A large order of McDonald's fries costs about $126 in Venezuela

Bleepin Americans, they truly believe everyone has to be greedy Corporate-Bootlicking fat asses like them. Not everyone wants to eat McDonalds fries til they become obese morons. That's an American thing. They don't need to worry about Venezuela. They need to mind their own business and worry about their own country.
You're an imbecile of you think the people of Venezuela wouldn't trade their current lifestyle for ours in a heartbeat.

Yeah sure, they wanna be Corporate Bootlicking obese morons like most Americans are. Sure they do. But regardless, it's their country. It's not yours. So eat those McDonalds fries til you burst, but leave them alone.

IF they could have our standard of living, they would beg to be "corporate bootlicking obese morons like most Americans."

Once again, you fail to get the point. It's a wonder you have enough brainpower to make your lungs function.
The story is about Venezuela, not all of frikken South America. Your belief that all the countries of South America are indistinguishable is hilarious. You're the archetypical ugly American.
Last I heard the countries in South America weren't at war with each other. It's ludicrous to assume that some smart capitalist couldn't ship a load of potatoes and a gross of cooking oil and set up a stand on a Venezuela street. Your assumption that South Americans aren't smart enough is indicative of an ugly American viewpoint.

McDonalds is the ultimate Evil American Corporation. And its food, if you wanna call it that, is poison. Venezuela will be much better off without it.


I knew one of you leftist turds would find a way to blame McDonalds.

I love that you referred to a guy with a screen name of "Paulitician" as a leftist. Ha!

Anyone that disagrees with you must be a lefty commie.

he is a leftist. He attacks capitalism at and defends socialism at every opportunity, as in this thread.

Newsflash, "leftists" don't hate capitalism, and even right wing nut jobs like you enjoy the benefits of socialism. Don't worry, I won't tell your friends down at the Klan rally.
The story is about Venezuela, not all of frikken South America. Your belief that all the countries of South America are indistinguishable is hilarious. You're the archetypical ugly American.
Last I heard the countries in South America weren't at war with each other. It's ludicrous to assume that some smart capitalist couldn't ship a load of potatoes and a gross of cooking oil and set up a stand on a Venezuela street. Your assumption that South Americans aren't smart enough is indicative of an ugly American viewpoint.

McDonalds is the ultimate Evil American Corporation. And its food, if you wanna call it that, is poison. Venezuela will be much better off without it.


I knew one of you leftist turds would find a way to blame McDonalds.

I love that you referred to a guy with a screen name of "Paulitician" as a leftist. Ha!

Anyone that disagrees with you must be a lefty commie.

he is a leftist. He attacks capitalism at and defends socialism at every opportunity, as in this thread.

You like Venezuelans telling Americans how to live? I'm guessing you don't. So just mind your own business. Venezuela is for Venezuelans.
Bleepin Americans, they truly believe everyone has to be greedy Corporate-Bootlicking fat asses like them. Not everyone wants to eat McDonalds fries til they become obese morons. That's an American thing. They don't need to worry about Venezuela. They need to mind their own business and worry about their own country.
You're an imbecile of you think the people of Venezuela wouldn't trade their current lifestyle for ours in a heartbeat.

Yeah sure, they wanna be Corporate Bootlicking obese morons like most Americans are. Sure they do. But regardless, it's their country. It's not yours. So eat those McDonalds fries til you burst, but leave them alone.

IF they could have our standard of living, they would beg to be "corporate bootlicking obese morons like most Americans."

Once again, you fail to get the point. It's a wonder you have enough brainpower to make your lungs function.

So, eat your shitty McDonalds fries and enjoy being a typical obese American moron. No one's stopping you. But you have no right to dictate how Venezuelans live.
What the hell is "holistic" about what they eat. They learn to eat whatever they can afford, and from what I've seen their diets are not very healthy. They contain a lot of fried food and a lot of empty carbohydrates like rice, corn meal and plantains.

You've seen them?
They also bike, hike and climb mountains.
Yes, I lived in Venezuela when I was a kid. What do you know about the country that isn't based on ignorant stereotypes?

Based on the guy from Columbia, I would presume they're fine people living in an oppressive environment.
Venezuela is far more oppressive than Colombia. The later is a virtual paradise of enlightened government by comparison.

It just occurred to me why the US was able to escape the Tyranny of the Crown.
Unlike nations that had existed for centuries where the governing body has a standing militia, the militia of Great Britain was an ocean away. That made it much easier for the US to embrace Capitalism.
Columbians and Venezuelans don't have such a comfort zone.

Great Britain didn't have a militia. It didn't allow citizens to own firearms. It's true that Americans learned to appreciate freedom because they could always escape the iron fist of the crown simply by moving a few miles further West into the wilderness.

There's nothing difficult about embracing capitalism. Millions of people immigrate to this country solely for that purpose. The question is whether entrenched interests will allow it.

BTW, you're way off the mark if you think Colombia is in the same boat as Venezuela. Colombia is astoundingly wealthy compared to Venezuela, and it hardly has any oil.
Last I heard the countries in South America weren't at war with each other. It's ludicrous to assume that some smart capitalist couldn't ship a load of potatoes and a gross of cooking oil and set up a stand on a Venezuela street. Your assumption that South Americans aren't smart enough is indicative of an ugly American viewpoint.

McDonalds is the ultimate Evil American Corporation. And its food, if you wanna call it that, is poison. Venezuela will be much better off without it.


