€™d ā€œbitch and moanā€ youā€™re exactly right..and quess what; youā€™d be right there telling us how wrong we are for choosing to hold said protest on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo. Right?
Well, no, unlike you wingers, I believe in freedom of expression for all. Further, if I don't like it, that's just tough shit for me. Freedom of expression is about words you don't like. So I would make no effort to stop them or punish them or shout them down.

I realize how those of us who think for ourselves leave people like you completely flummoxed, but I'm afraid there's not much I can do about that.

Why do you say "you wingers?"

Who is it that shuts down conservatives on college campuses?
Who screams in the faces of anyone who disagrees with them in their Soros-funded demonstrations?
Who is it who attacks anyone who disagrees with them?

I sure don't see that at right-wing gatherings?
Those would be left wingers.

Right wingers bitch and moan about every offense. They attack those who don't agree with them.

I said "wingers". Both ends. They are comically similar in their behaviors.

Cite some examples with links please.

Look it up yourself.
Nate Boyer ex Green Beret says about Kaepernick - he is an example of an open mind not a small closed mind.
"I'm not judging you for standing up for what you believe in," Boyer wrote. "It's your inalienable right. What you are doing takes a lot of courage, and I'd be lying if I said I knew what it was like to walk around in your shoes. I've never had to deal with prejudice because of the color of my skin, and for me to say I can relate to what you've gone through is as ignorant as someone who's never been in a combat zone telling me they understand what it's like to go to war."
He closed by promising to keep listening, with an open mind, about the protests.

"I look forward to the day you're once again inspired to stand during our national anthem," he wrote. "I'll be standing right there next to you. Keep on trying ... De Oppresso Liber."
Pretty strange.
He only served 6 years. I spent almost that amount of time on a team alone. It took me 7 years just to qualify to be considered for selection. I guess he was one of those Green Beret babies that never had to go through earning SGT stripes before qualifying. I noticed one of his pictures that he was wearing a 1st Group Flash on his beret.
Course....most guys on the teams would probably pack his shit and dump it outside of the teamroom and change the locks, essentially kicking him off the team for siding with Kaepernick.

I never had an idea that you served, especially in The Teams. Thank you and you have my respect.
I was in the Special Forces community in the 80s and 90s....served on two teams before retiring.

Thank you for your service.
Since when is having the freedom to choice as opposed to being FORCED to hail a banner anti-Americanism?
When you're trying to deflect from and avoid discussing the reason for exercising freedom of choice and kneeling.

I'm not afraid of discussing the issue that Kaerpernick raised. I've done so often here, and will do so many times in the future.

This is about what they and libs in general, have revealed about themselves with their support of the idea that disrespecting the flag, and the nation it stands for, is a valid method of expression.
That's exactly what I was talking about. This is not about the flag, this is not about the military, this is not about the anthem.

I can't get through to you on this. So I'll just watch.

Oh but it is about the flag...and all sane people know this. There is another 23 hours and 55 minutes on Sunday...protests do not need to be held during the five minutes of a display of patriotism. ALL good Americans understand this in total clarity...If you canā€™t, you might be half American.
Smart protesters hoping to be effective should always consider the ā€œtime and placeā€ of a protest. The problem is; in this case the protest was spearheaded by ignorant, low iQ filth who forgot to consider the details.
Consider this....
What if good Americans were to protest welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo ONLY. Would the TIMING be in poor taste? How well received and effective would said protest be amongst some ā€˜groupsā€™?
Iā€™ve noticed this question terrifies the shit out of Lefties...maybe with you being 3/4 Lefty youā€™ll be willing to tackle it?

I spent my entire adult life in the military (20 years). I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

That means I support and defend what is contained in that document, and part of that is defending and supporting free speech and peaceful protest, both of which are contained in the Constitution. Every year, we would stand down for a couple of days (stop work for training), and go over our rights as military personnel in a class called Navy Rights and Responsibilities. One of the main subjects of discussion was what was and wasn't allowed for us under the 1st Amendment, because we had certain restrictions placed on us. One of them was you were not allowed to go to a political rally for a specific candidate in uniform, as it would be perceived by the civilian community as an endorsement from our service for that person. We went over it a lot.

