A historical film on hitler

Silly comment. bigrebnc, support your own OP, don't blow it up, then get mad at others. That's just stupid.
propaganda is defined as having no truth.

1945 is defined as being before 1940

socialism is defined as anything the obese couch potato has heard about from talk radio as being really really bad.

this thread delivers.
Yep you're defending hitler like a sheepdog watches over the flock of sheeple.

hitler was misunderstood. by you, e.g..

bigreb doesn't even understand political definitions much less economic definitions.

He is a tool, period.

no tool boy you are the one that doesn't understand and you're to stupid to explain it to. You and the bitch eder can keep lying to yourseleves if you want to, thats fine be a good socialist.
That's better. You can insult me, but not my family. Make sure you understand that.

Hitler's words were only that and never put into action. His actions clearly demonstrate that he was not a socialist. He had business and the working man on his own side as the entire context around your excerpted quote demonstrated.

Your OP is massive fail. You are unable to defend it at any level.

The only fail asswipe is the denial on your part. A dictaor uses socialism to obtain control. Tell mr expert just how free and independent were the people in germany? Could busniess keep a profit?

ask they guys hitler kowtowed to in the 20's to get tha votes.
hitler was misunderstood. by you, e.g..

bigreb doesn't even understand political definitions much less economic definitions.

He is a tool, period.

no tool boy you are the one that doesn't understand and you're to stupid to explain it to. You and the bitch eder can keep lying to yourseleves if you want to, thats fine be a good socialist.

I vote Republican, so that equates to socialism? I know that Hitler was not a socialist, but a killer of socialists, and that makes me a socialist?

You are a tool for someone, bigrebnc, and that person or entity is obviously unAmerican, if it has you spewing such nonsense.
That's better. You can insult me, but not my family. Make sure you understand that.

Hitler's words were only that and never put into action. His actions clearly demonstrate that he was not a socialist. He had business and the working man on his own side as the entire context around your excerpted quote demonstrated.

Your OP is massive fail. You are unable to defend it at any level.

The only fail asswipe is the denial on your part. A dictaor uses socialism to obtain control. Tell mr expert just how free and independent were the people in germany? Could busniess keep a profit?

ask they guys hitler kowtowed to in the 20's to get tha votes.

Your own source earlier on p. 74 clearly stated that business was quite happy with Hitler.
The only fail asswipe is the denial on your part. A dictaor uses socialism to obtain control. Tell mr expert just how free and independent were the people in germany? Could busniess keep a profit?

ask they guys hitler kowtowed to in the 20's to get tha votes.

Your own source earlier on p. 74 clearly stated that business was quite happy with Hitler.

hitler had some splaining to do after release from prison.

he had to hustle to get campaign money.

that is why a foot note was added to the 25-Punkte-Programm.

that's why the 12 years between the publication of the program and the rise to power of the NSDAP are crucial.

the program was written by at least 3 authors.

hitler was the label.

the "socialist" points were authored by drexler and feder, mainly by feder.

now just look up what happened to feder.

he was lucky and wasn't killed like the real socialists and the nationalsocialists.

but his points were not implemented.
ask they guys hitler kowtowed to in the 20's to get tha votes.

Your own source earlier on p. 74 clearly stated that business was quite happy with Hitler.

hitler had some splaining to do after release from prison.

he had to hustle to get campaign money.

that is why a foot note was added to the 25-Punkte-Programm.

that's why the 12 years between the publication of the program and the rise to power of the NSDAP are crucial.

the program was written by at least 3 authors.

hitler was the label.

the "socialist" points were authored by drexler and feder, mainly by feder.

now just look up what happened to feder.

he was lucky and wasn't killed like the real socialists and the nationalsocialists.

but his points were not implemented.

Who gave the speech?
Who took control of the party?
Who renamed the party?
For those who may have forgotten about the video.

