A long list of racist tweets from NYT Jeong


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2015
Good gosh at the hypocritical left! A white person can't look at a non white person funny without getting fired!

There is a boat load more at the link. Unbelievable the hypocrisy of the left! Always calling people racist and they hire this skank!
Thread by @nickmon1112: "I decided to wait until now to talk about Sarah Jeong because I didn't want to be part of the "outrage mob" on either side. But alas. Here w […]"

She wishes she was white. No surprise there.
Good gosh at the hypocritical left! A white person can't look at a non white person funny without getting fired!

There is a boat load more at the link. Unbelievable the hypocrisy of the left! Always calling people racist and they hire this skank!
Thread by @nickmon1112: "I decided to wait until now to talk about Sarah Jeong because I didn't want to be part of the "outrage mob" on either side. But alas. Here w […]"

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I Have cancelled my corporate subscription.
The left think it’s fashionable to be racists against whites! This, like all the other evil shit they do will come back to haunt them.
A blessing in disguise: before too long the American public will automatically associated the New York Slimes with hatred of white people.....rather off-putting in a white majority country. Especially when most white people are not racist (name me another white-majority country in history that elected a black leader).

Yes, I'm GLAD Trump made fun of that disabled NYT reporter during the campaign, I loved it! All New York Slimes employees deserve every bit of public humiliation they get.

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