With that being said, I'm glad that Kaepernick and all the other NFL players who choose to take a knee during the anthem feel secure enough in the rights that were fought for and defended by myself and my fellow military personnel to exercise them.

Weā€™ve done this befor bud...,NO military man I know EVER speaks like you do...NOT ONE.
As mudwhistle has said, you are suspect at best. I question the type of military man you were/are and I question if you are a military man at all. You just represent too small of a percentile to avoid being considered suspect.
They'd bitch and moan, just like you guys are.

The two ends are very similar in their behaviors.

Easiest question I'll get all day, thanks.

Theyā€™d ā€œbitch and moanā€ youā€™re exactly right..and quess what; youā€™d be right there telling us how wrong we are for choosing to hold said protest on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo. Right?
Well, no, unlike you wingers, I believe in freedom of expression for all. Further, if I don't like it, that's just tough shit for me. Freedom of expression is about words you don't like. So I would make no effort to stop them or punish them or shout them down.

I realize how those of us who think for ourselves leave people like you completely flummoxed, but I'm afraid there's not much I can do about that.

Why do you say "you wingers?"

Who is it that shuts down conservatives on college campuses?
Who screams in the faces of anyone who disagrees with them in their Soros-funded demonstrations?
Who is it who attacks anyone who disagrees with them?

I sure don't see that at right-wing gatherings?
Those would be left wingers.

Right wingers bitch and moan about every offense. They attack those who don't agree with them.

I said "wingers". Both ends. They are comically similar in their behaviors.

Cite some examples with links please.

Actually Longknife, there are many examples in the Tea Party. Remember when they paid actors to dress up like Hillary and Obama and stand in cages representing jail at their rallies?
When you're trying to deflect from and avoid discussing the reason for exercising freedom of choice and kneeling.

I'm not afraid of discussing the issue that Kaerpernick raised. I've done so often here, and will do so many times in the future.

This is about what they and libs in general, have revealed about themselves with their support of the idea that disrespecting the flag, and the nation it stands for, is a valid method of expression.
That's exactly what I was talking about. This is not about the flag, this is not about the military, this is not about the anthem.

I can't get through to you on this. So I'll just watch.

Oh but it is about the flag...and all sane people know this. There is another 23 hours and 55 minutes on Sunday...protests do not need to be held during the five minutes of a display of patriotism. ALL good Americans understand this in total clarity...If you canā€™t, you might be half American.
Smart protesters hoping to be effective should always consider the ā€œtime and placeā€ of a protest. The problem is; in this case the protest was spearheaded by ignorant, low iQ filth who forgot to consider the details.
Consider this....
What if good Americans were to protest welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo ONLY. Would the TIMING be in poor taste? How well received and effective would said protest be amongst some ā€˜groupsā€™?
Iā€™ve noticed this question terrifies the shit out of Lefties...maybe with you being 3/4 Lefty youā€™ll be willing to tackle it?

I spent my entire adult life in the military (20 years). I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

That means I support and defend what is contained in that document, and part of that is defending and supporting free speech and peaceful protest, both of which are contained in the Constitution. Every year, we would stand down for a couple of days (stop work for training), and go over our rights as military personnel in a class called Navy Rights and Responsibilities. One of the main subjects of discussion was what was and wasn't allowed for us under the 1st Amendment, because we had certain restrictions placed on us. One of them was you were not allowed to go to a political rally for a specific candidate in uniform, as it would be perceived by the civilian community as an endorsement from our service for that person. We went over it a lot.

With that being said, I'm glad that Kaepernick and all the other NFL players who choose to take a knee during the anthem feel secure enough in the rights that were fought for and defended by myself and my fellow military personnel to exercise them.

Weā€™ve done this befor bud...,NO military man I know EVER speaks like you do...NOT ONE.
As mudwhistle has said, you are suspect at best. I question the type of military man you were/are and I question if you are a military man at all. You just represent too small of a percentile to avoid being considered suspect.

Really? Longknife on these boards is one of them. There are others on here as well.

And, if you don't believe what I posted, here is what the Oath of Enlistment looks like......................................

ā€œI _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God."