The party Hitler joined in 1919 was the Germans workers party
in Feburay 1920 he took control of the party. He then renamed the party National Socialist German Workers' Party

The German Workers' Party name was changed by Hitler to include the term National Socialist. Thus the full name was the National Socialist German Workers' Party (Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei or NSDAP) called for short, Nazi.
The History Place - Rise of Hitler: Nazi Party is Formed

He gave a speech on February 24, 1920 outlining the Twenty Five Points of the German Workers' Party, its political platform.

10. The first duty of every citizen must be to work mentally or physically. No individual shall do any work that offends against the interest of the community to the benefit of all.

Therefore we demand:

11. That all unearned income, and all income that does not arise from work, be abolished.

12. Since every war imposes on the people fearful sacrifices in blood and treasure, all personal profit arising from the war must be regarded as treason to the people. We therefore demand the total confiscation of all war profits.

13. We demand the nationalization of all trusts.

14. We demand profit-sharing in large industries.

15. We demand a generous increase in old-age pensions.


25. In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

The History Place - Rise of Hitler: The 25 Points of Hitler's Nazi Party

At 2:00 in this video when modern day Germans are reintroduced to Mein Kampf, see how they react.

Of course being a modern day german and a socialist like l.k. eder will do and say anything to show hitler wasn't a socialist

Another historical film about why the germans are so arrogant

Definition of SOCIALISM
1: any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods
2a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state
3: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

Definition of Monarchy, Theocracy, Socialism, Communism, Dictatorship
g r u t t y - Socialism vs. Communism vs. Facism vs. Nazism
Socialism = NAZI (Hitler was a socialist)
George Reisman this validates what I started with.

George Reisman: Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism is Totalitarian

Have fun kiddies.
bigreb doesn't even understand political definitions much less economic definitions.

He is a tool, period.

no tool boy you are the one that doesn't understand and you're to stupid to explain it to. You and the bitch eder can keep lying to yourseleves if you want to, thats fine be a good socialist.

I vote Republican, so that equates to socialism? I know that Hitler was not a socialist, but a killer of socialists, and that makes me a socialist?

You are a tool for someone, bigrebnc, and that person or entity is obviously unAmerican, if it has you spewing such nonsense.

Your own source earlier on p. 74 clearly stated that business was quite happy with Hitler.

hitler had some splaining to do after release from prison.

he had to hustle to get campaign money.

that is why a foot note was added to the 25-Punkte-Programm.

that's why the 12 years between the publication of the program and the rise to power of the NSDAP are crucial.

the program was written by at least 3 authors.

hitler was the label.

the "socialist" points were authored by drexler and feder, mainly by feder.

now just look up what happened to feder.

he was lucky and wasn't killed like the real socialists and the nationalsocialists.

but his points were not implemented.

Who gave the speech?
Who took control of the party?
Who renamed the party?

hitler gave the speech, his first name is spelled adolf.

the movie you posted was about adolph.

hitler is associated with swastikas not sauwastikas.

the movie was made "under the auspices of the british government"

big hint for propaganda.

it was copyrighted in MCMLX, which is 1940, which is during WWII and before Adolf Hitler's suicide.

the movie conveyed some truth.

that's what propaganda is about.

hitler was the spokesperson of the early NSDAP. he also was very influential. but he was not a dictator, then. just a party hack.

hitler did not rename the DAP.

this is a technicality, but important.

hitler later took control of the party, by eliminating those who opposed his ideology and those who were dangerous to him.

a classic purge.

this is the only point you have, vegetable.

a purge can occur within a party, that's the Röhm-Putsch. that can be compared to trotsky, berija, etc.

basically just look up the names i am dropping and you can learn a lot, dear reader. :lol:

the elimination of commies, sozis et al was not a purge that can be compared to stalin's purges the way you tried to.

stop eating those north korean fortune cookies.
i have gathered a lot of evidence.

bigreb1775 is overweight, old (at least 60, but still 6 in his mind), and unemployed. he is easily frustrated, but compensates by blaming "socialists".

his day comprises listening to talk-radio, watching John Wayne DVD's, and eating lard.

he probably has a parrot which is more eloquent than himself.

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