A little more evidence the Hunter Hidin laptop is legit...

Can the TDS folks video themselves while they watch this. Should make for a funny liberal meltdown vid!

So Attorney General William Barr, FBI Director Christopher Wray, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and White House counsel Pat Cipollone are all suffering TDS?

Because they all think Giuliani is being played by Russia.

Obrien is a "former" intelligence official, and what does “all had common understanding” even mean?

Of course, and it is the intel stating Guiliani is a fool being played.

Common understanding means what it means, they all know it and have told the President.

Another fool who is being played by Russia.
It's not new it's been around for Fox news and Rush Limbaugh since they started. Pathetic- for ignoramuses only....
I never watched Fox until 2017, and never listened to Rush ( the guy....the band rocks)
Limbaugh's boring and predictable....I get the same news from OAN and Hannity clips.
I can’t believe you guys have the patience to keep engaging these people. There is literally nothing you could show them, no dots you can connect that will make them even rethink their positions, let alone change them.
They are true believers. Russians are literally hiding behind literally every blade of grass, in every chat forum, in control of every server bank, etc.
What has been leaked out regarding the emails lines up perfectly with Hoe Hidin’s own comments and actions regarding getting the prosecutor fired... doesn’t matter.
Tons of pics of hunter Hidin are getting released which no one has an exolaination for how anyone other than Hunter would have them... doesn’t matter.
Neither Hoe Hidin nor his campaign denies what’s in the emails... doesn’t matter.
none of it matters to them.
It’s absolutely pointless.
I’m done with it, you can lead a liberal to knowledge but you can’t make them learn.
I’m done.

See you guys when more stuff gets dropped from the computer, which the libs will blame on the Russians.

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
Hey Brian, ever heard of airplanes? People aren't bound by the state they live in.

Pull yourself out of the 17th Century, and your head out of Quid Pro Joe's ass.
Eric Trump had to go testify to authorities in New York over criminal wrongdoing like 10 days ago.
Eric, Junior, and Ivanka all were part of the fraudulent charity scheme that saw them put on probation and restrictions towards running charities.

We know the NY Post Email stories are based on forged emails.

We also know the two PDF's supposed emails used in the first NY Post story were placed on the laptop/external hard drive 6 months after the backup was done.

Two PDFs were created about six months after the alleged repair shop data recovery, on 29/9 and 10/10.

We know subsequent stories have based their information that comes from that same laptop.

On top of that US Intel has been warning since last month that a mixture of hacked and forged emails from the Ukrainian company Burisma Holdings might be dumped online as an “October surprise” .

:auiqs.jpg: Oh, is that the new one now? “Forged email”... Next, you’ll be saying someone hacked the computer...lol
It's not new it's been around for Fox news and Rush Limbaugh since they started. Pathetic- for ignoramuses only....
I never watched Fox until 2017, and never listened to Rush ( the guy....the band rocks)
Limbaugh's boring and predictable....I get the same news from OAN and Hannity clips.
Of course you do. Thst's why it's affectionately referred to as the rightwing echo chamber.
Do you imagine hunter emailed it to Giuliani?

I don't know how the Russians got hold of it. Why do you think that's important, or that it proves any other of your insane claims?

Again, you're kind of a dumbshit.

Now run along. You're needed. Putin needs another coat of saliva applied.
The Russians didn't get hold of it, you brain-dead turd. It came from Hunter Biden's laptop. The DNI has said categorically that this has nothing to do with Russia.

You are admitting defeat and running away like a scared little puppy.

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
Hey Brian, ever heard of airplanes? People aren't bound by the state they live in.

Pull yourself out of the 17th Century, and your head out of Quid Pro Joe's ass.
Eric Trump had to go testify to authorities in New York over criminal wrongdoing like 10 days ago.
Eric, Junior, and Ivanka all were part of the fraudulent charity scheme that saw them put on probation and restrictions towards running charities.

We know the NY Post Email stories are based on forged emails.

We also know the two PDF's supposed emails used in the first NY Post story were placed on the laptop/external hard drive 6 months after the backup was done.

Two PDFs were created about six months after the alleged repair shop data recovery, on 29/9 and 10/10.

We know subsequent stories have based their information that comes from that same laptop.

On top of that US Intel has been warning since last month that a mixture of hacked and forged emails from the Ukrainian company Burisma Holdings might be dumped online as an “October surprise” .

Your blather is meaningless. They printed emails as PDFs six months after Biden left it with the repair guy? What do you believe that proves, aside from the fact that you're an idiot?

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
Hey Brian, ever heard of airplanes? People aren't bound by the state they live in.