ALL military personnel swear that oath upon enlisting, or reenlisting. I swore it 5 times over the 20 years I was in. Chances are that the reason you don't understand it is because you never swore it yourself nor were you schooled yearly on what it meant.
That's exactly what I was talking about. This is not about the flag, this is not about the military, this is not about the anthem.

I can't get through to you on this. So I'll just watch.

Oh but it is about the flag...and all sane people know this. There is another 23 hours and 55 minutes on Sunday...protests do not need to be held during the five minutes of a display of patriotism. ALL good Americans understand this in total clarity...If you canā€™t, you might be half American.
Smart protesters hoping to be effective should always consider the ā€œtime and placeā€ of a protest. The problem is; in this case the protest was spearheaded by ignorant, low iQ filth who forgot to consider the details.
Consider this....
What if good Americans were to protest welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo ONLY. Would the TIMING be in poor taste? How well received and effective would said protest be amongst some ā€˜groupsā€™?
Iā€™ve noticed this question terrifies the shit out of Lefties...maybe with you being 3/4 Lefty youā€™ll be willing to tackle it?
They'd bitch and moan, just like you guys are.

The two ends are very similar in their behaviors.

Easiest question I'll get all day, thanks.

Theyā€™d ā€œbitch and moanā€ youā€™re exactly right..and quess what; youā€™d be right there telling us how wrong we are for choosing to hold said protest on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo. Right?
Well, no, unlike you wingers, I believe in freedom of expression for all. Further, if I don't like it, that's just tough shit for me. Freedom of expression is about words you don't like. So I would make no effort to stop them or punish them or shout them down.

I realize how those of us who think for ourselves leave people like you completely flummoxed, but I'm afraid there's not much I can do about that.

Why do you say "you wingers?"

Who is it that shuts down conservatives on college campuses?
Who screams in the faces of anyone who disagrees with them in their Soros-funded demonstrations?
Who is it who attacks anyone who disagrees with them?

I sure don't see that at right-wing gatherings?

You don't huh.

When you're trying to deflect from and avoid discussing the reason for exercising freedom of choice and kneeling.

I'm not afraid of discussing the issue that Kaerpernick raised. I've done so often here, and will do so many times in the future.

This is about what they and libs in general, have revealed about themselves with their support of the idea that disrespecting the flag, and the nation it stands for, is a valid method of expression.
That's exactly what I was talking about. This is not about the flag, this is not about the military, this is not about the anthem.

I can't get through to you on this. So I'll just watch.

Oh but it is about the flag...and all sane people know this. There is another 23 hours and 55 minutes on Sunday...protests do not need to be held during the five minutes of a display of patriotism. ALL good Americans understand this in total clarity...If you canā€™t, you might be half American.
Smart protesters hoping to be effective should always consider the ā€œtime and placeā€ of a protest. The problem is; in this case the protest was spearheaded by ignorant, low iQ filth who forgot to consider the details.
Consider this....
What if good Americans were to protest welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo ONLY. Would the TIMING be in poor taste? How well received and effective would said protest be amongst some ā€˜groupsā€™?
Iā€™ve noticed this question terrifies the shit out of Lefties...maybe with you being 3/4 Lefty youā€™ll be willing to tackle it?

I spent my entire adult life in the military (20 years). I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

That means I support and defend what is contained in that document, and part of that is defending and supporting free speech and peaceful protest, both of which are contained in the Constitution. Every year, we would stand down for a couple of days (stop work for training), and go over our rights as military personnel in a class called Navy Rights and Responsibilities. One of the main subjects of discussion was what was and wasn't allowed for us under the 1st Amendment, because we had certain restrictions placed on us. One of them was you were not allowed to go to a political rally for a specific candidate in uniform, as it would be perceived by the civilian community as an endorsement from our service for that person. We went over it a lot.

With that being said, I'm glad that Kaepernick and all the other NFL players who choose to take a knee during the anthem feel secure enough in the rights that were fought for and defended by myself and my fellow military personnel to exercise them.

Weā€™ve done this befor bud...,NO military man I know EVER speaks like you do...NOT ONE.
As mudwhistle has said, you are suspect at best. I question the type of military man you were/are and I question if you are a military man at all. You just represent too small of a percentile to avoid being considered suspect.

You're actually suggesting that our military consists of jingoistic puppets who sheepishly fall in with mob mentality in spite of their own oath to the Constitution huh.

