A little post mortem

I think overall half of us just didn't understand the rage that it took to vote for Trump. Enough rage to ignore his myriad faults and weaknesses and behaviors and words and everything else. THAT is a LOT of rage right there..
Says a Hillary supporter..
I voted for her because I found Trump even more repulsive than her.

Maybe you could just comment on the point made.

you bought the false narrative about trump that was a creation of the DNC and its complicit media. People who know him, work for and with him do not agree with the false media creation of who and what he is.

We will see the real Trump over the next 4 years, and you will be pleasantly surprised.

That's interesting.

The quote I heard is that the people who like Hillary the most are the ones who know her the most while those who like Trump the most are the ones who know him the least.
2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

i hear the biggest change was from northern rust belt states, labor unions voted against clinton in droves
Yet for the Nation, she still edged out Trump and won the popular vote?
If she does win the popular vote it will because of California California has no right to set the direction of this country.
Thank god for the EC, Most of the states voted for Trump… Fact
Bull crud.... you don't get to pick and choose which citizens in which state you want to count or not count in the popular vote....for goodness sake! We are all created EQUAL....one man one vote, period.

That's not the way it works Snowflake, it's funny how you folks only like the Constitution when it favors you.
I've been seeing some pretty interesting analysis on this (of course, the analysis is always easier AFTER the fact).

But how does one do analysis to learn BEFORE your know what the results are? Before the known results it is called "speculation", lol.

1. If you had asked the average person, say, 5 or 10 years ago, which party would be closer to being populist and which was closer to being for The Big Guy, I think it's pretty clear that most would have said the Dems were closer to being populist. But somehow the GOP beat the Dems to the punch, and the Dems made it easier by running Hillary. Stunning. And reading Dems sites, they're sure as hell stunned, too.

The Democrats were beat to the punch because they swallowed their own lies and decided that they could win by taking positions and aligning themselves with groups that are hostile to the 70% of the population white working Americans. Trump carried all the white demographics.

The big question with that is "How could they be THAT stupid?"

2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

Yeah, it doesnt exactly identify with the little guy, and does demonstrate that Hillary is tone deaf when it comes to empathy with the common man.

3. Finally, now that the dust has settled a bit, I think overall half of us just didn't understand the rage that it took to vote for Trump. Enough rage to ignore his myriad faults and weaknesses and behaviors and words and everything else. THAT is a LOT of rage right there. Obama was not able to deliver on the promises he made overall, and a lot of faith was placed in him. Let's see how Trump responds.

The rage has been there from the bail outs through the Quantitative Easing and into the Obamacare hikes of this year.

Trump merely grabbed the professional political class by their throats and made them listen to it for once.

My two cents, worth every penny.

Hell, you're too modest Mac; that comment was worth at least twice that. :)
Bull crud.... you don't get to pick and choose which citizens in which state you want to count or not count in the popular vote....for goodness sake! We are all created EQUAL....one man one vote, period.

WE are all created equal which has nothing to do with the Electoral College.
That's interesting.

The quote I heard is that the people who like Hillary the most are the ones who know her the most while those who like Trump the most are the ones who know him the least.
Some folks who know Hillary well; Vince Foster, Braverman, Anthony Weiner, Barack Obama ("her time has passed")

Some folks who know Trump well; Christy, Giuliani, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee and more.

I am not impressed with your argument.
Michigan, a key state:

In 2012, Romney lost the union household vote by 33 points.

In 2016, Trump lost the union household vote by 13 points.

That is trade, that is protectionism, that is jobs going overseas...

...that is Trump getting to the LEFT of Hillary Clinton on the issue.

No, its Trump getting on the side of the American people. Something very foreign to you libs.
I voted for her because I found Trump even more repulsive than her.

Maybe you could just comment on the point made.
Why does verbiage count for more than deeds in your mind?
Because we make projections on future behaviors based current behaviors. I'm not at all sure that I can trust Trump to not go off the rails at any time and say something to a world leader or anyone else that we'll all end up regretting. His temperament is such that there is simply no way to know what he will say or do at any given time - he clearly lacks self control, and that kind of person is dangerous in the oval office.

Hillary, for better or worse, is calculating, and such worries would not be the same for her.

Look, this has been re-hashed a zillion times. I look forward to be proven wrong, I look forward to celebrating any and all victories.
I voted for her because I found Trump even more repulsive than her.

Maybe you could just comment on the point made.
Why does verbiage count for more than deeds in your mind?
Because we make projections on future behaviors based current behaviors. I'm not at all sure that I can trust Trump to not go off the rails at any time and say something to a world leader or anyone else that we'll all end up regretting. His temperament is such that there is simply no way to know what he will say or do at any given time - he clearly lacks self control, and that kind of person is dangerous in the oval office.

Hillary, for better or worse, is calculating, and such worries would not be the same for her.