Pull yourself out of the 17th Century, and your head out of Quid Pro Joe's ass.
Eric Trump had to go testify to authorities in New York over criminal wrongdoing like 10 days ago.
Eric, Junior, and Ivanka all were part of the fraudulent charity scheme that saw them put on probation and restrictions towards running charities.

We know the NY Post Email stories are based on forged emails.

We also know the two PDF's supposed emails used in the first NY Post story were placed on the laptop/external hard drive 6 months after the backup was done.

Two PDFs were created about six months after the alleged repair shop data recovery, on 29/9 and 10/10.

We know subsequent stories have based their information that comes from that same laptop.

On top of that US Intel has been warning since last month that a mixture of hacked and forged emails from the Ukrainian company Burisma Holdings might be dumped online as an “October surprise” .

You clowns have been whining and crying because they have not released the metadata. Now some clown on Twitter posts something he claims is the metadata from the laptop and you buy it.

Does it physically hurt to be as stupid as you are?
Can the TDS folks video themselves while they watch this. Should make for a funny liberal meltdown vid!

So Attorney General William Barr, FBI Director Christopher Wray, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and White House counsel Pat Cipollone are all suffering TDS?

Because they all think Giuliani is being played by Russia.

Obrien is a "former" intelligence official, and what does “all had common understanding” even mean?

Of course, and it is the intel stating Guiliani is a fool being played.

Common understanding means what it means, they all know it and have told the President.

Another fool who is being played by Russia.

There is no such "intel," moron.

"Common understanding" means they are all lying.

Can the TDS folks video themselves while they watch this. Should make for a funny liberal meltdown vid!

So Attorney General William Barr, FBI Director Christopher Wray, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and White House counsel Pat Cipollone are all suffering TDS?

Because they all think Giuliani is being played by Russia.

Obrien is a "former" intelligence official, and what does “all had common understanding” even mean?

Of course, and it is the intel stating Guiliani is a fool being played.

Common understanding means what it means, they all know it and have told the President.

Another fool who is being played by Russia.

Intel says this has nothing to do with Russia, Simpleton.
So how's the conspiracy kookery going today?

What's that? It's going nowhere? Dang, sucks to be you. I'll check back tomorrow, when you'll still have ... a big nothing. Just like every other time. I know, I know, this time is _different_. It always is.

If you're having trouble making a cogent response, then check with your Russian handlers, as filtered through Rudy and pals. You know, same place where you get most of your talking points.
Can the TDS folks video themselves while they watch this. Should make for a funny liberal meltdown vid!

So Attorney General William Barr, FBI Director Christopher Wray, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and White House counsel Pat Cipollone are all suffering TDS?

Because they all think Giuliani is being played by Russia.

Obrien is a "former" intelligence official, and what does “all had common understanding” even mean?

Of course, and it is the intel stating Guiliani is a fool being played.

Common understanding means what it means, they all know it and have told the President.

Another fool who is being played by Russia.

Intel says this has nothing to do with Russia, Simpleton.

More than 50 of them says it smells like Russia.
But Giuliani and Bannon could be making this up by themselves, but i'm sure they wouldnt turn down russian help

Who hasn’t flown from LA to Delaware to get their laptop that has incriminating emails on it fixed by a blind Trump supporter who knows Rudy Giuliani?

Can the TDS folks video themselves while they watch this. Should make for a funny liberal meltdown vid!

So Attorney General William Barr, FBI Director Christopher Wray, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and White House counsel Pat Cipollone are all suffering TDS?

Because they all think Giuliani is being played by Russia.

Obrien is a "former" intelligence official, and what does “all had common understanding” even mean?

Of course, and it is the intel stating Guiliani is a fool being played.

Common understanding means what it means, they all know it and have told the President.

Another fool who is being played by Russia.

Intel says this has nothing to do with Russia, Simpleton.

More than 50 of them says it smells like Russia.
But Giuliani and Bannon could be making this up by themselves, but i'm sure they wouldnt turn down russian help

Who hasn’t flown from LA to Delaware to get their laptop that has incriminating emails on it fixed by a blind Trump supporter who knows Rudy Giuliani?


None of them are still in the loop, Moron. They are all Ex.

Anti-Trump leftist who know no more than anyone else. In short, you failed.
Can the TDS folks video themselves while they watch this. Should make for a funny liberal meltdown vid!

So Attorney General William Barr, FBI Director Christopher Wray, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and White House counsel Pat Cipollone are all suffering TDS?

Because they all think Giuliani is being played by Russia.