Says a lot about what you think of the military. As if they're your political football tool. Amusing.
I'm not afraid of discussing the issue that Kaerpernick raised. I've done so often here, and will do so many times in the future.

This is about what they and libs in general, have revealed about themselves with their support of the idea that disrespecting the flag, and the nation it stands for, is a valid method of expression.
That's exactly what I was talking about. This is not about the flag, this is not about the military, this is not about the anthem.

I can't get through to you on this. So I'll just watch.

Oh but it is about the flag...and all sane people know this. There is another 23 hours and 55 minutes on Sunday...protests do not need to be held during the five minutes of a display of patriotism. ALL good Americans understand this in total clarity...If you canā€™t, you might be half American.
Smart protesters hoping to be effective should always consider the ā€œtime and placeā€ of a protest. The problem is; in this case the protest was spearheaded by ignorant, low iQ filth who forgot to consider the details.
Consider this....
What if good Americans were to protest welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo ONLY. Would the TIMING be in poor taste? How well received and effective would said protest be amongst some ā€˜groupsā€™?
Iā€™ve noticed this question terrifies the shit out of Lefties...maybe with you being 3/4 Lefty youā€™ll be willing to tackle it?

I spent my entire adult life in the military (20 years). I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

That means I support and defend what is contained in that document, and part of that is defending and supporting free speech and peaceful protest, both of which are contained in the Constitution. Every year, we would stand down for a couple of days (stop work for training), and go over our rights as military personnel in a class called Navy Rights and Responsibilities. One of the main subjects of discussion was what was and wasn't allowed for us under the 1st Amendment, because we had certain restrictions placed on us. One of them was you were not allowed to go to a political rally for a specific candidate in uniform, as it would be perceived by the civilian community as an endorsement from our service for that person. We went over it a lot.

With that being said, I'm glad that Kaepernick and all the other NFL players who choose to take a knee during the anthem feel secure enough in the rights that were fought for and defended by myself and my fellow military personnel to exercise them.

Weā€™ve done this befor bud...,NO military man I know EVER speaks like you do...NOT ONE.
As mudwhistle has said, you are suspect at best. I question the type of military man you were/are and I question if you are a military man at all. You just represent too small of a percentile to avoid being considered suspect.

You're actually suggesting that our military consists of jingoistic puppets who sheepishly fall in with mob mentality in spite of their own oath to the Constitution huh.

Says a lot about what you think of the military. As if they're your political football tool. Amusing.

Look, as simple as this shit is for REAL Americans, people like you wouldnā€™t understand. Itā€™s a long standing tradition for good, real, patriotic Americans to show respect during ANY flag ceremony and or national anthem. Good, legitimate Americans never even have to be reminded of this shit. This isnā€™t complicated, yet you, Mac1958 and all the other half-Americans struggle with it...FUCKING WEIRD!
Oh but it is about the flag...and all sane people know this. There is another 23 hours and 55 minutes on Sunday...protests do not need to be held during the five minutes of a display of patriotism. ALL good Americans understand this in total clarity...If you canā€™t, you might be half American.
Smart protesters hoping to be effective should always consider the ā€œtime and placeā€ of a protest. The problem is; in this case the protest was spearheaded by ignorant, low iQ filth who forgot to consider the details.
Consider this....
What if good Americans were to protest welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo ONLY. Would the TIMING be in poor taste? How well received and effective would said protest be amongst some ā€˜groupsā€™?
Iā€™ve noticed this question terrifies the shit out of Lefties...maybe with you being 3/4 Lefty youā€™ll be willing to tackle it?
They'd bitch and moan, just like you guys are.

The two ends are very similar in their behaviors.

Easiest question I'll get all day, thanks.

Theyā€™d ā€œbitch and moanā€ youā€™re exactly right..and quess what; youā€™d be right there telling us how wrong we are for choosing to hold said protest on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo. Right?
Well, no, unlike you wingers, I believe in freedom of expression for all. Further, if I don't like it, that's just tough shit for me. Freedom of expression is about words you don't like. So I would make no effort to stop them or punish them or shout them down.

I realize how those of us who think for ourselves leave people like you completely flummoxed, but I'm afraid there's not much I can do about that.

