A lot of insane whites in America

That there are a lot of insane white folks in America is no secret. In the era of xiden and the scum demonRATS, they feel free to display themselves. From phony "Christians" to antifa and black flies matter, to dyed-blonde crazy chicks with bibles up their crotches....... I would hope that no one would ever look at me and think that I am connected to these people in any way.
How's everything in Europe ? Black people were in America before whites. This is our country. We built it.

My name ? Essien is a white man's name ? Go and try and find white men with the surnames of Essien.

I'll wait.

Paul ? White people complain when black people have anglo first names and complain when we don't have anglo first names.

Make up your mind
Paul is native to Nigeria? And no Blacks never built ancient ship and sailed to the Americas Captain Hotep.
Shut up. You're just white ass kisser. Go and kiss some more white ass
You're microcephalic. You have a small braincase.

When a woman drinks a lot of alcohol during her pregnancy, it may cause their child have odd facial features like yours. It's called fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD).

That's why you're so fucking stupid.

Sure, these days it's not PC to blame the mother, so many medical doctors tend to pass it off as "autism" or some other bullshit misdiagnosis, but your facial features say it all.

You're a retard.

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