A little post mortem

2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

i hear the biggest change was from northern rust belt states, labor unions voted against clinton in droves
Its Obvious why, they did not want to third term of Obama-nomics. Barry screwed the coal and oil drilling industries with dumbass EPA laws by Executive Order. Fortunately another president can fully overturn those executive orders.
I think overall half of us just didn't understand the rage that it took to vote for Trump. Enough rage to ignore his myriad faults and weaknesses and behaviors and words and everything else. THAT is a LOT of rage right there..
Says a Hillary supporter..
I voted for her because I found Trump even more repulsive than her.

Maybe you could just comment on the point made.
There is no doubt neither one of them were angels, but I don't think you can find enough paper to list the flaws of Clintons.
you did make one valid point in your rant. Perot got 19%, and the Perot voters elected Clinton. If Perot was not in that election, Bush 41 would have gotten a second term and the Clintons would have gone back to being nobodies in Arkansas----and the USA would be much better off today without Bubba's oval office perversions and Hillary's lying and incompetence as SecState. So if you want to thank someone for the Clinton crime cartel, thank Perot.
That math only makes sense if you assign all the Perot vote to Bush. Nobody can say for certain what those voters would have done without Perot around.

We know that Perot took most votes from Clinton because, as many people have forgotten, Perot temporarily got out of the race for a couple months (remember that?)

And during that time Perot was out of the race in the summer of 1992,

Clinton's poll number went UP.

You can see it right here:

Historical polling for U.S. Presidential elections - Wikipedia

hold whatever view of history you and wiki like. without Perot there would never have been a president Clinton, and he USA would be a better place because of it

You lie, and/or you're ignorant of the facts.
Snowflake, elections have consequences. Your Hildabeast lost Get over it…
Michigan, a key state:

In 2012, Romney lost the union household vote by 33 points.

In 2016, Trump lost the union household vote by 13 points.

That is trade, that is protectionism, that is jobs going overseas...

...that is Trump getting to the LEFT of Hillary Clinton on the issue.
you did make one valid point in your rant. Perot got 19%, and the Perot voters elected Clinton. If Perot was not in that election, Bush 41 would have gotten a second term and the Clintons would have gone back to being nobodies in Arkansas----and the USA would be much better off today without Bubba's oval office perversions and Hillary's lying and incompetence as SecState. So if you want to thank someone for the Clinton crime cartel, thank Perot.
That math only makes sense if you assign all the Perot vote to Bush. Nobody can say for certain what those voters would have done without Perot around.

We know that Perot took most votes from Clinton because, as many people have forgotten, Perot temporarily got out of the race for a couple months (remember that?)

And during that time Perot was out of the race in the summer of 1992,

Clinton's poll number went UP.

You can see it right here:

Historical polling for U.S. Presidential elections - Wikipedia

hold whatever view of history you and wiki like. without Perot there would never have been a president Clinton, and he USA would be a better place because of it

You lie, and/or you're ignorant of the facts.
Snowflake, elections have consequences. Your Hildabeast lost Get over it…

Are you illiterate? Seriously, I'm genuinely curious.
I know you all think I'm a kook, but my absolute confusion about what the Deep State has been doing, and the fact that it has been in a state of civil war, has been a bit confusing.

OTH, it is clear that Trump wasn't a ringer for Hillary. So where do we go from here?

When Trump said the election was rigged, I think what he meant was, it doesn't matter who you vote for, they are both in on the plan for your future. Nothing will, in the end, substantially change. :lmao:

And if it does change, it will change for the worse, for YOU. For the economic elites, they will be just fine, like they always are. Coming to the people will be economic ruin and war though. That is what they have planned.

One candidate would mean economic ruin, that other choice was war and death. Looks like we choose economic ruination.

This was a pretty good interview. I can't believe it was done a week BEFORE trump won, seems prescient.

Sorry about the last five minutes of this interview.

Rigged Election: Hillary & Trump Caught Partying w/ Kissinger @ Jesuit Gala
1. It's difficult to say that this election "proves" anything. The country is divided, about 50/50. Nothing has really changed, except that enough people are pissed about Democrat/Progessive lawlessness that is tilted the scales just a smidgen to the Right.

2. But the significance of this result is that Trump, with ALL his faults, overcame an avalanche of free, irrational support from the MSM, Academe, organized labor, various minority groups, the LGBTQ community, and all of the entertainment industry. With ALL OF THAT FREE SUPPORT, it was not enough to get HRC to the promised land. It's like being born rich and ending up on welfare. Incredible. And statistically speaking, all those millions and millions of dollars that were spent on her campaign didn't get her one additional vote. Her support was the same on Tuesday as it was a year ago, before the first primary.