Obrien is a "former" intelligence official, and what does “all had common understanding” even mean?

Of course, and it is the intel stating Guiliani is a fool being played.

Common understanding means what it means, they all know it and have told the President.

Another fool who is being played by Russia.

Intel says this has nothing to do with Russia, Simpleton.

More than 50 of them says it smells like Russia.
But Giuliani and Bannon could be making this up by themselves, but i'm sure they wouldnt turn down russian help

Who hasn’t flown from LA to Delaware to get their laptop that has incriminating emails on it fixed by a blind Trump supporter who knows Rudy Giuliani?


None of them are still in the loop, Moron. They are all Ex.

Anti-Trump leftist who know no more than anyone else. In short, you failed.

They all signed a letter.They have decades of experience in the highest levels of intel.

The former Trump administration officials who signed the letter include Russ Travers, who served as National Counterterrorism Center acting director; Glenn Gerstell, the former NSA general counsel; Rick Ledgett, the former deputy NSA director; Marc Polymeropoulos, a retired CIA senior operations officer; and Cynthia Strand, who served as the CIA’s deputy assistant director for global issues. Former CIA directors or acting directors Brennan, Leon Panetta, Gen. Michael Hayden, John McLaughlin and Michael Morell also signed the letter, along with more than three dozen other intelligence veterans. Several of the former officials on the list have endorsed Biden.

This is the most amazing thing about Joe Biden. Nearly 50 years of public service and he’s so clean they couldn’t even find a whiff of scandal and so had to make one completely up.
Can the TDS folks video themselves while they watch this. Should make for a funny liberal meltdown vid!

So Attorney General William Barr, FBI Director Christopher Wray, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and White House counsel Pat Cipollone are all suffering TDS?

Because they all think Giuliani is being played by Russia.

Obrien is a "former" intelligence official, and what does “all had common understanding” even mean?

Of course, and it is the intel stating Guiliani is a fool being played.

Common understanding means what it means, they all know it and have told the President.

Another fool who is being played by Russia.

Intel says this has nothing to do with Russia, Simpleton.

More than 50 of them says it smells like Russia.
But Giuliani and Bannon could be making this up by themselves, but i'm sure they wouldnt turn down russian help

Who hasn’t flown from LA to Delaware to get their laptop that has incriminating emails on it fixed by a blind Trump supporter who knows Rudy Giuliani?


I'm sure he flies to Delaware all the time to give Pop his share of the takings. If anyone is frieghtened of the evidence, it's Biden apologists like you. There is no evidence that this is Russian interference, moron. None.

Blaming it on Russia proves that you're a moron who is immune to facts.
Can the TDS folks video themselves while they watch this. Should make for a funny liberal meltdown vid!

So Attorney General William Barr, FBI Director Christopher Wray, National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien and White House counsel Pat Cipollone are all suffering TDS?

Because they all think Giuliani is being played by Russia.

Obrien is a "former" intelligence official, and what does “all had common understanding” even mean?

Of course, and it is the intel stating Guiliani is a fool being played.

Common understanding means what it means, they all know it and have told the President.

Another fool who is being played by Russia.

Intel says this has nothing to do with Russia, Simpleton.

More than 50 of them says it smells like Russia.
But Giuliani and Bannon could be making this up by themselves, but i'm sure they wouldnt turn down russian help

Who hasn’t flown from LA to Delaware to get their laptop that has incriminating emails on it fixed by a blind Trump supporter who knows Rudy Giuliani?


None of them are still in the loop, Moron. They are all Ex.

Anti-Trump leftist who know no more than anyone else. In short, you failed.

They all signed a letter.They have decades of experience in the highest levels of intel.

The former Trump administration officials who signed the letter include Russ Travers, who served as National Counterterrorism Center acting director; Glenn Gerstell, the former NSA general counsel; Rick Ledgett, the former deputy NSA director; Marc Polymeropoulos, a retired CIA senior operations officer; and Cynthia Strand, who served as the CIA’s deputy assistant director for global issues. Former CIA directors or acting directors Brennan, Leon Panetta, Gen. Michael Hayden, John McLaughlin and Michael Morell also signed the letter, along with more than three dozen other intelligence veterans. Several of the former officials on the list have endorsed Biden.

This is the most amazing thing about Joe Biden. Nearly 50 years of public service and he’s so clean they couldn’t even find a whiff of scandal and so had to make one completely up.

They are al Trump hating drones, like you. Their experience doesn't prevent them from lying or spouting horseshit. Where is their evidence? Other than their worthless opinions, they got nothing and you got nothing.

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