Why do you say "you wingers?"

Who is it that shuts down conservatives on college campuses?
Who screams in the faces of anyone who disagrees with them in their Soros-funded demonstrations?
Who is it who attacks anyone who disagrees with them?

I sure don't see that at right-wing gatherings?

You don't huh.

Pogo on the weekends:




That's exactly what I was talking about. This is not about the flag, this is not about the military, this is not about the anthem.

I can't get through to you on this. So I'll just watch.

Oh but it is about the flag...and all sane people know this. There is another 23 hours and 55 minutes on Sunday...protests do not need to be held during the five minutes of a display of patriotism. ALL good Americans understand this in total clarity...If you canā€™t, you might be half American.
Smart protesters hoping to be effective should always consider the ā€œtime and placeā€ of a protest. The problem is; in this case the protest was spearheaded by ignorant, low iQ filth who forgot to consider the details.
Consider this....
What if good Americans were to protest welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo ONLY. Would the TIMING be in poor taste? How well received and effective would said protest be amongst some ā€˜groupsā€™?
Iā€™ve noticed this question terrifies the shit out of Lefties...maybe with you being 3/4 Lefty youā€™ll be willing to tackle it?

I spent my entire adult life in the military (20 years). I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

That means I support and defend what is contained in that document, and part of that is defending and supporting free speech and peaceful protest, both of which are contained in the Constitution. Every year, we would stand down for a couple of days (stop work for training), and go over our rights as military personnel in a class called Navy Rights and Responsibilities. One of the main subjects of discussion was what was and wasn't allowed for us under the 1st Amendment, because we had certain restrictions placed on us. One of them was you were not allowed to go to a political rally for a specific candidate in uniform, as it would be perceived by the civilian community as an endorsement from our service for that person. We went over it a lot.

With that being said, I'm glad that Kaepernick and all the other NFL players who choose to take a knee during the anthem feel secure enough in the rights that were fought for and defended by myself and my fellow military personnel to exercise them.

Weā€™ve done this befor bud...,NO military man I know EVER speaks like you do...NOT ONE.
As mudwhistle has said, you are suspect at best. I question the type of military man you were/are and I question if you are a military man at all. You just represent too small of a percentile to avoid being considered suspect.

You're actually suggesting that our military consists of jingoistic puppets who sheepishly fall in with mob mentality in spite of their own oath to the Constitution huh.

Says a lot about what you think of the military. As if they're your political football tool. Amusing.

Look, as simple as this shit is for REAL Americans, people like you wouldnā€™t understand. Itā€™s a long standing tradition for good, real, patriotic Americans to show respect during ANY flag ceremony and or national anthem. Good, legitimate Americans never even have to be reminded of this shit. This isnā€™t complicated, yet you, Mac1958 and all the other half-Americans struggle with it...FUCKING WEIRD!

Thank you for yet another demostration of State-sponsored Fetishism. I just covered that and, like clockwork, there it is yet again.

I like the emotional public shaming attempt with "REAL Americans". Even gets all caps. Highly derivative though.

Wake the fuck up, Rip van Tinkle.
Interestingly enough, with all the political division that is in this country, there is a new movie coming out called The Oath.

Seems that it's about having Americans sign a "patriots oath" the day after Thanksgiving.

I wonder if Trump is going to get ideas from this movie?

'The Oath' Red-Band Trailer: Thanksgiving Drama Takes a Violent Turn

When it comes to political divisiveness in Americaā€™s households, The Oath takes things to the extreme. As we wrote when the filmā€™s first teaser trailer was released, The Oath ā€” written, directed by and starring Ike Barinholtz ā€” takes place in the aftermath of the White House asking Americans to sign a loyalty oath to the President, with the deadline being the day after Thanksgiving. Naturally, Thanksgiving dinners across the country are sure to be pretty divisive (to say the least) over the issue.
You're way out in the weeds on this.

Trump has shown zero totalitarianistic tendencies.

Now, when it comes to Hillary or Obama, yes, but not Trump.

What puts the lie to your accusation is the simple fact that one of first things a dictatorship does is gain control of the media. If you can prove Trump controls the media the way Hillary and her cabal does, you might have a point. Otherwise you are barking up the wrong tree.
Interestingly enough, with all the political division that is in this country, there is a new movie coming out called The Oath.