3. Trump can just coast for the next four years. There is really no conflict between his agenda and that of the Congress. The real standard of comparison will be between him and Bush43. How much of this large agenda can they get done in four years?

4. I look for Trump to be a one-term president. Too old to continue beyond that.

5. Michele Obama in '20? Don't discount the possibility. Who else do the Dems have?
Agree, the career politician is out of touch with America. Hildabeast dying from 1000 cuts in the election because of rural areas. Those areas are dependent on things like coal mining, oil drilling and other similar things.
That math only makes sense if you assign all the Perot vote to Bush. Nobody can say for certain what those voters would have done without Perot around.

We know that Perot took most votes from Clinton because, as many people have forgotten, Perot temporarily got out of the race for a couple months (remember that?)

And during that time Perot was out of the race in the summer of 1992,

Clinton's poll number went UP.

You can see it right here:

Historical polling for U.S. Presidential elections - Wikipedia

hold whatever view of history you and wiki like. without Perot there would never have been a president Clinton, and he USA would be a better place because of it

You lie, and/or you're ignorant of the facts.
Snowflake, elections have consequences. Your Hildabeast lost Get over it…

Are you illiterate? Seriously, I'm genuinely curious.
We know that Perot took most votes from Clinton because, as many people have forgotten, Perot temporarily got out of the race for a couple months (remember that?)

And during that time Perot was out of the race in the summer of 1992,

Clinton's poll number went UP.

You can see it right here:

Historical polling for U.S. Presidential elections - Wikipedia

hold whatever view of history you and wiki like. without Perot there would never have been a president Clinton, and he USA would be a better place because of it

You lie, and/or you're ignorant of the facts.
Snowflake, elections have consequences. Your Hildabeast lost Get over it…

Are you illiterate? Seriously, I'm genuinely curious.

I'll take that as a 'yes'.

Troll somewhere else, or pay attention. I'm explaining how Trump won the election.
The Left will NEVER understand what happened here Tuesday night. They will never understand the Conservatives complete revulsion concerning our own Leaders. They will never understand that WE understood what the next SC Justice means. They will NEVER understand that we have had enough of their silly judgments about the way we think, the way we view the world and the way we relate to our fellow American's.

What we are seeing right here on this board is a microcosm of the problem this Nation faces, it's hilarious that the minute you lose something you immediately begin to pound your chests and pontificate about how "gullible", about how "uneducated", about how "hate filled" we all are. Take a look in the mirror boys and girls, you are some of the most hate filled, intolerant people in the world.

If we say they need to come here "legally" we are racist.
If we say that having a "penis" means you should piss in the Men's room we are homophobic.

Lastly you folks keep telling us we will never win another election...that is silly on it's face. Here is the truth you folks need to face....

In 10 "We the People" took the House from you.
In 12 "We the People" took the Senate from you.
In 16 "We the People" took the Presidency from you.

This wasn't sudden, you were just too blind to see the writing on the wall. Obama led you off the cliff and you gladly followed him over it. Is Trump the answer?
Maybe, maybe not, we don't know.
What we do know is that we've had enough, we've had enough of your leaders and we've had enough of ours.
2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

i hear the biggest change was from northern rust belt states, labor unions voted against clinton in droves
Yet for the Nation, she still edged out Trump and won the popular vote?
The next Democrat President-Elect, to Mattews point, should have The Voter on stage with him/her. It should be a collection comprising the voter(s) that put them there, not fellow elites.
They have a parade of their victim class voters on stage with them at nearly every rally.
We'll see. They're doing some introspection right now, they're not lashing out. They got their ass handed to them with populism - ironically, Bernie Sanders' thing - and I think they know that they have to make changes going forward.

On the other hand, who knows what politicos learn.
You do realize what you see on TV with the Hildabeast is absolutely 100% fake? The Clintons are the most repugnant of people they're basically lawless and above the law.
And people across the country can't think of a more corrupt group of individuals than the Clintons and Obamas.
The next Democrat President-Elect, to Mattews point, should have The Voter on stage with him/her. It should be a collection comprising the voter(s) that put them there, not fellow elites.
They have a parade of their victim class voters on stage with them at nearly every rally.
We'll see. They're doing some introspection right now, they're not lashing out. They got their ass handed to them with populism - ironically, Bernie Sanders' thing - and I think they know that they have to make changes going forward.

On the other hand, who knows what politicos learn.
You do realize what you see on TV with the Hildabeast is absolutely 100% fake? The Clintons are the most repugnant of people they're basically lawless and above the law.
And people across the country can't think of a more corrupt group of individuals than the Clintons and Obamas.
Sure, I don't like her at all. My point is that Trump's voters had to overlook a great deal to vote for him.