Look, this has been re-hashed a zillion times. I look forward to be proven wrong, I look forward to celebrating any and all victories.
Millions of people felt the same thing about Obama getting into the White House with absolutely zero experience. He was a career politician from the start he has never had a real job before the presidency. He was green as his ears are big…
Because we make projections on future behaviors based current behaviors. I'm not at all sure that I can trust Trump to not go off the rails at any time and say something to a world leader or anyone else that we'll all end up regretting. His temperament is such that there is simply no way to know what he will say or do at any given time - he clearly lacks self control, and that kind of person is dangerous in the oval office.

Hillary, for better or worse, is calculating, and such worries would not be the same for her.

Look, this has been re-hashed a zillion times. I look forward to be proven wrong, I look forward to celebrating any and all victories.
Well, it would appear that Trump now has a political Rwandan Body Guard surrounding him and protecting him against himself, which is part of the reason I suspect he may not run for re-election. I dont think he will enjoy being President, and after he does what he came to do he will retire from a very short and successful career in politics.
I've been seeing some pretty interesting analysis on this (of course, the analysis is always easier AFTER the fact).

1. If you had asked the average person, say, 5 or 10 years ago, which party would be closer to being populist and which was closer to being for The Big Guy, I think it's pretty clear that most would have said the Dems were closer to being populist. But somehow the GOP beat the Dems to the punch, and the Dems made it easier by running Hillary. Stunning. And reading Dems sites, they're sure as hell stunned, too.

2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

3. Finally, now that the dust has settled a bit, I think overall half of us just didn't understand the rage that it took to vote for Trump. Enough rage to ignore his myriad faults and weaknesses and behaviors and words and everything else. THAT is a LOT of rage right there. Obama was not able to deliver on the promises he made overall, and a lot of faith was placed in him. Let's see how Trump responds.

My two cents, worth every penny.

Problem for Trump is that along with that rage he harnessed, he also created a lot of rage against him

We saw that in yesterdays protests

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Because we make projections on future behaviors based current behaviors. I'm not at all sure that I can trust Trump to not go off the rails at any time and say something to a world leader or anyone else that we'll all end up regretting. His temperament is such that there is simply no way to know what he will say or do at any given time - he clearly lacks self control, and that kind of person is dangerous in the oval office.

Hillary, for better or worse, is calculating, and such worries would not be the same for her.

Look, this has been re-hashed a zillion times. I look forward to be proven wrong, I look forward to celebrating any and all victories.
Well, it would appear that Trump now has a political Rwandan Body Guard surrounding him and protecting him against himself, which is part of the reason I suspect he may not run for re-election. I dont think he will enjoy being President, and after he does what he came to do he will retire from a very short and successful career in politics.
It Seems his interests are in places like the UN, which I guess is a good place for him globalists need to go play around in Europe I guess.
I've been seeing some pretty interesting analysis on this (of course, the analysis is always easier AFTER the fact).

1. If you had asked the average person, say, 5 or 10 years ago, which party would be closer to being populist and which was closer to being for The Big Guy, I think it's pretty clear that most would have said the Dems were closer to being populist. But somehow the GOP beat the Dems to the punch, and the Dems made it easier by running Hillary. Stunning. And reading Dems sites, they're sure as hell stunned, too.

2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

3. Finally, now that the dust has settled a bit, I think overall half of us just didn't understand the rage that it took to vote for Trump. Enough rage to ignore his myriad faults and weaknesses and behaviors and words and everything else. THAT is a LOT of rage right there. Obama was not able to deliver on the promises he made overall, and a lot of faith was placed in him. Let's see how Trump responds.

My two cents, worth every penny.

Problem for Trump is that along with that rage he harnessed, he also created a lot of rage against him

We saw that in yesterdays protests
Those protesters are snowflakes, they will get over it.
Michigan, a key state:

In 2012, Romney lost the union household vote by 33 points.

In 2016, Trump lost the union household vote by 13 points.

That is trade, that is protectionism, that is jobs going overseas...

...that is Trump getting to the LEFT of Hillary Clinton on the issue.

No, its Trump getting on the side of the American people. Something very foreign to you libs.

So you agree that union people are more 'American' than anti-labor people.

Remember Bernie? The so-called Socialist Bernie, way to the left of Hillary Clinton?

He and Trump AGREE on trade, and jobs going overseas. Both of them to the LEFT of Hillary Clinton, who has effectively been a Republican on trade.
I've been seeing some pretty interesting analysis on this (of course, the analysis is always easier AFTER the fact).

1. If you had asked the average person, say, 5 or 10 years ago, which party would be closer to being populist and which was closer to being for The Big Guy, I think it's pretty clear that most would have said the Dems were closer to being populist. But somehow the GOP beat the Dems to the punch, and the Dems made it easier by running Hillary. Stunning. And reading Dems sites, they're sure as hell stunned, too.