Seems that it's about having Americans sign a "patriots oath" the day after Thanksgiving.

I wonder if Trump is going to get ideas from this movie?

'The Oath' Red-Band Trailer: Thanksgiving Drama Takes a Violent Turn

When it comes to political divisiveness in Americaā€™s households, The Oath takes things to the extreme. As we wrote when the filmā€™s first teaser trailer was released, The Oath ā€” written, directed by and starring Ike Barinholtz ā€” takes place in the aftermath of the White House asking Americans to sign a loyalty oath to the President, with the deadline being the day after Thanksgiving. Naturally, Thanksgiving dinners across the country are sure to be pretty divisive (to say the least) over the issue.
You're way out in the weeds on this.

Trump has shown zero totalitarianistic tendencies.

Now, when it comes to Hillary or Obama, yes, but not Trump.

What puts the lie to your accusation is the simple fact that one of first things a dictatorship does is gain control of the media. If you can prove Trump controls the media the way Hillary and her cabal does, you might have a point. Otherwise you are barking up the wrong tree.

See post 92 for your "zero". You're welcome.
Oh but it is about the flag...and all sane people know this. There is another 23 hours and 55 minutes on Sunday...protests do not need to be held during the five minutes of a display of patriotism. ALL good Americans understand this in total clarity...If you canā€™t, you might be half American.
Smart protesters hoping to be effective should always consider the ā€œtime and placeā€ of a protest. The problem is; in this case the protest was spearheaded by ignorant, low iQ filth who forgot to consider the details.
Consider this....
What if good Americans were to protest welfare dependency and criminality on MLK Day and Cinco De Mayo ONLY. Would the TIMING be in poor taste? How well received and effective would said protest be amongst some ā€˜groupsā€™?
Iā€™ve noticed this question terrifies the shit out of Lefties...maybe with you being 3/4 Lefty youā€™ll be willing to tackle it?

I spent my entire adult life in the military (20 years). I swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.

That means I support and defend what is contained in that document, and part of that is defending and supporting free speech and peaceful protest, both of which are contained in the Constitution. Every year, we would stand down for a couple of days (stop work for training), and go over our rights as military personnel in a class called Navy Rights and Responsibilities. One of the main subjects of discussion was what was and wasn't allowed for us under the 1st Amendment, because we had certain restrictions placed on us. One of them was you were not allowed to go to a political rally for a specific candidate in uniform, as it would be perceived by the civilian community as an endorsement from our service for that person. We went over it a lot.

With that being said, I'm glad that Kaepernick and all the other NFL players who choose to take a knee during the anthem feel secure enough in the rights that were fought for and defended by myself and my fellow military personnel to exercise them.

Weā€™ve done this befor bud...,NO military man I know EVER speaks like you do...NOT ONE.
As mudwhistle has said, you are suspect at best. I question the type of military man you were/are and I question if you are a military man at all. You just represent too small of a percentile to avoid being considered suspect.

You're actually suggesting that our military consists of jingoistic puppets who sheepishly fall in with mob mentality in spite of their own oath to the Constitution huh.

Says a lot about what you think of the military. As if they're your political football tool. Amusing.

Look, as simple as this shit is for REAL Americans, people like you wouldnā€™t understand. Itā€™s a long standing tradition for good, real, patriotic Americans to show respect during ANY flag ceremony and or national anthem. Good, legitimate Americans never even have to be reminded of this shit. This isnā€™t complicated, yet you, Mac1958 and all the other half-Americans struggle with it...FUCKING WEIRD!

Thank you for yet another demostration of State-sponsored Fetishism. I just covered that and, like clockwork, there it is yet again.

Look, Iā€™m just letting you into the mind of a good, patriotic, real American thatā€™s all...Spin your retard shit however you need to for justification of your twisted belief system...you donā€™t need our approval to continue your unAmerican antics...weā€™ll continue to point and laugh at you just as we always have.
What puts the lie to your accusation is the simple fact that one of first things a dictatorship does is gain control of the media. If you can prove Trump controls the media the way Hillary and her cabal does, you might have a point. Otherwise you are barking up the wrong tree.

Again --- easy peasy orange squeezy.


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