A little more evidence the Hunter Hidin laptop is legit...


I don't care if Biden grabs the Queen of England......the Bidens have "Establishment immunity"

Every 6 months they throw out a "bombshell bone" to keep the hope alive.
Name ONE high profile case against a high profile Democrat directly tied to the WH , that actually got prosecuted in the last 10 years.
This one is going nowhere as well.

The Blob can't run on his record so this is what we're left with...

Joe who is talking about issues and the blob who is talking about Joe's son.
More accurately...
The media and Hoe Bidin can’t attack Trumps record, so they have to invent Russian conspiracies and other nonsense.
Hoe Hidin can’t run on his record, so he has to run on Orange man bad.

and fools like you go right along with it.

There was no "invented" Russian conspiracy.

And responses and beliefs like this is why IF the Right had a spine, Civil War would be guaranteed.

They don't.....you're safe

Yep, I know. I live in a condo building. After a few flights of stairs, a blob supporter will have to take a smoke break and they'd never make it up to my floor. Hell, I doubt they could make it up to the lobby. Most weigh a metric ton.

You're not worried about Joes qualifications are you?

Your only concern in life is the blob in your own head.


You may not realize it, but at least you have some entertainment value. But no, you're not worth $5

Joe's qualifications...
Senator forever, former VP,
I am quite happy about his qualifications.

Your blob (who like you has had to pay for sex) has been reduced to talking about his Opponent's son. Because his record is so dysmal. Maybe you and he can get together after this and pays someone for some companionship. It's the only way either of you get any.
Joe is talking about the issues,
The Blob is talking about his opponent's son.
You're hoping you'll come across $5 to fuck a prostitute or something.

Is that your asking price today ???

I'll pass !!!


Sry....you walked right into that one dear.

He brought up a $5 prostitute....not sure why prostitution is on your guys mind.

Dunno.....whenever you show up LMAO

Sry...you just keep asking for it :laughing0301:

I don't even know what that means...your impotence is spreading to your posting. Time for you to get some little blue miracles out of your medicine cabinet.

I don't care if Biden grabs the Queen of England......the Bidens have "Establishment immunity"

Every 6 months they throw out a "bombshell bone" to keep the hope alive.
Name ONE high profile case against a high profile Democrat directly tied to the WH , that actually got prosecuted in the last 10 years.
This one is going nowhere as well.

The Blob can't run on his record so this is what we're left with...

Joe who is talking about issues and the blob who is talking about Joe's son.
More accurately...
The media and Hoe Bidin can’t attack Trumps record, so they have to invent Russian conspiracies and other nonsense.
Hoe Hidin can’t run on his record, so he has to run on Orange man bad.

and fools like you go right along with it.

There was no "invented" Russian conspiracy.

And responses and beliefs like this is why IF the Right had a spine, Civil War would be guaranteed.

They don't.....you're safe

Yep, I know. I live in a condo building. After a few flights of stairs, a blob supporter will have to take a smoke break and they'd never make it up to my floor. Hell, I doubt they could make it up to the lobby. Most weigh a metric ton.

You're not worried about Joes qualifications are you?

Your only concern in life is the blob in your own head.


You may not realize it, but at least you have some entertainment value. But no, you're not worth $5

Joe's qualifications...
Senator forever, former VP,
I am quite happy about his qualifications.

Your blob (who like you has had to pay for sex) has been reduced to talking about his Opponent's son. Because his record is so dysmal. Maybe you and he can get together after this and pays someone for some companionship. It's the only way either of you get any.

WHAT QUALIFICATIONS ? (Can't think of any yourself??)


I don't care if Biden grabs the Queen of England......the Bidens have "Establishment immunity"

Every 6 months they throw out a "bombshell bone" to keep the hope alive.
Name ONE high profile case against a high profile Democrat directly tied to the WH , that actually got prosecuted in the last 10 years.
This one is going nowhere as well.

The Blob can't run on his record so this is what we're left with...

Joe who is talking about issues and the blob who is talking about Joe's son.
More accurately...
The media and Hoe Bidin can’t attack Trumps record, so they have to invent Russian conspiracies and other nonsense.
Hoe Hidin can’t run on his record, so he has to run on Orange man bad.

and fools like you go right along with it.