2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

3. Finally, now that the dust has settled a bit, I think overall half of us just didn't understand the rage that it took to vote for Trump. Enough rage to ignore his myriad faults and weaknesses and behaviors and words and everything else. THAT is a LOT of rage right there. Obama was not able to deliver on the promises he made overall, and a lot of faith was placed in him. Let's see how Trump responds.

My two cents, worth every penny.

Problem for Trump is that along with that rage he harnessed, he also created a lot of rage against him

We saw that in yesterdays protests
Those protesters are snowflakes, they will get over it.

I'm afraid it is just the beginning

Wait till Republicans drop people from health insurance. wait until Trump puts boots on the ground

Then you will see real protests
I've been seeing some pretty interesting analysis on this (of course, the analysis is always easier AFTER the fact).

1. If you had asked the average person, say, 5 or 10 years ago, which party would be closer to being populist and which was closer to being for The Big Guy, I think it's pretty clear that most would have said the Dems were closer to being populist. But somehow the GOP beat the Dems to the punch, and the Dems made it easier by running Hillary. Stunning. And reading Dems sites, they're sure as hell stunned, too.

2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

3. Finally, now that the dust has settled a bit, I think overall half of us just didn't understand the rage that it took to vote for Trump. Enough rage to ignore his myriad faults and weaknesses and behaviors and words and everything else. THAT is a LOT of rage right there. Obama was not able to deliver on the promises he made overall, and a lot of faith was placed in him. Let's see how Trump responds.

My two cents, worth every penny.

Problem for Trump is that along with that rage he harnessed, he also created a lot of rage against him

We saw that in yesterdays protests
Those protesters are snowflakes, they will get over it.

I'm afraid it is just the beginning

Wait till Republicans drop people from health insurance. wait until Trump puts boots on the ground

Then you will see real protests
They are not going to drop the health insurance fully they are just gonna get rid of the dumbass mandatory part of it. Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Fact
The rust-belt has been HUNGRY for some help since the Reagan days. Clinturd treated them like a used condom for 8 years and Bush ignored them. Obama did save the auto industry....I'll give him that one kudo but never followed up thinking they were in the bag. Trump awoke the memories of when Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania were the epicenter of America's industrial power. And luckily there's enough of us still around to remember those days and want them to return....and they will.
I'm afraid it is just the beginning

Wait till Republicans drop people from health insurance. wait until Trump puts boots on the ground

Then you will see real protests

And then you'll see the cops go "Chicago" on them.....these kids ain't the protestors of the 60's...they don't have the nads to take a trimming at the end of a cop baton. And once they understand that, the street demonstrations will stay peaceful.
I've been seeing some pretty interesting analysis on this (of course, the analysis is always easier AFTER the fact).

1. If you had asked the average person, say, 5 or 10 years ago, which party would be closer to being populist and which was closer to being for The Big Guy, I think it's pretty clear that most would have said the Dems were closer to being populist. But somehow the GOP beat the Dems to the punch, and the Dems made it easier by running Hillary. Stunning. And reading Dems sites, they're sure as hell stunned, too.

2. And here's another thing: Chris Matthews (yes, I know) made an interesting point yesterday: You know those concerts with the music superstars for Hillary, like Beyonce and the rest? He wondered if those things drove home the point above, by having them all onstage together in "The Winner's Club" -- all these rich, successful people hugging each other. Maybe stuff like that was a net negative.

3. Finally, now that the dust has settled a bit, I think overall half of us just didn't understand the rage that it took to vote for Trump. Enough rage to ignore his myriad faults and weaknesses and behaviors and words and everything else. THAT is a LOT of rage right there. Obama was not able to deliver on the promises he made overall, and a lot of faith was placed in him. Let's see how Trump responds.

My two cents, worth every penny.

Problem for Trump is that along with that rage he harnessed, he also created a lot of rage against him

We saw that in yesterdays protests
Those protesters are snowflakes, they will get over it.

I'm afraid it is just the beginning

Wait till Republicans drop people from health insurance. wait until Trump puts boots on the ground

Then you will see real protests
They are not going to drop the health insurance fully they are just gonna get rid of the dumbass mandatory part of it. Mandatory insurance is legalized extortion… Fact

OK Republicans drop that mandatory part of health insurance

How are you going to get insurance companies to cover pre-existing conditions?
How are you going to handle people coming to emergency rooms with serious problems?

Ball is in your court Republicans. You just don't get to bitch and complain anymore...you are the ones expected to provide solutions
I'm afraid it is just the beginning

Wait till Republicans drop people from health insurance. wait until Trump puts boots on the ground

Then you will see real protests

And then you'll see the cops go "Chicago" on them.....these kids ain't the protestors of the 60's...they don't have the nads to take a trimming at the end of a cop baton. And once they understand that, the street demonstrations will stay peaceful.

I guess that is what we can expect from a Trump Presidency

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