Two different topics.
2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

i hear the biggest change was from northern rust belt states, labor unions voted against clinton in droves
Yet for the Nation, she still edged out Trump and won the popular vote?
If she does win the popular vote it will because of California California has no right to set the direction of this country.
Thank god for the EC, Most of the states voted for Trump… Fact
The next Democrat President-Elect, to Mattews point, should have The Voter on stage with him/her. It should be a collection comprising the voter(s) that put them there, not fellow elites.
They have a parade of their victim class voters on stage with them at nearly every rally.
We'll see. They're doing some introspection right now, they're not lashing out. They got their ass handed to them with populism - ironically, Bernie Sanders' thing - and I think they know that they have to make changes going forward.

On the other hand, who knows what politicos learn.
You do realize what you see on TV with the Hildabeast is absolutely 100% fake? The Clintons are the most repugnant of people they're basically lawless and above the law.
And people across the country can't think of a more corrupt group of individuals than the Clintons and Obamas.
Sure, I don't like her at all. My point is that Trump's voters had to overlook a great deal to vote for him.

Two different topics.
True, we've tried career politician after career politician and to put in in Obama's terms there's no hope and change in that
I've been seeing some pretty interesting analysis on this (of course, the analysis is always easier AFTER the fact).

1. If you had asked the average person, say, 5 or 10 years ago, which party would be closer to being populist and which was closer to being for The Big Guy, I think it's pretty clear that most would have said the Dems were closer to being populist. But somehow the GOP beat the Dems to the punch, and the Dems made it easier by running Hillary. Stunning. And reading Dems sites, they're sure as hell stunned, too.

2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

3. Finally, now that the dust has settled a bit, I think overall half of us just didn't understand the rage that it took to vote for Trump. Enough rage to ignore his myriad faults and weaknesses and behaviors and words and everything else. THAT is a LOT of rage right there. Obama was not able to deliver on the promises he made overall, and a lot of faith was placed in him. Let's see how Trump responds.

My two cents, worth every penny.

Your 3rd point is the line of demarcation between the liberal sheep and the people who elected the president. Those of us who voted for Trump couldn't understand how anybody could accept the elitist corruption of the Clintons any longer. It was so obvious to Trump voters, and completely obscured to the losing side.
I think there's a fairly clear list of reasons.

There were the partisans who were going to vote for the (D) no matter what (and we both know there's plenty of those on both sides); there were those who agreed with her on more issues than with Trump, regardless of her slime; and there were those who were more repulsed by Trump than by her.
The Clintons are above the law, that meaning lawless
Well, I don't claim to understand politics, but I'm curious.

I do wonder if this result will give Sanders' supporters the upper hand going forward.
The Sanders campaign ran on 99% emotion and 1% substance. There was no way, in Heaven or on Earth, that a fraction of his nutty notions could have ever been achieved.

Who, besides Lizzy Warren, is going to take up that level of complete economic illiteracy?
Actually, when I was typing that, I was thinking of Warren too.

I don't know. Think of people like Reid, Pelosi, Schumer - holy shit, they can't change their spots. Warren and Sanders are too old.

Could take some time.
Warren and sanders are career politicians, absolute hypocrites.
They are riding the system like all of their peers, slime that are clear politicians. Fact
2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

i hear the biggest change was from northern rust belt states, labor unions voted against clinton in droves
Yet for the Nation, she still edged out Trump and won the popular vote?
If she does win the popular vote it will because of California California has no right to set the direction of this country.
Thank god for the EC, Most of the states voted for Trump… Fact
Bull crud.... you don't get to pick and choose which citizens in which state you want to count or not count in the popular vote....for goodness sake! We are all created EQUAL....one man one vote, period.
2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

i hear the biggest change was from northern rust belt states, labor unions voted against clinton in droves
Yet for the Nation, she still edged out Trump and won the popular vote?
If she does win the popular vote it will because of California California has no right to set the direction of this country.
Thank god for the EC, Most of the states voted for Trump… Fact
Bull crud.... you don't get to pick and choose which citizens in which state you want to count or not count in the popular vote....for goodness sake! We are all created EQUAL....one man one vote, period.
True, but this is a republic not a shit eating democracy. That is why we need the EC otherwise it would just be mob rule...
He has tons of lawsuits and baggage as he takes office. But he needs to be given a chance to succeed.

If Romney had half of Trump's issues, he would have been crucified. Now the Never Trumpers will wait and watch.

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