There was no "invented" Russian conspiracy.

And responses and beliefs like this is why IF the Right had a spine, Civil War would be guaranteed.

They don't.....you're safe

Yep, I know. I live in a condo building. After a few flights of stairs, a blob supporter will have to take a smoke break and they'd never make it up to my floor. Hell, I doubt they could make it up to the lobby. Most weigh a metric ton.

You're not worried about Joes qualifications are you?

Your only concern in life is the blob in your own head.


You may not realize it, but at least you have some entertainment value. But no, you're not worth $5

Joe's qualifications...
Senator forever, former VP,
I am quite happy about his qualifications.

Your blob (who like you has had to pay for sex) has been reduced to talking about his Opponent's son. Because his record is so dysmal. Maybe you and he can get together after this and pays someone for some companionship. It's the only way either of you get any.



I'd refer you to Article 2 but we both know you can't read.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Old Candy Porn and her mentors are deflecting and refusing to deal with the issue... This is a nuke that just got detonated on the Biden Campaign.. And there are now TWO COOBERATING WITNESSES...

Oh no.

Cooberating witnesses!!!!
You do understand that there is now sufficient probable cause to arrest Joe and his son, Don't You?
Joe's qualifications...
Senator forever, former VP,
I am quite happy about his qualifications.

President Trump did more for the USA in 47 months than Sleepy Hidin' Biden did in 47 years! How Biden's profound corruption does not bother you means you hate the USA and have contempt not just for patriotic American citizens, but all of the USA. You need to find out why you despise my country.
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Old Candy Porn and her mentors are deflecting and refusing to deal with the issue... This is a nuke that just got detonated on the Biden Campaign.. And there are now TWO COOBERATING WITNESSES...

Oh no.

Cooberating witnesses!!!!
You do understand that there is now sufficient probable cause to arrest Joe and his son, Don't You?

Especially with the cooberating witnesses...

Go for it. LOL

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
Another Trump lie.
Joe's qualifications...
Senator forever, former VP,
I am quite happy about his qualifications.

President Trump did more for the USA in 47 months than Sleepy Hidin' Biden did in 47 years! How Biden's profound corruption does not bother you means you hate the USA and have contempt not just for patriotic American citizens, but all of the USA. You need to find out why you despise my country.

The blob has done far more damage...that much is true.

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
Another Trump lie.
So Fox News says they got confirmation of authenticity from someone on the emails... and it’s a Trump lie?

Very interesting.
Well, you’ve made a compelling argument. I’m sold.

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
Another Trump lie.
More solid reasoning!
Jesus, you missed your calling as a lawyer.
I mean, I’ve heard people make a compelling case before, but this?
You could convince satan to go to church.

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
Another Trump lie.
So Fox News says they got confirmation of authenticity from someone on the emails... and it’s a Trump lie?

Very interesting.
Well, you’ve made a compelling argument. I’m sold.
Its actually two people who have verified the veracity of the E-mails.... And another 26,000 emails along with clarification of who "the big guy" is....

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
Another Trump lie.
So Fox News says they got confirmation of authenticity from someone on the emails... and it’s a Trump lie?

Very interesting.
Well, you’ve made a compelling argument. I’m sold.
Its actually two people who have verified the veracity of the E-mails.... And another 26,000 emails along with clarification of who "the big guy" is....
Wait, let me help the libs in here out and save them some time....
“Trump lied X 2”
Or “Trump called from different phone numbers and did funny voices pretending to be 2 different people”
Or maybe the candycorn tried and true “no one cares about joe Biden’s son”

I’m sure the local eyes wide shut crowd will pop in here and claim “Russian disinformation”, or “daily wire is a tabloid”, or whatever the Flavor of denial at the moment is.But the hits are going to keep coming.
The laptop is legit.
The emails are legit.
Biden is corrupt.
They have proof.

Better pucker up your buttholes and hide your heads in the sand, the reaming is going to continue. Bet on it.

Oh, and as an FYI... Wray over at the FBI is being asked why he and the FBI sat on this if they had it for nearly a year.
The bullshit answer he gives should be both entertaining and infuriating.
The deep state still runs deep. This is why everyone's desperate to get Trump

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