I knew one of you leftist turds would find a way to blame McDonalds.

I love that you referred to a guy with a screen name of "Paulitician" as a leftist. Ha!

Anyone that disagrees with you must be a lefty commie.

he is a leftist. He attacks capitalism at and defends socialism at every opportunity, as in this thread.

You like Venezuelans telling Americans how to live? I'm guessing you don't. So just mind your own business. Venezuela is for Venezuelans.

This isn't about telling Venezuelans how to live, numskull. They're free to flush their country down the toilet if they like.
Bleepin Americans, they truly believe everyone has to be greedy Corporate-Bootlicking fat asses like them. Not everyone wants to eat McDonalds fries til they become obese morons. That's an American thing. They don't need to worry about Venezuela. They need to mind their own business and worry about their own country.
You're an imbecile of you think the people of Venezuela wouldn't trade their current lifestyle for ours in a heartbeat.

Yeah sure, they wanna be Corporate Bootlicking obese morons like most Americans are. Sure they do. But regardless, it's their country. It's not yours. So eat those McDonalds fries til you burst, but leave them alone.

IF they could have our standard of living, they would beg to be "corporate bootlicking obese morons like most Americans."

Once again, you fail to get the point. It's a wonder you have enough brainpower to make your lungs function.

So, eat your shitty McDonalds fries and enjoy being a typical obese American moron. No one's stopping you. But you have no right to dictate how Venezuelans live.

it's difficult to comprehend how truly stupid you are.
You've seen them?
They also bike, hike and climb mountains.
Yes, I lived in Venezuela when I was a kid. What do you know about the country that isn't based on ignorant stereotypes?

Based on the guy from Columbia, I would presume they're fine people living in an oppressive environment.
Venezuela is far more oppressive than Colombia. The later is a virtual paradise of enlightened government by comparison.

It just occurred to me why the US was able to escape the Tyranny of the Crown.
Unlike nations that had existed for centuries where the governing body has a standing militia, the militia of Great Britain was an ocean away. That made it much easier for the US to embrace Capitalism.
Columbians and Venezuelans don't have such a comfort zone.

Great Britain didn't have a militia. It didn't allow citizens to own firearms. It's true that Americans learned to appreciate freedom because they could always escape the iron fist of the crown simply by moving a few miles further West into the wilderness.

There's nothing difficult about embracing capitalism. Millions of people immigrate to this country solely for that purpose. The question is whether entrenched interests will allow it.

BTW, you're way off the mark if you think Colombia is in the same boat as Venezuela. Colombia is astoundingly wealthy compared to Venezuela, and it hardly has any oil.

So if the people want Capitalism, they will have to die for fit.
Just like the Colonists did.
Bleepin Americans, they truly believe everyone has to be greedy Corporate-Bootlicking fat asses like them. Not everyone wants to eat McDonalds fries til they become obese morons. That's an American thing. They don't need to worry about Venezuela. They need to mind their own business and worry about their own country.
You're an imbecile of you think the people of Venezuela wouldn't trade their current lifestyle for ours in a heartbeat.

Yeah sure, they wanna be Corporate Bootlicking obese morons like most Americans are. Sure they do. But regardless, it's their country. It's not yours. So eat those McDonalds fries til you burst, but leave them alone.

IF they could have our standard of living, they would beg to be "corporate bootlicking obese morons like most Americans."

Once again, you fail to get the point. It's a wonder you have enough brainpower to make your lungs function.

So, eat your shitty McDonalds fries and enjoy being a typical obese American moron. No one's stopping you. But you have no right to dictate how Venezuelans live.

it's difficult to comprehend how truly stupid you are.

Probably too many McDonalds fries for ya. Fat's cloggin your brain's comprehension functions.
Last I heard the countries in South America weren't at war with each other. It's ludicrous to assume that some smart capitalist couldn't ship a load of potatoes and a gross of cooking oil and set up a stand on a Venezuela street. Your assumption that South Americans aren't smart enough is indicative of an ugly American viewpoint.

McDonalds is the ultimate Evil American Corporation. And its food, if you wanna call it that, is poison. Venezuela will be much better off without it.


I knew one of you leftist turds would find a way to blame McDonalds.

I love that you referred to a guy with a screen name of "Paulitician" as a leftist. Ha!

Anyone that disagrees with you must be a lefty commie.

he is a leftist. He attacks capitalism at and defends socialism at every opportunity, as in this thread.

Newsflash, "leftists" don't hate capitalism, and even right wing nut jobs like you enjoy the benefits of socialism. Don't worry, I won't tell your friends down at the Klan rally.

Newflash: of course, leftists hate capitalism. Leftism is nothing but one continuous attack on capitalism.

There are no benefits to socialism unless you're some party apparatchik who enjoys controlling people.
Close all McDonalds in Venezuela. One less evil corporation and its People will be healthier. A win/win for sure.
let me guess, if you want to use their restrooms, they hand u a roll of TP, and when u leave, they count the sheets and charge you 4.50 a sheet.
and will they charge you if u take more than 15 seconds to order, like they do with soup shops in Manhattan?
let me guess, if you want to use their restrooms, they hand u a roll of TP, and when u leave, they count the sheets and charge you 4.50 a sheet.

Haven't your heard? You can't get toilet paper in Venezuela unless your a party apparatchik.
Oh, and McDonalds could always lower its prices in Venezuela? Think that's gonna happen? Ha, think again.

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